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EPIC writes the following files, where <basename>
is to be replaced by the character
string that is passed to EPIC via the argument output%basename
in the configuration file:
Output file | Description |
<basename> |
NetCDF containing parcel output where xxxxxxxxxx is replaced with the file number, e.g. . |
<basename> |
NetCDF file containing gridded field output. |
<basename> |
NetCDF file containing diagnostics evaluated on the Eulerian grid. |
<basename> |
NetCDF file containing diagnostics evaluated using the Lagrangian parcels. |
<basename>_alpha_time_step.asc |
ASCII file containing time step estimates for the maximum strain and maximum buoyancy gradient. |
<basename>.csv |
ASCII file containing timings of the individual components of the code. |
The frequency of writing to the respective netCDF files is controlled via the construct output
in the configuration file.
The command ncdump
is useful to inspect a netCDF file, i.e.
ncdump | less
is a netCDF file.
In the plotting directory we collected the following Python scripts:
Plotting script | Description |
---|---| | Create cross section plot from gridded data. | | Calculate the horizontal mean and plot as a height profile. | | Plot two parcel quantities against each other. | | Make a histogram plot using parcel data. Check the different options with --help . | | Create a cross section plot where all intersection ellipses are displayed. | | Create a scatter plot with the original and final parcel height. |
These scripts allow you to explore Eulerian and Lagrangian simulation data.
Information how to use these scripts is printed when running with the flag --help
, e.g. --help
We suggest that you append the plotting directory to the $PATH
environment variable with
export PATH=$PATH:/work/tc066/tc066/$USER/workshop/plotting
in order to facilitate the usage of the plotting scripts. After this operation you can, for example, simply
type --help
from any directory and without prefixing the Python interpreter.
For example, when you run the moist bubble case with the default settings, you can create a parcel cross section plot with --filename \
--steps 0 1 2 3 4 5 \
--dataset buoyancy \
--plane xz
which gives you this plot:
You can open the image with:
display <plane>-intersected_ellipses_location_<loc>_<dataset>.png
# for example, the image above is
display xz-intersected_ellipses_location_32_buoyancy.png
Alternatively, you can use the package xarray to visualize the data.
When loading the pandas
package two warnings are thrown regarding the version of the packages numexpr
and bottleneck
. To suppress these warnings, you can use
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", module='pandas')
The following code snippet creates a cross section plot of the gridded buoyancy field.
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", module='pandas')
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import colorcet as cc
import xarray as xr
mpl.use("agg", force=True)
da = xr.open_dataset("")
buoy = da.buoyancy
# get a time series of xz-cross sections through the centre of the y-axis (grid point 32)
t_buoy2d = buoy.isel(t=slice(0, 24, 4), y=32)
g = t_buoy2d.plot(x="x", y="z", col="t", col_wrap=3,['coolwarm'], figsize=(12, 7))
# fix the time format
times = da.t.dt.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
for i, ax in enumerate(g.axs.flat):
ax.set_title("Time "+[i] + " (HH:MM:SS)")
plt.savefig('xz-buoyancy-cross_section.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=200)
You can open the image with:
display xz-buoyancy-cross_section.png
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