This is a python search engine library that utilizes the RediSearch Redis Module API.
It is the "official" client of redisearch, and should be regarded as its canonical client implementation.
RediSearch is an open-source (AGPL), high performance search engine implemented as a Redis Module. It uses custom data types to allow fast, stable and feature rich full-text search inside redis.
This client is a wrapper around the RediSearch API protocol, that allows you to utilize its features easily.
- Full-Text indexing of multiple fields in documents.
- Incremental indexing without performance loss.
- Document ranking (provided manually by the user at index time) and field weights.
- Auto-complete suggestions (with fuzzy prefix suggestions)
- Exact Phrase Search
- Stemming based query expansion in many languages (using Snowball).
- Limiting searches to specific document fields (up to 8 fields supported).
- Numeric filters and ranges.
- Automatically index existing HASH keys as documents.
For more details, visit
# Creating a client with a given index name
client = Client('myIndex')
# Creating the index definition and schema
client.create_index((TextField('title', weight=5.0), TextField('body')))
# Indexing a document
client.add_document('doc1', title = 'RediSearch', body = 'Redisearch impements a search engine on top of redis')
# Simple search
res ="search engine")
# Searching with snippets
res ="search engine", snippet_sizes = {'body': 50})
# Searching with complext parameters:
q = Query("search engine").verbatim().no_content().paging(0,5)
res =
# the result has the total number of results, and a list of documents
print # "1"
Install Redis 4.0 or above
Install the python client
$ pip install redisearch