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Welcome to the Git Collaboration course material.
This course aims to help you develop a deeper understanding of how Git works to facilitate collaboration. It builds on foundational Git courses such as Software Carpentry: Git Novice and Git and GitHub through GitKraken : From Zero to Hero!.
The core idea around the course is that by improving your understanding of working with branches and how to make your commits tidier and neater it makes it easier to understand pull requests and Git history which in turn makes it easier to collaborate and work on code with others (including your future self!).
The course is split into six episodes. The first introduces how to customise the configuration of your Git repository and how to make informative and atomic commits which makes the history easier to read and understand. Once the concepts of clean history are complete the material moves onto discuss branches, how switch between branches, moving around the history of a branch, correcting commits made to the wrong branch and stashing work in progress. This foundation of how branches work is the basis the next episode which shows how to deal with diverging branches. The concept of Git hooks are then introduced along with the Pre-Commit framework. Finally examples of how to leverage Continuous Integration in your workflow are introduced.