Releases: FerreroJeremy/PictiTab
PictiTab v4.0
New since Google Play's v2.5 (March 29, 2014)
[Nov 10, 2015] Use history of children to improve predictions
[Nov 10, 2015] Redesign according to the graphic charter
[Nov 7, 2015] Redesign according to the integration of a corporate design
[Nov 6, 2015] The application supports images with alpha transparency (e.g. GIF or PNG)
[Nov 6, 2015] It is now possible to search a picture for a lexicon entry in your device by a file explorer
[Oct 29, 2015] It is now possible to update the application without any data loss
[Oct 29, 2015] Date and time in the history of children are localized
[Oct 28, 2015] It is now possible to use a web picture (pasting an URL) for a lexicon entry
[Oct 26, 2015] Authentification is required to access the educator mode
[Oct 22, 2015] The application is responsive for large screens
[Oct 22, 2015] The application is locked for small screens
[Oct 21, 2015] The application is localized (English by default)
[Oct 14, 2015] Comments and documentation are translated into English