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DX - Direct Connect

  • It is a physical entry point into the AWS network
  • It is a physical fibre connection through which we can access AWS services without sending traffic through the public internet
  • The connection is between the business premises => DX Location => AWS Region
  • When we order a DX connection, what we order is actually a Port Allocation at a DX Location
  • The port has 2 costs:
    • Hourly cost based on the DX location and speed of the port
    • Outbound data transfer, inbound data transfer is free of charge
  • In order to get a Direct Connect we have to create a connection (logical entity) inside an AWS account. This connection will have an unique ID
  • Provisioning time: weeks/months of extra time
  • DX provides low and consistent latency + high speeds (1/10/100 Gbps)
  • In the DX location we will have to install a cross-connect (physical cable) in order to connect our own network to the AWS network DX architecture

DX Physical Connection Architecture

  • A Direct Connect is a physical port allocated at a DX Location
  • This physical port provides 1, 10 or 100 Gbps speed
  • DX can be ordered directly from AWS or through partners (wider range of speeds, with less options)
  • The port requires single-mod fibre, NO copper cable connection supported
  • Depending on the speed we order we will interface with DX using the following standards:
    • 1000BASE-LX (1310 nm) Transreceiver for 1 Gbps
    • 10GBASE-LR (1310 nm) Transreceiver for 10 Gbps
    • 100GBASE-LR4 - 100 Gbps
  • Auto-Negotiation should be disabled for the connection
  • We configure the port speed, full-duplex should be manually set on the network connection
  • The router in the DX location should support Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) and BGP MD5 Authentication
  • Optional configurations:
    • MACsec
    • Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD)

Direct Connect - MACsec

  • It is a security feature that improves/partially improves a long-standing problem with DX: lack of builtin encryption
  • It is a standard which allows frames on the network to be encrypted. Frames are the unit of data which occur at the layer 2 of the OSI model
  • MACsec provides a hop by hop encryption architecture => 2 devices need to be next to each other at layer 2 to order MACsec (layer 2 adjacency)
  • MACsec features:
    • Confidentiality: strong encryption at layer 2 by encryption the frame's EtherType and payload
    • Data integrity: adds additional fields to ensure that data cannot be modified in transit without both parties being able to detect the modification
    • Data origin authenticity: both parties can see that frames were been sent by other trusted peer
    • Replay protection
  • MACsec does not replaces IPSEC over DX, it is not end-2-end!
  • It is designed to allow transfer for super high speeds for terabit networks
  • MACsec key components:
    • Secure Channel (unidirectional): each MACsec participant creates a MACsec channel that is used to send traffic
    • Secure Channels are assigned an identifier (SCI): uniquely identifies a secure channel
    • Secure Associations: communication that occurs on each secure channel, takes place as a series of transient sessions, multiple secure associations will take place on each secure channel over the lifetime of the connection. Each secure channel generally has 1 secure association at a time (exception when the associations are being replaced)
    • MACsec encapsulation: 16 bytes MACsec tag & 16 bytes of Integrity Check Value (ICV). MACSec modifies Ethernet frames by inserting these tags
    • MACSec Key Agreement protocol: manages discovery, authentication and key generation
    • Cipher Suite: controls how the data is encrypted: algorithm, packets per key, key rotation
  • MACsec can be defined either ona DX connection on a Link Aggregation Group (LAG)
  • Configuring MACsec: we associate a CAK/CKN pair with the connection on both the AWS DX router(s) and customer side's router
  • It is possible to extend MACsec from the DX location ot the customer side
  • This requires a dedicated physical extension of the cross connect to the business premises; this type of extension requires Layer 2 Adjacency

DX Connection Process

  • A DX connection begins in a DX Location, which contains AWS equipment and also customer/provider equipment
  • AWS does not own this facility (neither does the provider) - it is a data center owned by a third party
  • A large data center is collection of cages, these cages are areas that specific customers rent
  • Only the staff at the data center can connect stuff together, only they have access to the space in-between the cages to connect different cages together
  • Connecting these cages can be done only by staff members only when they have authorization from all parties
  • The authorization is called Letter of Authorization Customer Facility Access (LOA-CFA)
  • It is form that gives the access from one customer to get the data center staff to connect to the equipment of another customer
  • DX connection process: DX Connection Process

DX Virtual Interfaces BGP Sessions + VLAN

  • DX Connections are a layer 1 connections (physical cables) running layer 2 protocols (Data Link)
  • We need a way to connect to multiple types of layer 3 (IP) networks (VPCs and public zones) over a single DX connection => this is where Virtual Interfaces (VIFs) come in handy
  • VIFs allows us to run multiple layer 3 networks over a layer 2 direct connect
  • A VIF is simply a BGP Peering Session => something which exchanges prefixes which allow traffic to be router to one point to the other
  • All of this is isolated within a VLAN
  • A VLAN isolates different layer 3 networks using VLAN tagging
  • BGP exchanges prefixes, which means each end knows which networks are at each side; BPG MD5 authentication means that only authenticated data will accepted by either type
  • 3 types of VIFs can be run over DX:
    • Private VIF: used to connect ot AWS private networks, so VPCs
    • Public VIF: used to connect to Public Zone Service
    • Transit VIF: allow integration between DX and Transit Gateways DX VIFs - BGP Session + VLAN
  • A single dedicated DX can have in total 50 public/private VIFs, as well as 1 Transit VF
  • Hosted VIFs: we can share VIFs with other AWS accounts. Can be connected to a virtual private gateway in a VPC of the other account

Private VIFs

  • They are used to access the resources inside 1 AWS VPC using private IP addresses
  • Resources can be accessed with their private IP using private VIFs, public IPs and Elastic IPs wont work
  • Private VIFs are associated with a Virtual Private Gateway (VGW) which can be associated to 1 VPC. This has to be in the same region where the DX location connection terminates
  • 1 Private VIF = 1 VGW = 1 VPC (there are ways around this using Transit VIFs)
  • There is no encryption on private VIFs, DX is not adding encryption and neither is the private VIFs (there are ways around this, example using HTTPS)
  • With private VIFs we can use normal or Jumbo Frames (MTU of 1500 or 9001)
  • Using VGW, route propagation is enabled by default
  • Creating private VIFs:
    • Pick the connection the VIF will run over
    • Chose VGW (default) or Direct Connect Gateway
    • Chose who owns the interface (this account or another account)
    • Choose a VLAN id - 802.1Q which needs to match the customer config
    • We need to enter the BGP ASN of on-premises (public or private). If private use 64512 to 65535
    • We can choose IPs or auto generate them
    • AWS will advertise the VPC CIDR range and the BGP Peer IPs (/30)
    • We can advertise default or specific corporate prefixes (max 100 - this is HARD limit, the interface will go into an idle state)
  • Private VIFs architecture: Private VIFs Architecture
  • Key learning objectives:
    • Private VIFs are used to access private AWS services
    • Private VIF => 1 VGW => 1 VPC
    • VPC needs to be in the same region as the DX location
    • VGW has an AWS assigned
    • Over the private VIF runs the BGP with IPv4 or IPv6 (separate BPG peering connections)
    • We configure our own AS on the VIF, which can be private ASN or public ASN

Public VIFs

  • Are used to access AWS public zone services: both public services and services which have a public Elastic IP
  • They offer no direct access to private VPC services
  • We can access all public zone regions with one public VIF across AWS global network
  • AWS advertises all AWS public IP ranges to us, all traffic to AWS services will go over the AWS global network
  • We can advertise any public IPs we own over BGP, in case we don't have public IPs, we can work with AWS support to allocate some to us
  • Public VIFs support bi-directional BGP communities
  • Advertised prefixes are not transitive, our prefixes don't leave AWS
  • Create a public VIF:
    • We pick the connection the VIF will run over
    • We chose the interface owner (this account or another)
    • Chose VLAN - 802.1Q, which needs to match the customer configuration
    • Chose the customer side BGP ASN (ideally this is public ANS for full functionality offered by public VIFs)
    • Configure MD5 authentication and select optional peering IP addresses
    • We have to select which prefixes we want to advertise
  • Public VIFs architecture: Public VIFs Architecture

Direct Connect Public VIF + VPN

  • Using a VPN gives us an encrypted and authenticated tunnel
  • Architecturally, having a VPN over DX uses a Public VIF + VGW/TGW public endpoints
  • With a VPN we connect to public IPs which belong to a VGW or TGW
  • A VPN is transit agnostic: we can connect using a VPN to VGW or a TGW over the internet or over DX
  • A VPN is end-to-end encryption between a Customer Gateway (CGW) and TGW/VGW, while MACsec is single hop based
  • VPNs have wide vendor support
  • VPNs have more cryptographic overhead compared to MACsec
  • A VPN can be provided immediately, can be used while DX is provisioned and/or as a DX backup VPN over DX

Direct Connect Gateways

  • Direct Connect is a regional service
  • Once a DX connection is up, we can use public VIFs to access all AWS Public Services in all AWS regions
  • Private VIFs can only access VPCs in the same AWS regions via VGWs
  • Direct Connect Gateway is a global network device: it is accessible in all regions
  • We integrate with it on the on-premises side by creating a private VIF and associate this with a DX Gateway instead of the Virtual Private Gateway (VGW). This integrates the on-premises router with the DX Gateway
  • On the AWS side we create VGW associations in any VPC in any AWS regions
  • DX gateways allow to route through them to the on-premises environments and vice-versa. They don't allow VPCs connected to the gateway to communicate with each other
  • We can have 10 VGW attachments per DX Gateway
  • 1 DX connection can have up to 50 private VIFs, each of which support 1 DX gateway and 1 DX gateway supports 10 VGW association => we can connect up to 500 VPCs
  • DX gateway don't have a cost, we have cost for data transit only DX Gateway Architecture
  • Cross-account DX Gateways: multiple account can create association proposal for a DX gateway

Transit VIFs and TGW

  • A DX Gateway does not route between the associated VPCs to that gateway, it only routes from on-premises to AWS side or vice-versa
  • Transit Gateways are regional, it is possible to peer TGWs allowing connections between regions
  • Transit Gateways are hub-and-spoke architecture, anything associated with a TGW is able to communicate with anything other associated to that TGW
  • This architecture also works within peered TGWs
  • DX-TGW Architecture: DX-TGW Architecture
  • A DX supports up to 50 public and private VIFs and only 1 Transit VIF
  • We can connect up to 3 Transit Gateways to a Direct Connect Gateway
  • An individual DX gateway can be used with VPCs and private VIFs or with Transit Gateways and transit VIFs, NOT BOTH at the same time!
  • Consideration:
    • DX gateway does not route between its attachments, this is why the peering connection between TGWs is required
    • Each TGW can be attached up to 20 DX gateways
    • Each TGW supports up 5000 attachments, up to 50 peering attachments
  • DX Gateway routing problems:
    • DX gateway only allows communications from a private VIF to any associated virtual private gateways
    • With a transit gateway we can solve this, if we connect the DX gateway to a transit gateway (works only in one region)

Direct Connect Resilience and HA

  • To improve resilience:
    • Order 2 DX ports instead of one => 2 cross connects, 2 customer DX routes connecting to 2 on-premises routes
    • Connect to 2 DX locations, have to customer routers and 2 on-premises routers in different buildings (geographically separated)
  • Not resilient DX architecture: DX resilience NONE
  • Resilient DX architecture: DX resilience OK
  • Improved resilient DX architecture: DX resilience BETTER
  • Extreme resilient DX architecture: DX resilience GREAT

Direct Connect Link Aggregation Groups (LAG)

  • LAG: allows to take multiple physical connections and configure them to act as one
  • From speed perspective a LAG can have:
    • 2 ports, each 100 Gbps
    • 4 ports, the speed of each being less than 100 Gbps
  • We can create a LAG with the maximum speed of 200 Gbps
  • LAG do provide resilience, although AWS does not market them as such. They do not provide any resilience regarding hardware failure or the failure of entire location
  • LAGs use an Active/Active architecture, maximum 4 connection can be part of the LAG
  • All connections must have the same speed and terminate at the same DX location
  • A LAG has an attribute called minimumLinks: the LAG is active as long as the number of working connections is greater or equal to this value DX LAG