From 202f3ff3d92bf803aade6994bde6d26cabd9dccb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: harshdoesdev Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2024 11:39:07 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] deploy: 7098b6b2c21957b04974314932b9bb12f1c10e30 --- ...D46B7EBCB3CD8A48EFAEF2E5BE3E9E9212D1E6.css | 139 + ...0379A2DB3483A1F058CA29FBCFB3815CA76148.css | 172 + ...74F8EAA6C61DB10F6A18D74740E6D2032C1A2E.css | 122 + ...6C521FE40242BEC9D9E050359EE1DF4A9D5E6D.css | 133 + ...4086B9D9406B7AAE3A273780FE8B8748C5A7D2.css | 172 + ...3FB70EB4CB28F0CBF3CA98DCB71B244B85B194.css | 172 + ...43E976EA9F41AD75268B2DD825C33C68B573A6.css | 428 + ...93E43A6135D910989ADD88CA3C0D6117EE24D7.css | 172 + ...32BE553FE5B28F00E9CA0EBC9DFFB8312EE8BF.css | 168 + ...084DBF71BC5750C2C1357F0E7D936867AFAB62.css | 160 + ...5E65580DB580F1477931AADCB5118E4E69D1CD.css | 158 + ...72EE9053D04923BBC5D1BA52B574E78D8C536A.css | 207 + ...2ABE4BA14CEEA13CD23E157BF6A137762B8452.css | 205 + ...066C3706A6DF3579B14F41AF05564E41CAA09C.css | 172 + ...265387B814AE85A7D33666A4AE4BEFF59016D0.css | 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border-radius: 0.3em; +} + +.gruvbox-theme-light .token.comment, +.gruvbox-theme-light .token.prolog, +.gruvbox-theme-light .token.cdata { + color: #7c6f64; /* fg4 / gray1 */ +} + +.gruvbox-theme-light .token.delimiter, +.gruvbox-theme-light .token.boolean, +.gruvbox-theme-light .token.keyword, +.gruvbox-theme-light .token.selector, +.gruvbox-theme-light .token.important, +.gruvbox-theme-light .token.atrule { + color: #9d0006; /* red2 */ +} + +.gruvbox-theme-light .token.operator, +.gruvbox-theme-light .token.punctuation, +.gruvbox-theme-light .token.attr-name { + color: #7c6f64; /* fg4 / gray1 */ +} + +.gruvbox-theme-light .token.tag, +.gruvbox-theme-light .token.tag .punctuation, +.gruvbox-theme-light .token.doctype, +.gruvbox-theme-light .token.builtin { + color: #b57614; /* yellow2 */ +} + +.gruvbox-theme-light .token.entity, +.gruvbox-theme-light .token.number, +.gruvbox-theme-light .token.symbol { + color: #8f3f71; /* purple2 */ +} + +.gruvbox-theme-light, +.gruvbox-theme-light 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code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-light { + font-size: 1em; +} + +pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-light::-moz-selection, pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-light ::-moz-selection, +code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-light::-moz-selection, code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-light ::-moz-selection { + text-shadow: none; + background: #faf8f5; +} + +pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-light::selection, pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-light ::selection, +code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-light::selection, code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-light ::selection { + text-shadow: none; + background: #faf8f5; +} + +/* Code blocks */ +pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-light { + padding: 1em; + margin: .5em 0; + overflow: auto; +} + +/* Inline code */ +:not(pre) > code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-light { + padding: .1em; + border-radius: .3em; +} + +.duotone-theme-light .token.comment, +.duotone-theme-light .token.prolog, +.duotone-theme-light .token.doctype, +.duotone-theme-light .token.cdata { + color: #b6ad9a; +} + +.duotone-theme-light .token.punctuation { + color: #b6ad9a; +} + +.duotone-theme-light .token.namespace { + opacity: .7; +} + +.duotone-theme-light .token.tag, +.duotone-theme-light .token.operator, +.duotone-theme-light .token.number { + color: #063289; +} + +.duotone-theme-light, +.duotone-theme-light .token.function { + color: #b29762; +} + +.duotone-theme-light .token.tag-id, +.duotone-theme-light .token.selector, +.duotone-theme-light .token.atrule-id { + color: #2d2006; +} + +code.language-javascript, +.duotone-theme-light .token.attr-name { + color: #896724; +} + +code.language-css, +code.language-scss, +.duotone-theme-light .token.boolean, +.duotone-theme-light .token.string, +.duotone-theme-light .token.entity, +.duotone-theme-light .token.url, +.language-css .duotone-theme-light .token.string, +.language-scss .duotone-theme-light .token.string, .duotone-theme-light .token.string, +.duotone-theme-light .token.attr-value, +.duotone-theme-light .token.keyword, +.duotone-theme-light .token.control, +.duotone-theme-light .token.directive, +.duotone-theme-light .token.unit, +.duotone-theme-light .token.statement, +.duotone-theme-light .token.regex, +.duotone-theme-light .token.atrule { + color: #728fcb; +} + +.duotone-theme-light .token.placeholder, +.duotone-theme-light .token.variable { + color: #93abdc; +} + +.duotone-theme-light .token.deleted { + text-decoration: line-through; +} + +.duotone-theme-light .token.inserted { + border-bottom: 1px dotted #2d2006; + text-decoration: none; +} + +.duotone-theme-light .token.italic { + font-style: italic; +} + +.duotone-theme-light .token.important, +.duotone-theme-light .token.bold { + font-weight: bold; +} + +.duotone-theme-light .token.important { + color: #896724; +} + +.duotone-theme-light .token.entity { + cursor: help; +} + +pre > code.highlight { + outline: .4em solid #896724; + outline-offset: .4em; +} + +/* overrides color-values for the Line Numbers plugin + * + */ +.line-numbers.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows { + border-right-color: #ece8de; +} + +.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows > span:before { + color: #cdc4b1; +} + +/* overrides color-values for the Line Highlight plugin + * + */ +.line-highlight.line-highlight { + background: rgba(45, 32, 6, 0.2); + background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, rgba(45, 32, 6, 0.2) 70%, rgba(45, 32, 6, 0)); + background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(45, 32, 6, 0.2) 70%, rgba(45, 32, 6, 0)); +} diff --git a/code-theme-0CA636E4954E3FC6184FB8000174F8EAA6C61DB10F6A18D74740E6D2032C1A2E.css b/code-theme-0CA636E4954E3FC6184FB8000174F8EAA6C61DB10F6A18D74740E6D2032C1A2E.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..06a53a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/code-theme-0CA636E4954E3FC6184FB8000174F8EAA6C61DB10F6A18D74740E6D2032C1A2E.css @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +/** + * Dracula Theme originally by Zeno Rocha [@zenorocha] + * + * + * Ported for PrismJS by Albert Vallverdu [@byverdu] + */ + +code[class*="language-"].dracula-theme, +pre[class*="language-"].dracula-theme { + color: #f8f8f2; + background: none; + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); + font-family: Consolas, Monaco, 'Andale Mono', 'Ubuntu Mono', monospace; + text-align: left; + white-space: pre; + word-spacing: normal; + word-break: normal; + word-wrap: normal; + line-height: 1.5; + -moz-tab-size: 4; + -o-tab-size: 4; + tab-size: 4; + -webkit-hyphens: none; + -moz-hyphens: none; + -ms-hyphens: none; + hyphens: none; +} + +/* Code blocks */ +pre[class*="language-"].dracula-theme { + padding: 1em; + margin: .5em 0; + overflow: auto; + border-radius: 0.3em; +} + +:not(pre) > code[class*="language-"].dracula-theme, +pre[class*="language-"].dracula-theme { + background: #282a36; +} + +/* Inline code */ +:not(pre) > code[class*="language-"].dracula-theme { + padding: .1em; + border-radius: .3em; + white-space: normal; +} + +.dracula-theme .token.comment, +.dracula-theme .token.prolog, +.dracula-theme .token.doctype, +.dracula-theme .token.cdata { + color: #6272a4; +} + +.dracula-theme .token.punctuation { + color: #f8f8f2; +} + +.namespace { + opacity: .7; +} + +.dracula-theme, +.dracula-theme .token.tag, +.dracula-theme .token.constant, +.dracula-theme .token.symbol, +.dracula-theme .token.deleted { + color: #ff79c6; +} + +.dracula-theme .token.boolean, +.dracula-theme .token.number { + color: #bd93f9; +} + +.dracula-theme .token.selector, +.dracula-theme .token.attr-name, +.dracula-theme .token.string, +.dracula-theme .token.char, +.dracula-theme .token.builtin, +.dracula-theme .token.inserted { + color: #50fa7b; +} + +.dracula-theme .token.operator, +.dracula-theme .token.entity, +.dracula-theme .token.url, +.language-css .dracula-theme .token.string, .dracula-theme .token.string, +.dracula-theme .token.variable { + color: #f8f8f2; +} + +.dracula-theme .token.atrule, +.dracula-theme .token.attr-value, +.dracula-theme .token.function, +.dracula-theme .token.class-name { + color: #f1fa8c; +} + +.dracula-theme .token.keyword { + color: #8be9fd; +} + +.dracula-theme .token.regex, +.dracula-theme .token.important { + color: #ffb86c; +} + +.dracula-theme .token.important, +.dracula-theme .token.bold { + font-weight: bold; +} + +.dracula-theme .token.italic { + font-style: italic; +} + +.dracula-theme .token.entity { + cursor: help; +} diff --git a/code-theme-0F444C6433C356376F7E92122F6C521FE40242BEC9D9E050359EE1DF4A9D5E6D.css b/code-theme-0F444C6433C356376F7E92122F6C521FE40242BEC9D9E050359EE1DF4A9D5E6D.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0b38cb --- /dev/null +++ b/code-theme-0F444C6433C356376F7E92122F6C521FE40242BEC9D9E050359EE1DF4A9D5E6D.css @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +/* + * Laserwave Theme originally by Jared Jones for Visual Studio Code + * + * + * Ported for PrismJS by Simon Jespersen [] + */ + +code[class*="language-"].laserwave-theme, +pre[class*="language-"].laserwave-theme { + background: #27212e; + color: #ffffff; + font-family: Consolas, Monaco, "Andale Mono", "Ubuntu Mono", monospace; /* this is the default */ + /* The following properties are standard, please leave them as they are */ + font-size: 1em; + direction: ltr; + text-align: left; + white-space: pre; + word-spacing: normal; + word-break: normal; + line-height: 1.5; + -moz-tab-size: 2; + -o-tab-size: 2; + tab-size: 2; + /* The following properties are also standard */ + -webkit-hyphens: none; + -moz-hyphens: none; + -ms-hyphens: none; + hyphens: none; +} + +code[class*="language-"].laserwave-theme::-moz-selection, +code[class*="language-"].laserwave-theme ::-moz-selection, +pre[class*="language-"].laserwave-theme::-moz-selection, +pre[class*="language-"].laserwave-theme ::-moz-selection { + background: #eb64b927; + color: inherit; +} + +code[class*="language-"].laserwave-theme::selection, +code[class*="language-"].laserwave-theme ::selection, +pre[class*="language-"].laserwave-theme::selection, +pre[class*="language-"].laserwave-theme ::selection { + background: #eb64b927; + color: inherit; +} + +/* Properties specific to code blocks */ +pre[class*="language-"].laserwave-theme { + padding: 1em; /* this is standard */ + margin: 0.5em 0; /* this is the default */ + overflow: auto; /* this is standard */ + border-radius: 0.5em; +} + +/* Properties specific to inline code */ +:not(pre) > code[class*="language-"].laserwave-theme { + padding: 0.2em 0.3em; + border-radius: 0.5rem; + white-space: normal; /* this is standard */ +} + +.laserwave-theme .token.comment, +.laserwave-theme .token.prolog, +.laserwave-theme .token.cdata { + color: #91889b; +} + +.laserwave-theme .token.punctuation { + color: #7b6995; +} + +.laserwave-theme .token.builtin, +.laserwave-theme .token.constant, +.laserwave-theme .token.boolean { + color: #ffe261; +} + +.laserwave-theme .token.number { + color: #b381c5; +} + +.laserwave-theme .token.important, +.laserwave-theme .token.atrule, +.laserwave-theme, +.laserwave-theme .token.keyword { + color: #40b4c4; +} + +.laserwave-theme .token.doctype, +.laserwave-theme .token.operator, +.laserwave-theme .token.inserted, +.laserwave-theme .token.tag, +.laserwave-theme .token.class-name, +.laserwave-theme .token.symbol { + color: #74dfc4; +} + +.laserwave-theme .token.attr-name, +.laserwave-theme .token.function, +.laserwave-theme .token.deleted, +.laserwave-theme .token.selector { + color: #eb64b9; +} + +.laserwave-theme .token.attr-value, +.laserwave-theme .token.regex, +.laserwave-theme .token.char, +.laserwave-theme .token.string { + color: #b4dce7; +} + +.laserwave-theme .token.entity, +.laserwave-theme .token.url, +.laserwave-theme .token.variable { + color: #ffffff; +} + +/* The following rules are pretty similar across themes, but feel free to adjust them */ +.laserwave-theme .token.bold { + font-weight: bold; +} + +.laserwave-theme .token.italic { + font-style: italic; +} + +.laserwave-theme .token.entity { + cursor: help; +} + +.laserwave-theme .token.namespace { + opacity: 0.7; +} diff --git a/code-theme-256C21B515FC9E77F95D88689A4086B9D9406B7AAE3A273780FE8B8748C5A7D2.css b/code-theme-256C21B515FC9E77F95D88689A4086B9D9406B7AAE3A273780FE8B8748C5A7D2.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1c8b8fe --- /dev/null +++ b/code-theme-256C21B515FC9E77F95D88689A4086B9D9406B7AAE3A273780FE8B8748C5A7D2.css @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +/* +Name: Duotone Forest +Author: by Simurai, adapted from DuoTone themes for Atom ( + +Conversion: Bram de Haan ( +Generated with Base16 Builder ( +*/ + +code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-forest, +pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-forest { + font-family: Consolas, Menlo, Monaco, "Andale Mono WT", "Andale Mono", "Lucida Console", "Lucida Sans Typewriter", "DejaVu Sans Mono", "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", "Liberation Mono", "Nimbus Mono L", "Courier New", Courier, monospace; + font-size: 14px; + line-height: 1.375; + direction: ltr; + text-align: left; + white-space: pre; + word-spacing: normal; + word-break: normal; + + -moz-tab-size: 4; + -o-tab-size: 4; + tab-size: 4; + + -webkit-hyphens: none; + -moz-hyphens: none; + -ms-hyphens: none; + hyphens: none; + background: #2a2d2a; + color: #687d68; +} + +pre > code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-forest { + font-size: 1em; +} + +pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-forest::-moz-selection, pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-forest ::-moz-selection, +code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-forest::-moz-selection, code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-forest ::-moz-selection { + text-shadow: none; + background: #435643; +} + +pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-forest::selection, pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-forest ::selection, +code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-forest::selection, code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-forest ::selection { + text-shadow: none; + background: #435643; +} + +/* Code blocks */ +pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-forest { + padding: 1em; + margin: .5em 0; + overflow: auto; +} + +/* Inline code */ +:not(pre) > code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-forest { + padding: .1em; + border-radius: .3em; +} + +.duotone-theme-forest .token.comment, +.duotone-theme-forest .token.prolog, +.duotone-theme-forest .token.doctype, +.duotone-theme-forest .token.cdata { + color: #535f53; +} + +.duotone-theme-forest .token.punctuation { + color: #535f53; +} + +.duotone-theme-forest .token.namespace { + opacity: .7; +} + +.duotone-theme-forest .token.tag, +.duotone-theme-forest .token.operator, +.duotone-theme-forest .token.number { + color: #a2b34d; +} + +.duotone-theme-forest, +.duotone-theme-forest .token.function { + color: #687d68; +} + +.duotone-theme-forest .token.tag-id, +.duotone-theme-forest .token.selector, +.duotone-theme-forest .token.atrule-id { + color: #f0fff0; +} + +code.language-javascript, +.duotone-theme-forest .token.attr-name { + color: #b3d6b3; +} + +code.language-css, +code.language-scss, +.duotone-theme-forest .token.boolean, +.duotone-theme-forest .token.string, +.duotone-theme-forest .token.entity, +.duotone-theme-forest .token.url, +.language-css .duotone-theme-forest .token.string, +.language-scss .duotone-theme-forest .token.string, .duotone-theme-forest .token.string, +.duotone-theme-forest .token.attr-value, +.duotone-theme-forest .token.keyword, +.duotone-theme-forest .token.control, +.duotone-theme-forest .token.directive, +.duotone-theme-forest .token.unit, +.duotone-theme-forest .token.statement, +.duotone-theme-forest .token.regex, +.duotone-theme-forest .token.atrule { + color: #e5fb79; +} + +.duotone-theme-forest .token.placeholder, +.duotone-theme-forest .token.variable { + color: #e5fb79; +} + +.duotone-theme-forest .token.deleted { + text-decoration: line-through; +} + +.duotone-theme-forest .token.inserted { + border-bottom: 1px dotted #f0fff0; + text-decoration: none; +} + +.duotone-theme-forest .token.italic { + font-style: italic; +} + +.duotone-theme-forest .token.important, +.duotone-theme-forest .token.bold { + font-weight: bold; +} + +.duotone-theme-forest .token.important { + color: #b3d6b3; +} + +.duotone-theme-forest .token.entity { + cursor: help; +} + +pre > code.highlight { + outline: .4em solid #5c705c; + outline-offset: .4em; +} + +/* overrides color-values for the Line Numbers plugin + * + */ +.line-numbers.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows { + border-right-color: #2c302c; +} + +.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows > span:before { + color: #3b423b; +} + +/* overrides color-values for the Line Highlight plugin +* +*/ +.line-highlight.line-highlight { + background: rgba(162, 179, 77, 0.2); + background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, rgba(162, 179, 77, 0.2) 70%, rgba(162, 179, 77, 0)); + background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(162, 179, 77, 0.2) 70%, rgba(162, 179, 77, 0)); +} diff --git a/code-theme-4DD8479BE14A755645BC09FF433FB70EB4CB28F0CBF3CA98DCB71B244B85B194.css b/code-theme-4DD8479BE14A755645BC09FF433FB70EB4CB28F0CBF3CA98DCB71B244B85B194.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e1095a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/code-theme-4DD8479BE14A755645BC09FF433FB70EB4CB28F0CBF3CA98DCB71B244B85B194.css @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +/* +Name: Duotone Space +Author: Simurai, adapted from DuoTone themes for Atom ( + +Conversion: Bram de Haan ( +Generated with Base16 Builder ( +*/ + +code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-space, +pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-space { + font-family: Consolas, Menlo, Monaco, "Andale Mono WT", "Andale Mono", "Lucida Console", "Lucida Sans Typewriter", "DejaVu Sans Mono", "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", "Liberation Mono", "Nimbus Mono L", "Courier New", Courier, monospace; + font-size: 14px; + line-height: 1.375; + direction: ltr; + text-align: left; + white-space: pre; + word-spacing: normal; + word-break: normal; + + -moz-tab-size: 4; + -o-tab-size: 4; + tab-size: 4; + + -webkit-hyphens: none; + -moz-hyphens: none; + -ms-hyphens: none; + hyphens: none; + background: #24242e; + color: #767693; +} + +pre > code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-space { + font-size: 1em; +} + +pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-space::-moz-selection, pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-space ::-moz-selection, +code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-space::-moz-selection, code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-space ::-moz-selection { + text-shadow: none; + background: #5151e6; +} + +pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-space::selection, pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-space ::selection, +code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-space::selection, code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-space ::selection { + text-shadow: none; + background: #5151e6; +} + +/* Code blocks */ +pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-space { + padding: 1em; + margin: .5em 0; + overflow: auto; +} + +/* Inline code */ +:not(pre) > code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-space { + padding: .1em; + border-radius: .3em; +} + +.duotone-theme-space .token.comment, +.duotone-theme-space .token.prolog, +.duotone-theme-space .token.doctype, +.duotone-theme-space .token.cdata { + color: #5b5b76; +} + +.duotone-theme-space .token.punctuation { + color: #5b5b76; +} + +.duotone-theme-space .token.namespace { + opacity: .7; +} + +.duotone-theme-space .token.tag, +.duotone-theme-space .token.operator, +.duotone-theme-space .token.number { + color: #dd672c; +} + +.duotone-theme-space, +.duotone-theme-space .token.function { + color: #767693; +} + +.duotone-theme-space .token.tag-id, +.duotone-theme-space .token.selector, +.duotone-theme-space .token.atrule-id { + color: #ebebff; +} + +code.language-javascript, +.duotone-theme-space .token.attr-name { + color: #aaaaca; +} + +code.language-css, +code.language-scss, +.duotone-theme-space .token.boolean, +.duotone-theme-space .token.string, +.duotone-theme-space .token.entity, +.duotone-theme-space .token.url, +.language-css .duotone-theme-space .token.string, +.language-scss .duotone-theme-space .token.string, .duotone-theme-space .token.string, +.duotone-theme-space .token.attr-value, +.duotone-theme-space .token.keyword, +.duotone-theme-space .token.control, +.duotone-theme-space .token.directive, +.duotone-theme-space .token.unit, +.duotone-theme-space .token.statement, +.duotone-theme-space .token.regex, +.duotone-theme-space .token.atrule { + color: #fe8c52; +} + +.duotone-theme-space .token.placeholder, +.duotone-theme-space .token.variable { + color: #fe8c52; +} + +.duotone-theme-space .token.deleted { + text-decoration: line-through; +} + +.duotone-theme-space .token.inserted { + border-bottom: 1px dotted #ebebff; + text-decoration: none; +} + +.duotone-theme-space .token.italic { + font-style: italic; +} + +.duotone-theme-space .token.important, +.duotone-theme-space .token.bold { + font-weight: bold; +} + +.duotone-theme-space .token.important { + color: #aaaaca; +} + +.duotone-theme-space .token.entity { + cursor: help; +} + +pre > code.highlight { + outline: .4em solid #7676f4; + outline-offset: .4em; +} + +/* overrides color-values for the Line Numbers plugin + * + */ +.line-numbers.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows { + border-right-color: #262631; +} + +.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows > span:before { + color: #393949; +} + +/* overrides color-values for the Line Highlight plugin +* +*/ +.line-highlight.line-highlight { + background: rgba(221, 103, 44, 0.2); + background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, rgba(221, 103, 44, 0.2) 70%, rgba(221, 103, 44, 0)); + background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(221, 103, 44, 0.2) 70%, rgba(221, 103, 44, 0)); +} diff --git a/code-theme-60E02531E77333F3F1B636C4FC43E976EA9F41AD75268B2DD825C33C68B573A6.css b/code-theme-60E02531E77333F3F1B636C4FC43E976EA9F41AD75268B2DD825C33C68B573A6.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0353aa3 --- /dev/null +++ b/code-theme-60E02531E77333F3F1B636C4FC43E976EA9F41AD75268B2DD825C33C68B573A6.css @@ -0,0 +1,428 @@ +/** + * One Light theme for prism.js + * Based on Atom's One Light theme: + */ + +/** + * One Light colours (accurate as of commit eb064bf on 19 Feb 2021) + * From colors.less + * --mono-1: hsl(230, 8%, 24%); + * --mono-2: hsl(230, 6%, 44%); + * --mono-3: hsl(230, 4%, 64%) + * --hue-1: hsl(198, 99%, 37%); + * --hue-2: hsl(221, 87%, 60%); + * --hue-3: hsl(301, 63%, 40%); + * --hue-4: hsl(119, 34%, 47%); + * --hue-5: hsl(5, 74%, 59%); + * --hue-5-2: hsl(344, 84%, 43%); + * --hue-6: hsl(35, 99%, 36%); + * --hue-6-2: hsl(35, 99%, 40%); + * --syntax-fg: hsl(230, 8%, 24%); + * --syntax-bg: hsl(230, 1%, 98%); + * --syntax-gutter: hsl(230, 1%, 62%); + * --syntax-guide: hsla(230, 8%, 24%, 0.2); + * --syntax-accent: hsl(230, 100%, 66%); + * From syntax-variables.less + * --syntax-selection-color: hsl(230, 1%, 90%); + * --syntax-gutter-background-color-selected: hsl(230, 1%, 90%); + * --syntax-cursor-line: hsla(230, 8%, 24%, 0.05); + */ + +code[class*="language-"].one-theme-light, +pre[class*="language-"].one-theme-light { + background: hsl(230, 1%, 98%); + color: hsl(230, 8%, 24%); + font-family: "Fira Code", "Fira Mono", Menlo, Consolas, "DejaVu Sans Mono", monospace; + direction: ltr; + text-align: left; + white-space: pre; + word-spacing: normal; + word-break: normal; + line-height: 1.5; + -moz-tab-size: 2; + -o-tab-size: 2; + tab-size: 2; + -webkit-hyphens: none; + -moz-hyphens: none; + -ms-hyphens: none; + hyphens: none; +} + +/* Selection */ +code[class*="language-"].one-theme-light::-moz-selection, +code[class*="language-"].one-theme-light *::-moz-selection, +pre[class*="language-"].one-theme-light *::-moz-selection { + background: hsl(230, 1%, 90%); + color: inherit; +} + +code[class*="language-"].one-theme-light::selection, +code[class*="language-"].one-theme-light *::selection, +pre[class*="language-"].one-theme-light *::selection { + background: hsl(230, 1%, 90%); + color: inherit; +} + +/* Code blocks */ +pre[class*="language-"].one-theme-light { + padding: 1em; + margin: 0.5em 0; + overflow: auto; + border-radius: 0.3em; +} + +/* Inline code */ +:not(pre) > code[class*="language-"].one-theme-light { + padding: 0.2em 0.3em; + border-radius: 0.3em; + white-space: normal; +} + .token.comment, .token.prolog, .token.cdata { + color: hsl(230, 4%, 64%); +} + .token.doctype, .token.punctuation, .token.entity { + color: hsl(230, 8%, 24%); +} + .token.attr-name, .token.class-name, .token.boolean, .token.constant, .token.number, .token.atrule { + color: hsl(35, 99%, 36%); +} + .token.keyword { + color: hsl(301, 63%, 40%); +} +, .token.tag, .token.symbol, .token.deleted, .token.important { + color: hsl(5, 74%, 59%); +} + .token.selector, .token.string, .token.char, .token.builtin, .token.inserted, .token.regex, .token.attr-value, .token.attr-value > .one-theme-light .token.punctuation { + color: hsl(119, 34%, 47%); +} + .token.variable, .token.operator, .token.function { + color: hsl(221, 87%, 60%); +} + .token.url { + color: hsl(198, 99%, 37%); +} + +/* HTML overrides */ .token.attr-value > .one-theme-light .token.punctuation.attr-equals, .token.special-attr > .one-theme-light .token.attr-value > .one-theme-light .token.value.css { + color: hsl(230, 8%, 24%); +} + +/* CSS overrides */ +.language-css .one-theme-light .token.selector { + color: hsl(5, 74%, 59%); +} + +.language-css .one-theme-light { + color: hsl(230, 8%, 24%); +} + +.language-css .one-theme-light .token.function, +.language-css .one-theme-light .token.url > .one-theme-light .token.function { + color: hsl(198, 99%, 37%); +} + +.language-css .one-theme-light .token.url > .one-theme-light .token.string.url { + color: hsl(119, 34%, 47%); +} + +.language-css .one-theme-light .token.important, +.language-css .one-theme-light .token.atrule .one-theme-light .token.rule { + color: hsl(301, 63%, 40%); +} + +/* JS overrides */ +.language-javascript .one-theme-light .token.operator { + color: hsl(301, 63%, 40%); +} + +.language-javascript .one-theme-light .token.template-string > .one-theme-light .token.interpolation > .one-theme-light .token.interpolation-punctuation.punctuation { + color: hsl(344, 84%, 43%); +} + +/* JSON overrides */ +.language-json .one-theme-light .token.operator { + color: hsl(230, 8%, 24%); +} + +.language-json .one-theme-light .token.null.keyword { + color: hsl(35, 99%, 36%); +} + +/* MD overrides */ +.language-markdown .one-theme-light .token.url, +.language-markdown .one-theme-light .token.url > .one-theme-light .token.operator, +.language-markdown .one-theme-light .token.url-reference.url > .one-theme-light .token.string { + color: hsl(230, 8%, 24%); +} + +.language-markdown .one-theme-light .token.url > .one-theme-light .token.content { + color: hsl(221, 87%, 60%); +} + +.language-markdown .one-theme-light .token.url > .one-theme-light .token.url, +.language-markdown .one-theme-light .token.url-reference.url { + color: hsl(198, 99%, 37%); +} + +.language-markdown .one-theme-light .token.blockquote.punctuation, +.language-markdown .one-theme-light { + color: hsl(230, 4%, 64%); + font-style: italic; +} + +.language-markdown .one-theme-light .token.code-snippet { + color: hsl(119, 34%, 47%); +} + +.language-markdown .one-theme-light .token.bold .one-theme-light .token.content { + color: hsl(35, 99%, 36%); +} + +.language-markdown .one-theme-light .token.italic .one-theme-light .token.content { + color: hsl(301, 63%, 40%); +} + +.language-markdown .one-theme-light .token.strike .one-theme-light .token.content, +.language-markdown .one-theme-light .token.strike .one-theme-light .token.punctuation, +.language-markdown .one-theme-light .token.list.punctuation, +.language-markdown .one-theme-light .token.title.important > .one-theme-light .token.punctuation { + color: hsl(5, 74%, 59%); +} + +/* General */ .token.bold { + font-weight: bold; +} + .token.comment, .token.italic { + font-style: italic; +} + .token.entity { + cursor: help; +} + .token.namespace { + opacity: 0.8; +} + +/* Plugin overrides */ +/* Selectors should have higher specificity than those in the plugins' default stylesheets */ + +/* Show Invisibles plugin overrides */,, .token.lf:before, { + color: hsla(230, 8%, 24%, 0.2); +} + +/* Toolbar plugin overrides */ +/* Space out all buttons and move them away from the right edge of the code block */ +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item { + margin-right: 0.4em; +} + +/* Styling the buttons */ +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > button, +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > a, +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > span { + background: hsl(230, 1%, 90%); + color: hsl(230, 6%, 44%); + padding: 0.1em 0.4em; + border-radius: 0.3em; +} + +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > button:hover, +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > button:focus, +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > a:hover, +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > a:focus, +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > span:hover, +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > span:focus { + background: hsl(230, 1%, 78%); /* custom: darken(--syntax-bg, 20%) */ + color: hsl(230, 8%, 24%); +} + +/* Line Highlight plugin overrides */ +/* The highlighted line itself */ +.line-highlight.line-highlight { + background: hsla(230, 8%, 24%, 0.05); +} + +/* Default line numbers in Line Highlight plugin */ +.line-highlight.line-highlight:before, +.line-highlight.line-highlight[data-end]:after { + background: hsl(230, 1%, 90%); + color: hsl(230, 8%, 24%); + padding: 0.1em 0.6em; + border-radius: 0.3em; + box-shadow: 0 2px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); /* same as Toolbar plugin default */ +} + +/* Hovering over a linkable line number (in the gutter area) */ +/* Requires Line Numbers plugin as well */ +pre[id].linkable-line-numbers.linkable-line-numbers span.line-numbers-rows > span:hover:before { + background-color: hsla(230, 8%, 24%, 0.05); +} + +/* Line Numbers and Command Line plugins overrides */ +/* Line separating gutter from coding area */ +.line-numbers.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows, +.command-line .command-line-prompt { + border-right-color: hsla(230, 8%, 24%, 0.2); +} + +/* Stuff in the gutter */ +.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows > span:before, +.command-line .command-line-prompt > span:before { + color: hsl(230, 1%, 62%); +} + +/* Match Braces plugin overrides */ +/* Note: Outline colour is inherited from the braces */ +.rainbow-braces .one-theme-light .token.punctuation.brace-level-1, +.rainbow-braces .one-theme-light .token.punctuation.brace-level-5, +.rainbow-braces .one-theme-light .token.punctuation.brace-level-9 { + color: hsl(5, 74%, 59%); +} + +.rainbow-braces .one-theme-light .token.punctuation.brace-level-2, +.rainbow-braces .one-theme-light .token.punctuation.brace-level-6, +.rainbow-braces .one-theme-light .token.punctuation.brace-level-10 { + color: hsl(119, 34%, 47%); +} + +.rainbow-braces .one-theme-light .token.punctuation.brace-level-3, +.rainbow-braces .one-theme-light .token.punctuation.brace-level-7, +.rainbow-braces .one-theme-light .token.punctuation.brace-level-11 { + color: hsl(221, 87%, 60%); +} + +.rainbow-braces .one-theme-light .token.punctuation.brace-level-4, +.rainbow-braces .one-theme-light .token.punctuation.brace-level-8, +.rainbow-braces .one-theme-light .token.punctuation.brace-level-12 { + color: hsl(301, 63%, 40%); +} + +/* Diff Highlight plugin overrides */ +/* Taken from */ +pre.diff-highlight > code .one-theme-light .token.deleted:not(.prefix), +pre > code.diff-highlight .one-theme-light .token.deleted:not(.prefix) { + background-color: hsla(353, 100%, 66%, 0.15); +} + +pre.diff-highlight > code .one-theme-light .token.deleted:not(.prefix)::-moz-selection, +pre.diff-highlight > code .one-theme-light .token.deleted:not(.prefix) *::-moz-selection, +pre > code.diff-highlight .one-theme-light .token.deleted:not(.prefix)::-moz-selection, +pre > code.diff-highlight .one-theme-light .token.deleted:not(.prefix) *::-moz-selection { + background-color: hsla(353, 95%, 66%, 0.25); +} + +pre.diff-highlight > code .one-theme-light .token.deleted:not(.prefix)::selection, +pre.diff-highlight > code .one-theme-light .token.deleted:not(.prefix) *::selection, +pre > code.diff-highlight .one-theme-light .token.deleted:not(.prefix)::selection, +pre > code.diff-highlight .one-theme-light .token.deleted:not(.prefix) *::selection { + background-color: hsla(353, 95%, 66%, 0.25); +} + +pre.diff-highlight > code .one-theme-light .token.inserted:not(.prefix), +pre > code.diff-highlight .one-theme-light .token.inserted:not(.prefix) { + background-color: hsla(137, 100%, 55%, 0.15); +} + +pre.diff-highlight > code .one-theme-light .token.inserted:not(.prefix)::-moz-selection, +pre.diff-highlight > code .one-theme-light .token.inserted:not(.prefix) *::-moz-selection, +pre > code.diff-highlight .one-theme-light .token.inserted:not(.prefix)::-moz-selection, +pre > code.diff-highlight .one-theme-light .token.inserted:not(.prefix) *::-moz-selection { + background-color: hsla(135, 73%, 55%, 0.25); +} + +pre.diff-highlight > code .one-theme-light .token.inserted:not(.prefix)::selection, +pre.diff-highlight > code .one-theme-light .token.inserted:not(.prefix) *::selection, +pre > code.diff-highlight .one-theme-light .token.inserted:not(.prefix)::selection, +pre > code.diff-highlight .one-theme-light .token.inserted:not(.prefix) *::selection { + background-color: hsla(135, 73%, 55%, 0.25); +} + +/* Previewers plugin overrides */ +/* Based on and */ +/* Border around popup */ +.prism-previewer.prism-previewer:before, +.prism-previewer-gradient.prism-previewer-gradient div { + border-color: hsl(0, 0, 95%); +} + +/* Angle and time should remain as circles and are hence not included */ +.prism-previewer-color.prism-previewer-color:before, +.prism-previewer-gradient.prism-previewer-gradient div, +.prism-previewer-easing.prism-previewer-easing:before { + border-radius: 0.3em; +} + +/* Triangles pointing to the code */ +.prism-previewer.prism-previewer:after { + border-top-color: hsl(0, 0, 95%); +} + +.prism-previewer-flipped.prism-previewer-flipped.after { + border-bottom-color: hsl(0, 0, 95%); +} + +/* Background colour within the popup */ +.prism-previewer-angle.prism-previewer-angle:before, +.prism-previewer-time.prism-previewer-time:before, +.prism-previewer-easing.prism-previewer-easing { + background: hsl(0, 0%, 100%); +} + +/* For angle, this is the positive area (eg. 90deg will display one quadrant in this colour) */ +/* For time, this is the alternate colour */ +.prism-previewer-angle.prism-previewer-angle circle, +.prism-previewer-time.prism-previewer-time circle { + stroke: hsl(230, 8%, 24%); + stroke-opacity: 1; +} + +/* Stroke colours of the handle, direction point, and vector itself */ +.prism-previewer-easing.prism-previewer-easing circle, +.prism-previewer-easing.prism-previewer-easing path, +.prism-previewer-easing.prism-previewer-easing line { + stroke: hsl(230, 8%, 24%); +} + +/* Fill colour of the handle */ +.prism-previewer-easing.prism-previewer-easing circle { + fill: transparent; +} diff --git a/code-theme-6EB6F03F9F578742CA0CD1189693E43A6135D910989ADD88CA3C0D6117EE24D7.css b/code-theme-6EB6F03F9F578742CA0CD1189693E43A6135D910989ADD88CA3C0D6117EE24D7.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96ee075 --- /dev/null +++ b/code-theme-6EB6F03F9F578742CA0CD1189693E43A6135D910989ADD88CA3C0D6117EE24D7.css @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +/* +Name: Duotone Earth +Author: Simurai, adapted from DuoTone themes for Atom ( + +Conversion: Bram de Haan ( +Generated with Base16 Builder ( +*/ + +code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-earth, +pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-earth { + font-family: Consolas, Menlo, Monaco, "Andale Mono WT", "Andale Mono", "Lucida Console", "Lucida Sans Typewriter", "DejaVu Sans Mono", "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", "Liberation Mono", "Nimbus Mono L", "Courier New", Courier, monospace; + font-size: 14px; + line-height: 1.375; + direction: ltr; + text-align: left; + white-space: pre; + word-spacing: normal; + word-break: normal; + + -moz-tab-size: 4; + -o-tab-size: 4; + tab-size: 4; + + -webkit-hyphens: none; + -moz-hyphens: none; + -ms-hyphens: none; + hyphens: none; + background: #322d29; + color: #88786d; +} + +pre > code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-earth { + font-size: 1em; +} + +pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-earth::-moz-selection, pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-earth ::-moz-selection, +code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-earth::-moz-selection, code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-earth ::-moz-selection { + text-shadow: none; + background: #6f5849; +} + +pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-earth::selection, pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-earth ::selection, +code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-earth::selection, code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-earth ::selection { + text-shadow: none; + background: #6f5849; +} + +/* Code blocks */ +pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-earth { + padding: 1em; + margin: .5em 0; + overflow: auto; +} + +/* Inline code */ +:not(pre) > code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-earth { + padding: .1em; + border-radius: .3em; +} + +.duotone-theme-earth .token.comment, +.duotone-theme-earth .token.prolog, +.duotone-theme-earth .token.doctype, +.duotone-theme-earth .token.cdata { + color: #6a5f58; +} + +.duotone-theme-earth .token.punctuation { + color: #6a5f58; +} + +.duotone-theme-earth .token.namespace { + opacity: .7; +} + +.duotone-theme-earth .token.tag, +.duotone-theme-earth .token.operator, +.duotone-theme-earth .token.number { + color: #bfa05a; +} + +.duotone-theme-earth, +.duotone-theme-earth .token.function { + color: #88786d; +} + +.duotone-theme-earth .token.tag-id, +.duotone-theme-earth .token.selector, +.duotone-theme-earth .token.atrule-id { + color: #fff3eb; +} + +code.language-javascript, +.duotone-theme-earth .token.attr-name { + color: #a48774; +} + +code.language-css, +code.language-scss, +.duotone-theme-earth .token.boolean, +.duotone-theme-earth .token.string, +.duotone-theme-earth .token.entity, +.duotone-theme-earth .token.url, +.language-css .duotone-theme-earth .token.string, +.language-scss .duotone-theme-earth .token.string, .duotone-theme-earth .token.string, +.duotone-theme-earth .token.attr-value, +.duotone-theme-earth .token.keyword, +.duotone-theme-earth .token.control, +.duotone-theme-earth .token.directive, +.duotone-theme-earth .token.unit, +.duotone-theme-earth .token.statement, +.duotone-theme-earth .token.regex, +.duotone-theme-earth .token.atrule { + color: #fcc440; +} + +.duotone-theme-earth .token.placeholder, +.duotone-theme-earth .token.variable { + color: #fcc440; +} + +.duotone-theme-earth .token.deleted { + text-decoration: line-through; +} + +.duotone-theme-earth .token.inserted { + border-bottom: 1px dotted #fff3eb; + text-decoration: none; +} + +.duotone-theme-earth .token.italic { + font-style: italic; +} + +.duotone-theme-earth .token.important, +.duotone-theme-earth .token.bold { + font-weight: bold; +} + +.duotone-theme-earth .token.important { + color: #a48774; +} + +.duotone-theme-earth .token.entity { + cursor: help; +} + +pre > code.highlight { + outline: .4em solid #816d5f; + outline-offset: .4em; +} + +/* overrides color-values for the Line Numbers plugin + * + */ +.line-numbers.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows { + border-right-color: #35302b; +} + +.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows > span:before { + color: #46403d; +} + +/* overrides color-values for the Line Highlight plugin +* +*/ +.line-highlight.line-highlight { + background: rgba(191, 160, 90, 0.2); + background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, rgba(191, 160, 90, 0.2) 70%, rgba(191, 160, 90, 0)); + background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(191, 160, 90, 0.2) 70%, rgba(191, 160, 90, 0)); +} diff --git a/code-theme-7852E516BA094B01897820BB3432BE553FE5B28F00E9CA0EBC9DFFB8312EE8BF.css b/code-theme-7852E516BA094B01897820BB3432BE553FE5B28F00E9CA0EBC9DFFB8312EE8BF.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c4e4d34 --- /dev/null +++ b/code-theme-7852E516BA094B01897820BB3432BE553FE5B28F00E9CA0EBC9DFFB8312EE8BF.css @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +/** + * VS theme by Andrew Lock ( + * Inspired by Visual Studio syntax coloring + */ + +code[class*="language-"].vs-theme-light, +pre[class*="language-"].vs-theme-light { + color: #393A34; + font-family: "Consolas", "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", "Courier New", Courier, monospace; + direction: ltr; + text-align: left; + white-space: pre; + word-spacing: normal; + word-break: normal; + font-size: .9em; + line-height: 1.2em; + + -moz-tab-size: 4; + -o-tab-size: 4; + tab-size: 4; + + -webkit-hyphens: none; + -moz-hyphens: none; + -ms-hyphens: none; + hyphens: none; +} + +pre > code[class*="language-"].vs-theme-light { + font-size: 1em; +} + +pre[class*="language-"].vs-theme-light::-moz-selection, pre[class*="language-"].vs-theme-light ::-moz-selection, +code[class*="language-"].vs-theme-light::-moz-selection, code[class*="language-"].vs-theme-light ::-moz-selection { + background: #C1DEF1; +} + +pre[class*="language-"].vs-theme-light::selection, pre[class*="language-"].vs-theme-light ::selection, +code[class*="language-"].vs-theme-light::selection, code[class*="language-"].vs-theme-light ::selection { + background: #C1DEF1; +} + +/* Code blocks */ +pre[class*="language-"].vs-theme-light { + padding: 1em; + margin: .5em 0; + overflow: auto; + border: 1px solid #dddddd; + background-color: white; +} + +/* Inline code */ +:not(pre) > code[class*="language-"].vs-theme-light { + padding: .2em; + padding-top: 1px; + padding-bottom: 1px; + background: #f8f8f8; + border: 1px solid #dddddd; +} + +.vs-theme-light .token.comment, +.vs-theme-light .token.prolog, +.vs-theme-light .token.doctype, +.vs-theme-light .token.cdata { + color: #008000; + font-style: italic; +} + +.vs-theme-light .token.namespace { + opacity: .7; +} + +.vs-theme-light .token.string { + color: #A31515; +} + +.vs-theme-light .token.punctuation, +.vs-theme-light .token.operator { + color: #393A34; /* no highlight */ +} + +.vs-theme-light .token.url, +.vs-theme-light .token.symbol, +.vs-theme-light .token.number, +.vs-theme-light .token.boolean, +.vs-theme-light .token.variable, +.vs-theme-light .token.constant, +.vs-theme-light .token.inserted { + color: #36acaa; +} + +.vs-theme-light .token.atrule, +.vs-theme-light .token.keyword, +.vs-theme-light .token.attr-value, +.language-autohotkey .vs-theme-light .token.selector, +.language-json .vs-theme-light .token.boolean, +.language-json .vs-theme-light .token.number, +code[class*="language-css"] { + color: #0000ff; +} + +.vs-theme-light .token.function { + color: #393A34; +} + +.vs-theme-light .token.deleted, +.language-autohotkey .vs-theme-light .token.tag { + color: #9a050f; +} + +.vs-theme-light .token.selector, +.language-autohotkey .vs-theme-light .token.keyword { + color: #00009f; +} + +.vs-theme-light .token.important { + color: #e90; +} + +.vs-theme-light .token.important, +.vs-theme-light .token.bold { + font-weight: bold; +} + +.vs-theme-light .token.italic { + font-style: italic; +} + +.vs-theme-light .token.class-name, +.language-json .vs-theme-light { + color: #2B91AF; +} + +.vs-theme-light .token.tag, +.vs-theme-light .token.selector { + color: #800000; +} + +.vs-theme-light .token.attr-name, +.vs-theme-light, +.vs-theme-light .token.regex, +.vs-theme-light .token.entity { + color: #ff0000; +} + +.vs-theme-light .token.directive.tag .tag { + background: #ffff00; + color: #393A34; +} + +/* overrides color-values for the Line Numbers plugin + * + */ +.line-numbers.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows { + border-right-color: #a5a5a5; +} + +.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows > span:before { + color: #2B91AF; +} + +/* overrides color-values for the Line Highlight plugin +* +*/ +.line-highlight.line-highlight { + background: rgba(193, 222, 241, 0.2); + background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, rgba(193, 222, 241, 0.2) 70%, rgba(221, 222, 241, 0)); + background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(193, 222, 241, 0.2) 70%, rgba(221, 222, 241, 0)); +} diff --git a/code-theme-792C7BB9F4C8DFF3E0CBC354D2084DBF71BC5750C2C1357F0E7D936867AFAB62.css b/code-theme-792C7BB9F4C8DFF3E0CBC354D2084DBF71BC5750C2C1357F0E7D936867AFAB62.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8f0bbb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/code-theme-792C7BB9F4C8DFF3E0CBC354D2084DBF71BC5750C2C1357F0E7D936867AFAB62.css @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ +/* + * Z-Toch + * by Zeel Codder + * + * + */ +code[class*="language-"].ztouch-theme, +pre[class*="language-"].ztouch-theme { + color: #22da17; + font-family: monospace; + text-align: left; + white-space: pre; + word-spacing: normal; + word-break: normal; + word-wrap: normal; + -moz-tab-size: 4; + -o-tab-size: 4; + tab-size: 4; + -webkit-hyphens: none; + -moz-hyphens: none; + -ms-hyphens: none; + hyphens: none; + line-height: 25px; + font-size: 18px; + margin: 5px 0; +} + +pre[class*="language-"].ztouch-theme * { + font-family: monospace; +} + +:not(pre) > code[class*="language-"].ztouch-theme, +pre[class*="language-"].ztouch-theme { + color: white; + background: #0a143c; + padding: 22px; +} + +/* Code blocks */ +pre[class*="language-"].ztouch-theme { + padding: 1em; + margin: 0.5em 0; + overflow: auto; +} + +pre[class*="language-"].ztouch-theme::-moz-selection, +pre[class*="language-"].ztouch-theme ::-moz-selection, +code[class*="language-"].ztouch-theme::-moz-selection, +code[class*="language-"].ztouch-theme ::-moz-selection { + text-shadow: none; + background: rgba(29, 59, 83, 0.99); +} + +pre[class*="language-"].ztouch-theme::selection, +pre[class*="language-"].ztouch-theme ::selection, +code[class*="language-"].ztouch-theme::selection, +code[class*="language-"].ztouch-theme ::selection { + text-shadow: none; + background: rgba(29, 59, 83, 0.99); +} + +@media print { + code[class*="language-"].ztouch-theme, + pre[class*="language-"].ztouch-theme { + text-shadow: none; + } +} + +:not(pre) > code[class*="language-"].ztouch-theme { + padding: 0.1em; + border-radius: 0.3em; + white-space: normal; +} + +.ztouch-theme .token.comment, +.ztouch-theme .token.prolog, +.ztouch-theme .token.cdata { + color: rgb(99, 119, 119); + font-style: italic; +} + +.ztouch-theme .token.punctuation { + color: rgb(199, 146, 234); +} + +.namespace { + color: rgb(178, 204, 214); +} + +.ztouch-theme .token.deleted { + color: rgba(239, 83, 80, 0.56); + font-style: italic; +} + +.ztouch-theme .token.symbol, +.ztouch-theme { + color: rgb(128, 203, 196); +} + +.ztouch-theme .token.tag, +.ztouch-theme .token.operator, +.ztouch-theme .token.keyword { + color: rgb(127, 219, 202); +} + +.ztouch-theme .token.boolean { + color: rgb(255, 88, 116); +} + +.ztouch-theme .token.number { + color: rgb(247, 140, 108); +} + +.ztouch-theme .token.constant, +.ztouch-theme .token.function, +.ztouch-theme .token.builtin, +.ztouch-theme .token.char { + color: rgb(34 183 199); +} + +.ztouch-theme .token.selector, +.ztouch-theme .token.doctype { + color: rgb(199, 146, 234); + font-style: italic; +} + +.ztouch-theme .token.attr-name, +.ztouch-theme .token.inserted { + color: rgb(173, 219, 103); + font-style: italic; +} + +.ztouch-theme .token.string, +.ztouch-theme .token.url, +.ztouch-theme .token.entity, +.language-css .ztouch-theme .token.string, .ztouch-theme .token.string { + color: rgb(173, 219, 103); +} + +.ztouch-theme .token.class-name, +.ztouch-theme .token.atrule, +.ztouch-theme .token.attr-value { + color: rgb(255, 203, 139); +} + +.ztouch-theme .token.regex, +.ztouch-theme .token.important, +.ztouch-theme .token.variable { + color: rgb(214, 222, 235); +} + +.ztouch-theme .token.important, +.ztouch-theme .token.bold { + font-weight: bold; +} + +.ztouch-theme .token.italic { + font-style: italic; +} diff --git a/code-theme-88F91252A8A0EA125B4BA2C7B85E65580DB580F1477931AADCB5118E4E69D1CD.css b/code-theme-88F91252A8A0EA125B4BA2C7B85E65580DB580F1477931AADCB5118E4E69D1CD.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a4fd66e --- /dev/null +++ b/code-theme-88F91252A8A0EA125B4BA2C7B85E65580DB580F1477931AADCB5118E4E69D1CD.css @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ +/** + * MIT License + * Copyright (c) 2018 Sarah Drasner + * Sarah Drasner's[@sdras] Night Owl + * Ported by Sara vieria [@SaraVieira] + * Added by Souvik Mandal [@SimpleIndian] + */ + +code[class*="language-"].nightowl-theme, +pre[class*="language-"].nightowl-theme { + color: #d6deeb; + font-family: Consolas, Monaco, "Andale Mono", "Ubuntu Mono", monospace; + text-align: left; + white-space: pre; + word-spacing: normal; + word-break: normal; + word-wrap: normal; + line-height: 1.5; + font-size: 1em; + + -moz-tab-size: 4; + -o-tab-size: 4; + tab-size: 4; + + -webkit-hyphens: none; + -moz-hyphens: none; + -ms-hyphens: none; + hyphens: none; +} + +pre[class*="language-"].nightowl-theme::-moz-selection, +pre[class*="language-"].nightowl-theme::-moz-selection, +code[class*="language-"].nightowl-theme::-moz-selection, +code[class*="language-"].nightowl-theme::-moz-selection { + text-shadow: none; + background: rgba(29, 59, 83, 0.99); +} + +pre[class*="language-"].nightowl-theme::selection, +pre[class*="language-"].nightowl-theme ::selection, +code[class*="language-"].nightowl-theme::selection, +code[class*="language-"].nightowl-theme ::selection { + text-shadow: none; + background: rgba(29, 59, 83, 0.99); +} + +@media print { + code[class*="language-"].nightowl-theme, + pre[class*="language-"].nightowl-theme { + text-shadow: none; + } +} + +/* Code blocks */ +pre[class*="language-"].nightowl-theme { + padding: 1em; + margin: 0.5em 0; + overflow: auto; +} + +:not(pre) > code[class*="language-"].nightowl-theme, +pre[class*="language-"].nightowl-theme { + color: white; + background: #011627; +} + +:not(pre) > code[class*="language-"].nightowl-theme { + padding: 0.1em; + border-radius: 0.3em; + white-space: normal; +} + +.nightowl-theme .token.comment, +.nightowl-theme .token.prolog, +.nightowl-theme .token.cdata { + color: rgb(99, 119, 119); + font-style: italic; +} + +.nightowl-theme .token.punctuation { + color: rgb(199, 146, 234); +} + +.namespace { + color: rgb(178, 204, 214); +} + +.nightowl-theme .token.deleted { + color: rgba(239, 83, 80, 0.56); + font-style: italic; +} + +.nightowl-theme .token.symbol, +.nightowl-theme { + color: rgb(128, 203, 196); +} + +.nightowl-theme .token.tag, +.nightowl-theme .token.operator, +.nightowl-theme .token.keyword { + color: rgb(127, 219, 202); +} + +.nightowl-theme .token.boolean { + color: rgb(255, 88, 116); +} + +.nightowl-theme .token.number { + color: rgb(247, 140, 108); +} + +.nightowl-theme .token.constant, +.nightowl-theme .token.function, +.nightowl-theme .token.builtin, +.nightowl-theme .token.char { + color: rgb(130, 170, 255); +} + +.nightowl-theme .token.selector, +.nightowl-theme .token.doctype { + color: rgb(199, 146, 234); + font-style: italic; +} + +.nightowl-theme .token.attr-name, +.nightowl-theme .token.inserted { + color: rgb(173, 219, 103); + font-style: italic; +} + +.nightowl-theme 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color: #39adb5; +} + +.material-theme-light .token.class-name { + color: #6182b8; +} + +.material-theme-light .token.comment { + color: #aabfc9; +} + +.material-theme-light .token.constant { + color: #7c4dff; +} + +.material-theme-light .token.deleted { + color: #e53935; +} + +.material-theme-light .token.doctype { + color: #aabfc9; +} + +.material-theme-light .token.entity { + color: #e53935; +} + +.material-theme-light .token.function { + color: #7c4dff; +} + +.material-theme-light .token.hexcode { + color: #f76d47; +} + +.material-theme-light { + color: #7c4dff; + font-weight: bold; +} + +.material-theme-light .token.important { + color: #7c4dff; + font-weight: bold; +} + +.material-theme-light .token.inserted { + color: #39adb5; +} + +.material-theme-light .token.keyword { + color: #7c4dff; +} + +.material-theme-light .token.number { + color: #f76d47; +} + +.material-theme-light .token.operator { + color: #39adb5; +} + +.material-theme-light .token.prolog { + color: #aabfc9; +} + 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color: #80cbc4; +} + +.material-theme-dark .token.char { + color: #80cbc4; +} + +.material-theme-dark .token.class { + color: #ffcb6b; +} + +.material-theme-dark .token.class-name { + color: #f2ff00; +} + +.material-theme-dark .token.comment { + color: #616161; +} + +.material-theme-dark .token.constant { + color: #c792ea; +} + +.material-theme-dark .token.deleted { + color: #ff6666; +} + +.material-theme-dark .token.doctype { + color: #616161; +} + +.material-theme-dark .token.entity { + color: #ff6666; +} + +.material-theme-dark .token.function { + color: #c792ea; +} + +.material-theme-dark .token.hexcode { + color: #f2ff00; +} + +.material-theme-dark { + color: #c792ea; + font-weight: bold; +} + +.material-theme-dark .token.important { + color: #c792ea; + font-weight: bold; +} + +.material-theme-dark .token.inserted { + color: #80cbc4; +} + +.material-theme-dark .token.keyword { + color: #c792ea; +} + +.material-theme-dark .token.number { + color: #fd9170; +} + +.material-theme-dark 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hyphens: none; + background: #2a2734; + color: #9a86fd; +} + +pre > code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-dark { + font-size: 1em; +} + +pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-dark::-moz-selection, pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-dark ::-moz-selection, +code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-dark::-moz-selection, code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-dark ::-moz-selection { + text-shadow: none; + background: #6a51e6; +} + +pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-dark::selection, pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-dark ::selection, +code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-dark::selection, code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-dark ::selection { + text-shadow: none; + background: #6a51e6; +} + +/* Code blocks */ +pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-dark { + padding: 1em; + margin: .5em 0; + overflow: auto; +} + +/* Inline code */ +:not(pre) > code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-dark { + padding: .1em; + border-radius: .3em; +} + +.duotone-theme-dark .token.comment, +.duotone-theme-dark .token.prolog, +.duotone-theme-dark .token.doctype, +.duotone-theme-dark .token.cdata { + color: #6c6783; +} + +.duotone-theme-dark .token.punctuation { + color: #6c6783; +} + +.duotone-theme-dark .token.namespace { + opacity: .7; +} + +.duotone-theme-dark .token.tag, +.duotone-theme-dark .token.operator, +.duotone-theme-dark .token.number { + color: #e09142; +} + +.duotone-theme-dark, +.duotone-theme-dark .token.function { + color: #9a86fd; +} + +.duotone-theme-dark .token.tag-id, +.duotone-theme-dark .token.selector, +.duotone-theme-dark .token.atrule-id { + color: #eeebff; +} + +code.language-javascript, +.duotone-theme-dark .token.attr-name { + color: #c4b9fe; +} + +code.language-css, +code.language-scss, +.duotone-theme-dark .token.boolean, +.duotone-theme-dark .token.string, +.duotone-theme-dark .token.entity, +.duotone-theme-dark .token.url, +.language-css .duotone-theme-dark .token.string, +.language-scss .duotone-theme-dark .token.string, .duotone-theme-dark .token.string, +.duotone-theme-dark .token.attr-value, +.duotone-theme-dark .token.keyword, +.duotone-theme-dark .token.control, +.duotone-theme-dark .token.directive, +.duotone-theme-dark .token.unit, +.duotone-theme-dark .token.statement, +.duotone-theme-dark .token.regex, +.duotone-theme-dark .token.atrule { + color: #ffcc99; +} + +.duotone-theme-dark .token.placeholder, +.duotone-theme-dark .token.variable { + color: #ffcc99; +} + +.duotone-theme-dark .token.deleted { + text-decoration: line-through; +} + +.duotone-theme-dark .token.inserted { + border-bottom: 1px dotted #eeebff; + text-decoration: none; +} + +.duotone-theme-dark .token.italic { + font-style: italic; +} + +.duotone-theme-dark .token.important, +.duotone-theme-dark .token.bold { + font-weight: bold; +} + +.duotone-theme-dark .token.important { + color: #c4b9fe; +} + +.duotone-theme-dark .token.entity { + cursor: help; +} + +pre > code.highlight { + outline: .4em solid #8a75f5; + outline-offset: .4em; +} + +/* overrides color-values for the Line Numbers plugin + * + */ +.line-numbers.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows { + border-right-color: #2c2937; +} + +.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows > span:before { + color: #3c3949; +} + +/* overrides color-values for the Line Highlight plugin +* +*/ +.line-highlight.line-highlight { + background: rgba(224, 145, 66, 0.2); + background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, rgba(224, 145, 66, 0.2) 70%, rgba(224, 145, 66, 0)); + background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(224, 145, 66, 0.2) 70%, rgba(224, 145, 66, 0)); +} diff --git a/code-theme-99CD7B013C96C4632F0AEA39AC265387B814AE85A7D33666A4AE4BEFF59016D0.css b/code-theme-99CD7B013C96C4632F0AEA39AC265387B814AE85A7D33666A4AE4BEFF59016D0.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7044cc5 --- /dev/null +++ b/code-theme-99CD7B013C96C4632F0AEA39AC265387B814AE85A7D33666A4AE4BEFF59016D0.css @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ +/** + * Coldark Theme for Prism.js + * Theme variation: Cold + * Tested with HTML, CSS, JS, JSON, PHP, YAML, Bash script + * @author Armand Philippot + * @homepage + * @license MIT + * NOTE: This theme is used as light theme + */ +code[class*="language-"].coldark-theme-light, +pre[class*="language-"].coldark-theme-light { + color: #111b27; + background: none; + font-family: Consolas, Monaco, "Andale Mono", "Ubuntu Mono", monospace; + text-align: left; + white-space: pre; + word-spacing: normal; + word-break: normal; + word-wrap: normal; + line-height: 1.5; + -moz-tab-size: 4; + -o-tab-size: 4; + tab-size: 4; + -webkit-hyphens: none; + -moz-hyphens: none; + -ms-hyphens: none; + hyphens: none; +} + +pre[class*="language-"].coldark-theme-light::-moz-selection, +pre[class*="language-"].coldark-theme-light ::-moz-selection, +code[class*="language-"].coldark-theme-light::-moz-selection, +code[class*="language-"].coldark-theme-light ::-moz-selection { + background: #8da1b9; +} + +pre[class*="language-"].coldark-theme-light::selection, +pre[class*="language-"].coldark-theme-light ::selection, +code[class*="language-"].coldark-theme-light::selection, +code[class*="language-"].coldark-theme-light ::selection { + background: #8da1b9; +} + +/* Code blocks */ +pre[class*="language-"].coldark-theme-light { + padding: 1em; + margin: 0.5em 0; + overflow: auto; +} + +:not(pre) > code[class*="language-"].coldark-theme-light, +pre[class*="language-"].coldark-theme-light { + background: #e3eaf2; +} + +/* Inline code */ +:not(pre) > code[class*="language-"].coldark-theme-light { + padding: 0.1em 0.3em; + border-radius: 0.3em; + white-space: normal; +} + +.coldark-theme-light .token.comment, +.coldark-theme-light .token.prolog, +.coldark-theme-light .token.doctype, +.coldark-theme-light .token.cdata { + color: #3c526d; +} + +.coldark-theme-light .token.punctuation { + color: #111b27; +} + +.coldark-theme-light .token.delimiter.important, +.coldark-theme-light .token.selector .parent, +.coldark-theme-light .token.tag, +.coldark-theme-light .token.tag .coldark-theme-light .token.punctuation { + color: #006d6d; +} + +.coldark-theme-light .token.attr-name, +.coldark-theme-light .token.boolean, +.coldark-theme-light .token.boolean.important, +.coldark-theme-light .token.number, +.coldark-theme-light .token.constant, +.coldark-theme-light .token.selector .coldark-theme-light .token.attribute { + color: #755f00; +} + +.coldark-theme-light .token.class-name, +.coldark-theme-light .token.key, +.coldark-theme-light .token.parameter, +.coldark-theme-light, +.coldark-theme-light, +.coldark-theme-light .token.variable { + color: #005a8e; +} + +.coldark-theme-light .token.attr-value, +.coldark-theme-light .token.inserted, +.coldark-theme-light .token.color, +.coldark-theme-light .token.selector .coldark-theme-light .token.value, +.coldark-theme-light .token.string, +.coldark-theme-light .token.string .coldark-theme-light .token.url-link { + color: #116b00; +} + +.coldark-theme-light .token.builtin, +.coldark-theme-light .token.keyword-array, +.coldark-theme-light .token.package, +.coldark-theme-light .token.regex { + color: #af00af; +} + +.coldark-theme-light .token.function, +.coldark-theme-light .token.selector .coldark-theme-light .token.class, +.coldark-theme-light .token.selector .coldark-theme-light { + color: #7c00aa; +} + +.coldark-theme-light .token.atrule .coldark-theme-light .token.rule, +.coldark-theme-light .token.combinator, +.coldark-theme-light .token.keyword, +.coldark-theme-light .token.operator, +.coldark-theme-light .token.pseudo-class, +.coldark-theme-light .token.pseudo-element, +.coldark-theme-light .token.selector, +.coldark-theme-light .token.unit { + color: #a04900; +} + +.coldark-theme-light .token.deleted, +.coldark-theme-light .token.important { + color: #c22f2e; +} + +.coldark-theme-light .token.keyword-this, +.coldark-theme-light .token.this { + color: #005a8e; +} + +.coldark-theme-light .token.important, +.coldark-theme-light .token.keyword-this, +.coldark-theme-light .token.this, +.coldark-theme-light .token.bold { + font-weight: bold; +} + +.coldark-theme-light .token.delimiter.important { + font-weight: inherit; +} + +.coldark-theme-light .token.italic { + font-style: italic; +} + +.coldark-theme-light .token.entity { + cursor: help; +} + +.language-markdown .coldark-theme-light .token.title, +.language-markdown .coldark-theme-light .token.title .coldark-theme-light .token.punctuation { + color: #005a8e; + font-weight: bold; +} + +.language-markdown .coldark-theme-light .token.blockquote.punctuation { + color: #af00af; +} + +.language-markdown .coldark-theme-light .token.code { + color: #006d6d; +} + +.language-markdown .coldark-theme-light { + color: #005a8e; +} + +.language-markdown .coldark-theme-light .token.url > .coldark-theme-light .token.content { + color: #116b00; +} + +.language-markdown .coldark-theme-light .token.url-link { + color: #755f00; +} + +.language-markdown .coldark-theme-light .token.list.punctuation { + color: #af00af; +} + +.language-markdown .coldark-theme-light .token.table-header { + color: #111b27; +} + +.language-json .coldark-theme-light .token.operator { + color: #111b27; +} + +.language-scss .coldark-theme-light .token.variable { + color: #006d6d; +} + +/* overrides color-values for the Show Invisibles plugin + * + */ +.coldark-theme-light .token.coldark-theme-light, +.coldark-theme-light .token.coldark-theme-light, +.coldark-theme-light .token.coldark-theme-light .token.lf:before, +.coldark-theme-light .token.coldark-theme-light { + color: #3c526d; +} + +/* overrides color-values for the Toolbar plugin + * + */ +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > a, +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > button { + color: #e3eaf2; + background: #005a8e; +} + +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > a:hover, +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > a:focus, +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > button:hover, +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > button:focus { + color: #e3eaf2; + background: #005a8eda; + text-decoration: none; +} + +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > span, +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > span:hover, +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > span:focus { + color: #e3eaf2; + background: #3c526d; +} + +/* overrides color-values for the Line Highlight plugin + * + */ +.line-highlight.line-highlight { + background: #8da1b92f; + background: linear-gradient(to right, #8da1b92f 70%, #8da1b925); +} + +.line-highlight.line-highlight:before, +.line-highlight.line-highlight[data-end]:after { + background-color: #3c526d; + color: #e3eaf2; + box-shadow: 0 1px #8da1b9; +} + +pre[id].linkable-line-numbers.linkable-line-numbers span.line-numbers-rows > span:hover:before { + background-color: #3c526d1f; +} + +/* overrides color-values for the Line Numbers plugin + * + */ +.line-numbers.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows { + border-right: 1px solid #8da1b97a; + background: #d0dae77a; +} + +.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows > span:before { + color: #3c526dda; +} + +/* overrides color-values for the Match Braces plugin + * + */ +.rainbow-braces .coldark-theme-light .token.coldark-theme-light .token.punctuation.brace-level-1, +.rainbow-braces .coldark-theme-light .token.coldark-theme-light .token.punctuation.brace-level-5, +.rainbow-braces .coldark-theme-light .token.coldark-theme-light .token.punctuation.brace-level-9 { + color: #755f00; +} + +.rainbow-braces .coldark-theme-light .token.coldark-theme-light .token.punctuation.brace-level-2, +.rainbow-braces .coldark-theme-light .token.coldark-theme-light .token.punctuation.brace-level-6, +.rainbow-braces .coldark-theme-light .token.coldark-theme-light .token.punctuation.brace-level-10 { + color: #af00af; +} + +.rainbow-braces .coldark-theme-light .token.coldark-theme-light .token.punctuation.brace-level-3, +.rainbow-braces .coldark-theme-light .token.coldark-theme-light .token.punctuation.brace-level-7, +.rainbow-braces .coldark-theme-light .token.coldark-theme-light .token.punctuation.brace-level-11 { + color: #005a8e; +} + +.rainbow-braces .coldark-theme-light .token.coldark-theme-light .token.punctuation.brace-level-4, +.rainbow-braces .coldark-theme-light .token.coldark-theme-light .token.punctuation.brace-level-8, +.rainbow-braces .coldark-theme-light .token.coldark-theme-light .token.punctuation.brace-level-12 { + color: #7c00aa; +} + +/* overrides color-values for the Diff Highlight plugin + * + */ +pre.diff-highlight > code .coldark-theme-light .token.coldark-theme-light .token.deleted:not(.prefix), +pre > code.diff-highlight .coldark-theme-light .token.coldark-theme-light .token.deleted:not(.prefix) { + background-color: #c22f2e1f; +} + +pre.diff-highlight > code .coldark-theme-light .token.coldark-theme-light .token.inserted:not(.prefix), +pre > code.diff-highlight .coldark-theme-light .token.coldark-theme-light .token.inserted:not(.prefix) { + background-color: #116b001f; +} + +/* overrides color-values for the Command Line plugin + * + */ +.command-line .command-line-prompt { + border-right: 1px solid #8da1b97a; +} + +.command-line .command-line-prompt > span:before { + color: #3c526dda; +} diff --git a/code-theme-9A3284FD117DFF7CFD432FF860A5E14169FA592BC3DA4F5E8A6975143F5EA07F.css b/code-theme-9A3284FD117DFF7CFD432FF860A5E14169FA592BC3DA4F5E8A6975143F5EA07F.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fd310e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/code-theme-9A3284FD117DFF7CFD432FF860A5E14169FA592BC3DA4F5E8A6975143F5EA07F.css @@ -0,0 +1,317 @@ +/** + * Coldark Theme for Prism.js + * Theme variation: Dark + * Tested with HTML, CSS, JS, JSON, PHP, YAML, Bash script + * @author Armand Philippot + * @homepage + * @license MIT + */ +code[class*="language-"].coldark-theme-dark, +pre[class*="language-"].coldark-theme-dark { + color: #e3eaf2; + background: none; + font-family: Consolas, Monaco, "Andale Mono", "Ubuntu Mono", monospace; + text-align: left; + white-space: pre; + word-spacing: normal; + word-break: normal; + word-wrap: normal; + line-height: 1.5; + -moz-tab-size: 4; + -o-tab-size: 4; + tab-size: 4; + -webkit-hyphens: none; + -moz-hyphens: none; + -ms-hyphens: none; + hyphens: none; +} + +pre[class*="language-"].coldark-theme-dark::-moz-selection, +pre[class*="language-"].coldark-theme-dark ::-moz-selection, +code[class*="language-"].coldark-theme-dark::-moz-selection, +code[class*="language-"].coldark-theme-dark ::-moz-selection { + background: #3c526d; +} + +pre[class*="language-"].coldark-theme-dark::selection, +pre[class*="language-"].coldark-theme-dark ::selection, +code[class*="language-"].coldark-theme-dark::selection, +code[class*="language-"].coldark-theme-dark ::selection { + background: #3c526d; +} + +/* Code blocks */ +pre[class*="language-"].coldark-theme-dark { + padding: 1em; + margin: 0.5em 0; + overflow: auto; +} + +:not(pre) > code[class*="language-"].coldark-theme-dark, +pre[class*="language-"].coldark-theme-dark { + background: #111b27; +} + +/* Inline code */ +:not(pre) > code[class*="language-"].coldark-theme-dark { + padding: 0.1em 0.3em; + border-radius: 0.3em; + white-space: normal; +} + +.coldark-theme-dark .token.comment, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.prolog, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.doctype, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.cdata { + color: #8da1b9; +} + +.coldark-theme-dark .token.punctuation { + color: #e3eaf2; +} + +.coldark-theme-dark .token.delimiter.important, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.selector .parent, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.tag, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.tag .coldark-theme-dark .token.punctuation { + color: #66cccc; +} + +.coldark-theme-dark .token.attr-name, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.boolean, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.boolean.important, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.number, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.constant, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.selector .coldark-theme-dark .token.attribute { + color: #e6d37a; +} + +.coldark-theme-dark .token.class-name, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.key, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.parameter, +.coldark-theme-dark, +.coldark-theme-dark, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.variable { + color: #6cb8e6; +} + +.coldark-theme-dark .token.attr-value, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.inserted, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.color, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.selector .coldark-theme-dark .token.value, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.string, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.string .coldark-theme-dark .token.url-link { + color: #91d076; +} + +.coldark-theme-dark .token.builtin, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.keyword-array, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.package, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.regex { + color: #f4adf4; +} + +.coldark-theme-dark .token.function, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.selector .coldark-theme-dark .token.class, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.selector .coldark-theme-dark { + color: #c699e3; +} + +.coldark-theme-dark .token.atrule .coldark-theme-dark .token.rule, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.combinator, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.keyword, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.operator, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.pseudo-class, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.pseudo-element, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.selector, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.unit { + color: #e9ae7e; +} + +.coldark-theme-dark .token.deleted, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.important { + color: #cd6660; +} + +.coldark-theme-dark .token.keyword-this, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.this { + color: #6cb8e6; +} + +.coldark-theme-dark .token.important, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.keyword-this, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.this, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.bold { + font-weight: bold; +} + +.coldark-theme-dark .token.delimiter.important { + font-weight: inherit; +} + +.coldark-theme-dark .token.italic { + font-style: italic; +} + +.coldark-theme-dark .token.entity { + cursor: help; +} + +.language-markdown .coldark-theme-dark .token.title, +.language-markdown .coldark-theme-dark .token.title .coldark-theme-dark .token.punctuation { + color: #6cb8e6; + font-weight: bold; +} + +.language-markdown .coldark-theme-dark .token.blockquote.punctuation { + color: #f4adf4; +} + +.language-markdown .coldark-theme-dark .token.code { + color: #66cccc; +} + +.language-markdown .coldark-theme-dark { + color: #6cb8e6; +} + +.language-markdown .coldark-theme-dark .token.url .coldark-theme-dark .token.content { + color: #91d076; +} + +.language-markdown .coldark-theme-dark .token.url-link { + color: #e6d37a; +} + +.language-markdown .coldark-theme-dark .token.list.punctuation { + color: #f4adf4; +} + +.language-markdown .coldark-theme-dark .token.table-header { + color: #e3eaf2; +} + +.language-json .coldark-theme-dark .token.operator { + color: #e3eaf2; +} + +.language-scss .coldark-theme-dark .token.variable { + color: #66cccc; +} + +/* overrides color-values for the Show Invisibles plugin + * + */ +.coldark-theme-dark .token.coldark-theme-dark, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.coldark-theme-dark, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.coldark-theme-dark .token.lf:before, +.coldark-theme-dark .token.coldark-theme-dark { + color: #8da1b9; +} + +/* overrides color-values for the Toolbar plugin + * + */ +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > a, +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > button { + color: #111b27; + background: #6cb8e6; +} + +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > a:hover, +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > a:focus, +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > button:hover, +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > button:focus { + color: #111b27; + background: #6cb8e6da; + text-decoration: none; +} + +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > span, +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > span:hover, +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > span:focus { + color: #111b27; + background: #8da1b9; +} + +/* overrides color-values for the Line Highlight plugin + * + */ +.line-highlight.line-highlight { + background: #3c526d5f; + background: linear-gradient(to right, #3c526d5f 70%, #3c526d55); +} + +.line-highlight.line-highlight:before, +.line-highlight.line-highlight[data-end]:after { + background-color: #8da1b9; + color: #111b27; + box-shadow: 0 1px #3c526d; +} + +pre[id].linkable-line-numbers.linkable-line-numbers span.line-numbers-rows > span:hover:before { + background-color: #8da1b918; +} + +/* overrides color-values for the Line Numbers plugin + * + */ +.line-numbers.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows { + border-right: 1px solid #0b121b; + background: #0b121b7a; +} + +.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows > span:before { + color: #8da1b9da; +} + +/* overrides color-values for the Match Braces plugin + * + */ +.rainbow-braces .coldark-theme-dark .token.coldark-theme-dark .token.punctuation.brace-level-1, +.rainbow-braces .coldark-theme-dark .token.coldark-theme-dark .token.punctuation.brace-level-5, +.rainbow-braces .coldark-theme-dark .token.coldark-theme-dark .token.punctuation.brace-level-9 { + color: #e6d37a; +} + +.rainbow-braces .coldark-theme-dark .token.coldark-theme-dark .token.punctuation.brace-level-2, +.rainbow-braces .coldark-theme-dark .token.coldark-theme-dark .token.punctuation.brace-level-6, +.rainbow-braces .coldark-theme-dark .token.coldark-theme-dark .token.punctuation.brace-level-10 { + color: #f4adf4; +} + +.rainbow-braces .coldark-theme-dark .token.coldark-theme-dark .token.punctuation.brace-level-3, +.rainbow-braces .coldark-theme-dark .token.coldark-theme-dark .token.punctuation.brace-level-7, +.rainbow-braces .coldark-theme-dark .token.coldark-theme-dark .token.punctuation.brace-level-11 { + color: #6cb8e6; +} + +.rainbow-braces .coldark-theme-dark .token.coldark-theme-dark .token.punctuation.brace-level-4, +.rainbow-braces .coldark-theme-dark .token.coldark-theme-dark .token.punctuation.brace-level-8, +.rainbow-braces .coldark-theme-dark .token.coldark-theme-dark .token.punctuation.brace-level-12 { + color: #c699e3; +} + +/* overrides color-values for the Diff Highlight plugin + * + */ +pre.diff-highlight > code .coldark-theme-dark .token.coldark-theme-dark .token.deleted:not(.prefix), +pre > code.diff-highlight .coldark-theme-dark .token.coldark-theme-dark .token.deleted:not(.prefix) { + background-color: #cd66601f; +} + +pre.diff-highlight > code .coldark-theme-dark .token.coldark-theme-dark .token.inserted:not(.prefix), +pre > code.diff-highlight .coldark-theme-dark .token.coldark-theme-dark .token.inserted:not(.prefix) { + background-color: #91d0761f; +} + +/* overrides color-values for the Command Line plugin + * + */ +.command-line .command-line-prompt { + border-right: 1px solid #0b121b; +} + +.command-line .command-line-prompt > span:before { + color: #8da1b9da; +} diff --git a/code-theme-9A45313F167DBD90654BFD5BB3BC0BDF6AE447485C30B0389ADA7B49C069E46A.css b/code-theme-9A45313F167DBD90654BFD5BB3BC0BDF6AE447485C30B0389ADA7B49C069E46A.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5448cf3 --- /dev/null +++ b/code-theme-9A45313F167DBD90654BFD5BB3BC0BDF6AE447485C30B0389ADA7B49C069E46A.css @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +/* +Name: Duotone Sea +Author: by Simurai, adapted from DuoTone themes by Simurai for Atom ( + +Conversion: Bram de Haan ( +Generated with Base16 Builder ( +*/ + +code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-sea, +pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-sea { + font-family: Consolas, Menlo, Monaco, "Andale Mono WT", "Andale Mono", "Lucida Console", "Lucida Sans Typewriter", "DejaVu Sans Mono", "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", "Liberation Mono", "Nimbus Mono L", "Courier New", Courier, monospace; + font-size: 14px; + line-height: 1.375; + direction: ltr; + text-align: left; + white-space: pre; + word-spacing: normal; + word-break: normal; + + -moz-tab-size: 4; + -o-tab-size: 4; + tab-size: 4; + + -webkit-hyphens: none; + -moz-hyphens: none; + -ms-hyphens: none; + hyphens: none; + background: #1d262f; + color: #57718e; +} + +pre > code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-sea { + font-size: 1em; +} + +pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-sea::-moz-selection, pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-sea ::-moz-selection, +code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-sea::-moz-selection, code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-sea ::-moz-selection { + text-shadow: none; + background: #004a9e; +} + +pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-sea::selection, pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-sea ::selection, +code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-sea::selection, code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-sea ::selection { + text-shadow: none; + background: #004a9e; +} + +/* Code blocks */ +pre[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-sea { + padding: 1em; + margin: .5em 0; + overflow: auto; +} + +/* Inline code */ +:not(pre) > code[class*="language-"].duotone-theme-sea { + padding: .1em; + border-radius: .3em; +} + +.duotone-theme-sea .token.comment, +.duotone-theme-sea .token.prolog, +.duotone-theme-sea .token.doctype, +.duotone-theme-sea .token.cdata { + color: #4a5f78; +} + +.duotone-theme-sea .token.punctuation { + color: #4a5f78; +} + +.duotone-theme-sea .token.namespace { + opacity: .7; +} + +.duotone-theme-sea .token.tag, +.duotone-theme-sea .token.operator, +.duotone-theme-sea .token.number { + color: #0aa370; +} + +.duotone-theme-sea, +.duotone-theme-sea .token.function { + color: #57718e; +} + +.duotone-theme-sea .token.tag-id, +.duotone-theme-sea .token.selector, +.duotone-theme-sea .token.atrule-id { + color: #ebf4ff; +} + +code.language-javascript, +.duotone-theme-sea .token.attr-name { + color: #7eb6f6; +} + +code.language-css, +code.language-scss, +.duotone-theme-sea .token.boolean, +.duotone-theme-sea .token.string, +.duotone-theme-sea .token.entity, +.duotone-theme-sea .token.url, +.language-css .duotone-theme-sea .token.string, +.language-scss .duotone-theme-sea .token.string, .duotone-theme-sea .token.string, +.duotone-theme-sea .token.attr-value, +.duotone-theme-sea .token.keyword, +.duotone-theme-sea .token.control, +.duotone-theme-sea .token.directive, +.duotone-theme-sea .token.unit, +.duotone-theme-sea .token.statement, +.duotone-theme-sea .token.regex, +.duotone-theme-sea .token.atrule { + color: #47ebb4; +} + +.duotone-theme-sea .token.placeholder, +.duotone-theme-sea .token.variable { + color: #47ebb4; +} + +.duotone-theme-sea .token.deleted { + text-decoration: line-through; +} + +.duotone-theme-sea .token.inserted { + border-bottom: 1px dotted #ebf4ff; + text-decoration: none; +} + +.duotone-theme-sea .token.italic { + font-style: italic; +} + +.duotone-theme-sea .token.important, +.duotone-theme-sea .token.bold { + font-weight: bold; +} + +.duotone-theme-sea .token.important { + color: #7eb6f6; +} + +.duotone-theme-sea .token.entity { + cursor: help; +} + +pre > code.highlight { + outline: .4em solid #34659d; + outline-offset: .4em; +} + +/* overrides color-values for the Line Numbers plugin + * + */ +.line-numbers.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows { + border-right-color: #1f2932; +} + +.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows > span:before { + color: #2c3847; +} + +/* overrides color-values for the Line Highlight plugin +* +*/ +.line-highlight.line-highlight { + background: rgba(10, 163, 112, 0.2); + background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, rgba(10, 163, 112, 0.2) 70%, rgba(10, 163, 112, 0)); + background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(10, 163, 112, 0.2) 70%, rgba(10, 163, 112, 0)); +} diff --git a/code-theme-A24DC8F09D03756A62923E8A883CAE3B938D54E2813F0855312D2554DBE97BAD.css b/code-theme-A24DC8F09D03756A62923E8A883CAE3B938D54E2813F0855312D2554DBE97BAD.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db09be4 --- /dev/null +++ b/code-theme-A24DC8F09D03756A62923E8A883CAE3B938D54E2813F0855312D2554DBE97BAD.css @@ -0,0 +1,440 @@ +/** + * One Dark theme for prism.js + * Based on Atom's One Dark theme: + */ + +/** + * One Dark colours (accurate as of commit 8ae45ca on 6 Sep 2018) + * From colors.less + * --mono-1: hsl(220, 14%, 71%); + * --mono-2: hsl(220, 9%, 55%); + * --mono-3: hsl(220, 10%, 40%); + * --hue-1: hsl(187, 47%, 55%); + * --hue-2: hsl(207, 82%, 66%); + * --hue-3: hsl(286, 60%, 67%); + * --hue-4: hsl(95, 38%, 62%); + * --hue-5: hsl(355, 65%, 65%); + * --hue-5-2: hsl(5, 48%, 51%); + * --hue-6: hsl(29, 54%, 61%); + * --hue-6-2: hsl(39, 67%, 69%); + * --syntax-fg: hsl(220, 14%, 71%); + * --syntax-bg: hsl(220, 13%, 18%); + * --syntax-gutter: hsl(220, 14%, 45%); + * --syntax-guide: hsla(220, 14%, 71%, 0.15); + * --syntax-accent: hsl(220, 100%, 66%); + * From syntax-variables.less + * --syntax-selection-color: hsl(220, 13%, 28%); + * --syntax-gutter-background-color-selected: hsl(220, 13%, 26%); + * --syntax-cursor-line: hsla(220, 100%, 80%, 0.04); + */ + +code[class*="language-"].one-theme-dark, +pre[class*="language-"].one-theme-dark { + background: hsl(220, 13%, 18%); + color: hsl(220, 14%, 71%); + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); + font-family: "Fira Code", "Fira Mono", Menlo, Consolas, "DejaVu Sans Mono", monospace; + direction: ltr; + text-align: left; + white-space: pre; + word-spacing: normal; + word-break: normal; + line-height: 1.5; + -moz-tab-size: 2; + -o-tab-size: 2; + tab-size: 2; + -webkit-hyphens: none; + -moz-hyphens: none; + -ms-hyphens: none; + hyphens: none; +} + +/* Selection */ +code[class*="language-"].one-theme-dark::-moz-selection, +code[class*="language-"].one-theme-dark *::-moz-selection, +pre[class*="language-"].one-theme-dark *::-moz-selection { + background: hsl(220, 13%, 28%); + color: inherit; + text-shadow: none; +} + +code[class*="language-"].one-theme-dark::selection, +code[class*="language-"].one-theme-dark *::selection, +pre[class*="language-"].one-theme-dark *::selection { + background: hsl(220, 13%, 28%); + color: inherit; + text-shadow: none; +} + +/* Code blocks */ +pre[class*="language-"].one-theme-dark { + padding: 1em; + margin: 0.5em 0; + overflow: auto; + border-radius: 0.3em; +} + +/* Inline code */ +:not(pre) > code[class*="language-"].one-theme-dark { + padding: 0.2em 0.3em; + border-radius: 0.3em; + white-space: normal; +} + +/* Print */ +@media print { + code[class*="language-"].one-theme-dark, + pre[class*="language-"].one-theme-dark { + text-shadow: none; + } +} + .token.comment, .token.prolog, .token.cdata { + color: hsl(220, 10%, 40%); +} + .token.doctype, .token.punctuation, .token.entity { + color: hsl(220, 14%, 71%); +} + .token.attr-name, .token.class-name, .token.boolean, .token.constant, .token.number, .token.atrule { + color: hsl(29, 54%, 61%); +} + .token.keyword { + color: hsl(286, 60%, 67%); +} +, .token.tag, .token.symbol, .token.deleted, .token.important { + color: hsl(355, 65%, 65%); +} + .token.selector, .token.string, .token.char, .token.builtin, .token.inserted, .token.regex, .token.attr-value, .token.attr-value > .one-theme-dark .token.punctuation { + color: hsl(95, 38%, 62%); +} + .token.variable, .token.operator, .token.function { + color: hsl(207, 82%, 66%); +} + .token.url { + color: hsl(187, 47%, 55%); +} + +/* HTML overrides */ .token.attr-value > .one-theme-dark .token.punctuation.attr-equals, .token.special-attr > .one-theme-dark .token.attr-value > .one-theme-dark .token.value.css { + color: hsl(220, 14%, 71%); +} + +/* CSS overrides */ +.language-css .one-theme-dark .token.selector { + color: hsl(355, 65%, 65%); +} + +.language-css .one-theme-dark { + color: hsl(220, 14%, 71%); +} + +.language-css .one-theme-dark .token.function, +.language-css .one-theme-dark .token.url > .one-theme-dark .token.function { + color: hsl(187, 47%, 55%); +} + +.language-css .one-theme-dark .token.url > .one-theme-dark .token.string.url { + color: hsl(95, 38%, 62%); +} + +.language-css .one-theme-dark .token.important, +.language-css .one-theme-dark .token.atrule .one-theme-dark .token.rule { + color: hsl(286, 60%, 67%); +} + +/* JS overrides */ +.language-javascript .one-theme-dark .token.operator { + color: hsl(286, 60%, 67%); +} + +.language-javascript .one-theme-dark .token.template-string > .one-theme-dark .token.interpolation > .one-theme-dark .token.interpolation-punctuation.punctuation { + color: hsl(5, 48%, 51%); +} + +/* JSON overrides */ +.language-json .one-theme-dark .token.operator { + color: hsl(220, 14%, 71%); +} + +.language-json .one-theme-dark .token.null.keyword { + color: hsl(29, 54%, 61%); +} + +/* MD overrides */ +.language-markdown .one-theme-dark .token.url, +.language-markdown .one-theme-dark .token.url > .one-theme-dark .token.operator, +.language-markdown .one-theme-dark .token.url-reference.url > .one-theme-dark .token.string { + color: hsl(220, 14%, 71%); +} + +.language-markdown .one-theme-dark .token.url > .one-theme-dark .token.content { + color: hsl(207, 82%, 66%); +} + +.language-markdown .one-theme-dark .token.url > .one-theme-dark .token.url, +.language-markdown .one-theme-dark .token.url-reference.url { + color: hsl(187, 47%, 55%); +} + +.language-markdown .one-theme-dark .token.blockquote.punctuation, +.language-markdown .one-theme-dark { + color: hsl(220, 10%, 40%); + font-style: italic; +} + +.language-markdown .one-theme-dark .token.code-snippet { + color: hsl(95, 38%, 62%); +} + +.language-markdown .one-theme-dark .token.bold .one-theme-dark .token.content { + color: hsl(29, 54%, 61%); +} + +.language-markdown .one-theme-dark .token.italic .one-theme-dark .token.content { + color: hsl(286, 60%, 67%); +} + +.language-markdown .one-theme-dark .token.strike .one-theme-dark .token.content, +.language-markdown .one-theme-dark .token.strike .one-theme-dark .token.punctuation, +.language-markdown .one-theme-dark .token.list.punctuation, +.language-markdown .one-theme-dark .token.title.important > .one-theme-dark .token.punctuation { + color: hsl(355, 65%, 65%); +} + +/* General */ .token.bold { + font-weight: bold; +} + .token.comment, .token.italic { + font-style: italic; +} + .token.entity { + cursor: help; +} + .token.namespace { + opacity: 0.8; +} + +/* Plugin overrides */ +/* Selectors should have higher specificity than those in the plugins' default stylesheets */ + +/* Show Invisibles plugin overrides */,, .token.lf:before, { + color: hsla(220, 14%, 71%, 0.15); + text-shadow: none; +} + +/* Toolbar plugin overrides */ +/* Space out all buttons and move them away from the right edge of the code block */ +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item { + margin-right: 0.4em; +} + +/* Styling the buttons */ +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > button, +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > a, +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > span { + background: hsl(220, 13%, 26%); + color: hsl(220, 9%, 55%); + padding: 0.1em 0.4em; + border-radius: 0.3em; +} + +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > button:hover, +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > button:focus, +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > a:hover, +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > a:focus, +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > span:hover, +div.code-toolbar > .toolbar.toolbar > .toolbar-item > span:focus { + background: hsl(220, 13%, 28%); + color: hsl(220, 14%, 71%); +} + +/* Line Highlight plugin overrides */ +/* The highlighted line itself */ +.line-highlight.line-highlight { + background: hsla(220, 100%, 80%, 0.04); +} + +/* Default line numbers in Line Highlight plugin */ +.line-highlight.line-highlight:before, +.line-highlight.line-highlight[data-end]:after { + background: hsl(220, 13%, 26%); + color: hsl(220, 14%, 71%); + padding: 0.1em 0.6em; + border-radius: 0.3em; + box-shadow: 0 2px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); /* same as Toolbar plugin default */ +} + +/* Hovering over a linkable line number (in the gutter area) */ +/* Requires Line Numbers plugin as well */ +pre[id].linkable-line-numbers.linkable-line-numbers span.line-numbers-rows > span:hover:before { + background-color: hsla(220, 100%, 80%, 0.04); +} + +/* Line Numbers and Command Line plugins overrides */ +/* Line separating gutter from coding area */ +.line-numbers.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows, +.command-line .command-line-prompt { + border-right-color: hsla(220, 14%, 71%, 0.15); +} + +/* Stuff in the gutter */ +.line-numbers .line-numbers-rows > span:before, +.command-line .command-line-prompt > span:before { + color: hsl(220, 14%, 45%); +} + +/* Match Braces plugin overrides */ +/* Note: Outline colour is inherited from the braces */ +.rainbow-braces .one-theme-dark .token.punctuation.brace-level-1, +.rainbow-braces .one-theme-dark .token.punctuation.brace-level-5, +.rainbow-braces .one-theme-dark .token.punctuation.brace-level-9 { + color: hsl(355, 65%, 65%); +} + +.rainbow-braces .one-theme-dark .token.punctuation.brace-level-2, +.rainbow-braces .one-theme-dark .token.punctuation.brace-level-6, +.rainbow-braces .one-theme-dark .token.punctuation.brace-level-10 { + color: hsl(95, 38%, 62%); +} + +.rainbow-braces .one-theme-dark .token.punctuation.brace-level-3, +.rainbow-braces .one-theme-dark .token.punctuation.brace-level-7, +.rainbow-braces .one-theme-dark .token.punctuation.brace-level-11 { + color: hsl(207, 82%, 66%); +} + +.rainbow-braces .one-theme-dark .token.punctuation.brace-level-4, +.rainbow-braces .one-theme-dark .token.punctuation.brace-level-8, +.rainbow-braces .one-theme-dark .token.punctuation.brace-level-12 { + color: hsl(286, 60%, 67%); +} + +/* Diff Highlight plugin overrides */ +/* Taken from */ +pre.diff-highlight > code .one-theme-dark .token.deleted:not(.prefix), +pre > code.diff-highlight .one-theme-dark .token.deleted:not(.prefix) { + background-color: hsla(353, 100%, 66%, 0.15); +} + +pre.diff-highlight > code .one-theme-dark .token.deleted:not(.prefix)::-moz-selection, +pre.diff-highlight > code .one-theme-dark .token.deleted:not(.prefix) *::-moz-selection, +pre > code.diff-highlight .one-theme-dark .token.deleted:not(.prefix)::-moz-selection, +pre > code.diff-highlight .one-theme-dark .token.deleted:not(.prefix) *::-moz-selection { + background-color: hsla(353, 95%, 66%, 0.25); +} + +pre.diff-highlight > code .one-theme-dark .token.deleted:not(.prefix)::selection, +pre.diff-highlight > code .one-theme-dark .token.deleted:not(.prefix) *::selection, +pre > code.diff-highlight .one-theme-dark .token.deleted:not(.prefix)::selection, +pre > code.diff-highlight .one-theme-dark .token.deleted:not(.prefix) *::selection { + background-color: hsla(353, 95%, 66%, 0.25); +} + +pre.diff-highlight > code .one-theme-dark .token.inserted:not(.prefix), +pre > code.diff-highlight .one-theme-dark .token.inserted:not(.prefix) { + background-color: hsla(137, 100%, 55%, 0.15); +} + +pre.diff-highlight > code .one-theme-dark .token.inserted:not(.prefix)::-moz-selection, +pre.diff-highlight > code .one-theme-dark .token.inserted:not(.prefix) *::-moz-selection, +pre > code.diff-highlight .one-theme-dark .token.inserted:not(.prefix)::-moz-selection, +pre > code.diff-highlight .one-theme-dark .token.inserted:not(.prefix) *::-moz-selection { + background-color: hsla(135, 73%, 55%, 0.25); +} + +pre.diff-highlight > code .one-theme-dark .token.inserted:not(.prefix)::selection, +pre.diff-highlight > code .one-theme-dark .token.inserted:not(.prefix) *::selection, +pre > code.diff-highlight .one-theme-dark .token.inserted:not(.prefix)::selection, +pre > code.diff-highlight .one-theme-dark .token.inserted:not(.prefix) *::selection { + background-color: hsla(135, 73%, 55%, 0.25); +} + +/* Previewers plugin overrides */ +/* Based on and */ +/* Border around popup */ +.prism-previewer.prism-previewer:before, +.prism-previewer-gradient.prism-previewer-gradient div { + border-color: hsl(224, 13%, 17%); +} + +/* Angle and time should remain as circles and are hence not included */ +.prism-previewer-color.prism-previewer-color:before, +.prism-previewer-gradient.prism-previewer-gradient div, +.prism-previewer-easing.prism-previewer-easing:before { + border-radius: 0.3em; +} + +/* Triangles pointing to the code */ +.prism-previewer.prism-previewer:after { + border-top-color: hsl(224, 13%, 17%); +} + +.prism-previewer-flipped.prism-previewer-flipped.after { + border-bottom-color: hsl(224, 13%, 17%); +} + +/* Background colour within the popup */ +.prism-previewer-angle.prism-previewer-angle:before, +.prism-previewer-time.prism-previewer-time:before, +.prism-previewer-easing.prism-previewer-easing { + background: hsl(219, 13%, 22%); +} + +/* For angle, this is the positive area (eg. 90deg will display one quadrant in this colour) */ +/* For time, this is the alternate colour */ +.prism-previewer-angle.prism-previewer-angle circle, +.prism-previewer-time.prism-previewer-time circle { + stroke: hsl(220, 14%, 71%); + stroke-opacity: 1; +} + +/* Stroke colours of the handle, direction point, and vector itself */ +.prism-previewer-easing.prism-previewer-easing circle, +.prism-previewer-easing.prism-previewer-easing path, +.prism-previewer-easing.prism-previewer-easing line { + stroke: hsl(220, 14%, 71%); +} + +/* Fill colour of the handle */ +.prism-previewer-easing.prism-previewer-easing circle { + fill: transparent; +} diff --git a/code-theme-A352AF572179AB980583D41BC41ADDBA36C4C17757A34C1C6AAAF2C253E25CE3.css b/code-theme-A352AF572179AB980583D41BC41ADDBA36C4C17757A34C1C6AAAF2C253E25CE3.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5fc5648 --- /dev/null +++ b/code-theme-A352AF572179AB980583D41BC41ADDBA36C4C17757A34C1C6AAAF2C253E25CE3.css @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ +code[class*=language-].fire-light, +pre[class*=language-].fire-light { + color: #000; + background: 0 0; + text-shadow: 0 1px #fff; + /*font-family: Consolas, Monaco, 'Andale Mono', 'Ubuntu Mono', monospace;*/ + /*font-size: 1em;*/ + text-align: left; + white-space: pre; + word-spacing: normal; + word-break: normal; + word-wrap: normal; + /*line-height: 1.5;*/ + -moz-tab-size: 4; + -o-tab-size: 4; + tab-size: 4; + -webkit-hyphens: none; + -moz-hyphens: none; + -ms-hyphens: none; + hyphens: none +} + +code[class*=language-].fire-light ::-moz-selection, +code[class*=language-].fire-light::-moz-selection, +pre[class*=language-].fire-light ::-moz-selection, +pre[class*=language-].fire-light::-moz-selection { + text-shadow: none; + background: #b3d4fc +} + +code[class*=language-].fire-light ::selection, +code[class*=language-].fire-light::selection, +pre[class*=language-].fire-light ::selection, +pre[class*=language-].fire-light::selection { + text-shadow: none; + background: #b3d4fc +} + +@media print { + + code[class*=language-].fire-light, + pre[class*=language-].fire-light { + text-shadow: none + } +} + +pre[class*=language-].fire-light { + padding: 1em; + overflow: auto +} + +:not(pre)>code[class*=language-].fire-light, +pre[class*=language-].fire-light { + background: #f5f2f0 +} + +:not(pre)>code[class*=language-].fire-light { + padding: .1em; + border-radius: .3em; + white-space: normal +} + .token.cdata, .token.comment, .token.doctype, .token.prolog { + color: #708090 +} + .token.punctuation { + color: #999 +} + .token.namespace { + opacity: .7 +} + .token.boolean, .token.constant, .token.deleted, .token.number,, .token.symbol, .token.tag { + color: #905 +} + .token.attr-name, .token.builtin, .token.char, .token.inserted, .token.selector, .token.string { + color: #690 +} + +.language-css .fire-light .token.string, .fire-light .token.string, .token.entity, .token.operator, .token.url { + color: #9a6e3a; + background: hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .5) +} + .token.atrule, .token.attr-value, .token.keyword { + color: #07a +} + .token.class-name, .token.function { + color: #dd4a68 +} + .token.important, .token.regex, .token.variable { + color: #e90 +} + .token.bold, .token.important { + font-weight: 700 +} + .token.italic { + font-style: italic +} + .token.entity { + cursor: help +} diff --git a/code-theme-B3AEA322EADEDA61F0E219845A0E9C8E73F6345E49362B46E6F52CEE40471248.css b/code-theme-B3AEA322EADEDA61F0E219845A0E9C8E73F6345E49362B46E6F52CEE40471248.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e3f7c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/code-theme-B3AEA322EADEDA61F0E219845A0E9C8E73F6345E49362B46E6F52CEE40471248.css @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +/** + * Coy without shadows + * Based on Tim Shedor's Coy theme for prism.js + * Author: RunDevelopment + */ + +code[class*="language-"].coy-theme, +pre[class*="language-"].coy-theme { + color: black; + background: none; + font-family: Consolas, Monaco, 'Andale Mono', 'Ubuntu Mono', monospace; + font-size: 1em; + text-align: left; + white-space: pre; + word-spacing: normal; + word-break: normal; + word-wrap: normal; + line-height: 1.5; + + -moz-tab-size: 4; + -o-tab-size: 4; + tab-size: 4; + + -webkit-hyphens: none; + -moz-hyphens: none; + -ms-hyphens: none; + hyphens: none; +} + +/* Code blocks */ +pre[class*="language-"].coy-theme { + position: relative; + border-left: 10px solid #358ccb; + box-shadow: -1px 0 0 0 #358ccb, 0 0 0 1px #dfdfdf; + background-color: #fdfdfd; + background-image: linear-gradient(transparent 50%, rgba(69, 142, 209, 0.04) 50%); + background-size: 3em 3em; + background-origin: content-box; + background-attachment: local; + margin: .5em 0; + padding: 0 1em; +} + +pre[class*="language-"].coy-theme > code { + display: block; +} + +/* Inline code */ +:not(pre) > code[class*="language-"].coy-theme { + position: relative; + padding: .2em; + border-radius: 0.3em; + color: #c92c2c; + border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + display: inline; + white-space: normal; + background-color: #fdfdfd; + -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; + -moz-box-sizing: border-box; + box-sizing: border-box; +} + +.coy-theme .token.comment, +.coy-theme .token.block-comment, +.coy-theme .token.prolog, +.coy-theme .token.doctype, +.coy-theme .token.cdata { + color: #7D8B99; +} + +.coy-theme .token.punctuation { + color: #5F6364; +} + +.coy-theme, +.coy-theme .token.tag, +.coy-theme .token.boolean, +.coy-theme .token.number, +.coy-theme .token.function-name, +.coy-theme .token.constant, +.coy-theme .token.symbol, +.coy-theme .token.deleted { + color: #c92c2c; +} + +.coy-theme .token.selector, +.coy-theme .token.attr-name, +.coy-theme .token.string, +.coy-theme .token.char, +.coy-theme .token.function, +.coy-theme .token.builtin, +.coy-theme .token.inserted { + color: #2f9c0a; +} + +.coy-theme .token.operator, +.coy-theme .token.entity, +.coy-theme .token.url, +.coy-theme .token.variable { + color: #a67f59; + background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); +} + +.coy-theme .token.atrule, +.coy-theme .token.attr-value, +.coy-theme .token.keyword, +.coy-theme .token.class-name { + color: #1990b8; +} + +.coy-theme .token.regex, +.coy-theme .token.important { + color: #e90; +} + +.language-css .coy-theme .token.string, .coy-theme .token.string { + color: #a67f59; + background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); +} + +.coy-theme .token.important { + font-weight: normal; +} + +.coy-theme .token.bold { + font-weight: bold; +} + +.coy-theme .token.italic { + font-style: italic; +} + +.coy-theme .token.entity { + cursor: help; +} + +.coy-theme .token.namespace { + opacity: .7; +} diff --git a/code-theme-B68AA27E05B319F04A9CD747AADBF9B9CD791E040DEC519AE9544B4FF65DDBAC.css b/code-theme-B68AA27E05B319F04A9CD747AADBF9B9CD791E040DEC519AE9544B4FF65DDBAC.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..834c3b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/code-theme-B68AA27E05B319F04A9CD747AADBF9B9CD791E040DEC519AE9544B4FF65DDBAC.css @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +/** + * Gruvbox dark theme + * + * Adapted from a theme based on: + * Vim Gruvbox dark Theme ( + * + * @author Azat S. + * @version 1.0 + */ + +code[class*="language-"].gruvbox-theme-dark, +pre[class*="language-"].gruvbox-theme-dark { + color: #ebdbb2; /* fg1 / fg */ + font-family: Consolas, Monaco, "Andale Mono", monospace; + direction: ltr; + text-align: left; + white-space: pre; + word-spacing: normal; + word-break: normal; + line-height: 1.5; + + -moz-tab-size: 4; + -o-tab-size: 4; + tab-size: 4; + + -webkit-hyphens: none; + -moz-hyphens: none; + -ms-hyphens: none; + hyphens: none; +} + +pre[class*="language-"].gruvbox-theme-dark::-moz-selection, +pre[class*="language-"].gruvbox-theme-dark ::-moz-selection, +code[class*="language-"].gruvbox-theme-dark::-moz-selection, +code[class*="language-"].gruvbox-theme-dark ::-moz-selection { + color: #fbf1c7; /* fg0 */ + background: #7c6f64; /* bg4 */ +} + +pre[class*="language-"].gruvbox-theme-dark::selection, +pre[class*="language-"].gruvbox-theme-dark ::selection, +code[class*="language-"].gruvbox-theme-dark::selection, +code[class*="language-"].gruvbox-theme-dark ::selection { + color: #fbf1c7; /* fg0 */ + background: #7c6f64; /* bg4 */ +} + +/* Code blocks */ +pre[class*="language-"].gruvbox-theme-dark { + padding: 1em; + margin: 0.5em 0; + overflow: auto; +} + +:not(pre) > code[class*="language-"].gruvbox-theme-dark, +pre[class*="language-"].gruvbox-theme-dark { + background: #1d2021; /* bg0_h */ +} + +/* Inline code */ +:not(pre) > code[class*="language-"].gruvbox-theme-dark { + padding: 0.1em; + border-radius: 0.3em; +} + +.gruvbox-theme-dark .token.comment, +.gruvbox-theme-dark .token.prolog, +.gruvbox-theme-dark .token.cdata { + color: #a89984; /* fg4 / gray1 */ +} + +.gruvbox-theme-dark .token.delimiter, +.gruvbox-theme-dark .token.boolean, +.gruvbox-theme-dark .token.keyword, +.gruvbox-theme-dark .token.selector, +.gruvbox-theme-dark .token.important, +.gruvbox-theme-dark .token.atrule { + color: #fb4934; /* red2 */ +} + +.gruvbox-theme-dark .token.operator, +.gruvbox-theme-dark .token.punctuation, +.gruvbox-theme-dark .token.attr-name { + color: #a89984; /* fg4 / gray1 */ +} + +.gruvbox-theme-dark .token.tag, +.gruvbox-theme-dark .token.tag .punctuation, +.gruvbox-theme-dark .token.doctype, +.gruvbox-theme-dark .token.builtin { + color: #fabd2f; /* yellow2 */ +} + +.gruvbox-theme-dark .token.entity, +.gruvbox-theme-dark .token.number, +.gruvbox-theme-dark .token.symbol { + color: #d3869b; /* purple2 */ +} + +.gruvbox-theme-dark, +.gruvbox-theme-dark .token.constant, +.gruvbox-theme-dark .token.variable { + color: #fb4934; /* red2 */ +} + +.gruvbox-theme-dark .token.string, +.gruvbox-theme-dark .token.char { + color: #b8bb26; /* green2 */ +} + +.gruvbox-theme-dark .token.attr-value, +.gruvbox-theme-dark .token.attr-value .punctuation { + color: #a89984; /* fg4 / gray1 */ +} + +.gruvbox-theme-dark .token.url { + color: #b8bb26; /* green2 */ + text-decoration: underline; +} + +.gruvbox-theme-dark .token.function { + color: #fabd2f; /* yellow2 */ +} + +.gruvbox-theme-dark .token.bold { + font-weight: bold; +} + +.gruvbox-theme-dark .token.italic { + font-style: italic; +} + +.gruvbox-theme-dark .token.inserted { + background: #a89984; /* fg4 / gray1 */ +} + +.gruvbox-theme-dark .token.deleted { + background: #fb4934; /* red2 */ +} diff --git a/code-theme-B8645DE281A38A3068C56919DE1BB0511696A1EE8002C5088748DA0BAC0806E6.css 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+ text-shadow: none; + background: #b3d4fc +} + +code[class*=language-].fastn-theme-light ::selection, +code[class*=language-].fastn-theme-light::selection, +pre[class*=language-].fastn-theme-light ::selection, +pre[class*=language-].fastn-theme-light::selection { + text-shadow: none; + background: #b3d4fc +} + +@media print { + + code[class*=language-].fastn-theme-light, + pre[class*=language-].fastn-theme-light { + text-shadow: none + } +} + +pre[class*=language-].fastn-theme-light { + padding: 1em; + overflow: auto +} + +:not(pre)>code[class*=language-].fastn-theme-light, +pre[class*=language-].fastn-theme-light { + background: #f5f2f0 +} + +:not(pre)>code[class*=language-].fastn-theme-light { + padding: .1em; + border-radius: .3em; + white-space: normal +} + +/* Fastn Language tokens -------------------------------------------------- */ + +.fastn-theme-light .token.section-identifier { + color: #36464e; +} + +.fastn-theme-light .token.section-name { + color: #07a; +} + +.fastn-theme-light .token.section-caption { + color: #1c7d4d; +} + +.fastn-theme-light .token.semi-colon { + color: #696b70; +} + +.fastn-theme-light .token.event { + color: #c46262; +} + +.fastn-theme-light .token.processor { + color: #c46262; +} + +.fastn-theme-light .token.type-modifier { + color: #5c43bd; +} + +.fastn-theme-light .token.value-type { + color: #5c43bd; +} + +.fastn-theme-light .token.kernel-type { + color: #5c43bd; +} + +.fastn-theme-light .token.header-type { + color: #5c43bd; +} + +.fastn-theme-light .token.header-name { + color: #a846b9; +} + +.fastn-theme-light .token.header-condition { + color: #8b3b3b; +} + +.fastn-theme-light .token.header-value { + color: #36464e; +} + +/* END ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +.fastn-theme-light .token.cdata, +.fastn-theme-light .token.comment, +.fastn-theme-light .token.doctype, +.fastn-theme-light .token.prolog { + color: #7f93a8 +} + +.fastn-theme-light .token.punctuation { + color: #999 +} + +.fastn-theme-light .token.namespace { + opacity: .7 +} + +.fastn-theme-light .token.boolean, +.fastn-theme-light .token.constant, +.fastn-theme-light .token.deleted, +.fastn-theme-light .token.number, +.fastn-theme-light, +.fastn-theme-light .token.symbol, +.fastn-theme-light .token.tag { + color: #905 +} + +.fastn-theme-light .token.attr-name, +.fastn-theme-light .token.builtin, +.fastn-theme-light .token.char, +.fastn-theme-light .token.inserted, +.fastn-theme-light .token.selector, +.fastn-theme-light .token.string { + color: #36464e +} + +.fastn-theme-light .token.important, +.fastn-theme-light .token.deliminator { + color: #1c7d4d; +} + +.language-css .fastn-theme-light .token.string, .fastn-theme-light .token.string, +.fastn-theme-light .token.entity, +.fastn-theme-light .token.operator, +.fastn-theme-light .token.url { + color: #9a6e3a; + background: hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .5) +} + +.fastn-theme-light .token.atrule, +.fastn-theme-light .token.attr-value, 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.token.punctuation { + color: #d4d4d4; +} + +.vs-theme-dark, +.vs-theme-dark .token.tag, +.vs-theme-dark .token.boolean, +.vs-theme-dark .token.number, +.vs-theme-dark .token.constant, +.vs-theme-dark .token.symbol, +.vs-theme-dark .token.inserted, +.vs-theme-dark .token.unit { + color: #b5cea8; +} + +.vs-theme-dark .token.selector, +.vs-theme-dark .token.attr-name, +.vs-theme-dark .token.string, +.vs-theme-dark .token.char, +.vs-theme-dark .token.builtin, +.vs-theme-dark .token.deleted { + color: #ce9178; +} + +.language-css .vs-theme-dark .token.string.url { + text-decoration: underline; +} + +.vs-theme-dark .token.operator, +.vs-theme-dark .token.entity { + color: #d4d4d4; +} + +.vs-theme-dark .token.operator.arrow { + color: #569CD6; +} + +.vs-theme-dark .token.atrule { + color: #ce9178; +} + +.vs-theme-dark .token.atrule .vs-theme-dark .token.rule { + color: #c586c0; +} + +.vs-theme-dark .token.atrule .vs-theme-dark .token.url { + color: #9cdcfe; +} + +.vs-theme-dark .token.atrule .vs-theme-dark .token.url .vs-theme-dark .token.function { + color: #dcdcaa; +} + +.vs-theme-dark .token.atrule .vs-theme-dark .token.url .vs-theme-dark .token.punctuation { + color: #d4d4d4; +} + +.vs-theme-dark .token.keyword { + color: #569CD6; +} + +.vs-theme-dark .token.keyword.module, +.vs-theme-dark .token.keyword.control-flow { + color: #c586c0; +} + +.vs-theme-dark .token.function, +.vs-theme-dark .token.function .vs-theme-dark .token.maybe-class-name { + color: #dcdcaa; +} + +.vs-theme-dark .token.regex { + color: #d16969; +} + +.vs-theme-dark .token.important { + color: #569cd6; +} + +.vs-theme-dark .token.italic { + font-style: italic; +} + +.vs-theme-dark .token.constant { + color: #9cdcfe; +} + +.vs-theme-dark .token.class-name, +.vs-theme-dark .token.maybe-class-name { + color: #4ec9b0; +} + +.vs-theme-dark .token.console { + color: #9cdcfe; +} + +.vs-theme-dark .token.parameter { + color: #9cdcfe; +} + +.vs-theme-dark .token.interpolation { + color: #9cdcfe; +} + 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#569cd6; +} + +.vs-theme-dark .token.namespace { + color: #4ec9b0; +} +/********************************************************* +* Language Specific +*/ + +pre[class*="language-javascript"], +code[class*="language-javascript"], +pre[class*="language-jsx"], +code[class*="language-jsx"], +pre[class*="language-typescript"], +code[class*="language-typescript"], +pre[class*="language-tsx"], +code[class*="language-tsx"] { + color: #9cdcfe; +} + +pre[class*="language-css"], +code[class*="language-css"] { + color: #ce9178; +} + +pre[class*="language-html"], +code[class*="language-html"] { + color: #d4d4d4; +} + +.language-regex .vs-theme-dark .token.anchor { + color: #dcdcaa; +} + +.language-html .vs-theme-dark .token.punctuation { + color: #808080; +} +/********************************************************* +* Line highlighting +*/ +pre[class*="language-"].vs-theme-dark > code[class*="language-"].vs-theme-dark { + position: relative; + z-index: 1; +} + +.line-highlight.line-highlight { + background: #f7ebc6; + box-shadow: inset 5px 0 0 #f7d87c; + z-index: 0; +} diff --git a/code-theme-F614177D3155EA8E915B35A3445175DC7C96D02FBC621F8AFD0FCCC417ED8A43.css b/code-theme-F614177D3155EA8E915B35A3445175DC7C96D02FBC621F8AFD0FCCC417ED8A43.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7483c06 --- /dev/null +++ b/code-theme-F614177D3155EA8E915B35A3445175DC7C96D02FBC621F8AFD0FCCC417ED8A43.css @@ -0,0 +1,194 @@ +/* + * Based on Plugin: Syntax Highlighter CB + * Plugin URI: + * Description: Highlight your code snippets with an easy to use shortcode based on Lea Verou's Prism.js. + * Version: 1.0.0 + * Author: c.bavota + * Author URI: http://bavotasan.com */ +/* */ + +/* ===== ===== */ +code[class*=language-].fastn-theme-dark, +pre[class*=language-].fastn-theme-dark { + color: #fff; + text-shadow: 0 1px 1px #000; + /*font-family: Menlo, Monaco, "Courier New", monospace;*/ + direction: ltr; + text-align: left; + word-spacing: normal; + white-space: pre; + word-wrap: normal; + /*line-height: 1.4;*/ + background: none; + border: 0; + + -moz-tab-size: 4; + -o-tab-size: 4; + tab-size: 4; + + -webkit-hyphens: none; + -moz-hyphens: none; + -ms-hyphens: none; + hyphens: none; +} + +pre[class*=language-].fastn-theme-dark code { + float: left; + padding: 0 15px 0 0; +} + +pre[class*=language-].fastn-theme-dark, +:not(pre) > code[class*=language-].fastn-theme-dark { + background: #222; +} + +/* Code blocks */ +pre[class*=language-].fastn-theme-dark { + padding: 15px; + overflow: auto; +} + +/* Inline code */ +:not(pre) > code[class*=language-].fastn-theme-dark { + padding: 5px 10px; + line-height: 1; +} + +/* Fastn Language tokens -------------------------------------------------- */ + +.fastn-theme-dark .token.section-identifier { + color: #d5d7e2; +} + +.fastn-theme-dark .token.section-name { + color: #6791e0; +} + +.fastn-theme-dark .token.section-caption { + color: #2fb170; +} + +.fastn-theme-dark .token.semi-colon { + color: #cecfd2; +} + +.fastn-theme-dark .token.event { + color: #6ae2ff; +} + +.fastn-theme-dark .token.processor { + color: #6ae2ff; +} + +.fastn-theme-dark .token.type-modifier { + color: #54b59e; +} + +.fastn-theme-dark .token.value-type { + color: #54b59e; +} + +.fastn-theme-dark .token.kernel-type { + color: #54b59e; +} + +.fastn-theme-dark .token.header-type { + color: #54b59e; +} + +.fastn-theme-dark .token.header-name { + color: #c973d9; +} + +.fastn-theme-dark .token.header-condition { + color: #9871ff; +} + +.fastn-theme-dark .token.header-value { + color: #d5d7e2; +} + +/* END ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +.fastn-theme-dark .token.comment, +.fastn-theme-dark .token.prolog, +.fastn-theme-dark .token.doctype, +.fastn-theme-dark .token.cdata { + color: #d4c8c896; +} + +.fastn-theme-dark .token.selector, +.fastn-theme-dark .token.operator, +.fastn-theme-dark .token.punctuation { + color: #fff; +} + +.fastn-theme-dark .token.namespace { + opacity: .7; +} + +.fastn-theme-dark .token.tag, +.fastn-theme-dark .token.boolean { + color: #ff5cac; +} + +.fastn-theme-dark .token.atrule, +.fastn-theme-dark .token.attr-value, +.fastn-theme-dark .token.hex, +.fastn-theme-dark .token.string { + color: #d5d7e2; +} + +.fastn-theme-dark, +.fastn-theme-dark .token.entity, +.fastn-theme-dark .token.url, +.fastn-theme-dark .token.attr-name, +.fastn-theme-dark .token.keyword { + color: #ffa05c; +} + +.fastn-theme-dark .token.regex { + color: #c973d9; +} + +.fastn-theme-dark .token.entity { + cursor: help; +} + +.fastn-theme-dark .token.function, +.fastn-theme-dark .token.constant { + color: #6791e0; +} + +.fastn-theme-dark .token.variable { + color: #fdfba8; +} + +.fastn-theme-dark .token.number { + color: #8799B0; +} + +.fastn-theme-dark .token.important, +.fastn-theme-dark .token.deliminator { + color: #2fb170; +} + +/* Line highlight plugin */ +.fastn-theme-dark .line-highlight.line-highlight { + background-color: #0734a533; + box-shadow: inset 2px 0 0 #2a77ff +} + +.fastn-theme-dark .line-highlight.line-highlight:before, +.fastn-theme-dark .line-highlight.line-highlight[data-end]:after { + top: auto; + background-color: #2a77ff; + color: #fff; + border-radius: 50%; +} + +/* for line numbers */ +/* span instead of span:before for a two-toned border */ +.fastn-theme-dark .line-numbers .line-numbers-rows > span { + border-right: 3px #d9d336 solid; +} diff --git a/default-8AF09E1610A8D38D00A90C56DA8C4EA30253D6E07CEDF2AA02140F7D34C6282F.js b/default-8AF09E1610A8D38D00A90C56DA8C4EA30253D6E07CEDF2AA02140F7D34C6282F.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4cd8444 --- /dev/null +++ b/default-8AF09E1610A8D38D00A90C56DA8C4EA30253D6E07CEDF2AA02140F7D34C6282F.js @@ -0,0 +1,6540 @@ +/* ftd-language.js */ + +Prism.languages.ftd = { + comment: [ + { + pattern: /\/--\s*((?!--)[\S\s])*/g, + greedy: true, + alias: "section-comment", + }, + { + pattern: /[\s]*\/[\w]+(:).*\n/g, + greedy: true, + alias: "header-comment", + }, + { + pattern: /(;;).*\n/g, + greedy: true, + alias: 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{2,}\n)|[\s\S]*?(?:(?=[\\`^|~"};w.punctuation=u(w.punctuation,"u").replace(/punctuation/g,w._punctuation).getRegex(),w.blockSkip=/\[[^[\]]*?\]\([^\(\)]*?\)|`[^`]*?`|<[^<>]*?>/g,w.anyPunctuation=/\\[punct]/g,w._escapes=/\\([punct])/g,w._comment=u(m._comment).replace("(?:--\x3e|$)","--\x3e").getRegex(),w.emStrong.lDelim=u(w.emStrong.lDelim,"u").replace(/punct/g,w._punctuation).getRegex(),w.emStrong.rDelimAst=u(w.emStrong.rDelimAst,"gu").replace(/punct/g,w._punctuation).getRegex(),w.emStrong.rDelimUnd=u(w.emStrong.rDelimUnd,"gu").replace(/punct/g,w._punctuation).getRegex(),w.anyPunctuation=u(w.anyPunctuation,"gu").replace(/punct/g,w._punctuation).getRegex(),w._escapes=u(w._escapes,"gu").replace(/punct/g,w._punctuation).getRegex(),w._scheme=/[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+.-]{1,31}/,w._email=/[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(@)[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)+(?![-_])/,w.autolink=u(w.autolink).replace("scheme",w._scheme).replace("email",w._email).getRegex(),w._attribute=/\s+[a-zA-Z:_][\w.:-]*(?:\s*=\s*"[^"]*"|\s*=\s*'[^']*'|\s*=\s*[^\s"'=<>`]+)?/,w.tag=u(w.tag).replace("comment",w._comment).replace("attribute",w._attribute).getRegex(),w._label=/(?:\[(?:\\.|[^\[\]\\])*\]|\\.|`[^`]*`|[^\[\]\\`])*?/,w._href=/<(?:\\.|[^\n<>\\])+>|[^\s\x00-\x1f]*/,w._title=/"(?:\\"?|[^"\\])*"|'(?:\\'?|[^'\\])*'|\((?:\\\)?|[^)\\])*\)/,"label",w._label).replace("href",w._href).replace("title",w._title).getRegex(),w.reflink=u(w.reflink).replace("label",w._label).replace("ref",m._label).getRegex(),w.nolink=u(w.nolink).replace("ref",m._label).getRegex(),w.reflinkSearch=u(w.reflinkSearch,"g").replace("reflink",w.reflink).replace("nolink",w.nolink).getRegex(),w.normal={...w},w.pedantic={...w.normal,strong:{start:/^__|\*\*/,middle:/^__(?=\S)([\s\S]*?\S)__(?!_)|^\*\*(?=\S)([\s\S]*?\S)\*\*(?!\*)/,endAst:/\*\*(?!\*)/g,endUnd:/__(?!_)/g},em:{start:/^_|\*/,middle:/^()\*(?=\S)([\s\S]*?\S)\*(?!\*)|^_(?=\S)([\s\S]*?\S)_(?!_)/,endAst:/\*(?!\*)/g,endUnd:/_(?!_)/g},link:u(/^!?\[(label)\]\((.*?)\)/).replace("label",w._label).getRegex(),reflink:u(/^!?\[(label)\]\s*\[([^\]]*)\]/).replace("label",w._label).getRegex()},w.gfm={...w.normal,escape:u(w.escape).replace("])","~|])").getRegex(),_extended_email:/[A-Za-z0-9._+-]+(@)[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*[a-zA-Z0-9])+(?![-_])/,url:/^((?:ftp|https?):\/\/|www\.)(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.?)+[^\s<]*|^email/,_backpedal:/(?:[^?!.,:;*_'"~()&]+|\([^)]*\)|&(?![a-zA-Z0-9]+;$)|[?!.,:;*_'"~)]+(?!$))+/,del:/^(~~?)(?=[^\s~])([\s\S]*?[^\s~])\1(?=[^~]|$)/,text:/^([`~]+|[^`~])(?:(?= {2,}\n)|(?=[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?_`{\|}~-]+@)|[\s\S]*?(?:(?=[\\t+" ".repeat(n.length)));e;)if(!(this.options.extensions&&this.options.extensions.block&&this.options.extensions.block.some((s=>!!({lexer:this},e,t))&&(e=e.substring(n.raw.length),t.push(n),!0)))))if(,1===n.raw.length&&t.length>0?t[t.length-1].raw+="\n":t.push(n);else if(n=this.tokenizer.code(e))e=e.substring(n.raw.length),s=t[t.length-1],!s||"paragraph"!==s.type&&"text"!==s.type?t.push(n):(s.raw+="\n"+n.raw,s.text+="\n"+n.text,this.inlineQueue[this.inlineQueue.length-1].src=s.text);else if(n=this.tokenizer.fences(e))e=e.substring(n.raw.length),t.push(n);else if(n=this.tokenizer.heading(e))e=e.substring(n.raw.length),t.push(n);else if(,t.push(n);else if(n=this.tokenizer.blockquote(e))e=e.substring(n.raw.length),t.push(n);else if(n=this.tokenizer.list(e))e=e.substring(n.raw.length),t.push(n);else if(n=this.tokenizer.html(e))e=e.substring(n.raw.length),t.push(n);else if(n=this.tokenizer.def(e))e=e.substring(n.raw.length),s=t[t.length-1],!s||"paragraph"!==s.type&&"text"!==s.type?this.tokens.links[n.tag]||(this.tokens.links[n.tag]={href:n.href,title:n.title}):(s.raw+="\n"+n.raw,s.text+="\n"+n.raw,this.inlineQueue[this.inlineQueue.length-1].src=s.text);else if(n=this.tokenizer.table(e))e=e.substring(n.raw.length),t.push(n);else if(n=this.tokenizer.lheading(e))e=e.substring(n.raw.length),t.push(n);else{if(r=e,this.options.extensions&&this.options.extensions.startBlock){let t=1/0;const n=e.slice(1);let s;this.options.extensions.startBlock.forEach((e=>{{lexer:this},n),"number"==typeof s&&s>=0&&(t=Math.min(t,s))})),t<1/0&&t>=0&&(r=e.substring(0,t+1))}if([t.length-1],i&&"paragraph"===s.type?(s.raw+="\n"+n.raw,s.text+="\n"+n.text,this.inlineQueue.pop(),this.inlineQueue[this.inlineQueue.length-1].src=s.text):t.push(n),i=r.length!==e.length,e=e.substring(n.raw.length);else if(n=this.tokenizer.text(e))e=e.substring(n.raw.length),s=t[t.length-1],s&&"text"===s.type?(s.raw+="\n"+n.raw,s.text+="\n"+n.text,this.inlineQueue.pop(),this.inlineQueue[this.inlineQueue.length-1].src=s.text):t.push(n);else if(e){const t="Infinite loop on byte: "+e.charCodeAt(0);if(this.options.silent){console.error(t);break}throw new Error(t)}}return!0,t}inline(e,t=[]){return this.inlineQueue.push({src:e,tokens:t}),t}inlineTokens(e,t=[]){let n,s,r,i,l,o,a=e;if(this.tokens.links){const e=Object.keys(this.tokens.links);if(e.length>0)for(;null!=(i=this.tokenizer.rules.inline.reflinkSearch.exec(a));)e.includes(i[0].slice(i[0].lastIndexOf("[")+1,-1))&&(a=a.slice(0,i.index)+"["+"a".repeat(i[0].length-2)+"]"+a.slice(this.tokenizer.rules.inline.reflinkSearch.lastIndex))}for(;null!=(i=this.tokenizer.rules.inline.blockSkip.exec(a));)a=a.slice(0,i.index)+"["+"a".repeat(i[0].length-2)+"]"+a.slice(this.tokenizer.rules.inline.blockSkip.lastIndex);for(;null!=(i=this.tokenizer.rules.inline.anyPunctuation.exec(a));)a=a.slice(0,i.index)+"++"+a.slice(this.tokenizer.rules.inline.anyPunctuation.lastIndex);for(;e;)if(l||(o=""),l=!1,!(this.options.extensions&&this.options.extensions.inline&&this.options.extensions.inline.some((s=>!!({lexer:this},e,t))&&(e=e.substring(n.raw.length),t.push(n),!0)))))if(n=this.tokenizer.escape(e))e=e.substring(n.raw.length),t.push(n);else if(n=this.tokenizer.tag(e))e=e.substring(n.raw.length),s=t[t.length-1],s&&"text"===n.type&&"text"===s.type?(s.raw+=n.raw,s.text+=n.text):t.push(n);else if(,t.push(n);else if(n=this.tokenizer.reflink(e,this.tokens.links))e=e.substring(n.raw.length),s=t[t.length-1],s&&"text"===n.type&&"text"===s.type?(s.raw+=n.raw,s.text+=n.text):t.push(n);else if(n=this.tokenizer.emStrong(e,a,o))e=e.substring(n.raw.length),t.push(n);else if(n=this.tokenizer.codespan(e))e=e.substring(n.raw.length),t.push(n);else if(,t.push(n);else if(n=this.tokenizer.del(e))e=e.substring(n.raw.length),t.push(n);else if(n=this.tokenizer.autolink(e))e=e.substring(n.raw.length),t.push(n);else if(this.state.inLink||!(n=this.tokenizer.url(e))){if(r=e,this.options.extensions&&this.options.extensions.startInline){let t=1/0;const n=e.slice(1);let s;this.options.extensions.startInline.forEach((e=>{{lexer:this},n),"number"==typeof s&&s>=0&&(t=Math.min(t,s))})),t<1/0&&t>=0&&(r=e.substring(0,t+1))}if(n=this.tokenizer.inlineText(r))e=e.substring(n.raw.length),"_"!==n.raw.slice(-1)&&(o=n.raw.slice(-1)),l=!0,s=t[t.length-1],s&&"text"===s.type?(s.raw+=n.raw,s.text+=n.text):t.push(n);else if(e){const t="Infinite loop on byte: "+e.charCodeAt(0);if(this.options.silent){console.error(t);break}throw new Error(t)}}else e=e.substring(n.raw.length),t.push(n);return t}}class y{options;constructor(t){this.options=t||e.defaults}code(e,t,n){const s=(t||"").match(/^\S*/)?.[0];return e=e.replace(/\n$/,"")+"\n",s?'
\n`}html(e,t){return e}heading(e,t,n){return`${e}\n`}hr(){return"
\n"}list(e,t,n){const s=t?"ol":"ul";return"<"+s+(t&&1!==n?' start="'+n+'"':"")+">\n"+e+"\n"}listitem(e,t,n){return`
  • ${e}
  • \n`}checkbox(e){return"'}paragraph(e){return`


    \n`}table(e,t){return t&&(t=`${t}`),"\n\n"+e+"\n"+t+"
    \n"}tablerow(e){return`\n${e}\n`}tablecell(e,t){const n=t.header?"th":"td";return(t.align?`<${n} align="${t.align}">`:`<${n}>`)+e+`\n`}strong(e){return`${e}`}em(e){return`${e}`}codespan(e){return`${e}`}br(){return"
    "}del(e){return`${e}`}link(e,t,n){const s=g(e);if(null===s)return n;let r='",r}image(e,t,n){const s=g(e);if(null===s)return n;let r=`${n}"colon"===(t=t.toLowerCase())?":":"#"===t.charAt(0)?"x"===t.charAt(1)?String.fromCharCode(parseInt(t.substring(2),16)):String.fromCharCode(+t.substring(1)):"")));continue}case"code":{const e=r;n+=this.renderer.code(e.text,e.lang,!!e.escaped);continue}case"table":{const e=r;let t="",s="";for(let t=0;t0&&"paragraph"===n.tokens[0].type?(n.tokens[0].text=e+" "+n.tokens[0].text,n.tokens[0].tokens&&n.tokens[0].tokens.length>0&&"text"===n.tokens[0].tokens[0].type&&(n.tokens[0].tokens[0].text=e+" "+n.tokens[0].tokens[0].text)):n.tokens.unshift({type:"text",text:e+" "}):o+=e+" "}o+=this.parse(n.tokens,i),l+=this.renderer.listitem(o,r,!!s)}n+=this.renderer.list(l,t,s);continue}case"html":{const e=r;n+=this.renderer.html(e.text,e.block);continue}case"paragraph":{const e=r;n+=this.renderer.paragraph(this.parseInline(e.tokens));continue}case"text":{let i=r,l=i.tokens?this.parseInline(i.tokens):i.text;for(;s+1{n=n.concat(this.walkTokens(e[s],t))})):e.tokens&&(n=n.concat(this.walkTokens(e.tokens,t)))}}return n}use(...e){const t=this.defaults.extensions||{renderers:{},childTokens:{}};return e.forEach((e=>{const n={...e};if(n.async=this.defaults.async||n.async||!1,e.extensions&&(e.extensions.forEach((e=>{if(! new Error("extension name required");if("renderer"in e){const n=t.renderers[];t.renderers[]=n?function(...t){let s=e.renderer.apply(this,t);return!1===s&&(s=n.apply(this,t)),s}:e.renderer}if("tokenizer"in e){if(!e.level||"block"!==e.level&&"inline"!==e.level)throw new Error("extension level must be 'block' or 'inline'");const n=t[e.level];n?n.unshift(e.tokenizer):t[e.level]=[e.tokenizer],e.start&&("block"===e.level?t.startBlock?t.startBlock.push(e.start):t.startBlock=[e.start]:"inline"===e.level&&(t.startInline?t.startInline.push(e.start):t.startInline=[e.start]))}"childTokens"in e&&e.childTokens&&(t.childTokens[]=e.childTokens)})),n.extensions=t),e.renderer){const t=this.defaults.renderer||new y(this.defaults);for(const n in e.renderer){const s=e.renderer[n],r=n,i=t[r];t[r]=(...e)=>{let n=s.apply(t,e);return!1===n&&(n=i.apply(t,e)),n||""}}n.renderer=t}if(e.tokenizer){const t=this.defaults.tokenizer||new b(this.defaults);for(const n in e.tokenizer){const s=e.tokenizer[n],r=n,i=t[r];t[r]=(...e)=>{let n=s.apply(t,e);return!1===n&&(n=i.apply(t,e)),n}}n.tokenizer=t}if(e.hooks){const t=this.defaults.hooks||new T;for(const n in e.hooks){const s=e.hooks[n],r=n,i=t[r];T.passThroughHooks.has(n)?t[r]=e=>{if(this.defaults.async)return Promise.resolve(,e)).then((e=>,e)));const,e);return,n)}:t[r]=(...e)=>{let n=s.apply(t,e);return!1===n&&(n=i.apply(t,e)),n}}n.hooks=t}if(e.walkTokens){const t=this.defaults.walkTokens,s=e.walkTokens;n.walkTokens=function(e){let n=[];return n.push(,e)),t&&(n=n.concat(,e))),n}}this.defaults={...this.defaults,...n}})),this}setOptions(e){return this.defaults={...this.defaults,...e},this}#e(e,t){return(n,s)=>{const r={...s},i={...this.defaults,...r};!0===this.defaults.async&&!1===r.async&&(i.silent||console.warn("marked(): The async option was set to true by an extension. The async: false option sent to parse will be ignored."),i.async=!0);const l=this.#t(!!i.silent,!!i.async);if(null==n)return l(new Error("marked(): input parameter is undefined or null"));if("string"!=typeof n)return l(new Error("marked(): input parameter is of type "", string expected"));if(i.hooks&&(i.hooks.options=i),i.async)return Promise.resolve(i.hooks?i.hooks.preprocess(n):n).then((t=>e(t,i))).then((e=>i.walkTokens?Promise.all(this.walkTokens(e,i.walkTokens)).then((()=>e)):e)).then((e=>t(e,i))).then((e=>i.hooks?i.hooks.postprocess(e):e)).catch(l);try{i.hooks&&(n=i.hooks.preprocess(n));const s=e(n,i);i.walkTokens&&this.walkTokens(s,i.walkTokens);let r=t(s,i);return i.hooks&&(r=i.hooks.postprocess(r)),r}catch(e){return l(e)}}}#t(e,t){return n=>{if(n.message+="\nPlease report this to",e){const e="

    An error occurred:

    ";return t?Promise.resolve(e):e}if(t)return Promise.reject(n);throw n}}}const S=new R;function A(e,t){return S.parse(e,t)}A.options=A.setOptions=function(e){return S.setOptions(e),A.defaults=S.defaults,n(A.defaults),A},A.getDefaults=t,A.defaults=e.defaults,A.use=function(...e){return S.use(...e),A.defaults=S.defaults,n(A.defaults),A},A.walkTokens=function(e,t){return S.walkTokens(e,t)},A.parseInline=S.parseInline,A.Parser=z,A.parser=z.parse,A.Renderer=y,A.TextRenderer=$,A.Lexer=_,A.lexer=_.lex,A.Tokenizer=b,A.Hooks=T,A.parse=A;const I=A.options,E=A.setOptions,Z=A.use,q=A.walkTokens,L=A.parseInline,D=A,P=z.parse,v=_.lex;e.Hooks=T,e.Lexer=_,e.Marked=R,e.Parser=z,e.Renderer=y,e.TextRenderer=$,e.Tokenizer=b,e.getDefaults=t,e.lexer=v,e.marked=A,e.options=I,e.parse=D,e.parseInline=L,e.parser=P,e.setOptions=E,e.use=Z,e.walkTokens=q})); +const fastn = (function (fastn) { + class Closure { + #cached_value; + #node; + #property; + #formula; + #inherited; + constructor(func, execute = true) { + if (execute) { + this.#cached_value = func(); + } + this.#formula = func; + } + + get() { + return this.#cached_value; + } + getFormula() { + return this.#formula; + } + addNodeProperty(node, property, inherited) { + this.#node = node; + this.#property = property; + this.#inherited = inherited; + this.updateUi(); + + return this; + } + update() { + this.#cached_value = this.#formula(); + this.updateUi(); + } + getNode() { + return this.#node; + } + updateUi() { + if ( + !this.#node || + this.#property === null || + this.#property === undefined || + !this.#node.getNode() + ) { + return; + } + + this.#node.setStaticProperty( + this.#property, + this.#cached_value, + this.#inherited, + ); + } + } + + class Mutable { + #value; + #old_closure; + #closures; + #closureInstance; + constructor(val) { + this.#value = null; + this.#old_closure = null; + this.#closures = []; + this.#closureInstance = fastn.closure(() => + this.#closures.forEach((closure) => closure.update()), + ); + this.set(val); + } + get(key) { + if ( + !fastn_utils.isNull(key) && + (this.#value instanceof RecordInstance || + this.#value instanceof MutableList || + this.#value instanceof Mutable) + ) { + return this.#value.get(key); + } + return this.#value; + } + setWithoutUpdate(value) { + if (this.#old_closure) { + this.#value.removeClosure(this.#old_closure); + } + + if (this.#value instanceof RecordInstance) { + // this.#value.replace(value); will replace the record type + // variable instance created which we don't want. + // color: red + // color if { something }: $orange-green + // The `this.#value.replace(value);` will replace the value of + // `orange-green` with `{light: red, dark: red}` + this.#value = value; + } else { + this.#value = value; + } + + if (this.#value instanceof Mutable) { + this.#old_closure = fastn.closureWithoutExecute(() => + this.#closureInstance.update(), + ); + this.#value.addClosure(this.#old_closure); + } else { + this.#old_closure = null; + } + } + set(value) { + this.setWithoutUpdate(value); + + this.#closureInstance.update(); + } + // we have to unlink all nodes, else they will be kept in memory after the node is removed from DOM + unlinkNode(node) { + this.#closures = this.#closures.filter( + (closure) => closure.getNode() !== node, + ); + } + addClosure(closure) { + this.#closures.push(closure); + } + removeClosure(closure) { + this.#closures = this.#closures.filter((c) => c !== closure); + } + equalMutable(other) { + if (!fastn_utils.deepEqual(this.get(), other.get())) { + return false; + } + const thisClosures = this.#closures; + const otherClosures = other.#closures; + + return thisClosures === otherClosures; + } + getClone() { + return new Mutable(fastn_utils.clone(this.#value)); + } + } + + class Proxy { + #differentiator; + #cached_value; + #closures; + #closureInstance; + constructor(targets, differentiator) { + this.#differentiator = differentiator; + this.#cached_value = this.#differentiator().get(); + this.#closures = []; + + let proxy = this; + for (let idx in targets) { + targets[idx].addClosure( + new Closure(function () { + proxy.update(); + proxy.#closures.forEach((closure) => closure.update()); + }), + ); + targets[idx].addClosure(this); + } + } + addClosure(closure) { + this.#closures.push(closure); + } + removeClosure(closure) { + this.#closures = this.#closures.filter((c) => c !== closure); + } + update() { + this.#cached_value = this.#differentiator().get(); + } + get(key) { + if ( + !!key && + (this.#cached_value instanceof RecordInstance || + this.#cached_value instanceof MutableList || + this.#cached_value instanceof Mutable) + ) { + return this.#cached_value.get(key); + } + return this.#cached_value; + } + set(value) { + // Todo: Optimization removed. Reuse optimization later again + /*if (fastn_utils.deepEqual(this.#cached_value, value)) { + return; + }*/ + this.#differentiator().set(value); + } + } + + class MutableList { + #list; + #watchers; + #closures; + constructor(list) { + this.#list = []; + for (let idx in list) { + this.#list.push({ + item: fastn.wrapMutable(list[idx]), + index: new Mutable(parseInt(idx)), + }); + } + this.#watchers = []; + this.#closures = []; + } + addClosure(closure) { + this.#closures.push(closure); + } + unlinkNode(node) { + this.#closures = this.#closures.filter( + (closure) => closure.getNode() !== node, + ); + } + forLoop(root, dom_constructor) { + let l = fastn_dom.forLoop(root, dom_constructor, this); + this.#watchers.push(l); + return l; + } + getList() { + return this.#list; + } + getLength() { + return this.#list.length; + } + get(idx) { + if (fastn_utils.isNull(idx)) { + return this.getList(); + } + return this.#list[idx]; + } + set(index, value) { + if (value === undefined) { + value = index; + if (!(value instanceof MutableList)) { + if (!Array.isArray(value)) { + value = [value]; + } + value = new MutableList(value); + } + + let list = value.#list; + this.#list = []; + for (let i in list) { + this.#list.push(list[i]); + } + + for (let i in this.#watchers) { + this.#watchers[i].createAllNode(); + } + } else { + index = fastn_utils.getFlattenStaticValue(index); + this.#list[index].item.set(value); + } + + this.#closures.forEach((closure) => closure.update()); + } + insertAt(index, value) { + index = fastn_utils.getFlattenStaticValue(index); + let mutable = fastn.wrapMutable(value); + this.#list.splice(index, 0, { + item: mutable, + index: new Mutable(index), + }); + // for every item after the inserted item, update the index + for (let i = index + 1; i < this.#list.length; i++) { + this.#list[i].index.set(i); + } + + for (let i in this.#watchers) { + this.#watchers[i].createNode(index); + } + this.#closures.forEach((closure) => closure.update()); + } + push(value) { + this.insertAt(this.#list.length, value); + } + deleteAt(index) { + index = fastn_utils.getFlattenStaticValue(index); + this.#list.splice(index, 1); + // for every item after the deleted item, update the index + for (let i = index; i < this.#list.length; i++) { + this.#list[i].index.set(i); + } + + for (let i in this.#watchers) { + let forLoop = this.#watchers[i]; + forLoop.deleteNode(index); + } + this.#closures.forEach((closure) => closure.update()); + } + clearAll() { + this.#list = []; + for (let i in this.#watchers) { + this.#watchers[i].deleteAllNode(); + } + this.#closures.forEach((closure) => closure.update()); + } + pop() { + this.deleteAt(this.#list.length - 1); + } + getClone() { + let current_list = this.#list; + let new_list = []; + for (let idx in current_list) { + new_list.push(fastn_utils.clone(current_list[idx].item)); + } + return new MutableList(new_list); + } + } + + fastn.mutable = function (val) { + return new Mutable(val); + }; + + fastn.closure = function (func) { + return new Closure(func); + }; + + fastn.closureWithoutExecute = function (func) { + return new Closure(func, false); + }; + + fastn.formula = function (deps, func) { + let closure = fastn.closure(func); + let mutable = new Mutable(closure.get()); + for (let idx in deps) { + if (fastn_utils.isNull(deps[idx]) || !deps[idx].addClosure) { + continue; + } + deps[idx].addClosure( + new Closure(function () { + closure.update(); + mutable.set(closure.get()); + }), + ); + } + + return mutable; + }; + + fastn.proxy = function (targets, differentiator) { + return new Proxy(targets, differentiator); + }; + + fastn.wrapMutable = function (obj) { + if ( + !(obj instanceof Mutable) && + !(obj instanceof RecordInstance) && + !(obj instanceof MutableList) + ) { + obj = new Mutable(obj); + } + return obj; + }; + + fastn.mutableList = function (list) { + return new MutableList(list); + }; + + class RecordInstance { + #fields; + #closures; + constructor(obj) { + this.#fields = {}; + this.#closures = []; + + for (let key in obj) { + if (obj[key] instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + this.#fields[key] = fastn.mutable(null); + this.#fields[key].setWithoutUpdate(obj[key]); + } else { + this.#fields[key] = fastn.mutable(obj[key]); + } + } + } + getAllFields() { + return this.#fields; + } + getClonedFields() { + let clonedFields = {}; + for (let key in this.#fields) { + let field_value = this.#fields[key]; + if ( + field_value instanceof fastn.recordInstanceClass || + field_value instanceof fastn.mutableClass || + field_value instanceof fastn.mutableListClass + ) { + clonedFields[key] = this.#fields[key].getClone(); + } else { + clonedFields[key] = this.#fields[key]; + } + } + return clonedFields; + } + addClosure(closure) { + this.#closures.push(closure); + } + unlinkNode(node) { + this.#closures = this.#closures.filter( + (closure) => closure.getNode() !== node, + ); + } + get(key) { + return this.#fields[key]; + } + set(key, value) { + if (value === undefined) { + value = key; + if (!(value instanceof RecordInstance)) { + value = new RecordInstance(value); + } + + let fields = {}; + for (let key in value.#fields) { + fields[key] = value.#fields[key]; + } + + this.#fields = fields; + } else if (this.#fields[key] === undefined) { + this.#fields[key] = fastn.mutable(null); + this.#fields[key].setWithoutUpdate(value); + } else { + this.#fields[key].set(value); + } + this.#closures.forEach((closure) => closure.update()); + } + setAndReturn(key, value) { + this.set(key, value); + return this; + } + replace(obj) { + for (let key in this.#fields) { + if (!(key in obj.#fields)) { + throw new Error( + "RecordInstance.replace: key " + + key + + " not present in new object", + ); + } + this.#fields[key] = fastn.wrapMutable(obj.#fields[key]); + } + this.#closures.forEach((closure) => closure.update()); + } + toObject() { + return Object.fromEntries( + Object.entries(this.#fields).map(([key, value]) => [ + key, + fastn_utils.getFlattenStaticValue(value), + ]), + ); + } + getClone() { + let current_fields = this.#fields; + let cloned_fields = {}; + for (let key in current_fields) { + let value = fastn_utils.clone(current_fields[key]); + if (value instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + value = value.get(); + } + cloned_fields[key] = value; + } + return new RecordInstance(cloned_fields); + } + } + + class Module { + #name; + #global; + constructor(name, global) { + this.#name = name; + this.#global = global; + } + + getName() { + return this.#name; + } + + get(function_name) { + return this.#global[`${this.#name}__${function_name}`]; + } + } + + fastn.recordInstance = function (obj) { + return new RecordInstance(obj); + }; + + fastn.color = function (r, g, b) { + return `rgb(${r},${g},${b})`; + }; + + fastn.mutableClass = Mutable; + fastn.mutableListClass = MutableList; + fastn.recordInstanceClass = RecordInstance; + fastn.module = function (name, global) { + return new Module(name, global); + }; + fastn.moduleClass = Module; + + return fastn; +})({}); +let fastn_dom = {}; + +fastn_dom.styleClasses = ""; + +fastn_dom.InternalClass = { + FT_COLUMN: "ft_column", + FT_ROW: "ft_row", + FT_FULL_SIZE: "ft_full_size", +}; + +fastn_dom.codeData = { + availableThemes: {}, + addedCssFile: [], +}; + +fastn_dom.externalCss = new Set(); +fastn_dom.externalJs = new Set(); + +// Todo: Object (key, value) pair (counter type key) +fastn_dom.webComponent = []; + +fastn_dom.commentNode = "comment"; +fastn_dom.wrapperNode = "wrapper"; +fastn_dom.commentMessage = "***FASTN***"; +fastn_dom.webComponentArgument = "args"; + +fastn_dom.classes = {}; +fastn_dom.unsanitised_classes = {}; +fastn_dom.class_count = 0; +fastn_dom.propertyMap = { + "align-items": "ali", + "align-self": "as", + "background-color": "bgc", + "background-image": "bgi", + "background-position": "bgp", + "background-repeat": "bgr", + "background-size": "bgs", + "border-bottom-color": "bbc", + "border-bottom-left-radius": "bblr", + "border-bottom-right-radius": "bbrr", + "border-bottom-style": "bbs", + "border-bottom-width": "bbw", + "border-color": "bc", + "border-left-color": "blc", + "border-left-style": "bls", + "border-left-width": "blw", + "border-radius": "br", + "border-right-color": "brc", + "border-right-style": "brs", + "border-right-width": "brw", + "border-style": "bs", + "border-top-color": "btc", + "border-top-left-radius": "btlr", + "border-top-right-radius": "btrr", + "border-top-style": "bts", + "border-top-width": "btw", + "border-width": "bw", + bottom: "b", + color: "c", + shadow: "sh", + "text-shadow": "tsh", + cursor: "cur", + display: "d", + "flex-wrap": "fw", + "font-style": "fst", + "font-weight": "fwt", + gap: "g", + height: "h", + "justify-content": "jc", + left: "l", + link: "lk", + "link-color": "lkc", + margin: "m", + "margin-bottom": "mb", + "margin-horizontal": "mh", + "margin-left": "ml", + "margin-right": "mr", + "margin-top": "mt", + "margin-vertical": "mv", + "max-height": "mxh", + "max-width": "mxw", + "min-height": "mnh", + "min-width": "mnw", + opacity: "op", + overflow: "o", + "overflow-x": "ox", + "overflow-y": "oy", + "object-fit": "of", + padding: "p", + "padding-bottom": "pb", + "padding-horizontal": "ph", + "padding-left": "pl", + "padding-right": "pr", + "padding-top": "pt", + "padding-vertical": "pv", + position: "pos", + resize: "res", + role: "rl", + right: "r", + sticky: "s", + "text-align": "ta", + "text-decoration": "td", + "text-transform": "tt", + top: "t", + width: "w", + "z-index": "z", + "-webkit-box-orient": "wbo", + "-webkit-line-clamp": "wlc", + "backdrop-filter": "bdf", + "mask-image": "mi", + "-webkit-mask-image": "wmi", + "mask-size": "ms", + "-webkit-mask-size": "wms", + "mask-repeat": "mre", + "-webkit-mask-repeat": "wmre", + "mask-position": "mp", + "-webkit-mask-position": "wmp", + "fetch-priority": "ftp", +}; + +// +fastn_dom.getClassesAsString = function () { + return ``; +}; + +fastn_dom.getClassesAsStringWithoutStyleTag = function () { + let classes = Object.entries(fastn_dom.classes).map((entry) => { + return getClassAsString(entry[0], entry[1]); + }); + + /*.ft_text { + padding: 0; + }*/ + return classes.join("\n\t"); +}; + +function getClassAsString(className, obj) { + if (typeof obj.value === "object" && obj.value !== null) { + let value = ""; + for (let key in obj.value) { + if (obj.value[key] === undefined || obj.value[key] === null) { + continue; + } + value = `${value} ${key}: ${obj.value[key]}${ + key === "color" ? " !important" : "" + };`; + } + return `${className} { ${value} }`; + } else { + return `${className} { ${}: ${obj.value}${ + === "color" ? " !important" : "" + }; }`; + } +} + +fastn_dom.ElementKind = { + Row: 0, + Column: 1, + Integer: 2, + Decimal: 3, + Boolean: 4, + Text: 5, + Image: 6, + IFrame: 7, + // To create parent for dynamic DOM + Comment: 8, + CheckBox: 9, + TextInput: 10, + ContainerElement: 11, + Rive: 12, + Document: 13, + Wrapper: 14, + Code: 15, + // Note: This is called internally, it gives `code` as tagName. This is used + // along with the Code: 15. + CodeChild: 16, + // Note: 'arguments' cant be used as function parameter name bcoz it has + // internal usage in js functions. + WebComponent: (webcomponent, args) => { + return [17, [webcomponent, args]]; + }, + Video: 18, +}; + +fastn_dom.PropertyKind = { + Color: 0, + IntegerValue: 1, + StringValue: 2, + DecimalValue: 3, + BooleanValue: 4, + Width: 5, + Padding: 6, + Height: 7, + Id: 8, + BorderWidth: 9, + BorderStyle: 10, + Margin: 11, + Background: 12, + PaddingHorizontal: 13, + PaddingVertical: 14, + PaddingLeft: 15, + PaddingRight: 16, + PaddingTop: 17, + PaddingBottom: 18, + MarginHorizontal: 19, + MarginVertical: 20, + MarginLeft: 21, + MarginRight: 22, + MarginTop: 23, + MarginBottom: 24, + Role: 25, + ZIndex: 26, + Sticky: 27, + Top: 28, + Bottom: 29, + Left: 30, + Right: 31, + Overflow: 32, + OverflowX: 33, + OverflowY: 34, + Spacing: 35, + Wrap: 36, + TextTransform: 37, + TextIndent: 38, + TextAlign: 39, + LineClamp: 40, + Opacity: 41, + Cursor: 42, + Resize: 43, + MinHeight: 44, + MaxHeight: 45, + MinWidth: 46, + MaxWidth: 47, + WhiteSpace: 48, + BorderTopWidth: 49, + BorderBottomWidth: 50, + BorderLeftWidth: 51, + BorderRightWidth: 52, + BorderRadius: 53, + BorderTopLeftRadius: 54, + BorderTopRightRadius: 55, + BorderBottomLeftRadius: 56, + BorderBottomRightRadius: 57, + BorderStyleVertical: 58, + BorderStyleHorizontal: 59, + BorderLeftStyle: 60, + BorderRightStyle: 61, + BorderTopStyle: 62, + BorderBottomStyle: 63, + BorderColor: 64, + BorderLeftColor: 65, + BorderRightColor: 66, + BorderTopColor: 67, + BorderBottomColor: 68, + AlignSelf: 69, + Classes: 70, + Anchor: 71, + Link: 72, + Children: 73, + OpenInNewTab: 74, + TextStyle: 75, + Region: 76, + AlignContent: 77, + Display: 78, + Checked: 79, + Enabled: 80, + TextInputType: 81, + Placeholder: 82, + Multiline: 83, + DefaultTextInputValue: 84, + Loading: 85, + Src: 86, + YoutubeSrc: 87, + Code: 88, + ImageSrc: 89, + Alt: 90, + DocumentProperties: { + MetaTitle: 91, + MetaOGTitle: 92, + MetaTwitterTitle: 93, + MetaDescription: 94, + MetaOGDescription: 95, + MetaTwitterDescription: 96, + MetaOGImage: 97, + MetaTwitterImage: 98, + MetaThemeColor: 99, + MetaFacebookDomainVerification: 123, + }, + Shadow: 100, + CodeTheme: 101, + CodeLanguage: 102, + CodeShowLineNumber: 103, + Css: 104, + Js: 105, + LinkRel: 106, + InputMaxLength: 107, + Favicon: 108, + Fit: 109, + VideoSrc: 110, + Autoplay: 111, + Poster: 112, + LoopVideo: 113, + Controls: 114, + Muted: 115, + LinkColor: 116, + TextShadow: 117, + Selectable: 118, + BackdropFilter: 119, + Mask: 120, + TextInputValue: 121, + FetchPriority: 122, +}; + +fastn_dom.Loading = { + Lazy: "lazy", + Eager: "eager", +}; + +fastn_dom.LinkRel = { + NoFollow: "nofollow", + Sponsored: "sponsored", + Ugc: "ugc", +}; + +fastn_dom.TextInputType = { + Text: "text", + Email: "email", + Password: "password", + Url: "url", + DateTime: "datetime", + Date: "date", + Time: "time", + Month: "month", + Week: "week", + Color: "color", + File: "file", +}; + +fastn_dom.AlignContent = { + TopLeft: "top-left", + TopCenter: "top-center", + TopRight: "top-right", + Right: "right", + Left: "left", + Center: "center", + BottomLeft: "bottom-left", + BottomRight: "bottom-right", + BottomCenter: "bottom-center", +}; + +fastn_dom.Region = { + H1: "h1", + H2: "h2", + H3: "h3", + H4: "h4", + H5: "h5", + H6: "h6", +}; + +fastn_dom.Anchor = { + Window: [1, "fixed"], + Parent: [2, "absolute"], + Id: (value) => { + return [3, value]; + }, +}; + +fastn_dom.DeviceData = { + Desktop: "desktop", + Mobile: "mobile", +}; + +fastn_dom.TextStyle = { + Underline: "underline", + Italic: "italic", + Strike: "line-through", + Heavy: "900", + Extrabold: "800", + Bold: "700", + SemiBold: "600", + Medium: "500", + Regular: "400", + Light: "300", + ExtraLight: "200", + Hairline: "100", +}; + +fastn_dom.Resizing = { + FillContainer: "100%", + HugContent: "fit-content", + Auto: "auto", + Fixed: (value) => { + return value; + }, +}; + +fastn_dom.Spacing = { + SpaceEvenly: [1, "space-evenly"], + SpaceBetween: [2, "space-between"], + SpaceAround: [3, "space-around"], + Fixed: (value) => { + return [4, value]; + }, +}; + +fastn_dom.BorderStyle = { + Solid: "solid", + Dashed: "dashed", + Dotted: "dotted", + Double: "double", + Ridge: "ridge", + Groove: "groove", + Inset: "inset", + Outset: "outset", +}; + +fastn_dom.Fit = { + none: "none", + fill: "fill", + contain: "contain", + cover: "cover", + scaleDown: "scale-down", +}; + +fastn_dom.FetchPriority = { + auto: "auto", + high: "high", + low: "low", +}; + +fastn_dom.Overflow = { + Scroll: "scroll", + Visible: "visible", + Hidden: "hidden", + Auto: "auto", +}; + +fastn_dom.Display = { + Block: "block", + Inline: "inline", + InlineBlock: "inline-block", +}; + +fastn_dom.AlignSelf = { + Start: "start", + Center: "center", + End: "end", +}; + +fastn_dom.TextTransform = { + None: "none", + Capitalize: "capitalize", + Uppercase: "uppercase", + Lowercase: "lowercase", + Inherit: "inherit", + Initial: "initial", +}; + +fastn_dom.TextAlign = { + Start: "start", + Center: "center", + End: "end", + Justify: "justify", +}; + +fastn_dom.Cursor = { + None: "none", + Default: "default", + ContextMenu: "context-menu", + Help: "help", + Pointer: "pointer", + Progress: "progress", + Wait: "wait", + Cell: "cell", + CrossHair: "crosshair", + Text: "text", + VerticalText: "vertical-text", + Alias: "alias", + Copy: "copy", + Move: "move", + NoDrop: "no-drop", + NotAllowed: "not-allowed", + Grab: "grab", + Grabbing: "grabbing", + EResize: "e-resize", + NResize: "n-resize", + NeResize: "ne-resize", + SResize: "s-resize", + SeResize: "se-resize", + SwResize: "sw-resize", + Wresize: "w-resize", + Ewresize: "ew-resize", + NsResize: "ns-resize", + NeswResize: "nesw-resize", + NwseResize: "nwse-resize", + ColResize: "col-resize", + RowResize: "row-resize", + AllScroll: "all-scroll", + ZoomIn: "zoom-in", + ZoomOut: "zoom-out", +}; + +fastn_dom.Resize = { + Vertical: "vertical", + Horizontal: "horizontal", + Both: "both", +}; + +fastn_dom.WhiteSpace = { + Normal: "normal", + NoWrap: "nowrap", + Pre: "pre", + PreLine: "pre-line", + PreWrap: "pre-wrap", + BreakSpaces: "break-spaces", +}; + +fastn_dom.BackdropFilter = { + Blur: (value) => { + return [1, value]; + }, + Brightness: (value) => { + return [2, value]; + }, + Contrast: (value) => { + return [3, value]; + }, + Grayscale: (value) => { + return [4, value]; + }, + Invert: (value) => { + return [5, value]; + }, + Opacity: (value) => { + return [6, value]; + }, + Sepia: (value) => { + return [7, value]; + }, + Saturate: (value) => { + return [8, value]; + }, + Multi: (value) => { + return [9, value]; + }, +}; + +fastn_dom.BackgroundStyle = { + Solid: (value) => { + return [1, value]; + }, + Image: (value) => { + return [2, value]; + }, + LinearGradient: (value) => { + return [3, value]; + }, +}; + +fastn_dom.BackgroundRepeat = { + Repeat: "repeat", + RepeatX: "repeat-x", + RepeatY: "repeat-y", + NoRepeat: "no-repeat", + Space: "space", + Round: "round", +}; + +fastn_dom.BackgroundSize = { + Auto: "auto", + Cover: "cover", + Contain: "contain", + Length: (value) => { + return value; + }, +}; + +fastn_dom.BackgroundPosition = { + Left: "left", + Right: "right", + Center: "center", + LeftTop: "left top", + LeftCenter: "left center", + LeftBottom: "left bottom", + CenterTop: "center top", + CenterCenter: "center center", + CenterBottom: "center bottom", + RightTop: "right top", + RightCenter: "right center", + RightBottom: "right bottom", + Length: (value) => { + return value; + }, +}; + +fastn_dom.LinearGradientDirection = { + Angle: (value) => { + return `${value}deg`; + }, + Turn: (value) => { + return `${value}turn`; + }, + Left: "270deg", + Right: "90deg", + Top: "0deg", + Bottom: "180deg", + TopLeft: "315deg", + TopRight: "45deg", + BottomLeft: "225deg", + BottomRight: "135deg", +}; + +fastn_dom.FontSize = { + Px: (value) => { + if (value instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + return fastn.formula([value], function () { + return `${value.get()}px`; + }); + } + return `${value}px`; + }, + Em: (value) => { + if (value instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + return fastn.formula([value], function () { + return `${value.get()}em`; + }); + } + return `${value}em`; + }, + Rem: (value) => { + if (value instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + return fastn.formula([value], function () { + return `${value.get()}rem`; + }); + } + return `${value}rem`; + }, +}; + +fastn_dom.Length = { + Px: (value) => { + if (value instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + return fastn.formula([value], function () { + return `${fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value)}px`; + }); + } + return `${value}px`; + }, + Em: (value) => { + if (value instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + return fastn.formula([value], function () { + return `${fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value)}em`; + }); + } + return `${value}em`; + }, + Rem: (value) => { + if (value instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + return fastn.formula([value], function () { + return `${fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value)}rem`; + }); + } + return `${value}rem`; + }, + Percent: (value) => { + if (value instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + return fastn.formula([value], function () { + return `${fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value)}%`; + }); + } + return `${value}%`; + }, + Calc: (value) => { + if (value instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + return fastn.formula([value], function () { + return `calc(${fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value)})`; + }); + } + return `calc(${value})`; + }, + Vh: (value) => { + if (value instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + return fastn.formula([value], function () { + return `${fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value)}vh`; + }); + } + return `${value}vh`; + }, + Vw: (value) => { + if (value instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + return fastn.formula([value], function () { + return `${fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value)}vw`; + }); + } + return `${value}vw`; + }, + Dvh: (value) => { + if (value instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + return fastn.formula([value], function () { + return `${fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value)}dvh`; + }); + } + return `${value}dvh`; + }, + Lvh: (value) => { + if (value instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + return fastn.formula([value], function () { + return `${fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value)}lvh`; + }); + } + return `${value}lvh`; + }, + Svh: (value) => { + if (value instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + return fastn.formula([value], function () { + return `${fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value)}svh`; + }); + } + return `${value}svh`; + }, + + Vmin: (value) => { + if (value instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + return fastn.formula([value], function () { + return `${fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value)}vmin`; + }); + } + return `${value}vmin`; + }, + Vmax: (value) => { + if (value instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + return fastn.formula([value], function () { + return `${fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value)}vmax`; + }); + } + return `${value}vmax`; + }, + Responsive: (length) => { + return new PropertyValueAsClosure(() => { + if (ftd.device.get() === "desktop") { + return length.get("desktop"); + } else { + let mobile = length.get("mobile"); + let desktop = length.get("desktop"); + return mobile ? mobile : desktop; + } + }, [ftd.device, length]); + }, +}; + +fastn_dom.Mask = { + Image: (value) => { + return [1, value]; + }, + Multi: (value) => { + return [2, value]; + }, +}; + +fastn_dom.MaskSize = { + Auto: "auto", + Cover: "cover", + Contain: "contain", + Fixed: (value) => { + return value; + }, +}; + +fastn_dom.MaskRepeat = { + Repeat: "repeat", + RepeatX: "repeat-x", + RepeatY: "repeat-y", + NoRepeat: "no-repeat", + Space: "space", + Round: "round", +}; + +fastn_dom.MaskPosition = { + Left: "left", + Right: "right", + Center: "center", + LeftTop: "left top", + LeftCenter: "left center", + LeftBottom: "left bottom", + CenterTop: "center top", + CenterCenter: "center center", + CenterBottom: "center bottom", + RightTop: "right top", + RightCenter: "right center", + RightBottom: "right bottom", + Length: (value) => { + return value; + }, +}; + +fastn_dom.Event = { + Click: 0, + MouseEnter: 1, + MouseLeave: 2, + ClickOutside: 3, + GlobalKey: (val) => { + return [4, val]; + }, + GlobalKeySeq: (val) => { + return [5, val]; + }, + Input: 6, + Change: 7, + Blur: 8, + Focus: 9, +}; + +class PropertyValueAsClosure { + closureFunction; + deps; + constructor(closureFunction, deps) { + this.closureFunction = closureFunction; + this.deps = deps; + } +} + +// Node2 -> Intermediate node +// Node -> similar to HTML DOM node (Node2.#node) +class Node2 { + #node; + #kind; + #parent; + #tagName; + #rawInnerValue; + /** + * This is where we store all the attached closures, so we can free them + * when we are done. + */ + #mutables; + /** + * This is where we store the extraData related to node. This is + * especially useful to store data for integrated external library (like + * rive). + */ + #extraData; + #children; + constructor(parentOrSibiling, kind) { + this.#kind = kind; + this.#parent = parentOrSibiling; + this.#children = []; + this.#rawInnerValue = null; + + let sibiling = undefined; + + if (parentOrSibiling instanceof ParentNodeWithSibiling) { + this.#parent = parentOrSibiling.getParent(); + while (this.#parent instanceof ParentNodeWithSibiling) { + this.#parent = this.#parent.getParent(); + } + sibiling = parentOrSibiling.getSibiling(); + } + + this.createNode(kind); + + this.#mutables = []; + this.#extraData = {}; + /*if (!!parent.parent) { + parent = parent.parent(); + }*/ + + if (this.#parent.getNode) { + this.#parent = this.#parent.getNode(); + } + + if (fastn_utils.isWrapperNode(this.#tagName)) { + this.#parent = parentOrSibiling; + return; + } + if (sibiling) { + this.#parent.insertBefore( + this.#node, + fastn_utils.nextSibling(sibiling, this.#parent), + ); + } else { + this.#parent.appendChild(this.#node); + } + } + createNode(kind) { + if (kind === fastn_dom.ElementKind.Code) { + let [node, classes, attributes] = fastn_utils.htmlNode(kind); + [this.#tagName, this.#node] = fastn_utils.createNodeHelper( + node, + classes, + attributes, + ); + let codeNode = new Node2( + this.#node, + fastn_dom.ElementKind.CodeChild, + ); + this.#children.push(codeNode); + } else { + let [node, classes, attributes] = fastn_utils.htmlNode(kind); + [this.#tagName, this.#node] = fastn_utils.createNodeHelper( + node, + classes, + attributes, + ); + } + } + getTagName() { + return this.#tagName; + } + getParent() { + return this.#parent; + } + removeAllFaviconLinks() { + if (doubleBuffering) { + const links = document.head.querySelectorAll( + 'link[rel="shortcut icon"]', + ); + links.forEach((link) => { + link.parentNode.removeChild(link); + }); + } + } + setFavicon(url) { + if (doubleBuffering) { + if (url instanceof fastn.recordInstanceClass) url = url.get("src"); + while (true) { + if (url instanceof fastn.mutableClass) url = url.get(); + else break; + } + + let link_element = document.createElement("link"); + link_element.rel = "shortcut icon"; + link_element.href = url; + + this.removeAllFaviconLinks(); + document.head.appendChild(link_element); + } + } + updateTextInputValue() { + if (fastn_utils.isNull(this.#rawInnerValue)) { + this.attachAttribute("value"); + return; + } + if (!ssr && this.#node.tagName.toLowerCase() === "textarea") { + this.#node.innerHTML = this.#rawInnerValue; + } else { + this.attachAttribute("value", this.#rawInnerValue); + } + } + // for attaching inline attributes + attachAttribute(property, value) { + // If the value is null, undefined, or false, the attribute will be removed. + // For example, if attributes like checked, muted, or autoplay have been assigned a "false" value. + if (fastn_utils.isNull(value)) { + this.#node.removeAttribute(property); + return; + } + this.#node.setAttribute(property, value); + } + removeAttribute(property) { + this.#node.removeAttribute(property); + } + updateTagName(name) { + if (ssr) { + this.#node.updateTagName(name); + } else { + let newElement = document.createElement(name); + newElement.innerHTML = this.#node.innerHTML; + newElement.className = this.#node.className; + =; + for (var i = 0; i < this.#node.attributes.length; i++) { + var attr = this.#node.attributes[i]; + newElement.setAttribute(, attr.value); + } + var eventListeners = fastn_utils.getEventListeners(this.#node); + for (var eventType in eventListeners) { + newElement[eventType] = eventListeners[eventType]; + } + this.#parent.replaceChild(newElement, this.#node); + this.#node = newElement; + } + } + updateToAnchor(url) { + let node_kind = this.#kind; + if (ssr) { + if (node_kind !== fastn_dom.ElementKind.Image) { + this.updateTagName("a"); + this.attachAttribute("href", url); + } + return; + } + if (node_kind === fastn_dom.ElementKind.Image) { + let anchorElement = document.createElement("a"); + anchorElement.href = url; + anchorElement.appendChild(this.#node); + this.#parent.appendChild(anchorElement); + this.#node = anchorElement; + } else { + this.updateTagName("a"); + this.#node.href = url; + } + } + updatePositionForNodeById(node_id, value) { + if (!ssr) { + const target_node = fastnVirtual.root.querySelector( + `[id="${node_id}"]`, + ); + if (!fastn_utils.isNull(target_node)) +["position"] = value; + } + } + updateParentPosition(value) { + if (ssr) { + let parent = this.#parent; + if (["position"] = value; + } + if (!ssr) { + let current_node = this.#node; + if (current_node) { + let parent_node = current_node.parentNode; +["position"] = value; + } + } + } + updateMetaTitle(value) { + if (!ssr && doubleBuffering) { + if (!fastn_utils.isNull(value)) window.document.title = value; + } + } + addMetaTagByName(name, value) { + if (value === null || value === undefined) { + this.removeMetaTagByName(name); + return; + } + if (!ssr && doubleBuffering) { + const metaTag = window.document.createElement("meta"); + metaTag.setAttribute("name", name); + metaTag.setAttribute("content", value); + document.head.appendChild(metaTag); + } + } + addMetaTagByProperty(property, value) { + if (value === null || value === undefined) { + this.removeMetaTagByProperty(property); + return; + } + if (!ssr && doubleBuffering) { + const metaTag = window.document.createElement("meta"); + metaTag.setAttribute("property", property); + metaTag.setAttribute("content", value); + document.head.appendChild(metaTag); + } + } + removeMetaTagByName(name) { + if (!ssr && doubleBuffering) { + const metaTags = document.getElementsByTagName("meta"); + for (let i = 0; i < metaTags.length; i++) { + const metaTag = metaTags[i]; + if (metaTag.getAttribute("name") === name) { + metaTag.remove(); + break; + } + } + } + } + removeMetaTagByProperty(property) { + if (!ssr && doubleBuffering) { + const metaTags = document.getElementsByTagName("meta"); + for (let i = 0; i < metaTags.length; i++) { + const metaTag = metaTags[i]; + if (metaTag.getAttribute("property") === property) { + metaTag.remove(); + break; + } + } + } + } + // dynamic-class-css + attachCss(property, value, createClass, className) { + let propertyShort = fastn_dom.propertyMap[property] || property; + propertyShort = `__${propertyShort}`; + let cls = `${propertyShort}-${fastn_dom.class_count}`; + if (!!className) { + cls = className; + } else { + if (!fastn_dom.unsanitised_classes[cls]) { + fastn_dom.unsanitised_classes[cls] = ++fastn_dom.class_count; + } + cls = `${propertyShort}-${fastn_dom.unsanitised_classes[cls]}`; + } + let cssClass = className ? cls : `.${cls}`; + + const obj = { property, value }; + + if (value === undefined) { + if (!ssr) { + for (const className of this.#node.classList.values()) { + if (className.startsWith(`${propertyShort}-`)) { + this.#node.classList.remove(className); + } + } +[property] = null; + } + return cls; + } + + if (!ssr && !doubleBuffering) { + if (!!className) { + if (!fastn_dom.classes[cssClass]) { + fastn_dom.classes[cssClass] = + fastn_dom.classes[cssClass] || obj; + fastn_utils.createStyle(cssClass, obj); + } + return cls; + } + + for (const className of this.#node.classList.values()) { + if (className.startsWith(`${propertyShort}-`)) { + this.#node.classList.remove(className); + } + } + + if (createClass) { + if (!fastn_dom.classes[cssClass]) { + fastn_dom.classes[cssClass] = + fastn_dom.classes[cssClass] || obj; + fastn_utils.createStyle(cssClass, obj); + } +; + this.#node.classList.add(cls); + } else if (!fastn_dom.classes[cssClass]) { + if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null) { + for (let key in value) { +[key] = value[key]; + } + } else { +[property] = value; + } + } else { +; + this.#node.classList.add(cls); + } + + return cls; + } + + fastn_dom.classes[cssClass] = fastn_dom.classes[cssClass] || obj; + + if (!!className) { + return cls; + } + + this.#node.classList.add(cls); + return cls; + } + attachShadow(value) { + if (fastn_utils.isNull(value)) { + this.attachCss("box-shadow", value); + return; + } + + const color = value.get("color"); + + const lightColor = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(color.get("light")); + const darkColor = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(color.get("dark")); + + const blur = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value.get("blur")); + const xOffset = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value.get("x_offset")); + const yOffset = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value.get("y_offset")); + const spread = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value.get("spread")); + const inset = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value.get("inset")); + + const shadowCommonCss = `${ + inset ? "inset " : "" + }${xOffset} ${yOffset} ${blur} ${spread}`; + const lightShadowCss = `${shadowCommonCss} ${lightColor}`; + const darkShadowCss = `${shadowCommonCss} ${darkColor}`; + + if (lightShadowCss === darkShadowCss) { + this.attachCss("box-shadow", lightShadowCss, false); + } else { + let lightClass = this.attachCss("box-shadow", lightShadowCss, true); + this.attachCss( + "box-shadow", + darkShadowCss, + true, + `body.dark .${lightClass}`, + ); + } + } + attachBackdropMultiFilter(value) { + const filters = { + blur: fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value.get("blur")), + brightness: fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value.get("brightness")), + contrast: fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value.get("contrast")), + grayscale: fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value.get("grayscale")), + invert: fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value.get("invert")), + opacity: fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value.get("opacity")), + sepia: fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value.get("sepia")), + saturate: fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value.get("saturate")), + }; + + const filterString = Object.entries(filters) + .filter(([_, value]) => !fastn_utils.isNull(value)) + .map(([name, value]) => `${name}(${value})`) + .join(" "); + + this.attachCss("backdrop-filter", filterString, false); + } + attachTextShadow(value) { + if (fastn_utils.isNull(value)) { + this.attachCss("text-shadow", value); + return; + } + + const color = value.get("color"); + + const lightColor = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(color.get("light")); + const darkColor = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(color.get("dark")); + + const blur = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value.get("blur")); + const xOffset = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value.get("x_offset")); + const yOffset = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value.get("y_offset")); + + const shadowCommonCss = `${xOffset} ${yOffset} ${blur}`; + const lightShadowCss = `${shadowCommonCss} ${lightColor}`; + const darkShadowCss = `${shadowCommonCss} ${darkColor}`; + + if (lightShadowCss === darkShadowCss) { + this.attachCss("text-shadow", lightShadowCss, false); + } else { + let lightClass = this.attachCss("box-shadow", lightShadowCss, true); + this.attachCss( + "text-shadow", + darkShadowCss, + true, + `body.dark .${lightClass}`, + ); + } + } + getLinearGradientString(value) { + var lightGradientString = ""; + var darkGradientString = ""; + + let colorsList = value.get("colors").get().getList(); + (element) { + // LinearGradient RecordInstance + let lg_color = element.item; + + let color = lg_color.get("color").get(); + let lightColor = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(color.get("light")); + let darkColor = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(color.get("dark")); + + lightGradientString = `${lightGradientString} ${lightColor}`; + darkGradientString = `${darkGradientString} ${darkColor}`; + + let start = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(lg_color.get("start")); + if (start !== undefined && start !== null) { + lightGradientString = `${lightGradientString} ${start}`; + darkGradientString = `${darkGradientString} ${start}`; + } + + let end = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(lg_color.get("end")); + if (end !== undefined && end !== null) { + lightGradientString = `${lightGradientString} ${end}`; + darkGradientString = `${darkGradientString} ${end}`; + } + + let stop_position = fastn_utils.getStaticValue( + lg_color.get("stop_position"), + ); + if (stop_position !== undefined && stop_position !== null) { + lightGradientString = `${lightGradientString}, ${stop_position}`; + darkGradientString = `${darkGradientString}, ${stop_position}`; + } + + lightGradientString = `${lightGradientString},`; + darkGradientString = `${darkGradientString},`; + }); + + lightGradientString = lightGradientString.trim().slice(0, -1); + darkGradientString = darkGradientString.trim().slice(0, -1); + + return [lightGradientString, darkGradientString]; + } + attachLinearGradientCss(value) { + if (fastn_utils.isNull(value)) { + this.attachCss("background-image", value); + return; + } + + const closure = fastn + .closure(() => { + let direction = fastn_utils.getStaticValue( + value.get("direction"), + ); + + const [lightGradientString, darkGradientString] = + this.getLinearGradientString(value); + + if (lightGradientString === darkGradientString) { + this.attachCss( + "background-image", + `linear-gradient(${direction}, ${lightGradientString})`, + false, + ); + } else { + let lightClass = this.attachCss( + "background-image", + `linear-gradient(${direction}, ${lightGradientString})`, + true, + ); + this.attachCss( + "background-image", + `linear-gradient(${direction}, ${darkGradientString})`, + true, + `body.dark .${lightClass}`, + ); + } + }) + .addNodeProperty(this, null, inherited); + + const colorsList = value.get("colors").get().getList(); + + colorsList.forEach(({ item }) => { + const color = item.get("color"); + + [color.get("light"), color.get("dark")].forEach((variant) => { + variant.addClosure(closure); + this.#mutables.push(variant); + }); + }); + } + attachBackgroundImageCss(value) { + if (fastn_utils.isNull(value)) { + this.attachCss("background-repeat", value); + this.attachCss("background-position", value); + this.attachCss("background-size", value); + this.attachCss("background-image", value); + return; + } + + let src = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value.get("src")); + let lightValue = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(src.get("light")); + let darkValue = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(src.get("dark")); + + let position = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value.get("position")); + let positionX = null; + let positionY = null; + if (position !== null && position instanceof Object) { + positionX = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(position.get("x")); + positionY = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(position.get("y")); + + if (positionX !== null) position = `${positionX}`; + if (positionY !== null) { + if (positionX === null) position = `0px ${positionY}`; + else position = `${position} ${positionY}`; + } + } + let repeat = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value.get("repeat")); + let size = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value.get("size")); + let sizeX = null; + let sizeY = null; + if (size !== null && size instanceof Object) { + sizeX = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(size.get("x")); + sizeY = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(size.get("y")); + + if (sizeX !== null) size = `${sizeX}`; + if (sizeY !== null) { + if (sizeX === null) size = `0px ${sizeY}`; + else size = `${size} ${sizeY}`; + } + } + + if (repeat !== null) this.attachCss("background-repeat", repeat); + if (position !== null) this.attachCss("background-position", position); + if (size !== null) this.attachCss("background-size", size); + + if (lightValue === darkValue) { + this.attachCss("background-image", `url(${lightValue})`, false); + } else { + let lightClass = this.attachCss( + "background-image", + `url(${lightValue})`, + true, + ); + this.attachCss( + "background-image", + `url(${darkValue})`, + true, + `body.dark .${lightClass}`, + ); + } + } + attachMaskImageCss(value, vendorPrefix) { + const propertyWithPrefix = vendorPrefix + ? `${vendorPrefix}-mask-image` + : "mask-image"; + + if (fastn_utils.isNull(value)) { + this.attachCss(propertyWithPrefix, value); + return; + } + + let src = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value.get("src")); + let linearGradient = fastn_utils.getStaticValue( + value.get("linear_gradient"), + ); + let color = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value.get("color")); + + const maskLightImageValues = []; + const maskDarkImageValues = []; + + if (!fastn_utils.isNull(src)) { + let lightValue = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(src.get("light")); + let darkValue = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(src.get("dark")); + + const lightUrl = `url(${lightValue})`; + const darkUrl = `url(${darkValue})`; + + if (!fastn_utils.isNull(linearGradient)) { + const lightImageValues = [lightUrl]; + const darkImageValues = [darkUrl]; + + if (!fastn_utils.isNull(color)) { + const lightColor = fastn_utils.getStaticValue( + color.get("light"), + ); + const darkColor = fastn_utils.getStaticValue( + color.get("dark"), + ); + + lightImageValues.push(lightColor); + darkImageValues.push(darkColor); + } + maskLightImageValues.push( + `image(${lightImageValues.join(", ")})`, + ); + maskDarkImageValues.push( + `image(${darkImageValues.join(", ")})`, + ); + } else { + maskLightImageValues.push(lightUrl); + maskDarkImageValues.push(darkUrl); + } + } + + if (!fastn_utils.isNull(linearGradient)) { + let direction = fastn_utils.getStaticValue( + linearGradient.get("direction"), + ); + + const [lightGradientString, darkGradientString] = + this.getLinearGradientString(linearGradient); + + maskLightImageValues.push( + `linear-gradient(${direction}, ${lightGradientString})`, + ); + maskDarkImageValues.push( + `linear-gradient(${direction}, ${darkGradientString})`, + ); + } + + const maskLightImageString = maskLightImageValues.join(", "); + const maskDarkImageString = maskDarkImageValues.join(", "); + + if (maskLightImageString === maskDarkImageString) { + this.attachCss(propertyWithPrefix, maskLightImageString, true); + } else { + let lightClass = this.attachCss( + propertyWithPrefix, + maskLightImageString, + true, + ); + this.attachCss( + propertyWithPrefix, + maskDarkImageString, + true, + `body.dark .${lightClass}`, + ); + } + } + attachMaskSizeCss(value, vendorPrefix) { + const propertyNameWithPrefix = vendorPrefix + ? `${vendorPrefix}-mask-size` + : "mask-size"; + if (fastn_utils.isNull(value)) { + this.attachCss(propertyNameWithPrefix, value); + } + const [size, ...two_values] = ["size", "size_x", "size_y"].map((size) => + fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value.get(size)), + ); + + if (!fastn_utils.isNull(size)) { + this.attachCss(propertyNameWithPrefix, size, true); + } else { + const [size_x, size_y] = => value || "auto"); + this.attachCss(propertyNameWithPrefix, `${size_x} ${size_y}`, true); + } + } + attachMaskMultiCss(value, vendorPrefix) { + if (fastn_utils.isNull(value)) { + this.attachCss("mask-repeat", value); + this.attachCss("mask-position", value); + this.attachCss("mask-size", value); + this.attachCss("mask-image", value); + return; + } + + const maskImage = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value.get("image")); + this.attachMaskImageCss(maskImage); + this.attachMaskImageCss(maskImage, vendorPrefix); + this.attachMaskSizeCss(value); + this.attachMaskSizeCss(value, vendorPrefix); + const maskRepeatValue = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value.get("repeat")); + if (fastn_utils.isNull(maskRepeatValue)) { + this.attachCss("mask-repeat", maskRepeatValue, true); + this.attachCss("-webkit-mask-repeat", maskRepeatValue, true); + } else { + this.attachCss("mask-repeat", maskRepeatValue, true); + this.attachCss("-webkit-mask-repeat", maskRepeatValue, true); + } + const maskPositionValue = fastn_utils.getStaticValue( + value.get("position"), + ); + if (fastn_utils.isNull(maskPositionValue)) { + this.attachCss("mask-position", maskPositionValue, true); + this.attachCss("-webkit-mask-position", maskPositionValue, true); + } else { + this.attachCss("mask-position", maskPositionValue, true); + this.attachCss("-webkit-mask-position", maskPositionValue, true); + } + } + attachExternalCss(css) { + if (!ssr) { + let css_tag = document.createElement("link"); + css_tag.rel = "stylesheet"; + css_tag.type = "text/css"; + css_tag.href = css; + + let head = + document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; + if (!fastn_dom.externalCss.has(css)) { + head.appendChild(css_tag); + fastn_dom.externalCss.add(css); + } + } + } + attachExternalJs(js) { + if (!ssr) { + let js_tag = document.createElement("script"); + js_tag.src = js; + + let head = + document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; + if (!fastn_dom.externalJs.has(js)) { + head.appendChild(js_tag); + fastn_dom.externalCss.add(js); + } + } + } + attachColorCss(property, value, visited) { + if (fastn_utils.isNull(value)) { + this.attachCss(property, value); + return; + } + value = value instanceof fastn.mutableClass ? value.get() : value; + + const lightValue = value.get("light"); + const darkValue = value.get("dark"); + + const closure = fastn + .closure(() => { + let lightValueStatic = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(lightValue); + let darkValueStatic = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(darkValue); + + if (lightValueStatic === darkValueStatic) { + this.attachCss(property, lightValueStatic, false); + } else { + let lightClass = this.attachCss( + property, + lightValueStatic, + true, + ); + this.attachCss( + property, + darkValueStatic, + true, + `body.dark .${lightClass}`, + ); + if (visited) { + this.attachCss( + property, + lightValueStatic, + true, + `.${lightClass}:visited`, + ); + this.attachCss( + property, + darkValueStatic, + true, + `body.dark .${lightClass}:visited`, + ); + } + } + }) + .addNodeProperty(this, null, inherited); + + [lightValue, darkValue].forEach((modeValue) => { + modeValue.addClosure(closure); + this.#mutables.push(modeValue); + }); + } + attachRoleCss(value) { + if (fastn_utils.isNull(value)) { + this.attachCss("role", value); + return; + } + value.addClosure( + fastn + .closure(() => { + let desktopValue = value.get("desktop"); + let mobileValue = value.get("mobile"); + if ( + fastn_utils.sameResponsiveRole( + desktopValue, + mobileValue, + ) + ) { + this.attachCss( + "role", + fastn_utils.getRoleValues(desktopValue), + true, + ); + } else { + let desktopClass = this.attachCss( + "role", + fastn_utils.getRoleValues(desktopValue), + true, + ); + this.attachCss( + "role", + fastn_utils.getRoleValues(mobileValue), + true, + ` .${desktopClass}`, + ); + } + }) + .addNodeProperty(this, null, inherited), + ); + this.#mutables.push(value); + } + attachTextStyles(styles) { + if (fastn_utils.isNull(styles)) { + this.attachCss("font-style", styles); + this.attachCss("font-weight", styles); + this.attachCss("text-decoration", styles); + return; + } + for (var s of styles) { + switch (s) { + case "italic": + this.attachCss("font-style", s); + break; + case "underline": + case "line-through": + this.attachCss("text-decoration", s); + break; + default: + this.attachCss("font-weight", s); + } + } + } + attachAlignContent(value, node_kind) { + if (fastn_utils.isNull(value)) { + this.attachCss("align-items", value); + this.attachCss("justify-content", value); + return; + } + if (node_kind === fastn_dom.ElementKind.Column) { + switch (value) { + case "top-left": + this.attachCss("justify-content", "start"); + this.attachCss("align-items", "start"); + break; + case "top-center": + this.attachCss("justify-content", "start"); + this.attachCss("align-items", "center"); + break; + case "top-right": + this.attachCss("justify-content", "start"); + this.attachCss("align-items", "end"); + break; + case "left": + this.attachCss("justify-content", "center"); + this.attachCss("align-items", "start"); + break; + case "center": + this.attachCss("justify-content", "center"); + this.attachCss("align-items", "center"); + break; + case "right": + this.attachCss("justify-content", "center"); + this.attachCss("align-items", "end"); + break; + case "bottom-left": + this.attachCss("justify-content", "end"); + this.attachCss("align-items", "left"); + break; + case "bottom-center": + this.attachCss("justify-content", "end"); + this.attachCss("align-items", "center"); + break; + case "bottom-right": + this.attachCss("justify-content", "end"); + this.attachCss("align-items", "end"); + break; + } + } + + if (node_kind === fastn_dom.ElementKind.Row) { + switch (value) { + case "top-left": + this.attachCss("justify-content", "start"); + this.attachCss("align-items", "start"); + break; + case "top-center": + this.attachCss("justify-content", "center"); + this.attachCss("align-items", "start"); + break; + case "top-right": + this.attachCss("justify-content", "end"); + this.attachCss("align-items", "start"); + break; + case "left": + this.attachCss("justify-content", "start"); + this.attachCss("align-items", "center"); + break; + case "center": + this.attachCss("justify-content", "center"); + this.attachCss("align-items", "center"); + break; + case "right": + this.attachCss("justify-content", "right"); + this.attachCss("align-items", "center"); + break; + case "bottom-left": + this.attachCss("justify-content", "start"); + this.attachCss("align-items", "end"); + break; + case "bottom-center": + this.attachCss("justify-content", "center"); + this.attachCss("align-items", "end"); + break; + case "bottom-right": + this.attachCss("justify-content", "end"); + this.attachCss("align-items", "end"); + break; + } + } + } + attachLinkColor(value) { + ftd.dark_mode.addClosure( + fastn + .closure(() => { + if (!ssr) { + const anchors = + this.#node.tagName.toLowerCase() === "a" + ? [this.#node] + : Array.from(this.#node.querySelectorAll("a")); + let propertyShort = `__${fastn_dom.propertyMap["link-color"]}`; + + if (fastn_utils.isNull(value)) { + anchors.forEach((a) => { + a.classList.values().forEach((className) => { + if ( + className.startsWith( + `${propertyShort}-`, + ) + ) { + a.classList.remove(className); + } + }); + }); + } else { + const lightValue = fastn_utils.getStaticValue( + value.get("light"), + ); + const darkValue = fastn_utils.getStaticValue( + value.get("dark"), + ); + let cls = `${propertyShort}-${JSON.stringify( + lightValue, + )}`; + + if (!fastn_dom.unsanitised_classes[cls]) { + fastn_dom.unsanitised_classes[cls] = + ++fastn_dom.class_count; + } + + cls = `${propertyShort}-${fastn_dom.unsanitised_classes[cls]}`; + + const cssClass = `.${cls}`; + + if (!fastn_dom.classes[cssClass]) { + const obj = { + property: "color", + value: lightValue, + }; + fastn_dom.classes[cssClass] = + fastn_dom.classes[cssClass] || obj; + let styles = document.getElementById("styles"); + styles.innerHTML = `${ + styles.innerHTML + }${getClassAsString(cssClass, obj)}\n`; + } + + if (lightValue !== darkValue) { + const obj = { + property: "color", + value: darkValue, + }; + let darkCls = `body.dark ${cssClass}`; + if (!fastn_dom.classes[darkCls]) { + fastn_dom.classes[darkCls] = + fastn_dom.classes[darkCls] || obj; + let styles = + document.getElementById("styles"); + styles.innerHTML = `${ + styles.innerHTML + }${getClassAsString(darkCls, obj)}\n`; + } + } + + anchors.forEach((a) => a.classList.add(cls)); + } + } + }) + .addNodeProperty(this, null, inherited), + ); + this.#mutables.push(ftd.dark_mode); + } + setStaticProperty(kind, value, inherited) { + // value can be either static or mutable + let staticValue = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value); + if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Children) { + if (fastn_utils.isWrapperNode(this.#tagName)) { + let parentWithSibiling = this.#parent; + if (Array.isArray(staticValue)) { + staticValue.forEach((func, index) => { + if (index !== 0) { + parentWithSibiling = new ParentNodeWithSibiling( + this.#parent.getParent(), + this.#children[index - 1], + ); + } + this.#children.push( + fastn_utils.getStaticValue(func.item)( + parentWithSibiling, + inherited, + ), + ); + }); + } else { + this.#children.push( + staticValue(parentWithSibiling, inherited), + ); + } + } else { + if (Array.isArray(staticValue)) { + staticValue.forEach((func) => + this.#children.push( + fastn_utils.getStaticValue(func.item)( + this, + inherited, + ), + ), + ); + } else { + this.#children.push(staticValue(this, inherited)); + } + } + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Id) { + = staticValue; + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.BreakpointWidth) { + if (fastn_utils.isNull(staticValue)) { + return; + } + ftd.breakpoint_width.set(fastn_utils.getStaticValue(staticValue)); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Css) { + let css_list = => + fastn_utils.getStaticValue(obj.item), + ); + css_list.forEach((css) => { + this.attachExternalCss(css); + }); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Js) { + let js_list = => + fastn_utils.getStaticValue(obj.item), + ); + js_list.forEach((js) => { + this.attachExternalJs(js); + }); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Width) { + this.attachCss("width", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Height) { + fastn_utils.resetFullHeight(); + this.attachCss("height", staticValue); + fastn_utils.setFullHeight(); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Padding) { + this.attachCss("padding", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.PaddingHorizontal) { + this.attachCss("padding-left", staticValue); + this.attachCss("padding-right", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.PaddingVertical) { + this.attachCss("padding-top", staticValue); + this.attachCss("padding-bottom", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.PaddingLeft) { + this.attachCss("padding-left", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.PaddingRight) { + this.attachCss("padding-right", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.PaddingTop) { + this.attachCss("padding-top", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.PaddingBottom) { + this.attachCss("padding-bottom", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Margin) { + this.attachCss("margin", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.MarginHorizontal) { + this.attachCss("margin-left", staticValue); + this.attachCss("margin-right", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.MarginVertical) { + this.attachCss("margin-top", staticValue); + this.attachCss("margin-bottom", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.MarginLeft) { + this.attachCss("margin-left", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.MarginRight) { + this.attachCss("margin-right", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.MarginTop) { + this.attachCss("margin-top", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.MarginBottom) { + this.attachCss("margin-bottom", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.BorderWidth) { + this.attachCss("border-width", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.BorderTopWidth) { + this.attachCss("border-top-width", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.BorderBottomWidth) { + this.attachCss("border-bottom-width", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.BorderLeftWidth) { + this.attachCss("border-left-width", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.BorderRightWidth) { + this.attachCss("border-right-width", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.BorderRadius) { + this.attachCss("border-radius", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.BorderTopLeftRadius) { + this.attachCss("border-top-left-radius", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.BorderTopRightRadius) { + this.attachCss("border-top-right-radius", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.BorderBottomLeftRadius) { + this.attachCss("border-bottom-left-radius", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.BorderBottomRightRadius) { + this.attachCss("border-bottom-right-radius", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.BorderStyle) { + this.attachCss("border-style", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.BorderStyleVertical) { + this.attachCss("border-top-style", staticValue); + this.attachCss("border-bottom-style", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.BorderStyleHorizontal) { + this.attachCss("border-left-style", staticValue); + this.attachCss("border-right-style", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.BorderLeftStyle) { + this.attachCss("border-left-style", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.BorderRightStyle) { + this.attachCss("border-right-style", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.BorderTopStyle) { + this.attachCss("border-top-style", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.BorderBottomStyle) { + this.attachCss("border-bottom-style", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.ZIndex) { + this.attachCss("z-index", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Shadow) { + this.attachShadow(staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.TextShadow) { + this.attachTextShadow(staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.BackdropFilter) { + if (fastn_utils.isNull(staticValue)) { + this.attachCss("backdrop-filter", staticValue); + return; + } + + let backdropType = staticValue[0]; + switch (backdropType) { + case 1: + this.attachCss( + "backdrop-filter", + `blur(${fastn_utils.getStaticValue(staticValue[1])})`, + ); + break; + case 2: + this.attachCss( + "backdrop-filter", + `brightness(${fastn_utils.getStaticValue( + staticValue[1], + )})`, + ); + break; + case 3: + this.attachCss( + "backdrop-filter", + `contrast(${fastn_utils.getStaticValue( + staticValue[1], + )})`, + ); + break; + case 4: + this.attachCss( + "backdrop-filter", + `greyscale(${fastn_utils.getStaticValue( + staticValue[1], + )})`, + ); + break; + case 5: + this.attachCss( + "backdrop-filter", + `invert(${fastn_utils.getStaticValue(staticValue[1])})`, + ); + break; + case 6: + this.attachCss( + "backdrop-filter", + `opacity(${fastn_utils.getStaticValue( + staticValue[1], + )})`, + ); + break; + case 7: + this.attachCss( + "backdrop-filter", + `sepia(${fastn_utils.getStaticValue(staticValue[1])})`, + ); + break; + case 8: + this.attachCss( + "backdrop-filter", + `saturate(${fastn_utils.getStaticValue( + staticValue[1], + )})`, + ); + break; + case 9: + this.attachBackdropMultiFilter(staticValue[1]); + break; + } + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Mask) { + if (fastn_utils.isNull(staticValue)) { + this.attachCss("mask-image", staticValue); + return; + } + + const [backgroundType, value] = staticValue; + + switch (backgroundType) { + case fastn_dom.Mask.Image()[0]: + this.attachMaskImageCss(value); + this.attachMaskImageCss(value, "-webkit"); + break; + case fastn_dom.Mask.Multi()[0]: + this.attachMaskMultiCss(value); + this.attachMaskMultiCss(value, "-webkit"); + break; + } + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Classes) { + fastn_utils.removeNonFastnClasses(this); + if (!fastn_utils.isNull(staticValue)) { + let cls = => + fastn_utils.getStaticValue(obj.item), + ); + cls.forEach((c) => { + this.#node.classList.add(c); + }); + } + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Anchor) { + // todo: this needs fixed for = v + // need to change position of element with id = v to relative + if (fastn_utils.isNull(staticValue)) { + this.attachCss("position", staticValue); + return; + } + + let anchorType = staticValue[0]; + switch (anchorType) { + case 1: + this.attachCss("position", staticValue[1]); + break; + case 2: + this.attachCss("position", staticValue[1]); + this.updateParentPosition("relative"); + break; + case 3: + const parent_node_id = staticValue[1]; + this.attachCss("position", "absolute"); + this.updatePositionForNodeById(parent_node_id, "relative"); + break; + } + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Sticky) { + // sticky is boolean type + switch (staticValue) { + case "true": + case true: + this.attachCss("position", "sticky"); + break; + case "false": + case false: + this.attachCss("position", "static"); + break; + default: + this.attachCss("position", staticValue); + } + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Top) { + this.attachCss("top", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Bottom) { + this.attachCss("bottom", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Left) { + this.attachCss("left", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Right) { + this.attachCss("right", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Overflow) { + this.attachCss("overflow", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.OverflowX) { + this.attachCss("overflow-x", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.OverflowY) { + this.attachCss("overflow-y", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Spacing) { + if (fastn_utils.isNull(staticValue)) { + this.attachCss("justify-content", staticValue); + this.attachCss("gap", staticValue); + return; + } + + let spacingType = staticValue[0]; + switch (spacingType) { + case fastn_dom.Spacing.SpaceEvenly[0]: + case fastn_dom.Spacing.SpaceBetween[0]: + case fastn_dom.Spacing.SpaceAround[0]: + this.attachCss("justify-content", staticValue[1]); + break; + case fastn_dom.Spacing.Fixed()[0]: + this.attachCss( + "gap", + fastn_utils.getStaticValue(staticValue[1]), + ); + break; + } + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Wrap) { + // sticky is boolean type + switch (staticValue) { + case "true": + case true: + this.attachCss("flex-wrap", "wrap"); + break; + case "false": + case false: + this.attachCss("flex-wrap", "no-wrap"); + break; + default: + this.attachCss("flex-wrap", staticValue); + } + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.TextTransform) { + this.attachCss("text-transform", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.TextIndent) { + this.attachCss("text-indent", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.TextAlign) { + this.attachCss("text-align", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.LineClamp) { + // -webkit-line-clamp: staticValue + // display: -webkit-box, overflow: hidden + // -webkit-box-orient: vertical + this.attachCss("-webkit-line-clamp", staticValue); + this.attachCss("display", "-webkit-box"); + this.attachCss("overflow", "hidden"); + this.attachCss("-webkit-box-orient", "vertical"); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Opacity) { + this.attachCss("opacity", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Cursor) { + this.attachCss("cursor", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Resize) { + // overflow: auto, resize: staticValue + this.attachCss("resize", staticValue); + this.attachCss("overflow", "auto"); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Selectable) { + if (staticValue === false) { + this.attachCss("user-select", "none"); + } else { + this.attachCss("user-select", null); + } + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.MinHeight) { + this.attachCss("min-height", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.MaxHeight) { + this.attachCss("max-height", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.MinWidth) { + this.attachCss("min-width", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.MaxWidth) { + this.attachCss("max-width", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.WhiteSpace) { + this.attachCss("white-space", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.AlignSelf) { + this.attachCss("align-self", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.BorderColor) { + this.attachColorCss("border-color", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.BorderLeftColor) { + this.attachColorCss("border-left-color", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.BorderRightColor) { + this.attachColorCss("border-right-color", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.BorderTopColor) { + this.attachColorCss("border-top-color", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.BorderBottomColor) { + this.attachColorCss("border-bottom-color", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.LinkColor) { + this.attachLinkColor(staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Color) { + this.attachColorCss("color", staticValue, true); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Background) { + if (fastn_utils.isNull(staticValue)) { + this.attachColorCss("background-color", staticValue); + this.attachBackgroundImageCss(staticValue); + this.attachLinearGradientCss(staticValue); + return; + } + + let backgroundType = staticValue[0]; + switch (backgroundType) { + case fastn_dom.BackgroundStyle.Solid()[0]: + this.attachColorCss("background-color", staticValue[1]); + break; + case fastn_dom.BackgroundStyle.Image()[0]: + this.attachBackgroundImageCss(staticValue[1]); + break; + case fastn_dom.BackgroundStyle.LinearGradient()[0]: + this.attachLinearGradientCss(staticValue[1]); + break; + } + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Display) { + this.attachCss("display", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Checked) { + switch (staticValue) { + case "true": + case true: + this.attachAttribute("checked", ""); + break; + case "false": + case false: + this.removeAttribute("checked"); + break; + default: + this.attachAttribute("checked", staticValue); + } + if (!ssr) this.#node.checked = staticValue; + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Enabled) { + switch (staticValue) { + case "false": + case false: + this.attachAttribute("disabled", ""); + break; + case "true": + case true: + this.removeAttribute("disabled"); + break; + default: + this.attachAttribute("disabled", staticValue); + } + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.TextInputType) { + this.attachAttribute("type", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.TextInputValue) { + this.#rawInnerValue = staticValue; + this.updateTextInputValue(); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.DefaultTextInputValue) { + if (!fastn_utils.isNull(this.#rawInnerValue)) { + return; + } + this.#rawInnerValue = staticValue; + this.updateTextInputValue(); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.InputMaxLength) { + this.attachAttribute("maxlength", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Placeholder) { + this.attachAttribute("placeholder", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Multiline) { + switch (staticValue) { + case "true": + case true: + this.updateTagName("textarea"); + break; + case "false": + case false: + this.updateTagName("input"); + break; + } + this.updateTextInputValue(); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Link) { + // Changing node type to `a` for link + // todo: needs fix for image links + if (fastn_utils.isNull(staticValue)) { + return; + } + this.updateToAnchor(staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.LinkRel) { + if (fastn_utils.isNull(staticValue)) { + this.removeAttribute("rel"); + } + let rel_list = => + fastn_utils.getStaticValue(obj.item), + ); + this.attachAttribute("rel", rel_list.join(" ")); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.OpenInNewTab) { + // open_in_new_tab is boolean type + switch (staticValue) { + case "true": + case true: + this.attachAttribute("target", "_blank"); + break; + default: + this.attachAttribute("target", staticValue); + } + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.TextStyle) { + let styles = staticValue?.map((obj) => + fastn_utils.getStaticValue(obj.item), + ); + this.attachTextStyles(styles); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Region) { + this.updateTagName(staticValue); + if (this.#node.innerHTML) { + = fastn_utils.slugify(this.#rawInnerValue); + } + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.AlignContent) { + let node_kind = this.#kind; + this.attachAlignContent(staticValue, node_kind); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Loading) { + this.attachAttribute("loading", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Src) { + this.attachAttribute("src", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.ImageSrc) { + ftd.dark_mode.addClosure( + fastn + .closure(() => { + if (fastn_utils.isNull(staticValue)) { + this.attachAttribute("src", staticValue); + return; + } + const is_dark_mode = ftd.dark_mode.get(); + const src = staticValue.get( + is_dark_mode ? "dark" : "light", + ); + if (!ssr) { + let image_node = this.#node; + if (image_node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "a") { + let childNodes = image_node.childNodes; + childNodes.forEach(function (child) { + if (child.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "img") + image_node = child; + }); + } + image_node.setAttribute( + "src", + fastn_utils.getStaticValue(src), + ); + } else { + this.attachAttribute( + "src", + fastn_utils.getStaticValue(src), + ); + } + }) + .addNodeProperty(this, null, inherited), + ); + this.#mutables.push(ftd.dark_mode); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Alt) { + this.attachAttribute("alt", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.VideoSrc) { + ftd.dark_mode.addClosure( + fastn + .closure(() => { + if (fastn_utils.isNull(staticValue)) { + this.attachAttribute("src", staticValue); + return; + } + const is_dark_mode = ftd.dark_mode.get(); + const src = staticValue.get( + is_dark_mode ? "dark" : "light", + ); + + this.attachAttribute( + "src", + fastn_utils.getStaticValue(src), + ); + }) + .addNodeProperty(this, null, inherited), + ); + this.#mutables.push(ftd.dark_mode); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Autoplay) { + if (staticValue) { + this.attachAttribute("autoplay", staticValue); + } else { + this.removeAttribute("autoplay"); + } + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Muted) { + if (staticValue) { + this.attachAttribute("muted", staticValue); + } else { + this.removeAttribute("muted"); + } + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Controls) { + if (staticValue) { + this.attachAttribute("controls", staticValue); + } else { + this.removeAttribute("controls"); + } + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.LoopVideo) { + if (staticValue) { + this.attachAttribute("loop", staticValue); + } else { + this.removeAttribute("loop"); + } + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Poster) { + ftd.dark_mode.addClosure( + fastn + .closure(() => { + if (fastn_utils.isNull(staticValue)) { + this.attachAttribute("poster", staticValue); + return; + } + const is_dark_mode = ftd.dark_mode.get(); + const posterSrc = staticValue.get( + is_dark_mode ? "dark" : "light", + ); + + this.attachAttribute( + "poster", + fastn_utils.getStaticValue(posterSrc), + ); + }) + .addNodeProperty(this, null, inherited), + ); + this.#mutables.push(ftd.dark_mode); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Fit) { + this.attachCss("object-fit", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.FetchPriority) { + this.attachAttribute("fetchpriority", staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.YoutubeSrc) { + if (fastn_utils.isNull(staticValue)) { + this.attachAttribute("src", staticValue); + return; + } + const id_pattern = "^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{11})$"; + let id = staticValue.match(id_pattern); + if (!fastn_utils.isNull(id)) { + this.attachAttribute( + "src", + `https:\/\/${id[0]}`, + ); + } else { + this.attachAttribute("src", staticValue); + } + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Role) { + this.attachRoleCss(staticValue); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Code) { + if (!fastn_utils.isNull(staticValue)) { + let { modifiedText, highlightedLines } = + fastn_utils.findAndRemoveHighlighter(staticValue); + if (highlightedLines.length !== 0) { + this.attachAttribute("data-line", highlightedLines); + } + staticValue = modifiedText; + } + let codeNode = this.#children[0].getNode(); + let codeText = fastn_utils.escapeHtmlInCode(staticValue); + codeNode.innerHTML = codeText; + this.#extraData.code = this.#extraData.code + ? this.#extraData.code + : {}; + fastn_utils.highlightCode(codeNode, this.#extraData.code); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.CodeShowLineNumber) { + if (staticValue) { + this.#node.classList.add("line-numbers"); + } else { + this.#node.classList.remove("line-numbers"); + } + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.CodeTheme) { + this.#extraData.code = this.#extraData.code + ? this.#extraData.code + : {}; + if (fastn_utils.isNull(staticValue)) { + if (!fastn_utils.isNull(this.#extraData.code.theme)) { + this.#node.classList.remove(this.#extraData.code.theme); + } + return; + } + if (!ssr) { + fastn_utils.addCodeTheme(staticValue); + } + staticValue = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(staticValue); + let theme = staticValue.replace(".", "-"); + if (this.#extraData.code.theme !== theme) { + let codeNode = this.#children[0].getNode(); + this.#node.classList.remove(this.#extraData.code.theme); + codeNode.classList.remove(this.#extraData.code.theme); + this.#extraData.code.theme = theme; + this.#node.classList.add(theme); + codeNode.classList.add(theme); + fastn_utils.highlightCode(codeNode, this.#extraData.code); + } + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.CodeLanguage) { + let language = `language-${staticValue}`; + this.#extraData.code = this.#extraData.code + ? this.#extraData.code + : {}; + if (this.#extraData.code.language) { + this.#node.classList.remove(language); + } + this.#extraData.code.language = language; + this.#node.classList.add(language); + let codeNode = this.#children[0].getNode(); + codeNode.classList.add(language); + fastn_utils.highlightCode(codeNode, this.#extraData.code); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.Favicon) { + if (fastn_utils.isNull(staticValue)) return; + this.setFavicon(staticValue); + } else if ( + kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.DocumentProperties.MetaTitle + ) { + this.updateMetaTitle(staticValue); + } else if ( + kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.DocumentProperties.MetaOGTitle + ) { + this.addMetaTagByProperty("og:title", staticValue); + } else if ( + kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.DocumentProperties.MetaTwitterTitle + ) { + this.addMetaTagByName("twitter:title", staticValue); + } else if ( + kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.DocumentProperties.MetaDescription + ) { + this.addMetaTagByName("description", staticValue); + } else if ( + kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.DocumentProperties.MetaOGDescription + ) { + this.addMetaTagByProperty("og:description", staticValue); + } else if ( + kind === + fastn_dom.PropertyKind.DocumentProperties.MetaTwitterDescription + ) { + this.addMetaTagByName("twitter:description", staticValue); + } else if ( + kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.DocumentProperties.MetaOGImage + ) { + // staticValue is of ftd.raw-image-src RecordInstance type + if (fastn_utils.isNull(staticValue)) { + this.removeMetaTagByProperty("og:image"); + return; + } + this.addMetaTagByProperty( + "og:image", + fastn_utils.getStaticValue(staticValue.get("src")), + ); + } else if ( + kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.DocumentProperties.MetaTwitterImage + ) { + // staticValue is of ftd.raw-image-src RecordInstance type + if (fastn_utils.isNull(staticValue)) { + this.removeMetaTagByName("twitter:image"); + return; + } + this.addMetaTagByName( + "twitter:image", + fastn_utils.getStaticValue(staticValue.get("src")), + ); + } else if ( + kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.DocumentProperties.MetaThemeColor + ) { + // staticValue is of ftd.color RecordInstance type + if (fastn_utils.isNull(staticValue)) { + this.removeMetaTagByName("theme-color"); + return; + } + this.addMetaTagByName( + "theme-color", + fastn_utils.getStaticValue(staticValue.get("light")), + ); + } else if ( + kind === + fastn_dom.PropertyKind.DocumentProperties + .MetaFacebookDomainVerification + ) { + if (fastn_utils.isNull(staticValue)) { + this.removeMetaTagByName("facebook-domain-verification"); + return; + } + this.addMetaTagByName( + "facebook-domain-verification", + fastn_utils.getStaticValue(staticValue), + ); + } else if ( + kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.IntegerValue || + kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.DecimalValue || + kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.BooleanValue + ) { + this.#node.innerHTML = staticValue; + this.#rawInnerValue = staticValue; + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.PropertyKind.StringValue) { + this.#rawInnerValue = staticValue; + staticValue = fastn_utils.markdown_inline( + fastn_utils.escapeHtmlInMarkdown(staticValue), + ); + staticValue = fastn_utils.process_post_markdown( + this.#node, + staticValue, + ); + if (!fastn_utils.isNull(staticValue)) { + this.#node.innerHTML = staticValue; + } else { + this.#node.innerHTML = ""; + } + } else { + throw "invalid fastn_dom.PropertyKind: " + kind; + } + } + setProperty(kind, value, inherited) { + if (value instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + this.setDynamicProperty( + kind, + [value], + () => { + return value.get(); + }, + inherited, + ); + } else if (value instanceof PropertyValueAsClosure) { + this.setDynamicProperty( + kind, + value.deps, + value.closureFunction, + inherited, + ); + } else { + this.setStaticProperty(kind, value, inherited); + } + } + setDynamicProperty(kind, deps, func, inherited) { + let closure = fastn + .closure(func) + .addNodeProperty(this, kind, inherited); + for (let dep in deps) { + if (fastn_utils.isNull(deps[dep]) || !deps[dep].addClosure) { + continue; + } + deps[dep].addClosure(closure); + this.#mutables.push(deps[dep]); + } + } + getNode() { + return this.#node; + } + getExtraData() { + return this.#extraData; + } + getChildren() { + return this.#children; + } + mergeFnCalls(current, newFunc) { + return () => { + if (current instanceof Function) current(); + if (newFunc instanceof Function) newFunc(); + }; + } + addEventHandler(event, func) { + if (event === fastn_dom.Event.Click) { + let onclickEvents = this.mergeFnCalls(this.#node.onclick, func); + if (fastn_utils.isNull(this.#node.onclick)) + this.attachCss("cursor", "pointer"); + this.#node.onclick = onclickEvents; + } else if (event === fastn_dom.Event.MouseEnter) { + let mouseEnterEvents = this.mergeFnCalls( + this.#node.onmouseenter, + func, + ); + this.#node.onmouseenter = mouseEnterEvents; + } else if (event === fastn_dom.Event.MouseLeave) { + let mouseLeaveEvents = this.mergeFnCalls( + this.#node.onmouseleave, + func, + ); + this.#node.onmouseleave = mouseLeaveEvents; + } else if (event === fastn_dom.Event.ClickOutside) { + ftd.clickOutsideEvents.push([this, func]); + } else if (!!event[0] && event[0] === fastn_dom.Event.GlobalKey()[0]) { + ftd.globalKeyEvents.push([this, func, event[1]]); + } else if ( + !!event[0] && + event[0] === fastn_dom.Event.GlobalKeySeq()[0] + ) { + ftd.globalKeySeqEvents.push([this, func, event[1]]); + } else if (event === fastn_dom.Event.Input) { + let onInputEvents = this.mergeFnCalls(this.#node.oninput, func); + this.#node.oninput = onInputEvents; + } else if (event === fastn_dom.Event.Change) { + let onChangeEvents = this.mergeFnCalls(this.#node.onchange, func); + this.#node.onchange = onChangeEvents; + } else if (event === fastn_dom.Event.Blur) { + let onBlurEvents = this.mergeFnCalls(this.#node.onblur, func); + this.#node.onblur = onBlurEvents; + } else if (event === fastn_dom.Event.Focus) { + let onFocusEvents = this.mergeFnCalls(this.#node.onfocus, func); + this.#node.onfocus = onFocusEvents; + } + } + destroy() { + for (let i = 0; i < this.#mutables.length; i++) { + this.#mutables[i].unlinkNode(this); + } + // Todo: We don't need this condition as after destroying this node + // ConditionalDom reset this.#conditionUI to null or some different + // value. Not sure why this is still needed. + if (!fastn_utils.isNull(this.#node)) { + this.#node.remove(); + } + this.#mutables = []; + this.#parent = null; + this.#node = null; + } +} + +class ConditionalDom { + #marker; + #parent; + #node_constructor; + #condition; + #mutables; + #conditionUI; + + constructor(parent, deps, condition, node_constructor) { + this.#marker = fastn_dom.createKernel( + parent, + fastn_dom.ElementKind.Comment, + ); + this.#parent = parent; + + this.#conditionUI = null; + let closure = fastn.closure(() => { + fastn_utils.resetFullHeight(); + if (condition()) { + if (this.#conditionUI) { + let conditionUI = fastn_utils.flattenArray( + this.#conditionUI, + ); + while (conditionUI.length > 0) { + let poppedElement = conditionUI.pop(); + poppedElement.destroy(); + } + } + this.#conditionUI = node_constructor( + new ParentNodeWithSibiling(this.#parent, this.#marker), + ); + if ( + !Array.isArray(this.#conditionUI) && + fastn_utils.isWrapperNode(this.#conditionUI.getTagName()) + ) { + this.#conditionUI = this.#conditionUI.getChildren(); + } + } else if (this.#conditionUI) { + let conditionUI = fastn_utils.flattenArray(this.#conditionUI); + while (conditionUI.length > 0) { + let poppedElement = conditionUI.pop(); + poppedElement.destroy(); + } + this.#conditionUI = null; + } + fastn_utils.setFullHeight(); + }); + deps.forEach((dep) => { + if (!fastn_utils.isNull(dep) && dep.addClosure) { + dep.addClosure(closure); + } + }); + + this.#node_constructor = node_constructor; + this.#condition = condition; + this.#mutables = []; + } + + getParent() { + let nodes = [this.#marker]; + if (this.#conditionUI) { + nodes.push(this.#conditionUI); + } + return nodes; + } +} + +fastn_dom.createKernel = function (parent, kind) { + return new Node2(parent, kind); +}; + +fastn_dom.conditionalDom = function ( + parent, + deps, + condition, + node_constructor, +) { + return new ConditionalDom(parent, deps, condition, node_constructor); +}; + +class ParentNodeWithSibiling { + #parent; + #sibiling; + constructor(parent, sibiling) { + this.#parent = parent; + this.#sibiling = sibiling; + } + getParent() { + return this.#parent; + } + getSibiling() { + return this.#sibiling; + } +} + +class ForLoop { + #node_constructor; + #list; + #wrapper; + #parent; + #nodes; + constructor(parent, node_constructor, list) { + this.#wrapper = fastn_dom.createKernel( + parent, + fastn_dom.ElementKind.Comment, + ); + this.#parent = parent; + this.#node_constructor = node_constructor; + this.#list = list; + this.#nodes = []; + + fastn_utils.resetFullHeight(); + for (let idx in list.getList()) { + this.createNode(idx, false); + } + fastn_utils.setFullHeight(); + } + createNode(index, resizeBodyHeight = true) { + if (resizeBodyHeight) { + fastn_utils.resetFullHeight(); + } + let parentWithSibiling = new ParentNodeWithSibiling( + this.#parent, + this.#wrapper, + ); + if (index !== 0) { + parentWithSibiling = new ParentNodeWithSibiling( + this.#parent, + this.#nodes[index - 1], + ); + } + let v = this.#list.get(index); + let node = this.#node_constructor(parentWithSibiling, v.item, v.index); + this.#nodes.splice(index, 0, node); + if (resizeBodyHeight) { + fastn_utils.setFullHeight(); + } + return node; + } + createAllNode() { + fastn_utils.resetFullHeight(); + this.deleteAllNode(false); + for (let idx in this.#list.getList()) { + this.createNode(idx, false); + } + fastn_utils.setFullHeight(); + } + deleteAllNode(resizeBodyHeight = true) { + if (resizeBodyHeight) { + fastn_utils.resetFullHeight(); + } + while (this.#nodes.length > 0) { + this.#nodes.pop().destroy(); + } + if (resizeBodyHeight) { + fastn_utils.setFullHeight(); + } + } + getWrapper() { + return this.#wrapper; + } + deleteNode(index) { + fastn_utils.resetFullHeight(); + let node = this.#nodes.splice(index, 1)[0]; + node.destroy(); + fastn_utils.setFullHeight(); + } + getParent() { + return this.#parent; + } +} + +fastn_dom.forLoop = function (parent, node_constructor, list) { + return new ForLoop(parent, node_constructor, list); +}; +let fastn_utils = { + htmlNode(kind) { + let node = "div"; + let css = []; + let attributes = {}; + if (kind === fastn_dom.ElementKind.Column) { + css.push(fastn_dom.InternalClass.FT_COLUMN); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.ElementKind.Document) { + css.push(fastn_dom.InternalClass.FT_COLUMN); + css.push(fastn_dom.InternalClass.FT_FULL_SIZE); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.ElementKind.Row) { + css.push(fastn_dom.InternalClass.FT_ROW); + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.ElementKind.IFrame) { + node = "iframe"; + // To allow fullscreen support + // Reference: + attributes["allowfullscreen"] = ""; + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.ElementKind.Image) { + node = "img"; + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.ElementKind.Video) { + node = "video"; + } else if ( + kind === fastn_dom.ElementKind.ContainerElement || + kind === fastn_dom.ElementKind.Text + ) { + node = "div"; + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.ElementKind.Rive) { + node = "canvas"; + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.ElementKind.CheckBox) { + node = "input"; + attributes["type"] = "checkbox"; + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.ElementKind.TextInput) { + node = "input"; + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.ElementKind.Comment) { + node = fastn_dom.commentNode; + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.ElementKind.Wrapper) { + node = fastn_dom.wrapperNode; + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.ElementKind.Code) { + node = "pre"; + } else if (kind === fastn_dom.ElementKind.CodeChild) { + node = "code"; + } else if (kind[0] === fastn_dom.ElementKind.WebComponent()[0]) { + let [webcomponent, args] = kind[1]; + node = `${webcomponent}`; + fastn_dom.webComponent.push(args); + attributes[fastn_dom.webComponentArgument] = + fastn_dom.webComponent.length - 1; + } + return [node, css, attributes]; + }, + createStyle(cssClass, obj) { + if (doubleBuffering) { + fastn_dom.styleClasses = `${ + fastn_dom.styleClasses + }${getClassAsString(cssClass, obj)}\n`; + } else { + let styles = document.getElementById("styles"); + let newClasses = getClassAsString(cssClass, obj); + let textNode = document.createTextNode(newClasses); + if (styles.styleSheet) { + styles.styleSheet.cssText = newClasses; + } else { + styles.appendChild(textNode); + } + } + }, + getStaticValue(obj) { + if (obj instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + return this.getStaticValue(obj.get()); + } else if (obj instanceof fastn.mutableListClass) { + return obj.getList(); + } /* + Todo: Make this work + else if (obj instanceof fastn.recordInstanceClass) { + return obj.getAllFields(); + }*/ else { + return obj; + } + }, + getInheritedValues(default_args, inherited, function_args) { + let record_fields = { + colors: ftd.default_colors.getClone().setAndReturn("is_root", true), + types: ftd.default_types.getClone().setAndReturn("is_root", true), + }; + Object.assign(record_fields, default_args); + let fields = {}; + if (inherited instanceof fastn.recordInstanceClass) { + fields = inherited.getClonedFields(); + if (fastn_utils.getStaticValue(fields["colors"].get("is_root"))) { + delete fields.colors; + } + if (fastn_utils.getStaticValue(fields["types"].get("is_root"))) { + delete fields.types; + } + } + Object.assign(record_fields, fields); + Object.assign(record_fields, function_args); + return fastn.recordInstance({ + ...record_fields, + }); + }, + removeNonFastnClasses(node) { + let classList = node.getNode().classList; + let extraCodeData = node.getExtraData().code; + let iterativeClassList = classList; + if (ssr) { + iterativeClassList = iterativeClassList.getClasses(); + } + const internalClassNames = Object.values(fastn_dom.InternalClass); + const classesToRemove = []; + + for (const className of iterativeClassList) { + if ( + !className.startsWith("__") && + !internalClassNames.includes(className) && + className !== extraCodeData?.language && + className !== extraCodeData?.theme + ) { + classesToRemove.push(className); + } + } + + for (const classNameToRemove of classesToRemove) { + classList.remove(classNameToRemove); + } + }, + staticToMutables(obj) { + if ( + !(obj instanceof fastn.mutableClass) && + !(obj instanceof fastn.mutableListClass) && + !(obj instanceof fastn.recordInstanceClass) + ) { + if (Array.isArray(obj)) { + let list = []; + for (let index in obj) { + list.push(fastn_utils.staticToMutables(obj[index])); + } + return fastn.mutableList(list); + } else if (obj instanceof Object) { + let fields = {}; + for (let objKey in obj) { + fields[objKey] = fastn_utils.staticToMutables(obj[objKey]); + } + return fastn.recordInstance(fields); + } else { + return fastn.mutable(obj); + } + } else { + return obj; + } + }, + getFlattenStaticValue(obj) { + let staticValue = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(obj); + if (Array.isArray(staticValue)) { + return => + fastn_utils.getFlattenStaticValue(func.item), + ); + } /* + Todo: Make this work + else if (typeof staticValue === 'object' && fastn_utils.isNull(staticValue)) { + return Object.fromEntries( + Object.entries(staticValue).map(([k,v]) => + [k, fastn_utils.getFlattenStaticValue(v)] + ) + ); + }*/ + return staticValue; + }, + getter(value) { + if (value instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + return value.get(); + } else { + return value; + } + }, + // Todo: Merge getterByKey with getter + getterByKey(value, index) { + if ( + value instanceof fastn.mutableClass || + value instanceof fastn.recordInstanceClass + ) { + return value.get(index); + } else if (value instanceof fastn.mutableListClass) { + return value.get(index).item; + } else { + return value; + } + }, + setter(variable, value) { + if (!fastn_utils.isNull(variable) && variable.set) { + variable.set(value); + return true; + } + return false; + }, + defaultPropertyValue(_propertyValue) { + return null; + }, + sameResponsiveRole(desktop, mobile) { + return ( + desktop.get("font_family") === mobile.get("font_family") && + desktop.get("letter_spacing") === mobile.get("letter_spacing") && + desktop.get("line_height") === mobile.get("line_height") && + desktop.get("size") === mobile.get("size") && + desktop.get("weight") === mobile.get("weight") + ); + }, + getRoleValues(value) { + let font_families = fastn_utils.getStaticValue( + value.get("font_family"), + ); + if (Array.isArray(font_families)) + font_families = font_families + .map((obj) => fastn_utils.getStaticValue(obj.item)) + .join(", "); + return { + "font-family": font_families, + "letter-spacing": fastn_utils.getStaticValue( + value.get("letter_spacing"), + ), + "font-size": fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value.get("size")), + "font-weight": fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value.get("weight")), + "line-height": fastn_utils.getStaticValue(value.get("line_height")), + }; + }, + clone(value) { + if (value === null || value === undefined) { + return value; + } + if ( + value instanceof fastn.mutableClass || + value instanceof fastn.mutableListClass + ) { + return value.getClone(); + } + if (value instanceof fastn.recordInstanceClass) { + return value.getClone(); + } + return value; + }, + getListItem(value) { + if (value === undefined) { + return null; + } + if (value instanceof Object && value.hasOwnProperty("item")) { + value = value.item; + } + return value; + }, + getEventKey(event) { + if (65 <= event.keyCode && event.keyCode <= 90) { + return String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode).toLowerCase(); + } else { + return event.key; + } + }, + createNestedObject(currentObject, path, value) { + const properties = path.split("."); + + for (let i = 0; i < properties.length - 1; i++) { + let property = fastn_utils.private.addUnderscoreToStart( + properties[i], + ); + if (currentObject instanceof fastn.recordInstanceClass) { + if (currentObject.get(property) === undefined) { + currentObject.set(property, fastn.recordInstance({})); + } + currentObject = currentObject.get(property).get(); + } else { + if (!currentObject.hasOwnProperty(property)) { + currentObject[property] = fastn.recordInstance({}); + } + currentObject = currentObject[property]; + } + } + + const innermostProperty = properties[properties.length - 1]; + if (currentObject instanceof fastn.recordInstanceClass) { + currentObject.set(innermostProperty, value); + } else { + currentObject[innermostProperty] = value; + } + }, + /** + * Takes an input string and processes it as inline markdown using the + * 'marked' library. The function removes the last occurrence of + * wrapping

    tags (i.e.

    tag found at the end) from the result and + * adjusts spaces around the content. + * + * @param {string} i - The input string to be processed as inline markdown. + * @returns {string} - The processed string with inline markdown. + */ + markdown_inline(i) { + if (fastn_utils.isNull(i)) return; + i = i.toString(); + const { space_before, space_after } = fastn_utils.private.spaces(i); + const o = (() => { + let g = fastn_utils.private.replace_last_occurrence( + marked.parse(i), + "

    ", + "", + ); + g = fastn_utils.private.replace_last_occurrence(g, "

    ", ""); + return g; + })(); + return `${fastn_utils.private.repeated_space( + space_before, + )}${o}${fastn_utils.private.repeated_space(space_after)}`.replace( + /\n+$/, + "", + ); + }, + + process_post_markdown(node, body) { + if (!ssr) { + const divElement = document.createElement("div"); + divElement.innerHTML = body; + + const current_node = node; + const colorClasses = Array.from(current_node.classList).filter( + (className) => className.startsWith("__c"), + ); + const roleClasses = Array.from(current_node.classList).filter( + (className) => className.startsWith("__rl"), + ); + const tableElements = Array.from( + divElement.getElementsByTagName("table"), + ); + const codeElements = Array.from( + divElement.getElementsByTagName("code"), + ); + + tableElements.forEach((table) => { + colorClasses.forEach((colorClass) => { + table.classList.add(colorClass); + }); + }); + + codeElements.forEach((code) => { + roleClasses.forEach((roleClass) => { + var roleCls = "." + roleClass; + let role = fastn_dom.classes[roleCls]; + let roleValue = role["value"]; + let fontFamily = roleValue["font-family"]; + = fontFamily; + }); + }); + + body = divElement.innerHTML; + } + return body; + }, + isNull(a) { + return a === null || a === undefined; + }, + isCommentNode(node) { + return node === fastn_dom.commentNode; + }, + isWrapperNode(node) { + return node === fastn_dom.wrapperNode; + }, + nextSibling(node, parent) { + // For Conditional DOM + while (Array.isArray(node)) { + node = node[node.length - 1]; + } + if (node.nextSibling) { + return node.nextSibling; + } + if (node.getNode && node.getNode().nextSibling !== undefined) { + return node.getNode().nextSibling; + } + return parent.getChildren().indexOf(node.getNode()) + 1; + }, + createNodeHelper(node, classes, attributes) { + let tagName = node; + let element = fastnVirtual.document.createElement(node); + for (let key in attributes) { + element.setAttribute(key, attributes[key]); + } + for (let c in classes) { + element.classList.add(classes[c]); + } + + return [tagName, element]; + }, + addCssFile(url) { + // Create a new link element + const linkElement = document.createElement("link"); + + // Set the attributes of the link element + linkElement.rel = "stylesheet"; + linkElement.href = url; + + // Append the link element to the head section of the document + document.head.appendChild(linkElement); + }, + addCodeTheme(theme) { + if (!fastn_dom.codeData.addedCssFile.includes(theme)) { + let themeCssUrl = fastn_dom.codeData.availableThemes[theme]; + fastn_utils.addCssFile(themeCssUrl); + fastn_dom.codeData.addedCssFile.push(theme); + } + }, + /** + * Searches for highlighter occurrences in the text, removes them, + * and returns the modified text along with highlighted line numbers. + * + * @param {string} text - The input text to process. + * @returns {{ modifiedText: string, highlightedLines: number[] }} + * Object containing modified text and an array of highlighted line numbers. + * + * @example + * const text = `/-- ftd.text: Hello ;; hello + * + * -- some-component: caption-value + * attr-name: attr-value ;; + * + * + * -- other-component: caption-value ;; + * attr-name: attr-value`; + * + * const result = findAndRemoveHighlighter(text); + * console.log(result.modifiedText); + * console.log(result.highlightedLines); + */ + findAndRemoveHighlighter(text) { + const lines = text.split("\n"); + const highlighter = ";; "; + const result = { + modifiedText: "", + highlightedLines: "", + }; + + let highlightedLines = []; + for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { + const line = lines[i]; + const highlighterIndex = line.indexOf(highlighter); + + if (highlighterIndex !== -1) { + highlightedLines.push(i + 1); // Adding 1 to convert to human-readable line numbers + result.modifiedText += + line.substring(0, highlighterIndex) + + line.substring(highlighterIndex + highlighter.length) + + "\n"; + } else { + result.modifiedText += line + "\n"; + } + } + + result.highlightedLines = + fastn_utils.private.mergeNumbers(highlightedLines); + + return result; + }, + getNodeValue(node) { + return node.getNode().value; + }, + getNodeCheckedState(node) { + return node.getNode().checked; + }, + setFullHeight() { + if (!ssr) { + = `max(${document.documentElement.scrollHeight}px, 100%)`; + } + }, + resetFullHeight() { + if (!ssr) { + = `100%`; + } + }, + highlightCode(codeElement, extraCodeData) { + if ( + !ssr && + !fastn_utils.isNull(extraCodeData.language) && + !fastn_utils.isNull(extraCodeData.theme) + ) { + Prism.highlightElement(codeElement); + } + }, + + //Taken from: + slugify(str) { + return String(str) + .normalize("NFKD") // split accented characters into their base characters and diacritical marks + .replace(".", "-") + .replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, "") // remove all the accents, which happen to be all in the \u03xx UNICODE block. + .trim() // trim leading or trailing whitespace + .toLowerCase() // convert to lowercase + .replace(/[^a-z0-9 -]/g, "") // remove non-alphanumeric characters + .replace(/\s+/g, "-") // replace spaces with hyphens + .replace(/-+/g, "-"); // remove consecutive hyphens + }, + + getEventListeners(node) { + return { + onclick: node.onclick, + onmouseleave: node.onmouseleave, + onmouseenter: node.onmouseenter, + oninput: node.oninput, + onblur: node.onblur, + onfocus: node.onfocus, + }; + }, + + flattenArray(arr) { + return fastn_utils.private.flattenArray([arr]); + }, + toSnakeCase(value) { + return value + .trim() + .split("") + .map((v, i) => { + const lowercased = v.toLowerCase(); + if (v == " ") { + return "_"; + } + if (v != lowercased && i > 0) { + return `_${lowercased}`; + } + return lowercased; + }) + .join(""); + }, + escapeHtmlInCode(str) { + return str.replace(/[<]/g, "<"); + }, + + escapeHtmlInMarkdown(str) { + if (typeof str !== "string") { + return str; + } + + let result = ""; + let ch_map = { + "<": "<", + ">": ">", + "&": "&", + '"': """, + "'": "'", + "/": "/", + }; + let foundBackTick = false; + for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { + let current = str[i]; + if (current === "`") { + foundBackTick = !foundBackTick; + } + // Ignore escaping html inside backtick (as marked function + // escape html for backtick content): + // For instance: In `hello `, `<` and `>` should not be + // escaped. (`foundBackTick`) + // Also the `/` which is followed by `<` should be escaped. + // For instance: `</` should be escaped but `http://` should not + // be escaped. (`(current === '/' && !(i > 0 && str[i-1] === "<"))`) + if ( + foundBackTick || + (current === "/" && !(i > 0 && str[i - 1] === "<")) + ) { + result += current; + continue; + } + result += ch_map[current] ?? current; + } + return result; + }, + + // Used to initialize __args__ inside component and UDF js functions + getArgs(default_args, passed_args) { + // Note: arguments as variable name not allowed in strict mode + let args = default_args; + for (var arg in passed_args) { + if (!default_args.hasOwnProperty(arg)) { + args[arg] = passed_args[arg]; + continue; + } + if ( + default_args.hasOwnProperty(arg) && + fastn_utils.getStaticValue(passed_args[arg]) !== undefined + ) { + args[arg] = passed_args[arg]; + } + } + return args; + }, + + /** + * Replaces the children of `document.body` with the children from + * newChildrenWrapper and updates the styles based on the + * `fastn_dom.styleClasses`. + * + * @param {HTMLElement} newChildrenWrapper - The wrapper element + * containing the new children. + */ + replaceBodyStyleAndChildren(newChildrenWrapper) { + // Update styles based on `fastn_dom.styleClasses` + let styles = document.getElementById("styles"); + styles.innerHTML = fastn_dom.getClassesAsStringWithoutStyleTag(); + + // Replace the children of document.body with the children from + // newChildrenWrapper + fastn_utils.private.replaceChildren(document.body, newChildrenWrapper); + }, +}; + +fastn_utils.private = { + flattenArray(arr) { + return arr.reduce((acc, item) => { + return acc.concat( + Array.isArray(item) + ? fastn_utils.private.flattenArray(item) + : item, + ); + }, []); + }, + /** + * Helper function for `fastn_utils.markdown_inline` to find the number of + * spaces before and after the content. + * + * @param {string} s - The input string. + * @returns {Object} - An object with 'space_before' and 'space_after' properties + * representing the number of spaces before and after the content. + */ + spaces(s) { + let space_before = 0; + for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { + if (s[i] !== " ") { + space_before = i; + break; + } + space_before = i + 1; + } + if (space_before === s.length) { + return { space_before, space_after: 0 }; + } + + let space_after = 0; + for (let i = s.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + if (s[i] !== " ") { + space_after = s.length - 1 - i; + break; + } + space_after = i + 1; + } + + return { space_before, space_after }; + }, + /** + * Helper function for `fastn_utils.markdown_inline` to replace the last + * occurrence of a substring in a string. + * + * @param {string} s - The input string. + * @param {string} old_word - The substring to be replaced. + * @param {string} new_word - The replacement substring. + * @returns {string} - The string with the last occurrence of 'old_word' replaced by 'new_word'. + */ + replace_last_occurrence(s, old_word, new_word) { + if (!s.includes(old_word)) { + return s; + } + + const idx = s.lastIndexOf(old_word); + return s.slice(0, idx) + new_word + s.slice(idx + old_word.length); + }, + /** + * Helper function for `fastn_utils.markdown_inline` to generate a string + * containing a specified number of spaces. + * + * @param {number} n - The number of spaces to be generated. + * @returns {string} - A string with 'n' spaces concatenated together. + */ + repeated_space(n) { + return Array.from({ length: n }, () => " ").join(""); + }, + /** + * Merges consecutive numbers in a comma-separated list into ranges. + * + * @param {string} input - Comma-separated list of numbers. + * @returns {string} Merged number ranges. + * + * @example + * const input = '1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,11'; + * const output = mergeNumbers(input); + * console.log(output); // Output: '1-3,5-9,11' + */ + mergeNumbers(numbers) { + if (numbers.length === 0) { + return ""; + } + const mergedRanges = []; + + let start = numbers[0]; + let end = numbers[0]; + + for (let i = 1; i < numbers.length; i++) { + if (numbers[i] === end + 1) { + end = numbers[i]; + } else { + if (start === end) { + mergedRanges.push(start.toString()); + } else { + mergedRanges.push(`${start}-${end}`); + } + start = end = numbers[i]; + } + } + + if (start === end) { + mergedRanges.push(start.toString()); + } else { + mergedRanges.push(`${start}-${end}`); + } + + return mergedRanges.join(","); + }, + addUnderscoreToStart(text) { + if (/^\d/.test(text)) { + return "_" + text; + } + return text; + }, + + /** + * Replaces the children of a parent element with the children from a + * new children wrapper. + * + * @param {HTMLElement} parent - The parent element whose children will + * be replaced. + * @param {HTMLElement} newChildrenWrapper - The wrapper element + * containing the new children. + * @returns {void} + */ + replaceChildren(parent, newChildrenWrapper) { + // Remove existing children of the parent + var children = parent.children; + // Loop through the direct children and remove those with tagName 'div' + for (var i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + var child = children[i]; + if (child.tagName === "DIV") { + parent.removeChild(child); + } + } + + // Cut and append the children from newChildrenWrapper to the parent + while (newChildrenWrapper.firstChild) { + parent.appendChild(newChildrenWrapper.firstChild); + } + }, + + // Cookie related functions ---------------------------------------------- + setCookie(cookieName, cookieValue) { + cookieName = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(cookieName); + cookieValue = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(cookieValue); + + // Default expiration period of 30 days + var expires = ""; + var expirationDays = 30; + if (expirationDays) { + var date = new Date(); + date.setTime(date.getTime() + expirationDays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); + expires = "; expires=" + date.toUTCString(); + } + + document.cookie = + cookieName + + "=" + + encodeURIComponent(cookieValue) + + expires + + "; path=/"; + }, + getCookie(cookieName) { + cookieName = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(cookieName); + var name = cookieName + "="; + var decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie); + var cookieArray = decodedCookie.split(";"); + + for (var i = 0; i < cookieArray.length; i++) { + var cookie = cookieArray[i].trim(); + if (cookie.indexOf(name) === 0) { + return cookie.substring(name.length, cookie.length); + } + } + + return "None"; + }, +}; + +/*Object.prototype.get = function(index) { + return this[index]; +}*/ +let fastnVirtual = {}; + +let id_counter = 0; +let ssr = false; +let doubleBuffering = false; + +class ClassList { + #classes = []; + add(item) { + this.#classes.push(item); + } + + remove(itemToRemove) { + this.#classes.filter((item) => item !== itemToRemove); + } + toString() { + return this.#classes.join(" "); + } + getClasses() { + return this.#classes; + } +} + +class Node { + id; + #dataId; + #tagName; + #children; + #attributes; + constructor(id, tagName) { + this.#tagName = tagName; + this.#dataId = id; + this.classList = new ClassList(); + this.#children = []; + this.#attributes = {}; + this.innerHTML = ""; + = {}; + this.onclick = null; + = null; + } + appendChild(c) { + this.#children.push(c); + } + + insertBefore(node, index) { + this.#children.splice(index, 0, node); + } + + getChildren() { + return this.#children; + } + + setAttribute(attribute, value) { + this.#attributes[attribute] = value; + } + + getAttribute(attribute) { + return this.#attributes[attribute]; + } + + removeAttribute(attribute) { + if (attribute in this.#attributes) delete this.#attributes[attribute]; + } + + // Caution: This is only supported in ssr mode + updateTagName(tagName) { + this.#tagName = tagName; + } + // Caution: This is only supported in ssr mode + toHtmlAsString() { + const openingTag = `<${ + this.#tagName + }${this.getDataIdString()}${this.getIdString()}${this.getAttributesString()}${this.getClassString()}${this.getStyleString()}>`; + const closingTag = `</${this.#tagName}>`; + const innerHTML = this.innerHTML; + const childNodes = this.#children + .map((child) => child.toHtmlAsString()) + .join(""); + + return `${openingTag}${innerHTML}${childNodes}${closingTag}`; + } + // Caution: This is only supported in ssr mode + getDataIdString() { + return ` data-id="${this.#dataId}"`; + } + // Caution: This is only supported in ssr mode + getIdString() { + return fastn_utils.isNull( ? "" : ` id="${}"`; + } + // Caution: This is only supported in ssr mode + getClassString() { + const classList = this.classList.toString(); + return classList ? ` class="${classList}"` : ""; + } + // Caution: This is only supported in ssr mode + getStyleString() { + const styleProperties = Object.entries( + .map(([prop, value]) => `${prop}:${value}`) + .join(";"); + return styleProperties ? ` style="${styleProperties}"` : ""; + } + // Caution: This is only supported in ssr mode + getAttributesString() { + const nodeAttributes = Object.entries(this.#attributes) + .map(([attribute, value]) => { + if (value !== undefined && value !== null && value !== "") { + return `${attribute}=\"${value}\"`; + } + return `${attribute}`; + }) + .join(" "); + return nodeAttributes ? ` ${nodeAttributes}` : ""; + } +} + +class Document2 { + createElement(tagName) { + id_counter++; + + if (ssr) { + return new Node(id_counter, tagName); + } + + if (tagName === "body") { + return window.document.body; + } + + if (fastn_utils.isWrapperNode(tagName)) { + return window.document.createComment(fastn_dom.commentMessage); + } + if (fastn_utils.isCommentNode(tagName)) { + return window.document.createComment(fastn_dom.commentMessage); + } + return window.document.createElement(tagName); + } +} + +fastnVirtual.document = new Document2(); + +function addClosureToBreakpointWidth() { + let closure = fastn.closureWithoutExecute(function () { + let current = ftd.get_device(); + let lastDevice = ftd.device.get(); + if (current === lastDevice) { + return; + } + console.log("last_device", lastDevice, "current_device", current); + ftd.device.set(current); + }); + + ftd.breakpoint_width.addClosure(closure); +} + +fastnVirtual.doubleBuffer = function (main) { + addClosureToBreakpointWidth(); + let parent = document.createElement("div"); + let current_device = ftd.get_device(); + ftd.device = fastn.mutable(current_device); + doubleBuffering = true; + fastnVirtual.root = parent; + main(parent); + fastn_utils.replaceBodyStyleAndChildren(parent); + doubleBuffering = false; + fastnVirtual.root = document.body; +}; + +fastnVirtual.ssr = function (main) { + ssr = true; + let body = fastnVirtual.document.createElement("body"); + main(body); + ssr = false; + id_counter = 0; + return body.toHtmlAsString() + fastn_dom.getClassesAsString(); +}; +class MutableVariable { + #value; + constructor(value) { + this.#value = value; + } + + get() { + return fastn_utils.getStaticValue(this.#value); + } + + set(value) { + this.#value.set(value); + } + // Todo: Remove closure when node is removed. + on_change(func) { + this.#value.addClosure(fastn.closureWithoutExecute(func)); + } +} + +class MutableListVariable { + #value; + constructor(value) { + this.#value = value; + } + get() { + return fastn_utils.getStaticValue(this.#value); + } + set(index, list) { + if (list === undefined) { + this.#value.set(fastn_utils.staticToMutables(index)); + return; + } + this.#value.set(index, fastn_utils.staticToMutables(list)); + } + insertAt(index, value) { + this.#value.insertAt(index, fastn_utils.staticToMutables(value)); + } + deleteAt(index) { + this.#value.deleteAt(index); + } + push(value) { + this.#value.push(value); + } + pop() { + this.#value.pop(); + } + clearAll() { + this.#value.clearAll(); + } + on_change(func) { + this.#value.addClosure(fastn.closureWithoutExecute(func)); + } +} + +class RecordVariable { + #value; + constructor(value) { + this.#value = value; + } + + get() { + return fastn_utils.getStaticValue(this.#value); + } + + set(record) { + this.#value.set(fastn_utils.staticToMutables(record)); + } + + on_change(func) { + this.#value.addClosure(fastn.closureWithoutExecute(func)); + } +} +class StaticVariable { + #value; + #closures; + constructor(value) { + this.#value = value; + this.#closures = []; + if (this.#value instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + this.#value.addClosure( + fastn.closure(() => + this.#closures.forEach((closure) => closure.update()), + ), + ); + } + } + + get() { + return fastn_utils.getStaticValue(this.#value); + } + + on_change(func) { + if (this.#value instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + this.#value.addClosure(fastn.closure(func)); + } + } +} + +fastn.webComponentVariable = { + mutable: (value) => { + return new MutableVariable(value); + }, + mutableList: (value) => { + return new MutableListVariable(value); + }, + static: (value) => { + return new StaticVariable(value); + }, + record: (value) => { + return new RecordVariable(value); + }, +}; +const ftd = (function () { + const exports = {}; + + const riveNodes = {}; + + const global = {}; + + const onLoadListeners = new Set(); + + let fastnLoaded = false; + + = global; + + exports.riveNodes = riveNodes; + + exports.is_empty = (value) => { + value = fastn_utils.getFlattenStaticValue(value); + return fastn_utils.isNull(value) || value.length === 0; + }; + + exports.len = (data) => { + if (!!data && data instanceof fastn.mutableListClass) { + if (data.getLength) return data.getLength(); + return -1; + } + if (!!data && data instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + let inner_data = data.get(); + return exports.len(inner_data); + } + if (!!data && data.length) { + return data.length; + } + return -2; + }; + + exports.copy_to_clipboard = (args) => { + let text = args.a; + if (text instanceof fastn.mutableClass) + text = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(text); + if (text.startsWith("\\", 0)) { + text = text.substring(1); + } + if (!navigator.clipboard) { + fallbackCopyTextToClipboard(text); + return; + } + navigator.clipboard.writeText(text).then( + function () { + console.log("Async: Copying to clipboard was successful!"); + }, + function (err) { + console.error("Async: Could not copy text: ", err); + }, + ); + }; + + // Todo: Implement this (Remove highlighter) + exports.clean_code = (args) => args.a; + + exports.set_rive_boolean = (args, node) => { + if (!!args.rive) { + let riveNode = riveNodes[`${args.rive}__${exports.device.get()}`]; + node = riveNode ? riveNode : node; + } + let riveConst = node.getExtraData().rive; + const stateMachineName = riveConst.stateMachineNames[0]; + const inputs = riveConst.stateMachineInputs(stateMachineName); + const bumpTrigger = inputs.find((i) => === args.input); + bumpTrigger.value = args.value; + }; + + exports.toggle_rive_boolean = (args, node) => { + if (!!args.rive) { + let riveNode = riveNodes[`${args.rive}__${exports.device.get()}`]; + node = riveNode ? riveNode : node; + } + let riveConst = node.getExtraData().rive; + const stateMachineName = riveConst.stateMachineNames[0]; + const inputs = riveConst.stateMachineInputs(stateMachineName); + const trigger = inputs.find((i) => === args.input); + trigger.value = !trigger.value; + }; + + exports.set_rive_integer = (args, node) => { + if (!!args.rive) { + let riveNode = riveNodes[`${args.rive}__${exports.device.get()}`]; + node = riveNode ? riveNode : node; + } + let riveConst = node.getExtraData().rive; + const stateMachineName = riveConst.stateMachineNames[0]; + const inputs = riveConst.stateMachineInputs(stateMachineName); + const trigger = inputs.find((i) => === args.input); + trigger.value = args.value; + }; + + exports.fire_rive = (args, node) => { + if (!!args.rive) { + let riveNode = riveNodes[`${args.rive}__${exports.device.get()}`]; + node = riveNode ? riveNode : node; + } + let riveConst = node.getExtraData().rive; + const stateMachineName = riveConst.stateMachineNames[0]; + const inputs = riveConst.stateMachineInputs(stateMachineName); + const trigger = inputs.find((i) => === args.input); +; + }; + + exports.play_rive = (args, node) => { + if (!!args.rive) { + let riveNode = riveNodes[`${args.rive}__${exports.device.get()}`]; + node = riveNode ? riveNode : node; + } + node.getExtraData(); + }; + + exports.pause_rive = (args, node) => { + if (!!args.rive) { + let riveNode = riveNodes[`${args.rive}__${exports.device.get()}`]; + node = riveNode ? riveNode : node; + } + node.getExtraData().rive.pause(args.input); + }; + + exports.toggle_play_rive = (args, node) => { + if (!!args.rive) { + let riveNode = riveNodes[`${args.rive}__${exports.device.get()}`]; + node = riveNode ? riveNode : node; + } + let riveConst = node.getExtraData().rive; + riveConst.playingAnimationNames.includes(args.input) + ? riveConst.pause(args.input) + :; + }; + + exports.get = (value, index) => { + return fastn_utils.getStaticValue( + fastn_utils.getterByKey(value, index), + ); + }; + + exports.component_data = (component) => { + let attributesIndex = component.getAttribute( + fastn_dom.webComponentArgument, + ); + let attributes = fastn_dom.webComponent[attributesIndex]; + return Object.fromEntries( + Object.entries(attributes).map(([k, v]) => { + // Todo: check if argument is mutable reference or not + if (v instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + v = fastn.webComponentVariable.mutable(v); + } else if (v instanceof fastn.mutableListClass) { + v = fastn.webComponentVariable.mutableList(v); + } else if (v instanceof fastn.recordInstanceClass) { + v = fastn.webComponentVariable.record(v); + } else { + v = fastn.webComponentVariable.static(v); + } + return [k, v]; + }), + ); + }; + + exports.append = function (list, item) { + list.push(item); + }; + exports.pop = function (list) { + list.pop(); + }; + exports.insert_at = function (list, index, item) { + list.insertAt(index, item); + }; + exports.delete_at = function (list, index) { + list.deleteAt(index); + }; + exports.clear_all = function (list) { + list.clearAll(); + }; + exports.clear = exports.clear_all; + exports.set_list = function (list, value) { + list.set(value); + }; + + exports.http = function (url, opts, ...body) { + if ((!opts) instanceof fastn.recordInstanceClass) { +`opts must be a record instance of + -- record ftd.http-options: + string method: GET + string redirect: manual + string fastn-module: + `); + throw new Error("invalid opts"); + } + + let method = opts.get("method").get(); + let fastn_module = opts.get("fastn_module").get(); + let redirect = opts.get("redirect").get(); + + if (!["manual", "follow", "error"].includes(redirect)) { + throw new Error( + `redirect must be one of "manual", "follow", "error"`, + ); + } + + if (url instanceof fastn.mutableClass) url = url.get(); + method = method.trim().toUpperCase(); + let request_json = {}; + + const init = { + method, + headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, + json: null, + redirect, + }; + + if (body && method !== "GET") { + if (body[0] instanceof fastn.recordInstanceClass) { + if (body.length !== 1) { + console.warn( + "body is a record instance, but has more than 1 element, ignoring", + ); + } + request_json = body[0].toObject(); + } else { + let json = body[0]; + if ( + body.length !== 1 || + (body[0].length === 2 && Array.isArray(body[0])) + ) { + let new_json = {}; + // @ts-ignore + for (let [header, value] of Object.entries(body)) { + let [key, val] = + value.length === 2 ? value : [header, value]; + new_json[key] = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(val); + } + json = new_json; + } + request_json = json; + } + } + + init.body = JSON.stringify(request_json); + + let json; + fetch(url, init) + .then((res) => { + if (res.redirected) { + window.location.href = res.url; + return; + } + + if (!res.ok) { + return new Error("[http]: Request failed", res); + } + + return res.json(); + }) + .then((response) => { + console.log("[http]: Response OK", response); + if (response.redirect) { + window.location.href = response.redirect; + } else if (!!response && !!response.reload) { + window.location.reload(); + } else { + let data = {}; + if (!!response.errors) { + for (let key of Object.keys(response.errors)) { + let value = response.errors[key]; + if (Array.isArray(value)) { + // django returns a list of strings + value = value.join(" "); + } + // also django does not append `-error` + key = key + "-error"; + key = fastn_module + "#" + key; + data[key] = value; + } + } + if (!! { + if (Object.keys(data).length !== 0) { + console.log( + "both .errors and .data are present in response, ignoring .data", + ); + } else { + data =; + } + } + for (let ftd_variable of Object.keys(data)) { + // @ts-ignore + window.ftd.set_value(ftd_variable, data[ftd_variable]); + } + } + }) + .catch(console.error); + return json; + }; + + exports.navigate = function (url, request_data) { + let query_parameters = new URLSearchParams(); + if (request_data instanceof fastn.recordInstanceClass) { + // @ts-ignore + for (let [header, value] of Object.entries( + request_data.toObject(), + )) { + let [key, val] = value.length === 2 ? value : [header, value]; + query_parameters.set(key, val); + } + } + let query_string = query_parameters.toString(); + if (query_string) { + window.location.href = url + "?" + query_parameters.toString(); + } else { + window.location.href = url; + } + }; + + exports.toggle_dark_mode = function () { + const is_dark_mode = exports.get(exports.dark_mode); + if (is_dark_mode) { + enable_light_mode(); + } else { + enable_dark_mode(); + } + }; + + exports.local_storage = { + _get_key(key) { + if (key instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + key = key.get(); + } + const packageNamePrefix = __fastn_package_name__ + ? `${__fastn_package_name__}_` + : ""; + const snakeCaseKey = fastn_utils.toSnakeCase(key); + + return `${packageNamePrefix}${snakeCaseKey}`; + }, + set(key, value) { + key = this._get_key(key); + value = fastn_utils.getFlattenStaticValue(value); + localStorage.setItem( + key, + value && typeof value === "object" + ? JSON.stringify(value) + : value, + ); + }, + get(key) { + key = this._get_key(key); + if (ssr) { + return; + } + const item = localStorage.getItem(key); + if (!item) { + return; + } + try { + const obj = JSON.parse(item); + + return fastn_utils.staticToMutables(obj); + } catch { + return item; + } + }, + delete(key) { + key = this._get_key(key); + localStorage.removeItem(key); + }, + }; + + exports.on_load = (listener) => { + if (typeof listener !== "function") { + throw new Error("listener must be a function"); + } + + if (fastnLoaded) { + listener(); + return; + } + + onLoadListeners.add(listener); + }; + + exports.emit_on_load = () => { + if (fastnLoaded) return; + + fastnLoaded = true; + onLoadListeners.forEach((listener) => listener()); + }; + + // LEGACY + + function legacyNameToJS(s) { + let name = s.toString(); + + if (name[0].charCodeAt(0) >= 48 && name[0].charCodeAt(0) <= 57) { + name = "_" + name; + } + + return name + .replaceAll("#", "__") + .replaceAll("-", "_") + .replaceAll(":", "___") + .replaceAll(",", "$") + .replaceAll("\\", "/") + .replaceAll("/", "_") + .replaceAll(".", "_"); + } + + function getDocNameAndRemaining(s) { + let part1 = ""; + let patternToSplitAt = s; + + const split1 = s.split("#"); + if (split1.length === 2) { + part1 = split1[0] + "#"; + patternToSplitAt = split1[1]; + } + + const split2 = patternToSplitAt.split("."); + if (split2.length === 2) { + return [part1 + split2[0], split2[1]]; + } else { + return [s, null]; + } + } + + function isMutable(obj) { + return ( + obj instanceof fastn.mutableClass || + obj instanceof fastn.mutableListClass || + obj instanceof fastn.recordInstanceClass + ); + } + + exports.set_value = function (variable, value) { + const [var_name, remaining] = getDocNameAndRemaining(variable); + let name = legacyNameToJS(var_name); + if (global[name] === undefined) { + console.log( + `[ftd-legacy]: ${variable} is not in global map, ignoring`, + ); + return; + } + const mutable = global[name]; + if (!isMutable(mutable)) { + console.log(`[ftd-legacy]: ${variable} is not a mutable, ignoring`); + return; + } + if (remaining) { + mutable.get(remaining).set(value); + } else { + mutable.set(value); + } + }; + + exports.get_value = function (variable) { + const [var_name, remaining] = getDocNameAndRemaining(variable); + let name = legacyNameToJS(var_name); + if (global[name] === undefined) { + console.log( + `[ftd-legacy]: ${variable} is not in global map, ignoring`, + ); + return; + } + const value = global[name]; + if (isMutable(value)) { + if (remaining) { + return value.get(remaining); + } else { + return value.get(); + } + } else { + return value; + } + }; + + // Language related functions --------------------------------------------- + exports.set_current_language = function (language) { + language = fastn_utils.getStaticValue(language); + fastn_utils.private.setCookie("fastn-lang", language); + location.reload(); + }; + + exports.get_current_language = function () { + return fastn_utils.private.getCookie("fastn-lang"); + }; + + return exports; +})(); + +const len = ftd.len; + +const global =; +ftd.clickOutsideEvents = []; +ftd.globalKeyEvents = []; +ftd.globalKeySeqEvents = []; + +ftd.get_device = function () { + const MOBILE_CLASS = "mobile"; + // not at all sure about this function logic. + let width = window.innerWidth; + // In the future, we may want to have more than one break points, and + // then we may also want the theme builders to decide where the + // breakpoints should go. we should be able to fetch fpm variables + // here, or maybe simply pass the width, user agent etc. to fpm and + // let people put the checks on width user agent etc., but it would + // be good if we can standardize few breakpoints. or maybe we should + // do both, some standard breakpoints and pass the raw data. + // we would then rename this function to detect_device() which will + // return one of "desktop", "mobile". and also maybe have another + // function detect_orientation(), "landscape" and "portrait" etc., + // and instead of setting `ftd#mobile: boolean` we set `ftd#device` + // and `ftd#view-port-orientation` etc. + let mobile_breakpoint = fastn_utils.getStaticValue( + ftd.breakpoint_width.get("mobile"), + ); + if (width <= mobile_breakpoint) { + document.body.classList.add(MOBILE_CLASS); + return fastn_dom.DeviceData.Mobile; + } + if (document.body.classList.contains(MOBILE_CLASS)) { + document.body.classList.remove(MOBILE_CLASS); + } + return fastn_dom.DeviceData.Desktop; +}; + +ftd.post_init = function () { + const DARK_MODE_COOKIE = "fastn-dark-mode"; + const COOKIE_SYSTEM_LIGHT = "system-light"; + const COOKIE_SYSTEM_DARK = "system-dark"; + const COOKIE_DARK_MODE = "dark"; + const COOKIE_LIGHT_MODE = "light"; + const DARK_MODE_CLASS = "dark"; + let last_device = ftd.device.get(); + + window.onresize = function () { + initialise_device(); + }; + function initialise_click_outside_events() { + document.addEventListener("click", function (event) { + ftd.clickOutsideEvents.forEach(([ftdNode, func]) => { + let node = ftdNode.getNode(); + if ( + !!node && + !== "none" && + !node.contains( + ) { + func(); + } + }); + }); + } + function initialise_global_key_events() { + let globalKeys = {}; + let buffer = []; + let lastKeyTime =; + + document.addEventListener("keydown", function (event) { + let eventKey = fastn_utils.getEventKey(event); + globalKeys[eventKey] = true; + const currentTime =; + if (currentTime - lastKeyTime > 1000) { + buffer = []; + } + lastKeyTime = currentTime; + if ( + ( === "INPUT" || + === "TEXTAREA") && + eventKey !== "ArrowDown" && + eventKey !== "ArrowUp" && + eventKey !== "ArrowRight" && + eventKey !== "ArrowLeft" && + === "INPUT" && + eventKey !== "Enter" + ) { + return; + } + buffer.push(eventKey); + + ftd.globalKeyEvents.forEach(([_ftdNode, func, array]) => { + let globalKeysPresent = array.reduce( + (accumulator, currentValue) => + accumulator && !!globalKeys[currentValue], + true, + ); + if ( + globalKeysPresent && + buffer.join(",").includes(array.join(",")) + ) { + func(); + globalKeys[eventKey] = false; + buffer = []; + } + return; + }); + + ftd.globalKeySeqEvents.forEach(([_ftdNode, func, array]) => { + if (buffer.join(",").includes(array.join(","))) { + func(); + globalKeys[eventKey] = false; + buffer = []; + } + return; + }); + }); + + document.addEventListener("keyup", function (event) { + globalKeys[fastn_utils.getEventKey(event)] = false; + }); + } + function initialise_device() { + let current = ftd.get_device(); + if (current === last_device) { + return; + } + console.log("last_device", last_device, "current_device", current); + ftd.device.set(current); + last_device = current; + } + + /* + ftd.dark-mode behaviour: + + ftd.dark-mode is a boolean, default false, it tells the UI to show + the UI in dark or light mode. Themes should use this variable to decide + which mode to show in UI. + + ftd.follow-system-dark-mode, boolean, default true, keeps track if + we are reading the value of `dark-mode` from system preference, or user + has overridden the system preference. + + These two variables must not be set by ftd code directly, but they must + use `$on-click$: message-host enable-dark-mode`, to ignore system + preference and use dark mode. `$on-click$: message-host + disable-dark-mode` to ignore system preference and use light mode and + `$on-click$: message-host follow-system-dark-mode` to ignore user + preference and start following system preference. + + we use a cookie: `ftd-dark-mode` to store the preference. The cookie can + have three values: + + cookie missing / user wants us to honour system preference + system-light and currently its light. + + system-dark follow system and currently its dark. + + light: user prefers light + + dark: user prefers light + + We use cookie instead of localstorage so in future `fpm-repo` can see + users preferences up front and renders the HTML on service wide + following user's preference. + + */ + window.enable_dark_mode = function () { + // TODO: coalesce the two set_bool-s into one so there is only one DOM + // update + ftd.dark_mode.set(true); + ftd.follow_system_dark_mode.set(false); + ftd.system_dark_mode.set(system_dark_mode()); + document.body.classList.add(DARK_MODE_CLASS); + set_cookie(DARK_MODE_COOKIE, COOKIE_DARK_MODE); + }; + window.enable_light_mode = function () { + // TODO: coalesce the two set_bool-s into one so there is only one DOM + // update + ftd.dark_mode.set(false); + ftd.follow_system_dark_mode.set(false); + ftd.system_dark_mode.set(system_dark_mode()); + if (document.body.classList.contains(DARK_MODE_CLASS)) { + document.body.classList.remove(DARK_MODE_CLASS); + } + set_cookie(DARK_MODE_COOKIE, COOKIE_LIGHT_MODE); + }; + window.enable_system_mode = function () { + // TODO: coalesce the two set_bool-s into one so there is only one DOM + // update + let systemMode = system_dark_mode(); + ftd.follow_system_dark_mode.set(true); + ftd.system_dark_mode.set(systemMode); + if (systemMode) { + ftd.dark_mode.set(true); + document.body.classList.add(DARK_MODE_CLASS); + set_cookie(DARK_MODE_COOKIE, COOKIE_SYSTEM_DARK); + } else { + ftd.dark_mode.set(false); + if (document.body.classList.contains(DARK_MODE_CLASS)) { + document.body.classList.remove(DARK_MODE_CLASS); + } + set_cookie(DARK_MODE_COOKIE, COOKIE_SYSTEM_LIGHT); + } + }; + function set_cookie(name, value) { + document.cookie = name + "=" + value + "; path=/"; + } + function system_dark_mode() { + return !!( + window.matchMedia && + window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches + ); + } + function initialise_dark_mode() { + update_dark_mode(); + start_watching_dark_mode_system_preference(); + } + function get_cookie(name, def) { + // source: + let regex = document.cookie.match( + "(^|;)\\s*" + name + "\\s*=\\s*([^;]+)", + ); + return regex !== null ? regex.pop() : def; + } + function update_dark_mode() { + let current_dark_mode_cookie = get_cookie( + DARK_MODE_COOKIE, + COOKIE_SYSTEM_LIGHT, + ); + switch (current_dark_mode_cookie) { + case COOKIE_SYSTEM_LIGHT: + case COOKIE_SYSTEM_DARK: + window.enable_system_mode(); + break; + case COOKIE_LIGHT_MODE: + window.enable_light_mode(); + break; + case COOKIE_DARK_MODE: + window.enable_dark_mode(); + break; + default: + console_log("cookie value is wrong", current_dark_mode_cookie); + window.enable_system_mode(); + } + } + function start_watching_dark_mode_system_preference() { + window + .matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)") + .addEventListener("change", update_dark_mode); + } + initialise_device(); + initialise_dark_mode(); + initialise_click_outside_events(); + initialise_global_key_events(); + fastn_utils.resetFullHeight(); + fastn_utils.setFullHeight(); +}; + +window.ftd = ftd; + +ftd.toggle = function (args) { + let __fastn_super_package_name__ = __fastn_package_name__; + __fastn_package_name__ = "fifthtry_github_io_dotcom_typography"; + try { + let __args__ = fastn_utils.getArgs({ + }, args); + let fastn_utils_val___args___a = fastn_utils.clone(!fastn_utils.getStaticValue(__args__.a)); + if (fastn_utils_val___args___a instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + fastn_utils_val___args___a = fastn_utils_val___args___a.get(); + } + if (!fastn_utils.setter(__args__.a, fastn_utils_val___args___a)) { + __args__.a = fastn_utils_val___args___a; + } + } finally { + __fastn_package_name__ = __fastn_super_package_name__; + } +} +ftd.increment = function (args) { + let __fastn_super_package_name__ = __fastn_package_name__; + __fastn_package_name__ = "fifthtry_github_io_dotcom_typography"; + try { + let __args__ = fastn_utils.getArgs({ + }, args); + let fastn_utils_val___args___a = fastn_utils.clone(fastn_utils.getStaticValue(__args__.a) + 1); + if (fastn_utils_val___args___a instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + fastn_utils_val___args___a = fastn_utils_val___args___a.get(); + } + if (!fastn_utils.setter(__args__.a, fastn_utils_val___args___a)) { + __args__.a = fastn_utils_val___args___a; + } + } finally { + __fastn_package_name__ = __fastn_super_package_name__; + } +} +ftd.increment_by = function (args) { + let __fastn_super_package_name__ = __fastn_package_name__; + __fastn_package_name__ = "fifthtry_github_io_dotcom_typography"; + try { + let __args__ = fastn_utils.getArgs({ + }, args); + let fastn_utils_val___args___a = fastn_utils.clone(fastn_utils.getStaticValue(__args__.a) + fastn_utils.getStaticValue(__args__.v)); + if (fastn_utils_val___args___a instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + fastn_utils_val___args___a = fastn_utils_val___args___a.get(); + } + if (!fastn_utils.setter(__args__.a, fastn_utils_val___args___a)) { + __args__.a = fastn_utils_val___args___a; + } + } finally { + __fastn_package_name__ = __fastn_super_package_name__; + } +} +ftd.decrement = function (args) { + let __fastn_super_package_name__ = __fastn_package_name__; + __fastn_package_name__ = "fifthtry_github_io_dotcom_typography"; + try { + let __args__ = fastn_utils.getArgs({ + }, args); + let fastn_utils_val___args___a = fastn_utils.clone(fastn_utils.getStaticValue(__args__.a) - 1); + if (fastn_utils_val___args___a instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + fastn_utils_val___args___a = fastn_utils_val___args___a.get(); + } + if (!fastn_utils.setter(__args__.a, fastn_utils_val___args___a)) { + __args__.a = fastn_utils_val___args___a; + } + } finally { + __fastn_package_name__ = __fastn_super_package_name__; + } +} +ftd.decrement_by = function (args) { + let __fastn_super_package_name__ = __fastn_package_name__; + __fastn_package_name__ = "fifthtry_github_io_dotcom_typography"; + try { + let __args__ = fastn_utils.getArgs({ + }, args); + let fastn_utils_val___args___a = fastn_utils.clone(fastn_utils.getStaticValue(__args__.a) - fastn_utils.getStaticValue(__args__.v)); + if (fastn_utils_val___args___a instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + fastn_utils_val___args___a = fastn_utils_val___args___a.get(); + } + if (!fastn_utils.setter(__args__.a, fastn_utils_val___args___a)) { + __args__.a = fastn_utils_val___args___a; + } + } finally { + __fastn_package_name__ = __fastn_super_package_name__; + } +} +ftd.enable_light_mode = function (args) { + let __fastn_super_package_name__ = __fastn_package_name__; + __fastn_package_name__ = "fifthtry_github_io_dotcom_typography"; + try { + let __args__ = fastn_utils.getArgs({ + }, args); + return (enable_light_mode()); + } finally { + __fastn_package_name__ = __fastn_super_package_name__; + } +} +ftd.enable_dark_mode = function (args) { + let __fastn_super_package_name__ = __fastn_package_name__; + __fastn_package_name__ = "fifthtry_github_io_dotcom_typography"; + try { + let __args__ = fastn_utils.getArgs({ + }, args); + return (enable_dark_mode()); + } finally { + __fastn_package_name__ = __fastn_super_package_name__; + } +} +ftd.enable_system_mode = function (args) { + let __fastn_super_package_name__ = __fastn_package_name__; + __fastn_package_name__ = "fifthtry_github_io_dotcom_typography"; + try { + let __args__ = fastn_utils.getArgs({ + }, args); + return (enable_system_mode()); + } finally { + __fastn_package_name__ = __fastn_super_package_name__; + } +} +ftd.set_bool = function (args) { + let __fastn_super_package_name__ = __fastn_package_name__; + __fastn_package_name__ = "fifthtry_github_io_dotcom_typography"; + try { + let __args__ = fastn_utils.getArgs({ + }, args); + let fastn_utils_val___args___a = fastn_utils.clone(__args__.v); + if (fastn_utils_val___args___a instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + fastn_utils_val___args___a = fastn_utils_val___args___a.get(); + } + if (!fastn_utils.setter(__args__.a, fastn_utils_val___args___a)) { + __args__.a = fastn_utils_val___args___a; + } + } finally { + __fastn_package_name__ = __fastn_super_package_name__; + } +} +ftd.set_boolean = function (args) { + let __fastn_super_package_name__ = __fastn_package_name__; + __fastn_package_name__ = "fifthtry_github_io_dotcom_typography"; + try { + let __args__ = fastn_utils.getArgs({ + }, args); + let fastn_utils_val___args___a = fastn_utils.clone(__args__.v); + if (fastn_utils_val___args___a instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + fastn_utils_val___args___a = fastn_utils_val___args___a.get(); + } + if (!fastn_utils.setter(__args__.a, fastn_utils_val___args___a)) { + __args__.a = fastn_utils_val___args___a; + } + } finally { + __fastn_package_name__ = __fastn_super_package_name__; + } +} +ftd.set_string = function (args) { + let __fastn_super_package_name__ = __fastn_package_name__; + __fastn_package_name__ = "fifthtry_github_io_dotcom_typography"; + try { + let __args__ = fastn_utils.getArgs({ + }, args); + let fastn_utils_val___args___a = fastn_utils.clone(__args__.v); + if (fastn_utils_val___args___a instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + fastn_utils_val___args___a = fastn_utils_val___args___a.get(); + } + if (!fastn_utils.setter(__args__.a, fastn_utils_val___args___a)) { + __args__.a = fastn_utils_val___args___a; + } + } finally { + __fastn_package_name__ = __fastn_super_package_name__; + } +} +ftd.set_integer = function (args) { + let __fastn_super_package_name__ = __fastn_package_name__; + __fastn_package_name__ = "fifthtry_github_io_dotcom_typography"; + try { + let __args__ = fastn_utils.getArgs({ + }, args); + let fastn_utils_val___args___a = fastn_utils.clone(__args__.v); + if (fastn_utils_val___args___a instanceof fastn.mutableClass) { + fastn_utils_val___args___a = fastn_utils_val___args___a.get(); + } + if (!fastn_utils.setter(__args__.a, fastn_utils_val___args___a)) { + __args__.a = fastn_utils_val___args___a; + } + } finally { + __fastn_package_name__ = __fastn_super_package_name__; + } +} +ftd.dark_mode = fastn.mutable(false); +ftd.empty = ""; = " "; +ftd.nbsp = " "; +ftd.non_breaking_space = " "; +ftd.system_dark_mode = fastn.mutable(false); +ftd.follow_system_dark_mode = fastn.mutable(true); +ftd.font_display = fastn.mutable("sans-serif"); +ftd.font_copy = fastn.mutable("sans-serif"); +ftd.font_code = fastn.mutable("sans-serif"); +ftd.default_types = function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("heading_large", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("desktop", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(50)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(65)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_display); + return record; + }()); + record.set("mobile", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(36)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(54)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_display); + return record; + }()); + return record; + }()); + record.set("heading_medium", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("desktop", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(38)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(57)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_display); + return record; + }()); + record.set("mobile", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(26)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(40)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_display); + return record; + }()); + return record; + }()); + record.set("heading_small", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("desktop", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(24)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(31)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_display); + return record; + }()); + record.set("mobile", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(22)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(29)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_display); + return record; + }()); + return record; + }()); + record.set("heading_hero", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("desktop", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(80)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(104)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_display); + return record; + }()); + record.set("mobile", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(48)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(64)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_display); + return record; + }()); + return record; + }()); + record.set("heading_tiny", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("desktop", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(20)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(26)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_display); + return record; + }()); + record.set("mobile", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(18)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(24)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_display); + return record; + }()); + return record; + }()); + record.set("copy_small", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("desktop", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(14)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(24)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_copy); + return record; + }()); + record.set("mobile", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(12)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(16)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_copy); + return record; + }()); + return record; + }()); + record.set("copy_regular", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("desktop", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(18)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(30)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_copy); + return record; + }()); + record.set("mobile", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(16)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(24)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_copy); + return record; + }()); + return record; + }()); + record.set("copy_large", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("desktop", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(22)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(34)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_copy); + return record; + }()); + record.set("mobile", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(18)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(28)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_copy); + return record; + }()); + return record; + }()); + record.set("fine_print", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("desktop", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(12)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(16)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_code); + return record; + }()); + record.set("mobile", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(12)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(16)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_code); + return record; + }()); + return record; + }()); + record.set("blockquote", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("desktop", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(16)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(21)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_code); + return record; + }()); + record.set("mobile", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(16)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(21)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_code); + return record; + }()); + return record; + }()); + record.set("source_code", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("desktop", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(18)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(30)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_code); + return record; + }()); + record.set("mobile", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(16)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(21)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_code); + return record; + }()); + return record; + }()); + record.set("button_small", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("desktop", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(14)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(19)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_display); + return record; + }()); + record.set("mobile", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(14)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(19)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_display); + return record; + }()); + return record; + }()); + record.set("button_medium", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("desktop", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(16)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(21)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_display); + return record; + }()); + record.set("mobile", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(16)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(21)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_display); + return record; + }()); + return record; + }()); + record.set("button_large", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("desktop", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(18)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(24)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_display); + return record; + }()); + record.set("mobile", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(18)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(24)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_display); + return record; + }()); + return record; + }()); + record.set("link", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("desktop", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(14)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(19)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_display); + return record; + }()); + record.set("mobile", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(14)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(19)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_display); + return record; + }()); + return record; + }()); + record.set("label_large", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("desktop", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(14)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(19)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_display); + return record; + }()); + record.set("mobile", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(14)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(19)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_display); + return record; + }()); + return record; + }()); + record.set("label_small", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("desktop", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(12)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(16)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_display); + return record; + }()); + record.set("mobile", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("size", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(12)); + record.set("line_height", fastn_dom.FontSize.Px(16)); + record.set("letter_spacing", null); + record.set("weight", 400); + record.set("font_family", ftd.font_display); + return record; + }()); + return record; + }()); + return record; +}(); +ftd.default_colors = function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("background", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("base", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#e7e7e4"); + record.set("dark", "#18181b"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("step_1", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#f3f3f3"); + record.set("dark", "#141414"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("step_2", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#c9cece"); + record.set("dark", "#585656"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("overlay", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)"); + record.set("dark", "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("code", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#F5F5F5"); + record.set("dark", "#21222C"); + return record; + }()); + return record; + }()); + record.set("border", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#434547"); + record.set("dark", "#434547"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("border_strong", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#919192"); + record.set("dark", "#919192"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("text", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#584b42"); + record.set("dark", "#a8a29e"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("text_strong", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#141414"); + record.set("dark", "#ffffff"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("shadow", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#007f9b"); + record.set("dark", "#007f9b"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("scrim", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#007f9b"); + record.set("dark", "#007f9b"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("cta_primary", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("base", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#2dd4bf"); + record.set("dark", "#2dd4bf"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("hover", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#2c9f90"); + record.set("dark", "#2c9f90"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("pressed", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#2cc9b5"); + record.set("dark", "#2cc9b5"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("disabled", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "rgba(44, 201, 181, 0.1)"); + record.set("dark", "rgba(44, 201, 181, 0.1)"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("focused", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#2cbfac"); + record.set("dark", "#2cbfac"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("border", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#2b8074"); + record.set("dark", "#2b8074"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("border_disabled", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#65b693"); + record.set("dark", "#65b693"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("text", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#feffff"); + record.set("dark", "#feffff"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("text_disabled", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#65b693"); + record.set("dark", "#65b693"); + return record; + }()); + return record; + }()); + record.set("cta_secondary", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("base", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#4fb2df"); + record.set("dark", "#4fb2df"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("hover", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#40afe1"); + record.set("dark", "#40afe1"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("pressed", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#4fb2df"); + record.set("dark", "#4fb2df"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("disabled", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "rgba(79, 178, 223, 0.1)"); + record.set("dark", "rgba(79, 178, 223, 0.1)"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("focused", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#4fb1df"); + record.set("dark", "#4fb1df"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("border", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#209fdb"); + record.set("dark", "#209fdb"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("border_disabled", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#65b693"); + record.set("dark", "#65b693"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("text", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#584b42"); + record.set("dark", "#ffffff"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("text_disabled", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#65b693"); + record.set("dark", "#65b693"); + return record; + }()); + return record; + }()); + record.set("cta_tertiary", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("base", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#556375"); + record.set("dark", "#556375"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("hover", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#c7cbd1"); + record.set("dark", "#c7cbd1"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("pressed", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#3b4047"); + record.set("dark", "#3b4047"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("disabled", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "rgba(85, 99, 117, 0.1)"); + record.set("dark", "rgba(85, 99, 117, 0.1)"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("focused", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#e0e2e6"); + record.set("dark", "#e0e2e6"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("border", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#e2e4e7"); + record.set("dark", "#e2e4e7"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("border_disabled", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#65b693"); + record.set("dark", "#65b693"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("text", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#ffffff"); + record.set("dark", "#ffffff"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("text_disabled", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#65b693"); + record.set("dark", "#65b693"); + return record; + }()); + return record; + }()); + record.set("cta_danger", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("base", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#1C1B1F"); + record.set("dark", "#1C1B1F"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("hover", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#1C1B1F"); + record.set("dark", "#1C1B1F"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("pressed", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#1C1B1F"); + record.set("dark", "#1C1B1F"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("disabled", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#1C1B1F"); + record.set("dark", "#1C1B1F"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("focused", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#1C1B1F"); + record.set("dark", "#1C1B1F"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("border", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#1C1B1F"); + record.set("dark", "#1C1B1F"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("border_disabled", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#feffff"); + record.set("dark", "#feffff"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("text", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#1C1B1F"); + record.set("dark", "#1C1B1F"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("text_disabled", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#feffff"); + record.set("dark", "#feffff"); + return record; + }()); + return record; + }()); + record.set("accent", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("primary", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#2dd4bf"); + record.set("dark", "#2dd4bf"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("secondary", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#4fb2df"); + record.set("dark", "#4fb2df"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("tertiary", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#c5cbd7"); + record.set("dark", "#c5cbd7"); + return record; + }()); + return record; + }()); + record.set("error", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("base", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#f5bdbb"); + record.set("dark", "#311b1f"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("text", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#c62a21"); + record.set("dark", "#c62a21"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("border", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#df2b2b"); + record.set("dark", "#df2b2b"); + return record; + }()); + return record; + }()); + record.set("success", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("base", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#e3f0c4"); + record.set("dark", "#405508ad"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("text", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#467b28"); + record.set("dark", "#479f16"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("border", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#3d741f"); + record.set("dark", "#3d741f"); + return record; + }()); + return record; + }()); + record.set("info", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("base", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#c4edfd"); + record.set("dark", "#15223a"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("text", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#205694"); + record.set("dark", "#1f6feb"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("border", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#205694"); + record.set("dark", "#205694"); + return record; + }()); + return record; + }()); + record.set("warning", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("base", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#fbefba"); + record.set("dark", "#544607a3"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("text", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#966220"); + record.set("dark", "#d07f19"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("border", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#966220"); + record.set("dark", "#966220"); + return record; + }()); + return record; + }()); + record.set("custom", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("one", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#ed753a"); + record.set("dark", "#ed753a"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("two", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#f3db5f"); + record.set("dark", "#f3db5f"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("three", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#8fdcf8"); + record.set("dark", "#8fdcf8"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("four", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#7a65c7"); + record.set("dark", "#7a65c7"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("five", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#eb57be"); + record.set("dark", "#eb57be"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("six", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#ef8dd6"); + record.set("dark", "#ef8dd6"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("seven", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#7564be"); + record.set("dark", "#7564be"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("eight", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#d554b3"); + record.set("dark", "#d554b3"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("nine", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#ec8943"); + record.set("dark", "#ec8943"); + return record; + }()); + record.set("ten", function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("light", "#da7a4a"); + record.set("dark", "#da7a4a"); + return record; + }()); + return record; + }()); + return record; +}(); +ftd.breakpoint_width = function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("mobile", 768); + return record; +}(); +ftd.device = fastn.mutable(fastn_dom.DeviceData.Mobile); +let inherited = function () { + let record = fastn.recordInstance({ + }); + record.set("colors", ftd.default_colors.getClone().setAndReturn("is_root", true)); + record.set("types", ftd.default_types.getClone().setAndReturn("is_root", true)); + return record; +}(); diff --git a/default-9D7391946080F7E843562D9735D2BA49107440E60058C70E1D055F737C610282.css b/default-9D7391946080F7E843562D9735D2BA49107440E60058C70E1D055F737C610282.css deleted file mode 100644 index fd15783..0000000 --- a/default-9D7391946080F7E843562D9735D2BA49107440E60058C70E1D055F737C610282.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,187 +0,0 @@ -*, :after, :before { - box-sizing: inherit; 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- // Setting up default value on <input> - const inputElements = document.querySelectorAll('input[data-dv]'); - for (let input_ele of inputElements) { - // @ts-ignore - input_ele.defaultValue = input_ele.dataset.dv; - } - exports.init = function (id, data) { - let element = document.getElementById(data); - if (!!element) { - ftd_data[id] = JSON.parse(element.innerText); - window.ftd.post_init(); - } - }; - = ftd_data; - function handle_function(evt, id, action, obj, function_arguments) { - console.log(id, action); - console.log(; - let argument; - for (argument in action.values) { - if (action.values.hasOwnProperty(argument)) { - // @ts-ignore - let value = action.values[argument][1] !== undefined ? action.values[argument][1] : action.values[argument]; - if (typeof value === 'object') { - let function_argument = value; - if (!!function_argument && !!function_argument.reference) { - let obj_value = null; - let obj_checked = null; - try { - obj_value = obj.value; - obj_checked = obj.checked; - } - catch (_a) { - obj_value = null; - obj_checked = null; - } - let value = resolve_reference(function_argument.reference, ftd_data[id], obj_value, obj_checked); - if (!!function_argument.mutable) { - function_argument.value = value; - function_arguments.push(function_argument); - } - else { - function_arguments.push(deepCopy(value)); - } - } - } - else { - function_arguments.push(value); - } - } - } - return window[](...function_arguments, function_arguments, ftd_data[id], id); - } - function handle_event(evt, id, action, obj) { - let function_arguments = []; - handle_function(evt, id, action, obj, function_arguments); - // @ts-ignore - if (function_arguments["CHANGE_VALUE"] !== false) { - change_value(function_arguments, ftd_data[id], id); - } - } - exports.handle_event = function (evt, id, event, obj) { - window.ftd.utils.reset_full_height(); - console_log(id, event); - let actions = JSON.parse(event); - for (const action in actions) { - handle_event(evt, id, actions[action], obj); - } - window.ftd.utils.set_full_height(); - }; - exports.handle_function = function (evt, id, event, obj) { - console_log(id, event); - let actions = JSON.parse(event); - let function_arguments = []; - return handle_function(evt, id, actions, obj, function_arguments); - }; - exports.get_value = function (id, variable) { - let data = ftd_data[id]; - let [var_name, _] = get_name_and_remaining(variable); - if (data[var_name] === undefined && data[variable] === undefined) { - console_log(variable, "is not in data, ignoring"); - return; - } - return get_data_value(data, variable); - }; - exports.set_string_for_all = function (variable, value) { - for (let id in ftd_data) { - if (!ftd_data.hasOwnProperty(id)) { - continue; - } - // @ts-ignore - exports.set_value_by_id(id, variable, value); - } - }; - exports.set_bool_for_all = function (variable, value) { - for (let id in ftd_data) { - if (!ftd_data.hasOwnProperty(id)) { - continue; - } - // @ts-ignore - exports.set_bool(id, variable, value); - } - }; - exports.set_bool = function (id, variable, value) { - window.ftd.set_value_by_id(id, variable, value); - }; - exports.set_value = function (variable, value) { - window.ftd.set_value_by_id("main", variable, value); - }; - exports.set_value_by_id = function (id, variable, value) { - let data = ftd_data[id]; - let [var_name, remaining] = data[variable] === undefined - ? get_name_and_remaining(variable) - : [variable, null]; - if (data[var_name] === undefined && data[variable] === undefined) { - console_log(variable, "is not in data, ignoring"); - return; - } - window.ftd.delete_list(var_name, id); - if (!!window["set_value_" + id] && !!window["set_value_" + id][var_name]) { - window["set_value_" + id][var_name](data, value, remaining); - } - else { - set_data_value(data, variable, value); - } - window.ftd.create_list(var_name, id); - }; - exports.is_empty = function (str) { - return (!str || str.length === 0); - }; - exports.set_list = function (array, value, args, data, id) { - args["CHANGE_VALUE"] = false; - window.ftd.clear(array, args, data, id); - args[0].value = value; - change_value(args, data, id); - window.ftd.create_list(args[0].reference, id); - return array; - }; - exports.create_list = function (array_name, id) { - if (!!window.dummy_data_main && !!window.dummy_data_main[array_name]) { - let data = ftd_data[id]; - let dummys = window.dummy_data_main[array_name](data); - for (let i in dummys) { - let [htmls, data_id, start_index] = dummys[i]; - for (let i in htmls) { - let nodes = stringToHTML(htmls[i]); - let main = document.querySelector(`[data-id="${data_id}"]`); - main === null || main === void 0 ? void 0 : main.insertBefore(nodes.children[0], main.children[start_index + parseInt(i)]); - /*for (var j = 0, len = nodes.childElementCount; j < len; ++j) { - main?.insertBefore(nodes.children[j], main.children[start_index + parseInt(i)]); - }*/ - } - } - } - }; - exports.append = function (array, value, args, data, id) { - array.push(value); - args["CHANGE_VALUE"] = false; - args[0].value = array; - change_value(args, data, id); - if (!!window.dummy_data_main && !!window.dummy_data_main[args[0].reference]) { - // @ts-ignore - let list = resolve_reference(args[0].reference, data); - let dummys = window.dummy_data_main[args[0].reference](data, "LAST"); - for (let i in dummys) { - let [html, data_id, start_index] = dummys[i]; - let nodes = stringToHTML(html); - let main = document.querySelector(`[data-id="${data_id}"]`); - for (var j = 0, len = nodes.childElementCount; j < len; ++j) { - // @ts-ignore - main.insertBefore(nodes.children[j], main.children[start_index + list.length - 1]); - } - } - } - return array; - }; - exports.insert_at = function (array, value, idx, args, data, id) { - array.push(value); - args["CHANGE_VALUE"] = false; - args[0].value = array; - change_value(args, data, id); - if (!!window.dummy_data_main && !!window.dummy_data_main[args[0].reference]) { - // @ts-ignore - let list = resolve_reference(args[0].reference, data); - let dummys = window.dummy_data_main[args[0].reference](data, "LAST"); - for (let i in dummys) { - let [html, data_id, start_index] = dummys[i]; - let nodes = stringToHTML(html); - let main = document.querySelector(`[data-id="${data_id}"]`); - if (idx >= list.length) { - idx = list.length - 1; - } - else if (idx < 0) { - idx = 0; - } - // @ts-ignore - main.insertBefore(nodes.children[0], main.children[start_index + idx]); - } - } - return array; - }; - exports.clear = function (array, args, data, id) { - args["CHANGE_VALUE"] = false; - // @ts-ignore - window.ftd.delete_list(args[0].reference, id); - args[0].value = []; - change_value(args, data, id); - return array; - }; - exports.delete_list = function (array_name, id) { - if (!!window.dummy_data_main && !!window.dummy_data_main[array_name]) { - let data = ftd_data[id]; - let length = resolve_reference(array_name, data, null, null).length; - let dummys = window.dummy_data_main[array_name](data); - for (let j in dummys) { - let [_, data_id, start_index] = dummys[j]; - let main = document.querySelector(`[data-id="${data_id}"]`); - for (var i = length - 1 + start_index; i >= start_index; i--) { - main === null || main === void 0 ? void 0 : main.removeChild(main.children[i]); - } - } - } - }; - exports.delete_at = function (array, idx, args, data, id) { - // @ts-ignore - let length = resolve_reference(args[0].reference, data).length; - if (idx >= length) { - idx = length - 1; - } - else if (idx < 0) { - idx = 0; - } - array.splice(idx, 1); - args["CHANGE_VALUE"] = false; - args[0].value = array; - change_value(args, data, id); - if (!!window.dummy_data_main && !!window.dummy_data_main[args[0].reference]) { - let dummys = window.dummy_data_main[args[0].reference](data); - for (let i in dummys) { - let [_, data_id, start_index] = dummys[i]; - let main = document.querySelector(`[data-id="${data_id}"]`); - main === null || main === void 0 ? void 0 : main.removeChild(main.children[start_index + idx]); - } - } - return array; - }; - exports.http = function (url, method, ...request_data) { - let method_name = method.trim().toUpperCase(); - if (method_name == "GET") { - let query_parameters = new URLSearchParams(); - // @ts-ignore - for (let [header, value] of Object.entries(request_data)) { - if (header != "url" && header != "function" && header != "method") { - let [key, val] = value.length == 2 ? value : [header, value]; - query_parameters.set(key, val); - } - } - let query_string = query_parameters.toString(); - if (query_string) { - let get_url = url + "?" + query_parameters.toString(); - window.location.href = get_url; - } - else { - window.location.href = url; - } - return; - } - let json = request_data[0]; - if (request_data.length !== 1 || (request_data[0].length === 2 && Array.isArray(request_data[0]))) { - let new_json = {}; - // @ts-ignore - for (let [header, value] of Object.entries(request_data)) { - let [key, val] = value.length == 2 ? value : [header, value]; - new_json[key] = val; - } - json = new_json; - } - let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); -, url); - xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json"); - xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); - xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { - if (xhr.readyState !== 4) { - // this means request is still underway - // - return; - } - if (xhr.status > 500) { - console.log("Error in calling url: ", request_data.url, xhr.responseText); - return; - } - let response = JSON.parse(xhr.response); - if (!!response && !!response.redirect) { - // Warning: we don't handle header location redirect - window.location.href = response.redirect; - } - else if (!!response && !!response.reload) { - window.location.reload(); - } - else { - let data = {}; - if (!!response.errors) { - for (let key of Object.keys(response.errors)) { - let value = response.errors[key]; - if (Array.isArray(value)) { - // django returns a list of strings - value = value.join(" "); - // also django does not append `-error` - key = key + "-error"; - } - // @ts-ignore - data[key] = value; - } - } - if (!! { - if (!!data) { - console_log("both .errrors and .data are present in response, ignoring .data"); - } - else { - data =; - } - } - for (let ftd_variable of Object.keys(data)) { - // @ts-ignore - window.ftd.set_value(ftd_variable, data[ftd_variable]); - } - } - }; - xhr.send(JSON.stringify(json)); - }; - // source: (cc-by-sa) - exports.copy_to_clipboard = function (text) { - if (!navigator.clipboard) { - fallbackCopyTextToClipboard(text); - return; - } - navigator.clipboard.writeText(text).then(function () { - console.log('Async: Copying to clipboard was successful!'); - }, function (err) { - console.error('Async: Could not copy text: ', err); - }); - }; - exports.set_rive_boolean = function (canva_id, input, value, args, data, id) { - let canva_with_id = canva_id + ":" + id; - let rive_const = window.ftd.utils.function_name_to_js_function(canva_with_id); - const stateMachineName = window[rive_const].stateMachineNames[0]; - const inputs = window[rive_const].stateMachineInputs(stateMachineName); - // @ts-ignore - const bumpTrigger = inputs.find(i => === input); - bumpTrigger.value = value; - }; - exports.toggle_rive_boolean = function (canva_id, input, args, data, id) { - let canva_with_id = canva_id + ":" + id; - let rive_const = window.ftd.utils.function_name_to_js_function(canva_with_id); - const stateMachineName = window[rive_const].stateMachineNames[0]; - const inputs = window[rive_const].stateMachineInputs(stateMachineName); - // @ts-ignore - const trigger = inputs.find(i => === input); - trigger.value = !trigger.value; - }; - exports.set_rive_integer = function (canva_id, input, value, args, data, id) { - let canva_with_id = canva_id + ":" + id; - let rive_const = window.ftd.utils.function_name_to_js_function(canva_with_id); - const stateMachineName = window[rive_const].stateMachineNames[0]; - const inputs = window[rive_const].stateMachineInputs(stateMachineName); - // @ts-ignore - const bumpTrigger = inputs.find(i => === input); - bumpTrigger.value = value; - }; - exports.fire_rive = function (canva_id, input, args, data, id) { - let canva_with_id = canva_id + ":" + id; - let rive_const = window.ftd.utils.function_name_to_js_function(canva_with_id); - const stateMachineName = window[rive_const].stateMachineNames[0]; - const inputs = window[rive_const].stateMachineInputs(stateMachineName); - // @ts-ignore - const bumpTrigger = inputs.find(i => === input); -; - }; - exports.play_rive = function (canva_id, input, args, data, id) { - let canva_with_id = canva_id + ":" + id; - let rive_const = window.ftd.utils.function_name_to_js_function(canva_with_id); - window[rive_const].play(input); - }; - exports.pause_rive = function (canva_id, input, args, data, id) { - let canva_with_id = canva_id + ":" + id; - let rive_const = window.ftd.utils.function_name_to_js_function(canva_with_id); - window[rive_const].pause(input); - }; - exports.toggle_play_rive = function (canva_id, input, args, data, id) { - let canva_with_id = canva_id + ":" + id; - let rive_const = window.ftd.utils.function_name_to_js_function(canva_with_id); - let r = window[rive_const]; - r.playingAnimationNames.includes(input) - ? r.pause(input) - :; - }; - exports.component_data = function (component) { - let data = {}; - for (let idx in component.getAttributeNames()) { - let argument = component.getAttributeNames()[idx]; - // @ts-ignore - data[argument] = eval(component.getAttribute(argument)); - } - return data; - }; - exports.call_mutable_value_changes = function (key, id) { - if (!window.ftd[`mutable_value_${id}`]) { - return; - } - if (!!window.ftd[`mutable_value_${id}`][key]) { - let changes = window.ftd[`mutable_value_${id}`][key].changes; - for (let i in changes) { - changes[i](); - } - } - const pattern = new RegExp(`^${key}\\..+`); - const result = Object.keys(window.ftd[`mutable_value_${id}`]) - .filter(key => pattern.test(key)) - .reduce((acc, key) => { - acc[key] = window.ftd[`mutable_value_${id}`][key]; - return acc; - }, {}); - for (let i in result) { - let changes = result[i].changes; - for (let i in changes) { - changes[i](); - } - } - }; - exports.call_immutable_value_changes = function (key, id) { - if (!window.ftd[`immutable_value_${id}`]) { - return; - } - if (!!window.ftd[`immutable_value_${id}`][key]) { - let changes = window.ftd[`immutable_value_${id}`][key].changes; - for (let i in changes) { - changes[i](); - } - } - const pattern = new RegExp(`^${key}\\..+`); - const result = Object.keys(window.ftd[`immutable_value_${id}`]) - .filter(key => pattern.test(key)) - .reduce((acc, key) => { - acc[key] = window.ftd[`immutable_value_${id}`][key]; - return acc; - }, {}); - for (let i in result) { - let changes = result[i].changes; - for (let i in changes) { - changes[i](); - } - } - }; - return exports; -})(); -window.ftd.post_init = function () { - const DARK_MODE = "ftd#dark-mode"; - const SYSTEM_DARK_MODE = "ftd#system-dark-mode"; - const FOLLOW_SYSTEM_DARK_MODE = "ftd#follow-system-dark-mode"; - const DARK_MODE_COOKIE = "ftd-dark-mode"; - const COOKIE_SYSTEM_LIGHT = "system-light"; - const COOKIE_SYSTEM_DARK = "system-dark"; - const COOKIE_DARK_MODE = "dark"; - const COOKIE_LIGHT_MODE = "light"; - const DARK_MODE_CLASS = "fpm-dark"; - const MOBILE_CLASS = "ftd-mobile"; - const XL_CLASS = "ftd-xl"; - const FTD_DEVICE = "ftd#device"; - const FTD_BREAKPOINT_WIDTH = "ftd#breakpoint-width"; - let last_device; - function initialise_device() { - last_device = get_device(); - console_log("last_device", last_device); - window.ftd.set_string_for_all(FTD_DEVICE, last_device); - } - window.onresize = function () { - let current = get_device(); - if (current === last_device) { - return; - } - window.ftd.set_string_for_all(FTD_DEVICE, current); - last_device = current; - console_log("last_device", last_device); - }; - /*function update_markdown_colors() { - // remove all colors from ftd.css: copy every deleted stuff in this function - let markdown_style_sheet = document.createElement('style'); - - - markdown_style_sheet.innerHTML = ` - .ft_md a { - color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_COLOR + ".link.light")}; - background-color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_BACKGROUND_COLOR + ".link.light")}; - } - body.fpm-dark .ft_md a { - color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_COLOR + ".link.dark")}; - background-color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_BACKGROUND_COLOR + ".link.dark")}; - } - - .ft_md code { - color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_COLOR + ".code.light")}; - background-color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_BACKGROUND_COLOR + ".code.light")}; - } - body.fpm-dark .ft_md code { - color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_COLOR + ".code.dark")}; - background-color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_BACKGROUND_COLOR + ".code.dark")}; - } - - .ft_md a:visited { - color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_COLOR + ".link-visited.light")}; - background-color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_BACKGROUND_COLOR + ".link-visited.light")}; - } - body.fpm-dark .ft_md a:visited { - color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_COLOR + ".link-visited.dark")}; - background-color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_BACKGROUND_COLOR + ".link-visited.dark")}; - } - - .ft_md a code { - color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_COLOR + ".link-code.light")}; - background-color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_BACKGROUND_COLOR + ".link-code.light")}; - } - body.fpm-dark .ft_md a code { - color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_COLOR + ".link-code.dark")}; - background-color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_BACKGROUND_COLOR + ".link-code.dark")}; - } - - .ft_md a:visited code { - color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_COLOR + ".link-visited-code.light")}; - background-color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_BACKGROUND_COLOR + ".link-visited-code.light")}; - } - body.fpm-dark .ft_md a:visited code { - color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_COLOR + ".link-visited-code.dark")}; - background-color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_BACKGROUND_COLOR + ".link-visited-code.dark")}; - } - - .ft_md ul ol li:before { - color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_COLOR + ".ul-ol-li-before.light")}; - background-color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_BACKGROUND_COLOR + ".ul-ol-li-before.light")}; - } - body.fpm-dark .ft_md ul ol li:before { - color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_COLOR + ".ul-ol-li-before.dark")}; - background-color: ${window.ftd.get_value("main", MARKDOWN_BACKGROUND_COLOR + ".ul-ol-li-before.dark")}; - } - `; - - document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(markdown_style_sheet); - }*/ - function get_device() { - // not at all sure about this functions logic. - let width = window.innerWidth; - // in future we may want to have more than one break points, and then - // we may also want the theme builders to decide where the breakpoints - // should go. we should be able to fetch fpm variables here, or maybe - // simply pass the width, user agent etc to fpm and let people put the - // checks on width user agent etc, but it would be good if we can - // standardize few breakpoints. or maybe we should do both, some - // standard breakpoints and pass the raw data. - // we would then rename this function to detect_device() which will - // return one of "desktop", "tablet", "mobile". and also maybe have - // another function detect_orientation(), "landscape" and "portrait" etc, - // and instead of setting `fpm#mobile: boolean` we set `fpm-ui#device` - // and `fpm#view-port-orientation` etc. - let mobile_breakpoint = window.ftd.get_value("main", FTD_BREAKPOINT_WIDTH + ".mobile"); - if (width <= mobile_breakpoint) { - document.body.classList.add(MOBILE_CLASS); - if (document.body.classList.contains(XL_CLASS)) { - document.body.classList.remove(XL_CLASS); - } - return "mobile"; - } - /*if (width > desktop_breakpoint) { - document.body.classList.add(XL_CLASS); - if (document.body.classList.contains(MOBILE_CLASS)) { - document.body.classList.remove(MOBILE_CLASS); - } - return "xl"; - }*/ - if (document.body.classList.contains(MOBILE_CLASS)) { - document.body.classList.remove(MOBILE_CLASS); - } - /*if (document.body.classList.contains(XL_CLASS)) { - document.body.classList.remove(XL_CLASS); - }*/ - return "desktop"; - } - /* - ftd.dark-mode behaviour: - - ftd.dark-mode is a boolean, default false, it tells the UI to show - the UI in dark or light mode. Themes should use this variable to decide - which mode to show in UI. - - ftd.follow-system-dark-mode, boolean, default true, keeps track if - we are reading the value of `dark-mode` from system preference, or user - has overridden the system preference. - - These two variables must not be set by ftd code directly, but they must - use `$on-click$: message-host enable-dark-mode`, to ignore system - preference and use dark mode. `$on-click$: message-host - disable-dark-mode` to ignore system preference and use light mode and - `$on-click$: message-host follow-system-dark-mode` to ignore user - preference and start following system preference. - - we use a cookie: `ftd-dark-mode` to store the preference. The cookie can - have three values: - - cookie missing / user wants us to honour system preference - system-light and currently its light. - - system-dark follow system and currently its dark. - - light: user prefers light - - dark: user prefers light - - We use cookie instead of localstorage so in future `fpm-repo` can see - users preferences up front and renders the HTML on service wide - following user's preference. - - */ - window.enable_dark_mode = function () { - // TODO: coalesce the two set_bool-s into one so there is only one DOM - // update - window.ftd.set_bool_for_all(DARK_MODE, true); - window.ftd.set_bool_for_all(FOLLOW_SYSTEM_DARK_MODE, false); - window.ftd.set_bool_for_all(SYSTEM_DARK_MODE, system_dark_mode()); - document.body.classList.add(DARK_MODE_CLASS); - set_cookie(DARK_MODE_COOKIE, COOKIE_DARK_MODE); - }; - window.enable_light_mode = function () { - // TODO: coalesce the two set_bool-s into one so there is only one DOM - // update - window.ftd.set_bool_for_all(DARK_MODE, false); - window.ftd.set_bool_for_all(FOLLOW_SYSTEM_DARK_MODE, false); - window.ftd.set_bool_for_all(SYSTEM_DARK_MODE, system_dark_mode()); - if (document.body.classList.contains(DARK_MODE_CLASS)) { - document.body.classList.remove(DARK_MODE_CLASS); - } - set_cookie(DARK_MODE_COOKIE, COOKIE_LIGHT_MODE); - }; - window.enable_system_mode = function () { - // TODO: coalesce the two set_bool-s into one so there is only one DOM - // update - window.ftd.set_bool_for_all(FOLLOW_SYSTEM_DARK_MODE, true); - window.ftd.set_bool_for_all(SYSTEM_DARK_MODE, system_dark_mode()); - if (system_dark_mode()) { - window.ftd.set_bool_for_all(DARK_MODE, true); - document.body.classList.add(DARK_MODE_CLASS); - set_cookie(DARK_MODE_COOKIE, COOKIE_SYSTEM_DARK); - } - else { - window.ftd.set_bool_for_all(DARK_MODE, false); - if (document.body.classList.contains(DARK_MODE_CLASS)) { - document.body.classList.remove(DARK_MODE_CLASS); - } - set_cookie(DARK_MODE_COOKIE, COOKIE_SYSTEM_LIGHT); - } - }; - function set_cookie(name, value) { - document.cookie = name + "=" + value + "; path=/"; - } - function system_dark_mode() { - return !!(window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches); - } - function initialise_dark_mode() { - update_dark_mode(); - start_watching_dark_mode_system_preference(); - } - function get_cookie(name, def) { - // source: - let regex = document.cookie.match('(^|;)\\s*' + name + '\\s*=\\s*([^;]+)'); - return regex !== null ? regex.pop() : def; - } - function update_dark_mode() { - let current_dark_mode_cookie = get_cookie(DARK_MODE_COOKIE, COOKIE_SYSTEM_LIGHT); - switch (current_dark_mode_cookie) { - case COOKIE_SYSTEM_LIGHT: - case COOKIE_SYSTEM_DARK: - window.enable_system_mode(); - break; - case COOKIE_LIGHT_MODE: - window.enable_light_mode(); - break; - case COOKIE_DARK_MODE: - window.enable_dark_mode(); - break; - default: - console_log("cookie value is wrong", current_dark_mode_cookie); - window.enable_system_mode(); - } - } - function start_watching_dark_mode_system_preference() { - window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').addEventListener("change", update_dark_mode); - } - initialise_dark_mode(); - initialise_device(); - window.ftd.utils.set_full_height(); - // update_markdown_colors(); -}; -function console_log(...message) { - if (true) { // false - console.log(...message); - } -} -function isObject(obj) { - return obj != null && typeof obj === 'object' && obj === Object(obj); -} -function stringToHTML(str) { - var parser = new DOMParser(); - var doc = parser.parseFromString(str, 'text/html'); - return doc.body; -} -; -function get_name_and_remaining(name) { - let part1 = ""; - let pattern_to_split_at = name; - let parent_split = split_once(name, "#"); - if (parent_split.length === 2) { - part1 = parent_split[0] + "#"; - pattern_to_split_at = parent_split[1]; - } - parent_split = split_once(pattern_to_split_at, "."); - if (parent_split.length === 2) { - return [part1 + parent_split[0], parent_split[1]]; - } - return [name, null]; -} -function split_once(name, split_at) { - const i = name.indexOf(split_at); - if (i === -1) { - return [name]; - } - return [name.slice(0, i), name.slice(i + 1)]; -} -function deepCopy(object) { - if (isObject(object)) { - return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(object)); - } - return object; -} -function change_value(function_arguments, data, id) { - for (const a in function_arguments) { - if (isFunctionArgument(function_arguments[a])) { - if (!!function_arguments[a]["reference"]) { - let reference = function_arguments[a]["reference"]; - let [var_name, remaining] = (!!data[reference]) ? [reference, null] : get_name_and_remaining(reference); - if (var_name === "ftd#dark-mode") { - if (!!function_arguments[a]["value"]) { - window.enable_dark_mode(); - } - else { - window.enable_light_mode(); - } - } - else if (!!window["set_value_" + id] && !!window["set_value_" + id][var_name]) { - window["set_value_" + id][var_name](data, function_arguments[a]["value"], remaining); - } - else { - set_data_value(data, reference, function_arguments[a]["value"]); - } - } - } - } -} -function isFunctionArgument(object) { - return object.value !== undefined; -} -String.prototype.format = function () { - var formatted = this; - for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { - var regexp = new RegExp('\\{' + i + '\\}', 'gi'); - formatted = formatted.replace(regexp, arguments[i]); - } - return formatted; -}; -String.prototype.replace_format = function () { - var formatted = this; - if (arguments.length > 0) { - // @ts-ignore - for (let [header, value] of Object.entries(arguments[0])) { - var regexp = new RegExp('\\{(' + header + '(\\..*?)?)\\}', 'gi'); - let matching = formatted.match(regexp); - for (let i in matching) { - try { - // @ts-ignore - formatted = formatted.replace(matching[i], resolve_reference(matching[i].substring(1, matching[i].length - 1), arguments[0])); - } - catch (e) { - continue; - } - } - } - } - return formatted; -}; -function set_data_value(data, name, value) { - if (!!data[name]) { - data[name] = deepCopy(set(data[name], null, value)); - return; - } - let [var_name, remaining] = get_name_and_remaining(name); - let initial_value = data[var_name]; - data[var_name] = deepCopy(set(initial_value, remaining, value)); - // tslint:disable-next-line:no-shadowed-variable - function set(initial_value, remaining, value) { - if (!remaining) { - return value; - } - let [p1, p2] = split_once(remaining, "."); - initial_value[p1] = set(initial_value[p1], p2, value); - return initial_value; - } -} -function resolve_reference(reference, data, value, checked) { - if (reference === "VALUE") { - return value; - } - if (reference === "CHECKED") { - return checked; - } - if (!!data[reference]) { - return deepCopy(data[reference]); - } - let [var_name, remaining] = get_name_and_remaining(reference); - let initial_value = data[var_name]; - while (!!remaining) { - let [p1, p2] = split_once(remaining, "."); - initial_value = initial_value[p1]; - remaining = p2; - } - return deepCopy(initial_value); -} -function get_data_value(data, name) { - return resolve_reference(name, data, null, null); -} -function JSONstringify(f) { - if (typeof f === 'object') { - return JSON.stringify(f); - } - else { - return f; - } -} -function download_text(filename, text) { - const blob = new Blob([text], { type: 'text/plain' }); - const link = document.createElement('a'); - link.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); - = filename; -; -} -function len(data) { - return data.length; -} -function fallbackCopyTextToClipboard(text) { - var textArea = document.createElement("textarea"); - textArea.value = text; - // Avoid scrolling to bottom - = "0"; - = "0"; - = "fixed"; - document.body.appendChild(textArea); - textArea.focus(); -; - try { - var successful = document.execCommand('copy'); - var msg = successful ? 'successful' : 'unsuccessful'; - console.log('Fallback: Copying text command was ' + msg); - } - catch (err) { - console.error('Fallback: Oops, unable to copy', err); - } - document.body.removeChild(textArea); -} -window.ftd.utils = {}; -window.ftd.utils.set_full_height = function () { - = `max(${document.documentElement.scrollHeight}px, 100%)`; -}; -window.ftd.utils.reset_full_height = function () { - = `100%`; -}; -window.ftd.utils.function_name_to_js_function = function (s) { - let new_string = s; - let startsWithDigit = /^\d/.test(s); - if (startsWithDigit) { - new_string = "_" + s; - } - new_string = new_string.replace('#', "__").replace('-', "_") - .replace(':', "___") - .replace(',', "$") - .replace("\\\\", "/") - .replace('\\', "/") - .replace('/', "_").replace('.', "_"); - return new_string; -}; -window.ftd.utils.node_change_call = function (id, key, data) { - let node_function = `node_change_${id}`; - if (!!window[node_function] && !!window[node_function][key]) { - window[node_function][key](data); - } -}; -window.ftd.utils.set_value_helper = function (data, key, remaining, new_value) { - if (!!remaining) { - set_data_value(data, key + "." + remaining, new_value); - } - else { - set_data_value(data, key, new_value); - } -}; -window.ftd.dependencies = {}; -window.ftd.dependencies.eval_background_size = function (bg) { - if (typeof bg === 'object' && !!bg && "size" in bg) { - let sz = bg.size; - if (typeof sz === 'object' && !!sz && "x" in sz && "y" in sz) { - return sz.x + " " + sz.y; - } - else { - return sz; - } - } - else { - return null; - } -}; -window.ftd.dependencies.eval_background_position = function (bg) { - if (typeof bg === 'object' && !!bg && "position" in bg) { - let pos = bg.position; - if (typeof pos === 'object' && !!pos && "x" in pos && "y" in pos) { - return pos.x + " " + pos.y; - } - else { - return pos.replace("-", " "); - } - } - else { - return null; - } -}; -window.ftd.dependencies.eval_background_repeat = function (bg) { - if (typeof bg === 'object' && !!bg && "repeat" in bg) { - return bg.repeat; - } - else { - return null; - } -}; -window.ftd.dependencies.eval_background_color = function (bg, data) { - let img_src = bg; - if (!data["ftd#dark-mode"] && typeof img_src === 'object' && !!img_src && "light" in img_src) { - return img_src.light; - } - else if (data["ftd#dark-mode"] && typeof img_src === 'object' && !!img_src && "dark" in img_src) { - return img_src.dark; - } - else if (typeof img_src === 'string' && !!img_src) { - return img_src; - } - else { - return null; - } -}; -window.ftd.dependencies.eval_background_image = function (bg, data) { - if (typeof bg === 'object' && !!bg && "src" in bg) { - let img_src = bg.src; - if (!data["ftd#dark-mode"] && typeof img_src === 'object' && !!img_src && "light" in img_src) { - return "url(" + img_src.light + ")"; - } - else if (data["ftd#dark-mode"] && typeof img_src === 'object' && !!img_src && "dark" in img_src) { - return "url(" + img_src.dark + ")"; - } - else { - return null; - } - } - else if (typeof bg === 'object' && !!bg && "colors" in bg) { - var colors = ""; - var direction = "to bottom"; - if ("direction" in bg) { - direction = bg.direction; - } - var colors_vec = bg.colors; - for (var c of colors_vec) { - if (typeof c === 'object' && !!c && "color" in c) { - let color_value = c.color; - if (typeof color_value === 'object' && !!color_value && "light" in color_value && "dark" in color_value) { - if (colors) { - colors = data["ftd#dark-mode"] ? `${colors}, ${color_value.dark}` : `${colors}, ${color_value.light}`; - } - else { - colors = data["ftd#dark-mode"] ? `${color_value.dark}` : `${color_value.light}`; - } - if ("start" in c) - colors = `${colors} ${c.start}`; - if ("end" in c) - colors = `${colors} ${c.end}`; - if ("mid" in c) - colors = `${colors}, ${c.mid}`; - } - } - } - return "linear-gradient(" + direction + ", " + colors + ")"; - } - else { - return null; - } -}; -window.ftd.dependencies.eval_box_shadow = function (shadow, data) { - if (typeof shadow === 'object' && !!shadow) { - var inset, blur, spread, x_off, y_off, color; - inset = ""; - blur = spread = x_off = y_off = "0px"; - color = "black"; - if ("inset" in shadow) { - if (shadow.inset) - inset = "inset"; - } - if ("blur" in shadow) - blur = shadow.blur; - if ("spread" in shadow) - spread = shadow.spread; - if ("x-offset" in shadow) - x_off = shadow["x-offset"]; - if ("y-offset" in shadow) - y_off = shadow["y-offset"]; - if ("color" in shadow) { - if (data["ftd#dark-mode"]) { - color = shadow.color.dark; - } - else { - color = shadow.color.light; - } - } - // inset, color, x_offset, y_offset, blur, spread - let res = inset + " " + color + " " + x_off + " " + y_off + " " + blur + " " + spread; - res = res.trim(); - return res; - } - else { - return null; - } -}; -window.ftd.utils.add_extra_in_id = function (node_id) { - let element = document.querySelector(`[data-id=\"${node_id}\"]`); - if (element) { - changeElementId(element, "____device", true); - } -}; -window.ftd.utils.remove_extra_from_id = function (node_id) { - let element = document.querySelector(`[data-id=\"${node_id}\"]`); - if (element) { - changeElementId(element, "____device", false); - } -}; -function changeElementId(element, suffix, add) { - // check if the current ID is not empty - if ( { - // set the new ID for the element - = updatedID(, add, suffix); - } - // get all the children nodes of the element - // @ts-ignore - const childrenNodes = element.children; - // loop through all the children nodes - for (let i = 0; i < childrenNodes.length; i++) { - // get the current child node - const currentNode = childrenNodes[i]; - // recursively call this function for the current child node - changeElementId(currentNode, suffix, add); - } -} -function updatedID(str, flag, suffix) { - // check if the flag is set - if (flag) { - // append suffix to the string - return str + suffix; - } - else { - // remove suffix from the string (if it exists) - return str.replace(suffix, ""); - } -} - - -(function () { - document.addEventListener('keypress', (event) => { - let key = event.key; - let url = window.location.href; - let source = document.baseURI.endsWith("/") ? 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    Typography Documentation
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{2,}\n)|(?=[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?_`{\|}~-]+@)|[\s\S]*?(?:(?=[\\t+" ".repeat(n.length)));e;)if(!(this.options.extensions&&this.options.extensions.block&&this.options.extensions.block.some((s=>!!({lexer:this},e,t))&&(e=e.substring(n.raw.length),t.push(n),!0)))))if(,1===n.raw.length&&t.length>0?t[t.length-1].raw+="\n":t.push(n);else if(n=this.tokenizer.code(e))e=e.substring(n.raw.length),s=t[t.length-1],!s||"paragraph"!==s.type&&"text"!==s.type?t.push(n):(s.raw+="\n"+n.raw,s.text+="\n"+n.text,this.inlineQueue[this.inlineQueue.length-1].src=s.text);else if(n=this.tokenizer.fences(e))e=e.substring(n.raw.length),t.push(n);else if(n=this.tokenizer.heading(e))e=e.substring(n.raw.length),t.push(n);else if(,t.push(n);else if(n=this.tokenizer.blockquote(e))e=e.substring(n.raw.length),t.push(n);else if(n=this.tokenizer.list(e))e=e.substring(n.raw.length),t.push(n);else if(n=this.tokenizer.html(e))e=e.substring(n.raw.length),t.push(n);else 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e=Object.keys(this.tokens.links);if(e.length>0)for(;null!=(i=this.tokenizer.rules.inline.reflinkSearch.exec(a));)e.includes(i[0].slice(i[0].lastIndexOf("[")+1,-1))&&(a=a.slice(0,i.index)+"["+"a".repeat(i[0].length-2)+"]"+a.slice(this.tokenizer.rules.inline.reflinkSearch.lastIndex))}for(;null!=(i=this.tokenizer.rules.inline.blockSkip.exec(a));)a=a.slice(0,i.index)+"["+"a".repeat(i[0].length-2)+"]"+a.slice(this.tokenizer.rules.inline.blockSkip.lastIndex);for(;null!=(i=this.tokenizer.rules.inline.anyPunctuation.exec(a));)a=a.slice(0,i.index)+"++"+a.slice(this.tokenizer.rules.inline.anyPunctuation.lastIndex);for(;e;)if(l||(o=""),l=!1,!(this.options.extensions&&this.options.extensions.inline&&this.options.extensions.inline.some((s=>!!({lexer:this},e,t))&&(e=e.substring(n.raw.length),t.push(n),!0)))))if(n=this.tokenizer.escape(e))e=e.substring(n.raw.length),t.push(n);else 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s&&s>=0&&(t=Math.min(t,s))})),t<1/0&&t>=0&&(r=e.substring(0,t+1))}if(n=this.tokenizer.inlineText(r))e=e.substring(n.raw.length),"_"!==n.raw.slice(-1)&&(o=n.raw.slice(-1)),l=!0,s=t[t.length-1],s&&"text"===s.type?(s.raw+=n.raw,s.text+=n.text):t.push(n);else if(e){const t="Infinite loop on byte: "+e.charCodeAt(0);if(this.options.silent){console.error(t);break}throw new Error(t)}}else e=e.substring(n.raw.length),t.push(n);return t}}class y{options;constructor(t){this.options=t||e.defaults}code(e,t,n){const s=(t||"").match(/^\S*/)?.[0];return e=e.replace(/\n$/,"")+"\n",s?'
    \n`}html(e,t){return e}heading(e,t,n){return`${e}\n`}hr(){return"
    \n"}list(e,t,n){const s=t?"ol":"ul";return"<"+s+(t&&1!==n?' start="'+n+'"':"")+">\n"+e+"\n"}listitem(e,t,n){return`
  • ${e}
  • \n`}checkbox(e){return"'}paragraph(e){return`


    \n`}table(e,t){return t&&(t=`${t}`),"\n\n"+e+"\n"+t+"
    \n"}tablerow(e){return`\n${e}\n`}tablecell(e,t){const n=t.header?"th":"td";return(t.align?`<${n} align="${t.align}">`:`<${n}>`)+e+`\n`}strong(e){return`${e}`}em(e){return`${e}`}codespan(e){return`${e}`}br(){return"
    "}del(e){return`${e}`}link(e,t,n){const s=g(e);if(null===s)return n;let r='
    ",r}image(e,t,n){const s=g(e);if(null===s)return n;let r=`${n}"colon"===(t=t.toLowerCase())?":":"#"===t.charAt(0)?"x"===t.charAt(1)?String.fromCharCode(parseInt(t.substring(2),16)):String.fromCharCode(+t.substring(1)):"")));continue}case"code":{const e=r;n+=this.renderer.code(e.text,e.lang,!!e.escaped);continue}case"table":{const e=r;let t="",s="";for(let t=0;t0&&"paragraph"===n.tokens[0].type?(n.tokens[0].text=e+" "+n.tokens[0].text,n.tokens[0].tokens&&n.tokens[0].tokens.length>0&&"text"===n.tokens[0].tokens[0].type&&(n.tokens[0].tokens[0].text=e+" "+n.tokens[0].tokens[0].text)):n.tokens.unshift({type:"text",text:e+" "}):o+=e+" "}o+=this.parse(n.tokens,i),l+=this.renderer.listitem(o,r,!!s)}n+=this.renderer.list(l,t,s);continue}case"html":{const e=r;n+=this.renderer.html(e.text,e.block);continue}case"paragraph":{const e=r;n+=this.renderer.paragraph(this.parseInline(e.tokens));continue}case"text":{let i=r,l=i.tokens?this.parseInline(i.tokens):i.text;for(;s+1{n=n.concat(this.walkTokens(e[s],t))})):e.tokens&&(n=n.concat(this.walkTokens(e.tokens,t)))}}return n}use(...e){const t=this.defaults.extensions||{renderers:{},childTokens:{}};return e.forEach((e=>{const n={...e};if(n.async=this.defaults.async||n.async||!1,e.extensions&&(e.extensions.forEach((e=>{if(! new Error("extension name required");if("renderer"in e){const n=t.renderers[];t.renderers[]=n?function(...t){let s=e.renderer.apply(this,t);return!1===s&&(s=n.apply(this,t)),s}:e.renderer}if("tokenizer"in e){if(!e.level||"block"!==e.level&&"inline"!==e.level)throw new Error("extension level must be 'block' or 'inline'");const n=t[e.level];n?n.unshift(e.tokenizer):t[e.level]=[e.tokenizer],e.start&&("block"===e.level?t.startBlock?t.startBlock.push(e.start):t.startBlock=[e.start]:"inline"===e.level&&(t.startInline?t.startInline.push(e.start):t.startInline=[e.start]))}"childTokens"in e&&e.childTokens&&(t.childTokens[]=e.childTokens)})),n.extensions=t),e.renderer){const t=this.defaults.renderer||new y(this.defaults);for(const n in e.renderer){const s=e.renderer[n],r=n,i=t[r];t[r]=(...e)=>{let n=s.apply(t,e);return!1===n&&(n=i.apply(t,e)),n||""}}n.renderer=t}if(e.tokenizer){const t=this.defaults.tokenizer||new b(this.defaults);for(const n in e.tokenizer){const s=e.tokenizer[n],r=n,i=t[r];t[r]=(...e)=>{let n=s.apply(t,e);return!1===n&&(n=i.apply(t,e)),n}}n.tokenizer=t}if(e.hooks){const t=this.defaults.hooks||new T;for(const n in e.hooks){const s=e.hooks[n],r=n,i=t[r];T.passThroughHooks.has(n)?t[r]=e=>{if(this.defaults.async)return Promise.resolve(,e)).then((e=>,e)));const,e);return,n)}:t[r]=(...e)=>{let n=s.apply(t,e);return!1===n&&(n=i.apply(t,e)),n}}n.hooks=t}if(e.walkTokens){const t=this.defaults.walkTokens,s=e.walkTokens;n.walkTokens=function(e){let n=[];return n.push(,e)),t&&(n=n.concat(,e))),n}}this.defaults={...this.defaults,...n}})),this}setOptions(e){return this.defaults={...this.defaults,...e},this}#e(e,t){return(n,s)=>{const r={...s},i={...this.defaults,...r};!0===this.defaults.async&&!1===r.async&&(i.silent||console.warn("marked(): The async option was set to true by an extension. The async: false option sent to parse will be ignored."),i.async=!0);const l=this.#t(!!i.silent,!!i.async);if(null==n)return l(new Error("marked(): input parameter is undefined or null"));if("string"!=typeof n)return l(new Error("marked(): input parameter is of type "", string expected"));if(i.hooks&&(i.hooks.options=i),i.async)return Promise.resolve(i.hooks?i.hooks.preprocess(n):n).then((t=>e(t,i))).then((e=>i.walkTokens?Promise.all(this.walkTokens(e,i.walkTokens)).then((()=>e)):e)).then((e=>t(e,i))).then((e=>i.hooks?i.hooks.postprocess(e):e)).catch(l);try{i.hooks&&(n=i.hooks.preprocess(n));const s=e(n,i);i.walkTokens&&this.walkTokens(s,i.walkTokens);let r=t(s,i);return i.hooks&&(r=i.hooks.postprocess(r)),r}catch(e){return l(e)}}}#t(e,t){return n=>{if(n.message+="\nPlease report this to",e){const e="

    An error occurred:

    ";return t?Promise.resolve(e):e}if(t)return Promise.reject(n);throw n}}}const S=new R;function A(e,t){return S.parse(e,t)}A.options=A.setOptions=function(e){return S.setOptions(e),A.defaults=S.defaults,n(A.defaults),A},A.getDefaults=t,A.defaults=e.defaults,A.use=function(...e){return S.use(...e),A.defaults=S.defaults,n(A.defaults),A},A.walkTokens=function(e,t){return S.walkTokens(e,t)},A.parseInline=S.parseInline,A.Parser=z,A.parser=z.parse,A.Renderer=y,A.TextRenderer=$,A.Lexer=_,A.lexer=_.lex,A.Tokenizer=b,A.Hooks=T,A.parse=A;const I=A.options,E=A.setOptions,Z=A.use,q=A.walkTokens,L=A.parseInline,D=A,P=z.parse,v=_.lex;e.Hooks=T,e.Lexer=_,e.Marked=R,e.Parser=z,e.Renderer=y,e.TextRenderer=$,e.Tokenizer=b,e.getDefaults=t,e.lexer=v,e.marked=A,e.options=I,e.parse=D,e.parseInline=L,e.parser=P,e.setOptions=E,e.use=Z,e.walkTokens=q})); diff --git a/prism-73F718B9234C00C5C14AB6A11BF239A103F0B0F93B69CD55CB5C6530501182EB.css 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