Written by Kisung Lee kisunglee@hanyang.ac.kr (based on e2fsprogs).
- Kisung Lee and Youjip Won "Smart layers and dumb result: Io characterization of an android-based smartphone" In EMSOFT 2012: In Proc. of International Conference on Embedded Software (Oct.7-12 2012). Tampere, Finland http://www.esos.hanyang.ac.kr/files/publication/conferences/international/Smart_Layers_and_Dumb_Result.pdf
- This work is supported by IT R&D program MKE/KEIT (No. 10041608, Embedded System Software for New-memory based Smart Device).
- Kernel source is based on Linux kernel (Defined by CONFIG_MOST)
- kernel\trace\blktrace.c
- block\blk-core.c
- cd build
- ../configure
- ./config.most
- make
- Program(most) is built in build/most/.
# most [filesystem (EXT4/FAT32)] [partition path] [input file] [output file]
# most EXT4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 trace_in.log trace_out.log
1. Run blktrace (for 60 secs)
# blktrace -d /dev/block/mmcblk0p12 -a complete -a issue -o result -w 60
2. Run android application (for 60 secs)
3. Run blparse
# blkparse -f "%5T.%9t\t%a\t%d\t%8S\t%4n\t%4p\t%20C\n" -q -i result > result.p
4. Run MOST
# most EXT4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p12 result.p result.po
2012-08-27, Kisung Lee kisunglee@hanyang.ac.kr
1. python
# apt-get install python
2. R
# apt-get install r-base
# python test2.py [option]
# python test2.py [-g graph_type] [-rw Read or Write] [-t time] [-y y-axis] [-l legend] [-i input] [-o output] [-s size] [-p point]
* graph_type : f(Cumulative Bar Plot-file_type)/ b(Cumulative Bar Plot-block_type)/ t(time_plot+simple bar plot)/ all
* Read or Write : r(read)/ w(write)/ rw(both read and write) 1. time_plot(graph) only 2. rw is default
* time : sec(start):sec(end) # default - whole of the <result.po> data
* y-axis - t(time plot) : s(sector size)/ n(sector number)/ all(default)
- b(block type)/f(file type) : s(I/O Size)/ c(I/O Count)/ all(default)
* legend : f(file_type)/ b(block_type) # time_plot(graph) only, not implemented.
* input : # 1. name of the MOST output file(*.po), 2. default : result.po
3. also setted as directory names : <name>-<time> ex> result.po-Wed,Sep,30,16:08:04,2015
* output # 1. name and location of the graph 2. file extension together
* size : width:height # 1. To control the ratio, size of the Graph file 2. units : inch 3. default is 7:7
* point : c(color)/ s(shape) # 1. time_plot(graph) only, 2. color is default
2016-01-08, Gyeongyeol Choi chl4651@hanyang.ac.kr