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RotateTurtleState and Userdata

Two key parts of FlexBE that extends the concept beyond pure state machines are:

    1. composition of behaviors into HFSM
    1. userdata that can be passed from one state to another.

For example, the RotateTurtleState uses userdata to define the desired angle.

We will begin our discussion with a simpler example behavior and then return to the specifics of the "Rotate" transition in FlexBE Turtlesim Demonstration.

User Input

This demonstration presumes you have started the input_action_server on the OCS computer:

ros2 run flexbe_input input_action_server

This input_action_server interacts with the InputState. This simple input_action_server demonstration is intended to provide basic functionality for limited primitive inputs such as numbers or list/tuples of numbers.

See Complex Data Input for more information about the InputState usage.

Note: The InputState makes use of the pickle module, and is subject to this warning from the Pickle manual:

Warning The pickle module is not secure against erroneous or maliciously constructed data. Never unpickle data received from an untrusted or unauthenticated source.

If using the InputState it is up to the user to protect their network from untrusted data.

Turtlesim Rotation State Behavior

Separate from the Turtlesim Input State Behavior sub-behavior used by the FlexBE Turtlesim Demo, we have provided a simpler Turtlesim Rotation State Behavior behavior.

We will start by describing that first, you may load this behavior and execute if you wish.

Each FlexBE state can accept data according to specified Input Keys. These key names can be remapped to a different name at the state level.

For example, the RotateTurtleState implementation specifies an input key called angle and an output key `duration that is passed to downstream states.

class RotateTurtleState(EventState):
    -- timeout             Maximum time allowed (seconds)
    -- action_topic        Name of action to invoke

    <= rotation_complete   Only a few dishes have been cleaned.
    <= failed              Failed for some reason.
    <= canceled            User canceled before completion.
    <= timeout             The action has timed out.

    User data
    ># angle     float     Desired rotational angle in (degrees) (Input)
    #> duration  float     Amount time taken to complete rotation (seconds) (Output)


    def __init__(self, timeout, action_topic="/turtle1/rotate_absolute"):
        # See for basic explanations.
        super().__init__(outcomes=['rotation_complete', 'failed', 'canceled', 'timeout'],

        self._timeout = Duration(seconds=timeout)
        self._timeout_sec = timeout
        self._topic = action_topic

        # Create the action client when building the behavior.
        # Using the proxy client provides asynchronous access to the result and status
        # and makes sure only one client is used, no matter how often this state is used in a behavior.

        self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._topic: RotateAbsolute},
                                         wait_duration=0.0)  # pass required clients as dict (topic: type)

        # It may happen that the action client fails to send the action goal.
        self._error = False
        self._return = None  # Retain return value in case the outcome is blocked by operator
        self._start_time = None

Internally, the state implementation will use userdata.angle to access the stored data using the FlexBE core class that extends the capabilities of the basic dict object.

In the Turtlesim Rotation State Behavior behavior, we define the userdata at the FlexBE UI Dashboard as angle_degrees, the desired angle in degrees. In the RotateTurtleState editor, we specify that the required angle key uses the remapped angle_degrees key value as shown below.

State machine level userdata. Data flow view in Editor.

The right image also shows the Data Flow view allows the behavior designer to view how userdata is passed through the state machine. Once defined, a userdata key/value pair persists for the life of the state machine.

Now when the state is executed the turtle will rotate to the key value that was defined after converting to radians as required by the RotateAbsolute action provided by Turtlesim.

Note: Normally, we suggest you stick to a consistent convention for passing data, and ROS uses radians for angles by convention. Here, we chose degrees to illustrate data conversions and for operator convenience at the UI.

The userdata is passed to the standard on_enter, execute, and on_exit methods of each FlexBE state. Here we validate the data and use to create a Goal request for the RotateAbsolute action.

def on_enter(self, userdata):

    # make sure to reset the error state since a previous state execution might have failed
    self._error = False
    self._return = None

    if 'angle' not in userdata:
        self._error = True
        Logger.logwarn("RotateTurtleState requires userdata.angle key!")

    # Recording the start time to set rotation duration output
    self._start_time = self._node.get_clock().now()

    goal = RotateAbsolute.Goal()

    if isinstance(userdata.angle, (float, int)):
        goal.theta = (userdata.angle * math.pi) / 180  # convert to radians
        self._error = True
        Logger.logwarn("Input is %s. Expects an int or a float.", type(userdata.angle).__name__)

    # Send the goal.
            self._client.send_goal(self._topic, goal, wait_duration=self._timeout_sec)
    except Exception as e:
        # Since a state failure not necessarily causes a behavior failure,
        # it is recommended to only print warnings, not errors.
        # Using a linebreak before appending the error log enables the operator to collapse details in the GUI.
        Logger.logwarn('Failed to send the RotateAbsolute command:\n%s' % str(e))
        self._error = True

Then in the execute method we monitor for the successful result, and set the outgoing userdata.duration value. This will be stored in the global userdata instance according to the remapping defined in the state edit window above.

def execute(self, userdata):
    # While this state is active, check if the action has been finished and evaluate the result.

    # Check if the client failed to send the goal.
    if self._error:
        return 'failed'

    if self._return is not None:
        # Return prior outcome in case transition is blocked by autonomy level
        return self._return

    # Check if the action has been finished
    if self._client.has_result(self._topic):
        _ = self._client.get_result(self._topic)  # The delta result value is not useful here
        userdata.duration = self._node.get_clock().now() - self._start_time
        Logger.loginfo('Rotation complete')
        self._return = 'rotation_complete'
        return self._return

    if self._node.get_clock().now().nanoseconds - self._start_time.nanoseconds > self._timeout.nanoseconds:
        # Checking for timeout after we check for goal response
        self._return = 'timeout'
        return 'timeout'

    # If the action has not yet finished, no outcome will be returned and the state stays active.
    return None

To demonstrate "collaborative autonomy" aspects of FlexBE, the next section discusses the "Rotate" transition from the FlexBE Turtlesim Demonstration.

"Rotate" - Collaborative Autonomy with Operator Input

The "Rotate" sub-behavior is used to illustrate several features of FlexBE.

InputState and Collaborative Autonomy

The FlexBE Behavior Engine provides an InputState that accepts operator data via a BehaviorInput action interface.

Additionally, FlexBE provides a simple action server with PyQt based UI window as part of the flexbe_input package.

ros2 run flexbe_input input_action_server

When the FlexBE onboard InputState requests data of a given type, the UI window will open, prompt the user with the provided text, and wait for user input. After the user presses Enter/Return or clicks the Submit button, the data is serialized and sent back to the InputState as a string of bytes data as part of the action result.

Note: The InputState makes use of the pickle module, and is subject to this warning from the Pickle manual:

Warning The pickle module is not secure against erroneous or maliciously constructed data. Never unpickle data received from an untrusted or unauthenticated source.

Sub-behaviors with Behavior Container

In the FlexBE Turtlesim Demo statemachine, the container labeled Rotate is itself a simple state machine; that is, we have a Hierarchical Finite State Machine (HFSM). Furthermore, it is not just a state machine as in the "Eight", but is in fact a separate behavior Turtlesim Input State Behavior that can be loaded and executed in FlexBE independent of FlexBE Turtlesim Demo behavior.

Turtlesim Input State Behavior data flow with InputState. Input user interface pop-up from input_action_server.

In the InputState configuration, we

  • specify result type 1 (BehaviorInput.Goal.REQUEST_FLOAT) to request a single number from the user,
  • specify the prompt message for the user interface
  • specify a timeout value for the input_action_server to become available
  • specify the output userdata key mapping

Note: For float types, we accept integer values without decimals as well.

Note: The InputState timeout refers to waiting for the action server to become available. The system will wait indefinitely for the operator to respond.

When running the sub-behavior after requesting "Rotate", the input_action_server will pop up the dialog shown in rightmost image, which displays the specified prompt and a result type prompt specified by action goal (in this case a 1 for a float).

After submitting the value, the operator will need to confirm "received" transition if running in "Low" autonomy, the rotate state will then execute the rotate action using the provided userdata.

ROS 2 Action Interfaces

Both the InputState and RotateTurtleState make use of ROS action interfaces.

These are the preferred way of interacting with external nodes within FlexBE.

The InputState uses an action client that interacts with the input_action_server that provides a BehaviorInput server interface.

The turtlesim node provides a RotateAbsolute action server interface.

Both of these FlexBE states make use of a ProxyActionClient that is set up in the __init__ method of each state class.

        self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._topic: RotateAbsolute},
                                         wait_duration=0.0)  # pass required clients as dict (topic: type)

FlexBE uses "proxies" to provide a single interface for all states in a behavior. This reduces the number of independent communication channels that are required.

Typically you create the _client in the constructor, and then make use of the proxy instance as needed in on_enter, and execute.

If the state exits before the goal (e.g. if operator requests preemption), then we normally cancel the action goal on_exit.

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
        # Make sure that the action is not running when leaving this state.
        # A situation where the action would still be active is for example when the operator manually triggers an outcome.

        if not self._client.has_result(self._topic):
            Logger.loginfo('Cancelled active action goal.')

This example discussed the use of InputState to provide operator data to the onboard behavior in collaborative autonomy, the use of behavior composition to define more complex behaviors, and the use of ROS 2 action interfaces as the main approach to interacting with more computationally intensive external nodes.

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