This is a dummy file to help work with init files as they have a limited lua functionality available to them.
- .nx2: FAF
- .nx3: ?
- .nx4: FAF Beta
- .nx5: FAF Develop
- .nxt: miscellaneous
The latter is included for support of the old advanced strategic icons (ASI) that got replaced by #3450 to the vault-ready mods in this repository.
local function repr(t, indent, seen)
if type(t) == "table" then
for k, v in t do
if k != "_G" then
seen[k] = true
LOG(indent .. tostring(k) .. ": " .. tostring(v))
repr(v, indent .. " - ")
repr(_G, "", { })
string: table: 10020208
- sub: cfunction: 101C88C0
- lualex: cfunction: 101C8B80
- gfind: cfunction: 101C8B00
- rep: cfunction: 101C89C0
- gsub: cfunction: 101C8B40
- char: cfunction: 101C8980
- dump: cfunction: 101C8A80
- find: cfunction: 101C8AC0
- upper: cfunction: 101C8940
- len: cfunction: 101C8880
- format: cfunction: 101C8A40
- byte: cfunction: 101C8A00
- lower: cfunction: 101C8900
tostring: cfunction: 100504C0
gcinfo: cfunction: 10050700
_ALERT: cfunction: 101CAF80
loadlib: cfunction: 101CAE80
os: table: 10020168
- exit: cfunction: 101C8C80
- setlocale: cfunction: 101C8D80
- execute: cfunction: 101C8C40
- getenv: cfunction: 101C8CC0
- difftime: cfunction: 101C8C00
- remove: cfunction: 101C8D00
- time: cfunction: 101C8DC0
- clock: cfunction: 101C8040
- tmpname: cfunction: 101C8E00
- rename: cfunction: 101C8D40
- date: cfunction: 101C8000
unpack: cfunction: 10050580
require: cfunction: 101C83C0
getfenv: cfunction: 10050B00
serialize: table: 100201E0
- fromstring: cfunction: 101C8840
- tostring: cfunction: 101C8800
setmetatable: cfunction: 10050AC0
next: cfunction: 10050B80
_TRACEBACK: cfunction: 101CAE40
assert: cfunction: 10050540
tonumber: cfunction: 10050480
io: table: 100201B8
- popen: cfunction: 101C91E0
- write: cfunction: 101C90F0
- close: cfunction: 101C9280
- flush: cfunction: 101C9320
- open: cfunction: 101C9230
- output: cfunction: 101C9370
- dir: cfunction: 101C90A0
- read: cfunction: 101C9190
- stderr: file (101C7B38)
- stdin: file (101C7B08)
- input: cfunction: 101C93C0
- stdout: file (101C7B20)
- lines: cfunction: 101C92D0
- tmpfile: cfunction: 101C9140
rawequal: cfunction: 100505C0
collectgarbage: cfunction: 100506C0
getmetatable: cfunction: 10050A80
InitFileDir: C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin
_LOADED: table: 10020668
rawset: cfunction: 10050640
LuaDumpBinary: cfunction: 101CAF00
LaunchDir: C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin
SHGetFolderPath: cfunction: 101CAFC0
LOG: cfunction: 101CAF40
math: table: 10020230
- log: cfunction: 101C87C0
- atan: cfunction: 101C8540
- ldexp: cfunction: 101C86C0
- deg: cfunction: 101CA340
- tan: cfunction: 101C8480
- cos: cfunction: 101C8440
- pi: 3.1415927410126
- random: cfunction: 101CA280
- randomseed: cfunction: 101CA240
- frexp: cfunction: 101C8680
- ceil: cfunction: 101C85C0
- floor: cfunction: 101C8600
- rad: cfunction: 101CA2C0
- max: cfunction: 101C8780
- sqrt: cfunction: 101C8700
- pow: cfunction: 101CA300
- asin: cfunction: 101C84C0
- min: cfunction: 101C8740
- mod: cfunction: 101C8640
- exp: cfunction: 101CA380
- log10: cfunction: 101CA3C0
- atan2: cfunction: 101C8580
- acos: cfunction: 101C8500
- sin: cfunction: 101C8400
- abs: cfunction: 101C8BC0
import: cfunction: 101CAEC0
pcall: cfunction: 10050680
debug: table: 10020258
- listlocals: cfunction: 101CACC0
- allocatedsize: cfunction: 101CAE00
- gethook: cfunction: 101CA140
- traceback: cfunction: 101CAC00
- getlocal: cfunction: 101CA1C0
- getupvalue: cfunction: 101CA100
- listcode: cfunction: 101CAC40
- debug: cfunction: 101CA000
- listk: cfunction: 101CAC80
- allobjects: cfunction: 101CAD40
- sethook: cfunction: 101CA0C0
- trackallocations: cfunction: 101CADC0
- getinfo: cfunction: 101CA180
- setupvalue: cfunction: 101CA040
- allocinfo: cfunction: 101CAD80
- profiledata: cfunction: 101CAD00
- setlocal: cfunction: 101CA080
__pow: cfunction: 101CA200
type: cfunction: 10050500
newproxy: cfunction: 10053AA0
table: table: 10020690
- setn: cfunction: 101C8140
- insert: cfunction: 101C80C0
- getn: cfunction: 101C8180
- foreachi: cfunction: 101C81C0
- foreach: cfunction: 101C8200
- sort: cfunction: 101C8100
- remove: cfunction: 101C8080
- concat: cfunction: 101C8240
coroutine: table: 10020640
- resume: cfunction: 101C8300
- yield: cfunction: 101C82C0
- status: cfunction: 101C8280
- wrap: cfunction: 101C8340
- create: cfunction: 101C8380
print: cfunction: 10050440
rawget: cfunction: 10050600
loadstring: cfunction: 100507C0
_VERSION: Lua 5.0.1
dofile: cfunction: 10050780
setfenv: cfunction: 10050B40
pairs: cfunction: 10050400
ipairs: cfunction: 10050BC0
error: cfunction: 10050A40
loadfile: cfunction: 10050740