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Releases: FirebirdSQL/jaybird

Jaybird 4.0.2

17 Jan 12:26
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What's new

The following has been changed or fixed since Jaybird 4.0.1

  • Fixed: First letter of JDBC escape was case-sensitive (JDBC-632)
    This was a regression compared to 2.2.x. Fix was also back-ported to 3.0.10.
  • Fixed: Some usernames cannot authenticate using SRP (JDBC-635)
    Fix was also back-ported to 3.0.10.
  • Fixed: ServiceConfigurationError while loading plugins could prevent Jaybird from loading (JDBC-636)
    Fix was also back-ported to 3.0.10.

Bug reports about undocumented changes in behavior are appreciated. Feedback can be sent to the Firebird-java mailing list or reported on the issue tracker

See also the full Jaybird 4.0.2 release notes.


The release is also available on maven(*):


* The version depends on your target Java version: 4.0.2.java7, 4.0.2.java8 or 4.0.2.java11.

Jaybird 3.0.10

17 Jan 09:55
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The following has been changed or fixed since Jaybird 3.0.9:

  • Added: A static utility method FBDriver.normalizeProperties which, given a JDBC url and a Properties object, returns a Map<String, String> containing the merged properties normalized to the common property name. (JDBC-627)
    The current implementation normalizes known property names to the long-form isc_dpb name, and removes the database property. These are both implementation details that might change in future versions.
    This feature was back-ported from Jaybird 4.0.1.
  • Fixed: Use of isc_dpb_no_db_triggers no longer logs a warning (JDBC-628)
  • Fixed: First letter of JDBC escape was case-sensitive (JDBC-632)
    This was a regression compared to 2.2.x.
  • Fixed: Some usernames cannot authenticate using SRP (JDBC-635)
  • Fixed: ServiceConfigurationError while loading plugins could prevent Jaybird from loading (JDBC-636)

See the full release notes for more information.

The release is also available on maven(*):


* The artifactId depends on your target Java version: jaybird-jdk18 for Java 8 and higher, or jaybird-jdk17 for Java 7

Jaybird 4.0.1

11 Aug 13:57
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What's new

Jaybird 4.0.1 is the first maintenance release of Jaybird 4, and introduces support for INT128 (a new type in Firebird 4), improves support for the Firebird 4 WITH TIME ZONE types by adding support for java.time.ZonedDateTime and making some of the derivation rules more consistent with Firebird. It also provides some bug fixes and other changes.

The following has been changed or fixed since Jaybird 4.0.0

  • Fixed: Changes to the transaction configuration (transaction parameter buffer configuration) of one connection are no longer propagated to other connections with the same connection properties (JDBC-386)
    This change introduces a binary incompatibility as method setTransactionParameters(int, TransactionParameterBuffer) in FBManagedConnection can now throw ResourceException where previously it did not. Under the assumption that most users of Jaybird are not directly using this class, the change should not break anything.
  • Fixed: Search index of Javadoc in Java 11 version used incorrect links (JDBC-619)
  • Fixed: The cleanup of native resources didn't dispose the native library held by JNA, as a change in implementation no longer allowed directly access to the JNA NativeLibrary (JDBC-620)
  • Fixed: When updating a row through an updatable result set, selected but not updated blob fields were set to NULL (JDBC-623)
  • Added: Support for type INT128 (reported as JDBC type NUMERIC) (JDBC-624
    See also Firebird 4 INT128 support.
  • Added: A static utility method FBDriver.normalizeProperties which, given a JDBC url and a Properties object, returns a Map<String, String> containing the merged properties normalized to common property name. (JDBC-627)
    The current implementation normalizes known property names to the long-form isc_dpb name, and removes the database property. These are both implementation details that might change in future versions.
    This feature is also backported to Jaybird 3.0.10.
  • Fixed: Use of isc_dpb_no_db_triggers no longer logs a warning (JDBC-628)
  • Incompatible change: While making changes to time zone support, the API of was made almost entirely private. This should not affect normal user code.
    Although we try to avoid these types of incompatible changes in point releases, we explicitly allow them for the package and sub-packages.
  • Changed: conversions from TIME WITH TIME ZONE now use 2020-01-01 as base date for named zones (JDBC-629)
    There are some caveats with this conversion, especially between OffsetTime and OffsetDateTime for named zones. For OffsetTime, we will always use the offset as it was on 2020-01-01, while for OffsetDateTime we will first rebase the time in the named zone to the current date, and then derive the offset.
    See also jdp-2020-06 OffsetTime derivation for named zone
  • New feature: Added support for java.time.ZonedDateTime for the WITH TIME ZONE types (JDBC-630)
    To preserve named zones, we have added support for getting and setting both TIME WITH TIME ZONE and TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE as a ZonedDateTime.
    For TIME WITH TIME ZONE, the returned value is rebased on the current date.
  • Fixed: Connection.setNetworkTimeout incorrectly used the provided Executor to set the timeout (JDBC-631)
    This caused a race condition where the timeout was possibly applied too late, and when connection.close() was called immediately after, this could trigger a NullPointerException that would bubble up into the executor.

Bug reports about undocumented changes in behavior are appreciated. Feedback can be sent to the Firebird-java mailing list or reported on the issue tracker

See also the full Jaybird 4.0.1 release notes.


The release is also available on maven(*):


* The version depends on your target Java version: 4.0.1.java7, 4.0.1.java8 or 4.0.1.java11.

Jaybird 3.0.9

22 May 13:09
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The following has been changed or fixed since Jaybird 3.0.8

  • Fixed: changes to the transaction configuration (transaction parameter buffer configuration) of one connection are no longer propagated to other connections with the same connection properties (JDBC-386)
    This change introduce a binary incompatibility as method setTransactionParameters(int, TransactionParameterBuffer) in FBManagedConnection can now throw ResourceException where previously it did not. Under the assumption that most users of Jaybird are not directly using this class, the change should not break anything.
  • New feature: Firebird 4 data type bind configuration support (JDBC-603)
    This change also removes the timeZoneBind and decfloatBind connection properties introduced in Jaybird 3.0.6 as the corresponding DPB items were removed from Firebird 4. This feature requires Firebird 4 beta 2 or snapshot Firebird or higher.
    See also Limited support for new Firebird 4 data types.
  • New feature: Jaybird now supports UTF-8 URL encoding for connection properties in the JDBC url. (JDBC-604)
    This introduce a minor incompatibility, see also URL encoding in query part of JDBC URL.
  • Fixed: When updating a row through an updatable result set, selected but not updated blob fields were set to NULL (JDBC-623)

See the full release notes for more information.

The release is also available on maven(*):


* The artifactId depends on your target Java version: jaybird-jdk18 for Java 8 and higher, or jaybird-jdk17 for Java 7

Jaybird 4.0.0

14 Mar 13:23
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What's new

Jaybird 4.0.0 is the first release of Jaybird 4.

Jaybird 4 is - compared to Jaybird 3 - an incremental release that builds on the foundations of Jaybird 3. The focus of this release has been on further improving JDBC support and adding support for the new data types and features of Firebird 4.

The main new features are:

Upgrading from Jaybird 3 to 4 should be simple, but please make sure to read Compatibility changes before using Jaybird 4. See also Upgrading from Jaybird 3 to Jaybird 4.

Bug reports about undocumented changes in behavior are appreciated. Feedback can be sent to the Firebird-java mailing list or reported on the issue tracker

See also the full Jaybird 4.0.0 release notes.


The release is also available on maven(*):


* The version depends on your target Java version: 4.0.0.java7, 4.0.0.java8 or 4.0.0.java11.

Jaybird 4.0.0-beta-2

19 Jan 15:24
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Jaybird 4.0.0-beta-2 Pre-release


This version is provided for testing purposes only. We'd appreciate your feedback, but we'd like to emphasize that this version is not intended for production.

What's new

Jaybird 4 is - compared to Jaybird 3 - an incremental release that builds on the foundations of Jaybird 3. The focus of this release has been on further improving JDBC support and adding support for the new data types and features of Firebird 4.

The main new features are:

Upgrading from Jaybird 3 to 4 should be simple, but please make sure to read Compatibility changes before using Jaybird 4. See also Upgrading from Jaybird 3 to Jaybird 4.

Bug reports about undocumented changes in behavior are appreciated. Feedback can be sent to the Firebird-java mailing list or reported on the issue tracker

See also the full Jaybird 4.0.0-beta-2 release notes.


The release is also available on maven(*):


* The version depends on your target Java version: 4.0.0.java7-beta-2, 4.0.0.java8-beta-2 or 4.0.0.java11-beta-2.

Jaybird 3.0.8

25 Nov 13:49
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The following has been changed or fixed since Jaybird 3.0.7

  • Fixed: On Firebird 3 and 4 with WireCrypt = Enabled, the connection could hang or throw exceptions like "Unsupported or unexpected operation code". (JDBC-599)

See the full release notes for more information.

The release is also available on maven(*):


* The artifactId depends on your target Java version: jaybird-jdk18 for Java 8 and higher, or jaybird-jdk17 for Java 7

Jaybird 3.0.7

10 Nov 10:03
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The following has been changed or fixed since Jaybird 3.0.6

  • Fixed: attempts to use a blob after it was freed or after transaction end could throw a NullPointerException or just work depending on whether the connection had a new transaction. (JDBC-587)
  • Fixed: Instances of java.sql.Blob and java.sql.Clob obtained from a result set were freed after calls to (JDBC-588)
  • New feature: added FBEventManager.createFor(Connection) to create an EventManager for an existing connection. Backported from Jaybird 4. (JDBC-594)

See the full release notes for more information.

The release is also available on maven(*):


* The artifactId depends on your target Java version: jaybird-jdk18 for Java 8 and higher, or jaybird-jdk17 for Java 7

Jaybird 3.0.6

25 May 09:09
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The following has been changed or fixed since Jaybird 3.0.5

  • Fixed: Exceptions during fetch of cached result sets (holdable over commit, scrollable and metadata) prevented prepared statement reuse/re-execute with error "Statement state CURSOR_OPEN only allows next states [CLOSING, PREPARED, ERROR], received EXECUTING" (JDBC-531)
  • Improvement: Added FBManager.setDefaultCharacterSet to set default database character set during database creation (JDBC-541)
  • New feature: Support for Firebird 3 case sensitive user names (JDBC-549)
  • Fixed: Savepoints did not work in connection dialect 1 as savepoint names were always quoted (JDBC-556)
  • Changed: The DatabaseMetaData statement cache introduced in Jaybird 3 was unlimited, it is now limited to 12 prepared statements; the least recently used statement will be closed and removed when a new statement is added (JDBC-557)
  • Fixed: UPDATE OR INSERT with existing RETURNING clause handled incorrectly for generated keys (JDBC-566)
  • Fixed: Exceptions during initialization of result sets would not properly close the database cursor leading to error "Current statement state (CURSOR_OPEN) does not allow call to prepare" on reuse of the statement (or errors similar to described for JDBC-531 above). (JDBC-571)
    A stopgap measure has been added to prevent similar problems from occurring. This will log its use on debug-level with message "ensureClosedCursor has to close a cursor at" and a stacktrace.
  • New feature: boolean connection property ignoreProcedureType to disable usage of metadata for stored procedure types in CallableStatement. When set to true, call escapes and EXECUTE PROCEDURE will default to use EXECUTE PROCEDURE and not switch to SELECT for selectable stored procedures. (JDBC-576)
  • New feature: connection properties timeZoneBind and sessionTimeZone for limited support for Firebird 4 TIME(STAMP) WITH TIME ZONE types, and decfloatBind for limited support for Firebird 4 DECFLOAT types. (JDBC-538)
  • Fixed: Connection property defaultIsolation/isolation did not work through DriverManager, but only on DataSource implementations. (JDBC-584)

See the full release notes for more information.

The release is also available on maven(*):


* The artifactId depends on your target Java version: jaybird-jdk18 for Java 8 and higher, or jaybird-jdk17 for Java 7

Jaybird 4.0.0-beta-1

27 Apr 14:07
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Jaybird 4.0.0-beta-1 Pre-release


This version is provided for testing purposes only. We'd appreciate your feedback, but we'd like to emphasize that this version is not intended for production.

What's new

Jaybird 4 is - compared to Jaybird 3 - an incremental release that builds on the foundations of Jaybird 3. The focus of this release has been on further improving JDBC support and adding support for the new data types and features of Firebird 4.

The main new features are:

Upgrading from Jaybird 3 to 4 should be simple, but please make sure to read Compatibility changes before using Jaybird 4. See also Upgrading from Jaybird 3 to Jaybird 4.

Bug reports about undocumented changes in behavior are appreciated. Feedback can be sent to the Firebird-java mailing list or reported on the issue tracker

See also the full Jaybird 4.0.0-beta-1 release notes.


The release is also available on maven(*):


* The artifactId depends on your target Java version: jaybird-jdk17, jaybird-jdk18 or jaybird-java11.