Ejemplos del cuaderno ténico 11: Señales del sistema y Medición con el LEDOscopio
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Licensed under GPL-2.0.
For installing and using this colection in Icestudio follow these steps:
- Download the collection: stable or development
- Install the collection: Tools > Collections > Add
- Select the collection: Select > Collection
- 01-LEDOscopio
- 01-contador-LEDoscopio
- 02-Start
- 02-senales-constantes
- 03-start-generation
- 03-Delay
- 04-start-delay-1
- 05-start-delay-2
- 04-Patron
- 06-pattern-generation-1
- 05-Operaciones
- 07-not-operation
- 08-or-operation
- 09-and-operation
- 10-xor-operation
- 06-bloque-sys-delay
- 11-sys-delay-x01
- 12-sys-delay-x02
- 13-sys-delay-x02-impl-1
- 14-sys-delay-x02-impl-2
- 15-sys-delay-x02-impl-3
- 16-sys-delay-x04
- 17-sys-delay-x08
- 18-sys-delay-xN-3-ciclos
- 19-sys-delay-xN-5-ciclos
- 20-sys-delay-xN-K.5-ciclos
- 07-Pulsos
- 21-two-cycles-pulse
- 22-N-cycles-pulse
- 23-retardo-500ns
- 08-Flancos
- 24-rising-edge
- 25-rising-edge-tic
- 26-rising-edge-tic
- 27-falling-edge-tic
- 28-edge-detection
- 29-edge-detection-tic