Releases: Flipkart/recyclerlistview
Releases · Flipkart/recyclerlistview
Version 1.1.5
BugFix: Web, stack preventing stack overflow in case of non deterministic rendering. This used to happen if given estimated dimensions were way off the actual ones.
BugFix: Web, style props was not passed to internal scrollviewer. Fixed now.
Performance: Improved performance on iOS and Web.
Enhancement: For exclusive use on web everything can now, simply, be imported from recyclerlistview/web
, no dependency on webpack plugins unless you want the same import syntax.
Release 1.1.0
- Version bump
Release 1.0.7
- Fixes bug where virtual renderer would be null if componentWillReceiveProps gets called before scroll component renders
Version 1.0.61
- Transpiling to ES5 before publishing
First release
Merge pull request #30 from Flipkart/docChanges Doc changes