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54 lines (48 loc) · 1.49 KB

File metadata and controls

54 lines (48 loc) · 1.49 KB


esone is ECMAScript 1 implementation built with typescript & functional programming manner.

You can find specification of ECMAScript 1 in here.


npm run build && npm run interpret [source file]

Implementation status

  • Expression
    • Literals (except single quote string literal)
    • Identifier reference
    • this reference
    • Grouping operator
    • Property access (dot notation)
    • (Computed) Property access (bracket notation)
    • new operator
    • Function call (partially, this bind process is not completed)
    • Postfix operators
    • Unary operators
    • Multiplicative operators
    • Additive operators
    • Bitwise shift operators
    • Relational operators
    • Equality operators
    • Binary bitwise operators
    • Binary logical operators
    • Conditional operator
    • Assignment operator (simple form)
    • (Compound) assignment operator
    • Comma operator
  • Statement
    • Block
    • Variable statement
    • Empty statement
    • Expression statement (partially, as much as expression is implemented)
    • If statement
    • While statement
    • For statement
    • statement
    • Continue statement
    • Break statement
    • Return statement
    • With statement
  • Declaration [x] Function Declaration
  • Comment
  • Standard Library
  • Automatic semicolon insertion