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31 lines (22 loc) · 1.07 KB

Changes from Day 2 to Day 3

File metadata and controls

31 lines (22 loc) · 1.07 KB

Changes from Day 2 to Day 3 undocumented

If you want to follow the Adventure game tutorial as a full front to back, starting as UniteTrainingDayPhase1 Project and finishing with it, follow the undocumented changes below.

Note: Prefabs to save it! If you want to save it all around the project, don't forget to save these changes to the Prefab.


SecurityRoom/LaserGrindInteractable: The Laseroff Interaction Collection



  • Remove CustomEditor above the class
  • OnEnable: Remove the CheckAndCreateSubEditors call at the end of the method
  • OnInspectorGui Method should be blank
  • CreateConditionCollection: Only the newConditionCollection creation & return should stay

Scripts/ScriptableObjects/Interaction/Conditions/ConditionCollection: Only leave the method, which returns a default return true, so:

using UnityEngine;

public class ConditionCollection : ScriptableObject
    public bool CheckAndReact()
        return true;