JS, Node.js, Frontend, Backend, Firebase, Express, Patrones, HTML5_APIs, Asincronía, Websockets, Testing
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- Wikipedia | Angular (framework)
- gdi2290/awesome-angular
- brillout/awesome-angular-components
- amcdnl/awesome-angular2
- Architecture in Angular projects
- 11 Angular Component Libraries You Should Know In 2018
- Version 6 of Angular Now Available
- Build A Real World Beautiful Web APP with Angular 6 — A to Z Ultimate Guide (2018) — PART I
- Angular 2 vs React: The Ultimate Dance Off
- Angular vs. React: Which Is Better for Web Development?
- 6 Best Practices & Pro Tips when using Angular CLI
- Angular... It’s You, Not Me
- Why I’m switching from Angular to React and Redux in 2018
- Real Time Apps with TypeScript: Integrating Web Sockets, Node & Angular
- Understanding, creating and subscribing to observables in Angular
- Understanding Angular modules (NgModule) and their scopes
- The Past, Present, and Future of the Angular CLI
- Managing State in Angular Applications
- Building An Angular 5 Project with Bootstrap 4 and Firebase
- Using NgRx 4 to Manage State in Angular Applications
- Angular: Understanding Modules and Services
- The complete guide to Angular Material Themes
- Anatomy of a large Angular application
- Angular: Why TypeScript?
- Server Side Rendering (SSR) in Angular 5+ | The simplest and quickest SSR approach