All major and minor version changes will be documented in this file. Details of patch-level version changes can be found in commit messages.
- Add tox config
- Use playwright and install_playwright in-place of pyppeteer
- Code quality improvements
- Remove metprint
- Move docs
- Bump pillow version (CVE-2022-22815, CVE-2022-22816, CVE-2022-22817)
- Update deps
- pre-commit
- code quality improvements
- reformat files
- Update Pillow >= 8.1.1 due to high severity security vulnerabilities:
- CVE-2021-27923
- CVE-2020-35654
- CVE-2020-35653
- CVE-2021-27921
- CVE-2021-27922
- CVE-2020-35655
- Updated tests
- Added
- Added
- Updated classifiers
- Added blendmodes
- Use svgtrace to do the imagetracing
- Use layeredimage to deal with more layered image formats such as xcf
- Added
- First use of my updated cal versioning 😱 🎉
- Bugfixes: offset should now behave (tests seem OK, see flatten functions write a layer and no longer an image 😌
- Basic layered image support
class Layer:
""" A representation of an image layer """
def __init__(self, image, name, offsets, opacity, visible, dimensions):
self.image = image = name
self.offsets = offsets # Doesn't look to be required
self.opacity = opacity
self.visible = visible
self.dimensions = dimensions
class LayeredImage:
""" A representation of a layered image such as an ora """
def __init__(self, layers, dimensions):
self.layers = layers
self.dimensions = dimensions
def addLayerRaster(self, image, name, offsets=(0, 0)):
""" The recommended way to add a layer """
def insertLayerRaster(self, image, name, index, offsets=(0, 0)):
""" The recommended way to insert a layer """
def getLayer(self, index):
""" Get a layer """
def addLayer(self, layer):
""" Add a layer """
def insertLayer(self, layer, index):
""" Insert a layer at a specific index """
def removeLayer(self, index):
""" Remove a layer at a specific index """
def getFlattenLayers(self, ignoreHidden=True):
""" Return an image for all flattened layers """
def getFlattenTwoLayers(self, background, foreground, ignoreHidden=True):
""" Return an image for two flattened layers """
def flattenTwoLayers(self, background, foreground, ignoreHidden=True):
""" Flatten two layers """
def flattenLayers(self, ignoreHidden=True):
""" Flatten all layers """
To modify a layer you would need to do something like:
# Grab the PIL Image from a layer and do stuff
layer = layeredImage.getLayer(1).image
crop = imageedit.transform.cropCentre(layer, 100, 100)
# Remove the old layer 1 and raster the new layer 1
layeredImage.insertLayerRaster(crop, "Cropped Layer @1", 1, offsets=(50, 0))
- Using poetry and dephell
- Other significant refactoring (I guess this shows a limitation of calendar versioning)
- Release to Rename library files
- Removed function createDirsIfRequired from and replaced with a one-liner that does the same thing
- Removed as it was slow and I honestly don't see why anyone would use it over
- Added
- Added for library documentation
- Updated README
- Tidied up libraries and scripts
logPrint(printText, printType="standard"):
reduceColours(image, mode="optimised"):
cropCentre(image, width, height):
uncrop(image, padding):
getPixelDimens(image, dimens):
- Add a changelog to the project that is rather overdue
- Lib consists of the following files:
- FiraCode-Light.ttf
- imagetracer.html
- imagetracer.js