Changes TSEMO version 1 to version 2
- Added small offset to nadir point as reference point to give boundary points in the candidate set a non-zero hypervolume
- Added as algorithm outputs the final hyperparameters for analysis
- Added the Pareto set of the final GP model as output
- TS-EMO now creates a log file that contains all relevant information over the entire algorithm run.
Changes TSEMO version 2 to version 3
- Changed sampling of vector "b" for spectral sampling using Latin hypercube rather than Monte Carlo
- Changed sampling of matrix "W" for spectral sampling using Latin hypercube rather than Monte Carlo
Changes TSEMO version 3 to version 4
- Added warm-start to NSGA-II algorithm, i.e. the previous final population is now used as the initial population in the next iteration.
- Added output "YParetoGPstd", which gives the standard deviations of the GP pareto front. These can be used as an uncertainty measure for the Pareto front.