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MuteTiefling edited this page Feb 9, 2021 · 27 revisions


The Starter tier of every machine has been removed.

Most recipes are now direct crafts, rather than tiered crafts, greatly reducing the cost of various generators. This goes hand in hand with an overall reduction in output of the more passive generators, such as solar.

An upgrade path still exists, allowing the player to take an old generator and insert new components into it, bringing it up to a higher tier. Any tier can be changed to any other tier.

Thermo Generators

Heat Sources have seen an overall reduction in efficiency while a new coolant has been introduced that's better than water.

In terms of RF generation, the low end has been boosted while the high end has been nerfed as shown below.

Water Cooled Lava Magma Blazing Block Nitro Block Extraction Cap (FE/t)
Basic 57 68.4 159.6 456 3120
Hardened 64 76.8 179.2 512 4190
Blazing 73 87.6 204.4 584 5260
Niotic 80 96 224 640 6330
Spirited 87 104.4 243.6 696 7400
Nitro 180 200 300 400 8470
Water Cooled Lava Magma Blazing Block Nitro Block Extraction Cap (FE/t)
IC Cooled
Basic 642.0 770.4 1797.7 5136.2 3120
Hardened 720.9 865.0 2018.4 5766.9 4190
Blazing 822.2 986.7 2302.3 6577.9 5260
Niotic 901.1 1081.3 2523.0 7208.7 6330
Spirited 979.9 1175.9 2743.8 7839.4 7400
Nitro 1800 2000 3000 4000 8470

Solar Panels

Due to the simplicity of running Solar, these are being brought a little lower. Like Thermo, the low end has been raised to make the entry level more useful, while the top tier has been reduced.

Basic 220
Hardened 320
Blazing 420
Niotic 520
Spirited 620
Nitro 720

Magmators and Furnators

No changes. These can be considered burst power sources as a single piece of fuel is always worth the same amount of energy. Higher tiers simply burn it faster with no efficiency gains or losses.


These have been given a 50% boost in overall production value. The inclusion of better coolants also allows them to run much more efficiently, stretching fuel even further.

For comparison the reactors below had dry ice, coal, redstone, and were provided 8 pieces of uraninite.

Pre Buff:

Water Cooled Nitro Reactor = generates 72 million RF @ ~84k rf/t per uraninite

Post Buff:

Water Cooled Nitro Reactor = generates 106 million RF @ ~125k rf/t per uraninite I-C Cooled Nitro Reactor = generates 143 million RF @ ~125k rf/t per uraninite Ether Cooled Nitro Reactor = generates 350 million RF @ ~125k rf/t per uraninite

These numbers are not exact as Powah Reactors fluctuate over time and are effected by how full the tank is. Expect slightly better efficiency.