Sliders are UI components that allow you to continuously change a value by moving a slider on a track. The Pinch Slider can be moved by directly grabbing the slider.
Drag one of the default MRTK slider prefabs onto your scene.
In order to create an slider you need to create 3 entities: the slider, the slider bar and the thumb
The slider manages the limits and fires the events
- Create an empty Entity
- Add the PinchSlider Component
The bar is just a mesh showing the bar where slider is moving
- Create an Entity as child of the slider (a cylinder for example)
- Scale it to fit your needs (usually scaling it a lot on the y-axis)
The thumb is the object that the user grabs
- Create another Entity as child of the slider and siblig to the bar (a box for example)
- Add BoxCollider
- Add a StaticBody3D
- Add a NeearInteractionGrabable
Finally adjust the limits of the slider to make them fit the bar
The PinchSlider class has the next events:
- ValueUpdated: fired when the slider value is updated.
- InteractionStarted: fired when an interaction has been started.
- InteractionEnded: fired when an interaction has been ended.
The class SliderChangeColor.cs contains an example showing how to use the slider events
You can add the component SliderSounds to any entity using a PinchSlider to add sounds to any of the events mentioned above.