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DesignScript Language Specification


This is the specification for DesignScript programming language. DesignScript is a dynamic language and provides support for flow-based programming environment.

The grammar in this specification is in Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF)

This document doesn’t contain information about APIs and Foreign Function Interface (FFI). The latter is implementation dependent.

Lexical elements


DesignScript supports two kinds of comments.

  • Single line comment starts with // and stop at the end of the line.

  • Block comments starts with /* and ends with */.


x = 1; // single line comment

   Block comments
y = 2;


Semicolon ";" is used as a terminator of a certain class of statements.


Identifiers in DesignScript name variables, types, functions and namespaces.

Identifier =
    identifier_start_letter { identifier_part_letter }

"identifier_start_letter" is the unicode character in the following categories:

  • Uppercase letter (Lu)
  • Lowercase letter (Ll)
  • Titlecase letter (Lt)
  • Modifier letter (Lm)
  • Other letter (Lo)
  • Letter number (Nl)

"identifier_part_letter" is the unicode character in the categories of “identifier_start_letter” including the following categories:

  • Combining letter (Mn, Mc)
  • Decimal digital letter (Nd)
  • Connecting letter (Nc)
  • Zero Width Non-Joiner
  • Zero Width Joiner


The following words are reserved as keywords

break, continue, def, else, elseif, for, if, in, return, while, imperative


The following table shows all operators in order of precedence from highest to lowest

Operators Description
- ! Unary operators
* / % Multiplicative operators
+ - Additive operators
< > <= >= Relational opeators
== != Equality operators
&& Conditional AND
|| Conditional OR
?: Inline condition
.. Range expression

Bool literal

true, false

Integer and Double literals

DesignScript has an integer and double type. The range of a double value is defined by the range of double-precision floating-point.

digit = ‘0’..’9’

decimal_format = digit { digit }

floating_point_format =
    digit { digit } ‘.’ [digit { digit }] [ exponent ]
  | digit { digit } exponent
  | ‘.’ digit { digit } [ exponent ]

exponent = (‘E’ | ‘e’) [‘+’ | ‘-’] digit { digit }

number = decimal_format | floating_point_format


123    1.2e3    1.234    .123

String literal

A string literal represents a string constant. It is obtained by putting character sequence between double quotes (").

Any character can be in the sequence except newline and double quote ("). The backslash character in the sequence could be combined with the next character to become an escape character (NOTE:

  • \a
  • \b
  • \f
  • \n
  • \t
  • \v
  • \r


// "Hello        DesignScript
// Language"


Primitive Types

The type system in DesignScript is dynamic. DesignScript supports the following primitive types

Type Value range Default value
string n.a. ""
number IEEE 754 double-precision 0
bool true, false false
null null null
var n.a. null

If the language implementation supports FFI, the default value of all other imported FFI types is null.


In DesignScript, List is used to keep a collection of object. It is immutable, that is, once it is defined, we can't add, delete or modify any element in the list, but we can call Set(list, index, value) to get a new list.


If a parameter has rank suffix, it declares a list. The number of [] specifies rank of this list. []..[] is for arbitrary rank. For example,

number[]     // a number list whose rank is 1
number[][]   // a number list whose rank is 2
number[]..[] // a number list with arbitrary rank

The rank of type decides how replication and replication guide work in function dispatch.


Lists are dynamic. It is possible to index into any location of the list. If setting value to an index which is beyond the length of list, list will be automatically expanded. For example,

x = [1, 2, 3];

x[5] = "foo";	// x = [1 2, 3, null, null, "foo"]
length = List.Count(y);     // length = 3;
v = x[5];            // v == "foo"

When a dictionary is used in a function call, only values that indexed by non-negative integer key will be replicated over. Example:

def hello(x: string)
    return = "Hi, " + x;
xs = {"0" : "Tom", "1" : "Jerry", "foo" : "Dynamo"};
r = hello(xs);  // r = {"Hi, Tom", "Hi, Jerry"}

There are two ways to iterate dictionary in for loop. Example:

xs = {"0" : "Tom", "1" : "Jerry", "foo" : "Dynamo"};
    for k, v in xs {

    for v in xs {

Type conversion rules

Following type conversion rules specify the result of converting one type to the other:

Non-list case

"yes" means convertible, “no” means not convertible.

From To var number bool string FFI type
var yes no no no no
number yes yes no no no
bool yes no yes no no
string yes no no yes no
FFI type yes no no no Covariant

Rank promotion

From To var[] number[] bool[] string[] FFI type []
var yes no no no no
number yes yes no no no
bool yes no yes no no
string yes no no yes no
FFI type yes no no no Covariant


A variable is storage location for a value. As DesignScript is dynamic, it is free to assign any kind of value to a variable. Variable in global scope is immutable. That is, a variable is only allowed to be assigned once. Example:

a = 1;
a = 2; // error: double assignment

But a variable is mutable in imperative block. Example:

    x = 1;
    x = 2; // OK

All variables should be defined before being used. Example:

b = a; // error: "a" is not defined yet
a = 1;

It is allowed to have type after variable definition, but that type doesn't define variable's type, it is for type conversion. Example:

x : int[] = 3;  // x = {3}


The scope of a defined variable in DesignScript is limited to a block or a function where it is defined and is not visible in any nested imperative block or any other function.

To pass a variable to a nested imperative block, the variable should be explicitly captured in block's capture list. To pass a variable to a function, the variable should be passed as an argument. In either case, the variable will be copied to maintain its immutability. Example:

x = 1;
y = 2;

def foo(x) {
    z = 3;          // "z" is local variable
    return = x + y; // “x” is parameter
                    // error: “y” is not defined

[Imperative](x) {
    x = 3;          // "x" is not the "x" defined in outer block.
                    // OK to change its value

    if (true) {
        y = x + 100;// OK, "x" is visible here
        if (true) {
            z = 200;

    z = y;          // "y" is not defined


Function declaration

FunctionDeclaration =
    "def" identifier [“:” TypeSpecification] ParameterList StatementBlock.

ParameterList =
    “(“ [Parameter {“,” Parameter}] “)”

Parameter =
    identifier [“:” TypeSpecification] [DefaultArgument]

StatementBlock =
    “{“ { Statement } “}”

The return type of function is optional. By default the return type is var. If the return type is specified, type conversion may happen. It is not encouraged to specify return type unless it is necessary.

Function must be defined in top level block.

For parameter, if its type is not specified, by default the type is var. The type of parameter should be carefully specified so that replication and replication guide would work as desired.


def foo:var(x:number[]..[], y:number = 3)
    return x + y;

Default parameters

Function declaration allows to have default arguments. For example:

def foo(x, y = 1, z = 2)
    return = x + y + z;

// Invalid
def bar(x = 1, y, z = 2)
    return = x + y + z;

Function overloads

DesignScript supports function overload, but the difference of two overloads shouldn't be ranks of parameters. For example,

def foo(x: number, y: bool)

// invalid overload, as only ranks of parameters are different 
def foo(x: number[], y: bool[])

// valid overload
def foo(x: bool, y: number)


List creation expression

ListCreationExpression = "{“ [[Expression ":"] Expression { “," [Expression ":"] Expression } ] “}”

List creation expression is to create a list. Example:

x = {{1, 2, 3}, null, {true, false}, "DesignScript"};
y = {0:"foo", 1:"bar", "qux":"quz"};

Range expression

Range expression is a convenient way to generate a list.

RangeExpression =
     Expression [".." [“#”] Expression [“..” [“#”] Expression] ]

There are three forms of range expressions:

  • start_value..end_value

    • If start_value < end_value, it generates a list in ascendant order which starts at start_value, and the last value < end_value, the increment is 1

    • If start_value > end_value, it generates a list in descendent order which starts at start_value and the last value >= end_value, the increment is -1.

  • start_value..#number_of_elements..increment: it generates a list that contains number_of_elements elements. Element starts at start_value and the increment is increment.

  • start_value..end_value..#number_of_elements: it generates a list that contains number_of_elements elements. Element starts at start_value and ends at end_value. Depending on if start_value <= end_value, the generated list will be in ascendant order or in descendent order.


1..5;       // {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

5..1;       // {5, 4, 3, 2, 1}

1.2 .. 5.1; // {1.2, 2.2, 3.2, 4.2}

5.1 .. 1.2; // {5.1, 4.1, 3.1, 2.1}

1..#5..2;   // {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}

1..5..#3;   // {1, 3, 5}

Range expression is handled specially for strings with single character. For example, following range expressions are valid as well:

"a"..”e”;     // {“a”, “b”, “c”, “d”, “e”}

“a”..#4..2;   // {“a”, “c”, “e”, “g”}

“a”..”g”..#3; // {“a”, “d”, “g”}

Inline conditional expression

InlineConditionalExpression = Expression ? Expression : Expression;

The first expression in inline conditional expression is condition expression whose type is bool. If it is true, the value of "?" clause will be returned; otherwise the value of “:” clause will be returned. The types of expressions for true and false conditions are not necessary to be the same. Example:

x = 2;
y = (x % 2 == 0) ? "foo" : 21;

Inline conditional expressions replicate on all three expressions. Example:

x = {true, false, true};
y = {"foo", “bar”, “qux”};
z = {“ding”, “dang”, “dong”};

r = x ? y : z;  // replicates, r = {“foo”, “dang”, “qux”}

List access expression

List access expression is a right-value expression and is of the form

r = a[x];

where x could be any kind of value (if a is a list). It is not allowed to change the value of an element in a list in-place. Instead, use built-in function Set().


The following operators are supported in DesignScript:

+         Arithmetic addition
-         Arithmetic subtraction
*         Arithmetic multiplication
/         Arithmetic division
%         Arithmetic mod
>         Comparison large
>=        Comparison large than
<         Comparison less
<=        Comparison less than
==        Comparison equal
!=        Comparison not equal
&&        Logical and
||        Logical or
!         Logical not
-         Negate

All operators support replication. Except unary operator "!", all other binary operators support replication guide. That is, the operands could be appended replication guides.

x = {1, 2, 3};
y = {4, 5, 6};
r1 = x + y;       // replication
                  // r1 = {5, 7, 9}

r2 = x<1> + y<2>; // replication guide
                  // r2 = {
                  //          {5, 6, 7},
                  //          {6, 7, 8},
                  //          {7, 8, 9}
                  //      }

Operator precedence

Precedence Operator
6 -
5 \*, /, %
4 +, -
3 >, >=, <, <=, ==, !=
2 &&
1 ||

Arithmetic operators

+, -, *, /, %

Normally the operands are either integer value or floating-point value. "+" can be used as string concatenation:

s1 = "Design";
s2 = “Script”;
s = s1 + s2;  // “DesignScript”

Comparison operators

>, >=, <, <=, ==, !=

Logical operators

&&, ||, !

The operand should be bool type; otherwise type conversion will be incurred.


Empty statements

Empty statement is


Expression statement

ExpressionStatement = Expression ";"

Expression statements are expressions without assignment.

Assignment statement

Assignment = Expression "=" ((Expression “;”) | LanguageBlock)

The left hand side of "=" should be a variable.

Flow statements

Flow statements change the execution flow of the program. A flow statement is one of the followings:

  1. A return statement.

  2. A break statement in the block of for or while statement in imperative block.

  3. A continue statement in the block of for or while statement in imperative block.

Return statement

ReturnStatement = "return" Expression “;”

A return statement terminates the execution of the innermost function and returns to its caller, or terminates the innermost imperative block, and returns to the upper-level language block or function.

Break statement

BreakStatement = "break" “;”

A break statement terminates the execution of the innermost for loop or while loop.

Continue statement

ContinueStatement = "continue" “;”

A continue statement begins the next iteration of the innermost for loop or while loop.

If statement

if statements specify the conditional execution of multiple branches based on the boolean value of each conditional expression. “if” statements are only valid in imperative block.

IfStatement =
    "if" “(” Expression “)” StatementBlock
    { “elseif” “(” Expression “)” StatementBlock }
    [ “else” StatementBlock ]

For example:

x = 5;
if (x > 10) {
    y = 1;
elseif (x > 5) {
    y = 2;
elseif (x > 0) {
    y = 3;
else {
    y = 4;

While statement

A while statement repeatedly executes a block until the condition becomes false. while statements are only valid in imperative block.

WhileStatement = "while" “(” Expression “)” StatementBlock


sum = 0;
x = 0;
while (x < 10)
    sum = sum + x;
    x = x + 1;
// sum == 55

For statements

for iterates all values in in clause and assigns the value to the loop variable. The expression in in clause should return a list; if it is a singleton, it is a single statement evaluation. for statements are only valid in imperative block.

ForStatement = "for" “(” Identifier “in” Expression “)” StatementBlock


sum = 0;
for (x in 1..10)
    sum = sum + x;
// sum == 55

Language blocks

Top level block

By default, all statements are in top level block. No return statement is allowed in top level block. The execution order of statements in top level block is not guaranteed to be sequential. Besides, the execution order of statements in function is not guaranteed to be sequential as well.

Imperative block

Imperative block provides a convenient way to use imperative semantics. All statements in imperative block will be executed sequentially. Variables defined in imperative block is mutable. It is not allowed to nest an imperative block inside the other imperative block.

Examples of imperative block:

x = 1;

// define an imperative block
y = [Imperative](x)
    if (x > 10) {
        return = 3;
    else if (x > 5) {
        return = 2;
    else {
        return = 1;

def sum(x)
    // define an imperative block inside a function
    return = [Imperative](x)
        s = 0;
        for (i in 1..x)
            s = s + i;
        return = s;

    // invalid nested imperative block

Replication and replication guides

Replication and replication guide

Replication is a way to repeatedly execute a function in DesignScript without using iteration statement like for or while, and the results returned from these function calls will be aggregated into a list so that multiple function calls behave like a single function call.

There are two kinds of replication:

  • Zip replication: zip replication is about taking every element from each argument, if it is a list, at the same position and calling the function; the return value from each function call is aggregated and returned as a list. For example, for arguments {x1, x2, ..., xn} and {y1, y2, ..., yn}, when calling function f() with zip replication, it is equivalent to {f(x1, y1}, f(x2, y2), ..., f(xn, yn)}. As the lengths of input arguments could be different, zip replication could be

    • Shortest zip replication: the number of replicated function call depends on the shortest length of arguments.

    • Longest zip replication: the number of replicated function call depends on the longest length of arguments; the last element in the shorter argument will be repeated.

    The default zip replication is the shortest zip replication; otherwise use replication guide to specify the longest approach.

  • Cartesian replication: it is equivalent to nested loop in imperative block. For example, for input arguments {x1, x2, ..., xn} and {y1, y2, ..., yn}, when calling function f() with cartesian replication, it is equivalent to {f(x1, y1}, f(x1, y2), ..., f(x1, yn}, f(x2, y1), f(x2, y2), ..., f(x2, yn), ..., f(xn, y1), f(xn, y2), ..., f(xn, yn)} or {f(x1, y1}, f(x2, y1), ..., f(xn, y1}, f(x1, y2), f(x2, y2), ..., f(xn, y2), ..., f(x1, yn), f(x2, yn), ..., f(xn, yn)}, depending on which argument takes higher order.

There are two ways to trigger replication:

  1. Replication guide. Replication guide is a way to do replication explicitly, it will always be handled firstly in function call. For example, function call foo(x<1><2>, y<3>).

  2. Any argument's rank is higher than the corresponding parameter's rank. For example, function signature is foo(x:int, y:int) and function call is foo({1, 2}, {3, 4}),

ReplicationGuide = "<" number [“L”] “>” {“<” number [“L”] “>”}

Only integer value is allowed in replication guide. Postfix "L" denotes longest zip replication strategy. The number of replication guide specifies the nested level. For example, replication guide <1><2> indicates the level is 2; it could also be expressed by the following pseudo code:

// xs<1><2>
for (x in xs)
    for (ix in x)


def add(x: var, y: var)
    return = x + y;

xs = {1, 2};
ys = {3, 4};
zs = {5, 6, 7};

// use zip replication
// r1 = {4, 6}
r1 = add(xs, ys);

// use the shortest zip replication
// r2 = {6, 8};
r2 = add(xs, zs);

// the longest zip replication should be specified through replication guide.
// the application guides should be the same value; otherwise cartesian
// replication will be applied
// r3 = {6, 8, 9}
r3 = add(xs<1L>, zs<1L>);

// use cartesian replication
// r4 = {{4, 5}, {5, 6}};
r4 = add(xs<1>, ys<2>);

// use cartesian replication
// r5 = {{4, 5}, {5, 6}};
r5 = add(xs<2>, ys<1>);

Besides normal function call, replication and replication guide could also be applied to the following expressions:

  1. Binary operators like +, -, *, / and so on. All binary operators in DesignScript can be viewed as a function with two parameters, and unary operator can be viewed as a function which accepts one parameters. Therefore, replication will apply to expression xs + ys if xs and ys are lists.

  2. Range expression.

  3. Inline conditional expression in the form of xs ? ys : zs where xs, ys and zs are lists.

  4. Array indexing. For example, xs[ys] where ys is a list. Replication could apply to array indexing on the both sides of assignment expression. Note replication does not apply to multiple indices.

Function dispatch for replication guide

Formally, for a function f(x1: t1, x2: t2, ..., xn: tn) and input arguments a1, a2, ..., an, if there are replication guides in the function call:

  1. Replication guides will be processed level by level, from right to left. For each level, sort replication guides on this level in ascendant order. If a replication guide is less than or equal to 0, it is a stub replication guide and is skipped.

    1. For each replication guide value, if it appears in multiple arguments, zip replication applies to these arguments and shortest lacing will be applied by default. If any replication guide has suffix L, longest lacing will be applied.
    2. Otherwise cartesian replication will be applied.
    3. Repeat these two steps until all replication guides have been processed.
  2. Repeat last step until all replication levels have been processed.

  3. then convert these replications to iterations and call function without replication guide.

During replication, if the rank of argument is less than the rank of parameter, the argument will be promoted to higher rank. For example,

def foo(x, y)
    return x + y;

xs = {1, 2};
ys = {"a", "b"};
r = foo(xs<1L><1>, ys<1L>);
// Second level of replication guide is to do cartesian replication on xs firstly:
// {
//     foo(1<1L>, {"a", "b"}<1L>)
//     foo(2<1L>, {"a", "b"}<1L>)
// }
// Now the first level of replication guide is to do longest zip replication on both two function calls:
// {
//     {
//         foo(1, "a"),
//         foo(1, "b"),
//     },
//     {
//         foo(2, "a"),
//         foo(2, "b"),
//     },
// }
// And the final result is {{"1a", "1b"}, {"2a", "2b"}}

Function dispatch for replication

After handling replication guide, for each function call, if any argument's rank is higher than the corresponding parameter's rank, the function call will be further replicated. The replication will be done recursively and longest zip replication will be applied.

For example,

def foo(x, y)
    return x + y;

foo({1, {2, 3}, 4}, {"a", "b"})
// It will be expanded to:
// {
//     foo(1, "a")
//     foo({2, 3}, "b")
//     foo(4, "b")
// }
// The second call will be further expanded:
// {
//     foo(1, "a")
//     {
//         foo(2, "b"),
//         foo(3, "b")
//     }
//     foo(4, "b")
// }
// And the final result will be {"1a", {"2b", "3b"}, "4b"}

Built-in functions


TypeOf(value : var[]..[]) : string

Get a string representation of the type of a value.


a = 1;
b = TypeOf( a ); // "number"
a = {};
b = TypeOf( a ); // "table"



Append(table : var[]..[], value: var[]..[]) : var[]..[]

Append creates a new table with a new element inserted at the end. If the table is not array-like, returns an error.


a = {1, 2, 3};
b = Append(a, 4); // {1,2,3,4}
Set(table : var[]..[], key : var, value : var) : var[]..[]

Set sets a key in a table, returning a new table. If the key is not present, it is added. If the key is not a non-negative integer number or string, returns an error.


a = {1, 2, 3};
b = Set(a, 0, 10); // {10,2,3}
a = {"foo" : 1};
b = Set(a, "bar", 2); // {"foo" : 1, "bar" : 2}
Remove(table : var[]..[], index: var) : var[]..[]

Remove removes the value at the specified key of the table. If the key is not present, returns the table unmodified.


a = {1, 2, 3};
b = Remove(a, 0); // {1 : 2, 2 : 3}
a = {"foo" : "bar"};
b = Remove(a, "foo"); // {}
a = {};
b = Remove(a, "foo"); // {}


Count(table : var[]..[]) : number

Returns the number of elements in the specified table.


a = {1, 2, 3};
b = Count(a); // 3
a = {"foo" : 1, 0 : 3};
b = Count(a); // 3
Keys(table : var[]..[]) : var[]

Gets all keys from the specified table and returns them as a list-like table. The keys could be strings or numbers. The order the keys are provided is not defined.


a = {1, 2, 3};
b = Keys(a); // {0,1,2}
a = {"foo" : 1, 0 : 3};
b = Keys(a); // {"foo", 0}
Values(table : var[]..[]) : var[]

Gets all values stored in the specified table. The values could be of any type. The order the values are provided is not defined.


a = {1, 2, 3};
b = Keys(a); // {1, 2, 3}
a = {"foo" : 1, 0 : 3};
b = Keys(a); // {"foo", 0}


ToString(object: var[]..[])

Returns object in string representation.


a = {1, 2, 3};
c = ToString(a, b); // "{1, 2, 3}"
a = {"foo" : 1, 0 : 3};
b = ToString(a); // "{"foo" : 1, 0 : 3}"
a = 1;
b = ToString(a); // "1"