Add a collaborator to a resource.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
user | str | The unique identifier of a Flat user | [optional] |
group | str | The unique identifier of a Flat group | [optional] |
user_email | str | Fill this field to invite an individual user by email. | [optional] |
user_token | str | Token received in an invitation to join the score. | [optional] |
acl_read | bool | `True` if the related user can read the score. (probably true if the user has a permission on the document). | [optional] [default to True] |
acl_write | bool | `True` if the related user can modify the score. | [optional] [default to False] |
acl_admin | bool | `True` if the related user can can manage the current document, i.e. changing the document permissions and deleting the document | [optional] [default to False] |
from flat_api.models.resource_collaborator_creation import ResourceCollaboratorCreation
# TODO update the JSON string below
json = "{}"
# create an instance of ResourceCollaboratorCreation from a JSON string
resource_collaborator_creation_instance = ResourceCollaboratorCreation.from_json(json)
# print the JSON string representation of the object
print ResourceCollaboratorCreation.to_json()
# convert the object into a dict
resource_collaborator_creation_dict = resource_collaborator_creation_instance.to_dict()
# create an instance of ResourceCollaboratorCreation from a dict
resource_collaborator_creation_form_dict = resource_collaborator_creation.from_dict(resource_collaborator_creation_dict)