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161 lines (125 loc) · 4.68 KB

File metadata and controls

161 lines (125 loc) · 4.68 KB


⚠️ This plugin is still in development. If you find any bug please do not hesitate to create an issue of PR



This plugin requires the following plugins to be installed:


reloader.nvim is a ftplugin extension for telescope. This plugin can alter the clangd lsp by changing the compilationDatabasePath. Thus, you won't have to change the config and restart the project in neovim.


Let's say your project is organised as such:

  • MyProject
    • main.cpp
    • x86_build
      • first.cpp
      • first.h
    • arm_build
      • second.cpp
      • second.h
    • build_x86
      • compile_commands.json
      • ... all the other files
    • build_armv8
      • compile_commands.json
      • ... all the other files

In project on x86 build you use x86_build directory and its files and on arm build you use arm_build directory and its files. To change between these two build you only need to invoke :Telescope clang_reloader or :lua require('telescope').extensions.clang_reloader.clang_reloader().

This extension will firstly parse your working directory and identify directories that contain file compile_commands.json. Then it will list these directories in telescope. You can select the directory you want to use. If the desired directory is not in the list you can supply a custom path. If the project is not cross compiled, the compilers in query-drivers will not be set up, but the compilation database will be changed.

NOTE: the first element of the picker is always your current compilationDatabasePath.

The extension will then change the compilationDatabasePath in your clangd lsp config. So that you do not need to have multiple compilers in your config in the --query-driver flag. This extension will also parse the chosen compile_commands.json and extract the drivers for you.

NOTE: I only managed to do this with clangd version 15.0.6 and 18.1.3. If you know how to do this on other versions please let me know or make a PR.


You can install this plugin with your favourite plugin manager. For example with

  • lazy.nvim:
  • packer.nvim:
use 'Fildo7525/reloader.nvim'


⚠️ I guess everyone has a different setup so you need to change the config to your needs.
The default config is as follows:

local telescope = require("telescope")
	extensions = {
		clang_reloader = {
			-- These you will probably need to change. --

			-- Your clangd lsp config.
			config = require("usr.lsp.settings.clangd"),

			-- Your on_attach function and capabilities table.
			options = {
				on_attach = require("usr.lsp.handlers").on_attach,
				capabilities = require("usr.lsp.handlers").capabilities,

			-- These are not mandatory.  --

			-- These are default directories that will be displayed no matter what.
			directories = {
				vim.fn.getcwd() .. "/.build",

			-- This will trigger the reloader when you open a file and the lsp compilationDatabasePath
			-- is not set or is no valid.
			detect_on_startup = true,

			-- Depth of the parsing. -1 means unbounded.
			max_depth = -1,

			-- In the picker is shown '...' instead of the current working directory.
			-- Great if your path is so long it does not fit to the screen.
			shorten_paths = false,

			-- Compilers that are detected in the compile_commands.json file.
			-- If you have a different compiler you can add it here.
			valid_compilers = {

The on_attach function should look like this:

M.on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
 	if == "clangd" then
		-- setup server capabilities


And the capabilities could look like this:

local capabilities = vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities()
capabilities.textDocument.completion.completionItem.snippetSupport = true;

local cmp_nvim_lsp = require("cmp_nvim_lsp")

M.capabilities = cmp_nvim_lsp.default_capabilities(capabilities)


If you have any idea how to improve this plugin or you found a bug please do not hesitate to create an issue or PR.