Android Gist Index is a fancy list of useful tips and tricks for Android development.
If you collaborate in this repo, please always sort the gist in Alphabetical Order (for gist and categories)
- Script that configures and connects a device over IP.
- Set Darcula color to LogCat.
Configure Activity as Assist Activity
- Configure an Activity to be opened when the user taps on the home button with a long press action.
Parallax ViewPager Transformation
- Adds a parallax animation to your ViewPager transformation. Could apply different speeds to different views. Read the gist to know how to use it.
- Ripple Delayed Runner adds a delay when the user clicks in a view with a ripple to show all the ripple animation before launch the Runnable.
Fragment transactions with Circular reveal animations
- Fragments don't behave as normal views for the API 21 cicular reveal animation. This Gist shows how to make a fragment appear and disappear using a circular reveal animation.
- Material colors. Colors everywhere
Create multiple apks for different architectures
- This build.gradle shows how to create multiple apks for different architectures. Usefull when including native libraries
- Speed up the compile time of your debug buildtype. Add this manifest to your debug folder and set API target to 22
Wiki - How To with all steps achieve this
- Wiki is a work in progress. You are more than welcome to contribute
- More readable check for version support. Use SupportVersion.lollipop() for example
Genymotion devices with Google Play Services
- How to add google play services to the Genymotion devices