An application that will allow users to search for books by entering a query (Title,Author, etc). Display the resulting books in a list on the page with all the correspondingdata.
The application gives yout the following options:
- User can enter a search query into an input field
- Users can submit the query. This will call an API that will return an array ofbooks with the corresponding data (Title, Author, Published Date, Picture,etc)
- User can see the list of books appearing on the page
- Heroku Deployed Link:
- Github Repo:
- For each item in the list add a link that will send the User to an external site, which has more information about the book.
- Implement a Responsive Design.
- Add goals to achieve to the reading list(similar to summer reading program).
- Add a post option per reading search to make comments/discussion for eachbook.
- Add history of searched books.
- Allow for deletion of books from book list.
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
- Node.js - JavaScript runtime environment
- MySQLWorkbench - Visual database design tool
- inquirer - For the CLI user interface. This will prompt user within the CLI for employee information.
- console.table - Used to print MySQL into tables to the console.
- mysql - Used to connect to the MySQL database and perform queries
- Aman Chaudhry
- Enrique Lopez
- Hannah Jorich
- Heather Cooper
- Lisa Van Huijkelom