Absolutely! From your application directory, you can set the buildpack like this:
$ heroku buildpacks set:https://github.com/victormours/heroku-buildpack-vitaminjs
And then just git push heroku master
And you're done!
VitaminJS comes with babel transforms that make generators and async-await works outside the box on the server-side. However, if you want to use them on the client side, you'll need to add a runtime executable to your app.
$ yarn add regenerator-runtime
And then, import it at the top of your routes.jsx
import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime';
export default myRoutes
No. For now, you don't have the possibility to extends vitaminJS build config.
You can refer to #205 on the why we didn't ship with a plugin system in the first place. However, we are currently slowly evolving on this mentality and that's something we might consider for next major.
In the meantime, if you find a use case that is not covered by our webpack config, don't hesitate to propose a PR.