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Cargo depot event

T'kael edited this page Jun 9, 2024 · 7 revisions

Triggered when collecting or delivering cargo for a wing mission.

When using this event in the Speech responder the information about this event is available under the event object. The available variables are as follows:

  • {event.amount} - The amount of cargo being collected or delivered for this event

  • {event.collected} - The total amount of cargo collected

  • {event.commodity} - The type of cargo (commodity)

  • {event.delivered} - The total amount of cargo delivered

  • {event.endmarketid} - The Market ID of the 'delivery' mission depot

  • {event.missionid} - The ID of the mission

  • {event.startmarketid} - The Market ID of the 'collection' mission depot, 0 if not applicable

  • {event.totaltodeliver} - The total amount of cargo to deliver to complete the mission

  • {event.updatetype} - The update type. One of: 'Collect', 'Deliver', 'WingUpdate'

To respond to this event in VoiceAttack, create a command entitled ((EDDI cargo depot)). VoiceAttack variables will be generated to allow you to access the event information.

The following VoiceAttack variables are available for this event:

  • {INT:EDDI cargo depot amount} - The amount of cargo being collected or delivered for this event

  • {INT:EDDI cargo depot collected} - The total amount of cargo collected

  • {TXT:EDDI cargo depot commodity} - The type of cargo (commodity)

  • {INT:EDDI cargo depot delivered} - The total amount of cargo delivered

  • {DEC:EDDI cargo depot endmarketid} - The Market ID of the 'delivery' mission depot

  • {DEC:EDDI cargo depot missionid} - The ID of the mission

  • {DEC:EDDI cargo depot startmarketid} - The Market ID of the 'collection' mission depot, 0 if not applicable

  • {INT:EDDI cargo depot totaltodeliver} - The total amount of cargo to deliver to complete the mission

  • {TXT:EDDI cargo depot updatetype} - The update type. One of: 'Collect', 'Deliver', 'WingUpdate'

For more details on VoiceAttack integration, see

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