Arithmetic Conversion is what happens when you add/subtract/divide/etc 2 numbers together.
The first true condition will set the data type.
long double
if either lhs/rhs is long double.double
if either lhs/rhs is double.float
if either lhs/rhs is float.unsigned long long
if either is unsigned long longlong long
if either is long longunsigned long
if either is unsigned longunsigned long
if one is long and the other is unsigned int.long
if either is longint
is nothing else matches...
This is also true for strings and chars.
by defaultlong double
if either lhs/rhs is:- long double
- long long int - signed/unsigned
- long int - signed/unsigned
The Arithmetic Conversion rules mean that you could have an overflow.
For example, (int)2147483647 + (int)2147483647 = (int)4294967294
on a x86 application this would overflow, but with Any
you can cast it to a long.
// set the value
int number = 2147483647;
::myodd::dynamic::Any bar(number);
// add them together.
bar += bar; // or multiply if you want to.
bar.Type(); // = myodd::dynamic::Integer_int
// but you can cast it if you want to.
long long foo = (long long)bar; // = 4294967294
- Oracle : Usual Arithmetic Conversions
- Cpp reference - Conversions