Both "Deploy nuget package (Optimizely DXP)" and "Move deploy (Optimizely DXP)" tasks deploy a package to a environment. That will deploy the package to a slot. The task "Complete deploy (Optimizely DXP)" will complete the deploy and move the package from slot to the real environment.
Note: v2 task supports windows/ubuntu/MacOS agents. v1 task only support windows.
[string] - required
The DXP API ClientKey for the current environment.
Example: mRgLgE3uCx7RVHc5gzFu1gWtssxcYraL0CvLCMJblkbxweO9
Default value: $(ClientKey)
[string] - required
The DXP API ClientSecret for the current environment.
Example: mRgLgE3uCx7RVHc5gzFu1gWtssxcYraL0CvLCMJblkbxweO9mRgLgE3uCx7RVHc5gzFu1gWtssxcYraL0CvLCMJblkbxweO9mRgLgE3uCx7RVHc5gzFu1gWtssxcYraL0CvLCMJblkbxweO9
Default value: $(ClientSecret)
[string] - required
The DXP project id.
Example: 1921827e-2eca-2fb3-8015-a89f016bacc5
Default value: $(DXP.ProjectId)
[pickList] - required
Specify if you want to complete the deploy to Integration/Preproduction/Production.
Example: Integration
Default value: $(TargetEnvironment)
- Integration
- Preproduction
- Production
[int] - required
Specify the number of seconds when the task should timeout.
Example: 600
Default value: 1800
(30 minutes)
[boolean] - required
If you want to send information about your execution, to get benchmark data back.
If you are interested of more benchmark data you can contact Epinova.
By using this function you agree with sending over the following information: Task, TaskVersion, Environment, TargetEnvironment, DxpProjectId, OrganisationId, OrganisationName, ProjectId, ProjectName, Branch, AgentOS, EpiCloudVersion, PowerShellVersion, PowerShellEdition, Elapsed, Result, CmsFileSize, CmsPackageName, CommerceFileSize, CommercePackageName.
Example: true
Default value: false
[boolean] - required
If you want to run in verbose mode and see all information.
Example: true
Default value: false
[pickList] - required
How the task should handle errors.
Example: 600
Default value: stop
- Stop: Terminate the action with error.
- Continue: Display any error message and attempt to continue execution of subsequence commands.
- SilentlyContinue: Don't display an error message continue to execute subsequent commands.
- task: DxpCompleteDeploy@2
ClientKey: '$(ClientKey)'
ClientSecret: '$(ClientSecret)'
ProjectId: '$(DXP.ProjectId)'
TargetEnvironment: 'Integration'
Timeout: 1800
RunBenchmark: true
RunVerbose: false