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467 lines (307 loc) · 43.8 KB

File metadata and controls

467 lines (307 loc) · 43.8 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.

3.4.1 (2023-10-27)



  • license: add a new reference entry for the new dependency packages in license file (d6b6017)


  • eslint: fix few issues regarding new eslint version rules (4997aee)
  • stylelint: fix few issues regarding new stylelint version rules (e608e69)


  • dependabot: add dependabot configuration (7dabb44)
  • dependabot: allow dependabot to verify for new versions of nw.js (3b73442)
  • dependencies: udpate nw.js to latest version (fc9f612)
  • dependencies: update chart.js and chartjs-plugin-crosshair dependencies to latest versions (06efa1a)
  • dependencies: update dependencies (bc164f5)
  • dependencies: update dependencies (1790263)
  • dependencies: update project dependencies to latest versions (387500d)
  • dependencies: update sweetalert2 to latest version (f8b07a9)
  • project: add code of conduct and contributing guidelines (faf27ff)
  • project: add security guidelines in (eec4984)


  • workflows: new release workflow to automate the creation of releases when new tags are pushed (bcccf0c)


  • readme: fix issue in README related to the path for CodeQL badge (f7c2630)
  • readme: update README to add CodeQL badge (465aaa1)
  • readme: update file (1cada17)
  • readme: yet another fix in README related to the path for CodeQL badge (64a2cc2)

Build System

  • api-copy: fix issue with api-copy script on macOs platforms (8cef71d)
  • dependabot: remove ignored dependencies check (473d100)
  • win-update: fix minor issue related to missing close warning (589a723)

3.4.0 (2023-10-04)


  • updater: add new updater feature (dd89bc5)

Bug Fixes

  • configuration: fix minor issues with usage of choices.js dependency (bb5b879)



  • docs: add both french and english user-guide documentations (d5984b4)
  • docs: update documentation according to previous new feature (updater) (5fb3be7)
  • readme: update readme (178184c)
  • readme: update to include link to user-guide files (b60e7b0)


  • project: project rename (7db666d)

3.3.0 (2023-09-18)


  • angles-preview: add a reset button to go to the previous page without saving when not required (69622f4)
  • participant-selection: add rolling waiting message for reports generation & compilation (58e2997)

Bug Fixes

  • angle-preview: now search for PNG files instead of SVG to fix laggy menu interaction (23918d4)
  • angles-selection: fix issue with auto-angles selection (d3798b5)


  • index: remove useless lines of code (0bb0102)

3.2.0 (2023-09-10)

Bug Fixes

  • angles-preview: try fix laggy menu opening transition (f854610)
  • application: update default application window height (d54fd6b)
  • data-discovering: fix issue where submit button disable state was not properly handled (68ce168)

3.1.1 (2023-08-10)

Bug Fixes

  • app: move from slim-select to choices that should fix macOs issue (fb5c339)
  • data-discovering: adapt error interact button according to converter availability (c4d4ca0)
  • metadata: fix issue that may occurs on macOs when data where moved from windows (ba7d458)
  • slim-select: add destroy method for slim-select objects that should fix issue on macOs (a152be2)


  • main: remove useless css (0b7f5de)

3.1.0 (2023-08-09)


  • model: add analysis and muscle models (a549d05)

Bug Fixes

  • converter: fix issue with input select not resetting properly (39e3509)


  • stage: move stage to model (b7bb9eb)


  • data-discovering: formatting file (9e38fcd)

3.0.3 (2023-08-08)

Bug Fixes

  • data-discovering: fix issue with input select not resetting properly with path from session (20fed4e)

3.0.2 (2023-08-08)

Bug Fixes

  • data-discovering: minor bug fixes (a8e054b)

3.0.1 (2023-08-04)

Bug Fixes

  • data-discovering: fix some glich issues when loading the page (633730b)
  • participants-selection: fix style import order that may lead to bug in certain conditions (a96b8b2)


  • select elements: move some select elements style to be use everywhere (35de52e)


  • angles-selection: add comments to remove code quality related warnings (3976f78)

3.0.0 (2023-08-03)


  • application: add support for dynamic application configuration (4b58ab0)

Build System

  • webpack-config: update disk usage performance on dev builds with HMR (692816a)


  • data-discovering: change redirect button label when convertion is not completed (86421f7)
  • lint: resolve all linting related issues (1375c5d)

2.6.2 (2023-07-14)


  • standard-version: add missing .versionrc file to better handle changelog generation (97cb7a9)

2.6.1 (2023-07-14)

2.6.0 (2023-07-14)


  • license: add new third party component notice (b8bd58a)

Bug Fixes

  • data-discovering: fix some issues with requests error handling (9268c17)

2.5.0 (2023-07-09)


  • copyright: add logo and people to copyright (b166277)
  • image & link helpers: add helpers to handle external links and images path for production app (e0329e8)
  • index: add a retry button if initial components fail to start (d76b13b)
  • license: add new license page (79c9bb4)
  • license: add third party notices (421402b)
  • menu: add disable content overlay when menu is open (9ea27a0)
  • menu: add logos to menu (1e335b8)
  • overlay: add ability to customize the label of the interact button (f905336)
  • participants-selection: add a warning popup if reports have already been created (c36e884)
  • participants-selection: add fetch XLSX summary request (50c6dac)
  • win-update: automate change of iss file when app version is updated (459e392)

Bug Fixes

  • buttons: prevent additional buttons to be clicked when menu is open (bf4f90e)
  • config: move build related env variables to separate file to avoid vulnerability (828abcc)
  • image-helper: fix images path issues with macOS application (d8f475e)
  • link-helper: add missing auxclick event handler for external links (eb6b274)
  • participant-selection: fix issue with export button click event (2659a65)
  • views: add missing rel="noopener" for external links (416ebdb)

2.4.0 (2023-06-19)


  • index: add condition on application environment to auto start API or not (17120c9)
  • participants-selection: move stage selector to a component & condition content given analysis (429f3a6)
  • results: change matrix from only lower to both lower and upper given stage (b8ed791)

Bug Fixes

  • angles-preview: fix sort of the list of participants (69fc078)
  • data-discovering: prevent macOs users of being redirected to the converter page (4e97966)
  • index: add missing port save to local-storage when environment is development (c5c7b9c)
  • participants-selection: fix issue with stage selector initialization (010f435)
  • results: change matrix axis labels (39fac88)
  • results: revised version of the generation of the results given the analysis and stage (145b176)

2.3.0 (2023-05-29)


  • participants-selection: add numeric desc sort in list of participants (5029c5d)

2.2.0 (2023-05-20)


  • application: add code signin for final release installer before distribution (f583d82)
  • menu: add application version at the bottom of the menu panel (2ff4f4c)

Bug Fixes

  • index: update retry policy for API to be started at application initialization (c9b63de)
  • win-compile: minor updates to win-compile code signin process (a802b0e)

2.1.0 (2023-05-15)


  • overlay: add redirect parameter (a8bfbef)

Bug Fixes

  • error-overlay: fix every single error handling in the entire application (1d050f3)
  • index: increase initialization time (2a2ecf5)

2.0.0 (2023-05-09)

1.2.0 (2023-05-09)


  • angles-preview: add an option to indicate that a participant cannot be analyzed (0cc5c88)
  • angles-selection: add alert when filtered data selected to inform manual selection is disabled (107b53a)
  • angles-selection: add automatic removal of auto-angles as another point is manually selected (d3b3c2a)
  • angles-selection: add filtered IMU data switch with all related functions required (3e8c8e0)
  • angles-selection: complete auto-angles selection feature and related metadata handling (c835439)
  • data-discovering: add rolling messages to waiting screen for participants initialization (0bce400)
  • database: implement database lock on the participant currently processed (29a21cd)
  • index: add support for multiple app instances (fb12cd6)
  • participants-selection: add a popup when selected participants do not have a complexity set (5c78326)
  • participants-selection: add xlsx export fetch query to dedicated button (04b1104)
  • participants-selection: disable xlsx export button when no participant completed (cd86936)
  • participants-selection: hanlde invalid participant in the list, related to previous commit (766249d)
  • results: add a button to highlight the most relevant ratio given the type of analysis (3c9a3c7)
  • results: add matrix placeholder to avoid content glitch at loading (8c08f5a)
  • settings: add a setting entry to control application notifications preference (863d969)
  • type-helper: add missing Integer type checking (499c55c)

Bug Fixes

  • angles-preview: add missing ui components restrictions when invalid switch is checked (82686c0)
  • angles-preview: fix bug related to wrong use of intervals now removed (2b0a830)
  • angles-preview: fix issue with popup firing after loader (9f6abe1)
  • angles-preview: fix issue with the value of the complexity when not selected (85c375b)
  • angles-selection: add missing override parameter to fix issue with auto selection feature (4d87739)
  • angles-selection: fix all issues and complete missing elements for the auto selection feature (bd8a0e0)
  • angles-selection: fix issue with results when process is canceled before completed (288c31b)
  • angles-selection: fix missing reset data alert and constraints when submit button is clicked (de2fb01)
  • app: fix minor issues related to debug logs (84c7f9d)
  • converter: now creates required analysis directories even if there are no related source files (4c63eb9)
  • file-helper: fix an issue with windows hidden attribute command (7679a33)
  • index: fix major issue with API executable path on macOS application (eb657f9)
  • index: now correctly check and wait for the API to start (0870f37)
  • installer: add dynamic version for output installer (fa555b6)
  • lint: fix few linting issues (3142d38)
  • metadata: change the digest of the checksum (7516f04)
  • metadata: yet another change in the way checksums are generated (c510ea0)
  • participants-selection: fix a bug with selection save when participant have auto-select enabled (075ac7b)
  • participants-selection: fix issue related to unsatitized access to sessionStorage value (7b7432b)
  • participants-selection: fix issue with change state operations timeout (215c5ca)
  • participants-selection: fix issue with selection filter list (4ecb5e9)
  • participants-selection: fix some issues with selection buttons when invalid participants (8559c47)
  • report: move report template from API to GUI (8265371)
  • string-helper: more permissive on the labels of participant folders (f6f957d)

1.0.0 (2023-02-13)


  • angle-selection: add cancel button to go back to the participants list (3e4000e)
  • angle-selection: add enable/disable submit button when angles are selected or not (5a0d818)
  • angle-selection: complete angle selection feature (aac99d7)
  • angle-selection: complete angle selection feature on chart (cf6e958)
  • angle-selection: load dynamic data from API and optimize the selection plus refactor (6db8ac0)
  • angles-preview: complete angles-preview feature (5cf152c)
  • angles-preview: dynamic content & metadata persistance (01840b4)
  • angles-selection: add emg and areas endpoints API calls (59869ab)
  • angles-selection: dynamic content & metadata persistance (cc79272)
  • angles-selection: show metadata points in plot when restart completed participants (e70fad7)
  • app: add support for API component to be spawned as child process on macOs (7a84321)
  • configuration: add application variables configuration (7137549)
  • converter: complete converter full feature (5332ec9)
  • copyright: add copyright page (cb547f4)
  • data-discovering: add API request to generate IMU data (5db1f66)
  • data-discovering: add better design for data folder path once one is selected (80588f9)
  • data-discovering: add stage radio input (01b981b)
  • data-discovering: change folder input button label when a path is selected (21eb3f9)
  • data-processing: complete data-processing (121bdbc)
  • error-overlay: add button to dismiss the error and fix some minor issues (3f46ddc)
  • error-overlay: add error-overlay component (722813d)
  • file-helper: add a function to list all files in a provided directory (701b8f5)
  • index: add an index as first page to allow loading application external components (befec20)
  • index: add error handling when loading required application components at cold start (d6dfc8f)
  • loader-overlay: add an option to set a custom message when displaying loader-overlay (e6d799c)
  • loader-overlay: change how the loader is created in the DOM and replace parameter to object (936f1ec)
  • menu: add a function to set active menu item (7d32a08)
  • menu: add a verification based on the platform to enable/disable the use of the converter (afd0b7f)
  • menu: add additional buttons feature to menu (a403692)
  • menu: enable settings page (1d7416e)
  • metadata: add function to create folders for participants in metadata folder (290f34d)
  • metadata: add metadata feature and related helpers (1e508aa)
  • metadata: add stages capabilities and fetch the metadata folder of a given participant (c9ce493)
  • metadata: handle reset previsouly created participants (58bbd9f)
  • overlay: generalize success and error overlays (d955baf)
  • participants-selection: add angles preview btn, complexity informations & empty list container (5f01fe6)
  • participants-selection: add export button (5031e72)
  • participants-selection: add PDFReport creation feature (71d89c0)
  • participants-selection: add report endpoint API call (ae63116)
  • participants-selection: complete participants-selection feature (3fa115c)
  • participants-selection: dynamic content, metadata persistence & few gui improvements (0ccfcda)
  • participants-selection: fix issues as regards completed, select btns & add change folder btn (c11f9ee)
  • participants-selection: minor changes in participants-selection (286d0ca)
  • pdf-report: add main content and footer templates to format pdf reports (38b3224)
  • pdf-report: complete feature pdf-report (9b4b074)
  • pdf-report: move pdf-report generation to a temporary html report. PDF is now delegated to API (01b8c3d)
  • result: replace static data by actual computation of the ratio combinations (881db53)
  • results: add computation of the inverse ratio for flexion analysis (f58cba8)
  • results: add participant and type of analysis identification in title (c867898)
  • results: add results feature (5f007be)
  • results: complete results feature (fe50544)
  • router: add function to disable back-button (ea6eb9a)
  • session-store: add session-store util to better handle clean (367957e)
  • settings: add a save button to the settings page (9c00488)
  • settings: add base settings feature (e0a14d8)
  • settings: add few examnples of settings (1be51a1)
  • string-helper: add function to revert formatting name of participants fetched from session (3013ebc)
  • type-helper: add type checking on base-components parameters (4009825)

Bug Fixes

  • angle-selection: change overlay message according to navigation changes (0452048)
  • angle-selection: change plot base data to match angles (d1109de)
  • angles-preview: change svg images path to fix support of macOs and linux platforms (f23980d)
  • angles-preview: fix glich in GUI when loading charts of all participants (bce9357)
  • angles-preview: fix switches left and rirgh margins due to previous changes (cb7699d)
  • angles-selection: add spinner to submit button & fix selected points issue with type (70589b8)
  • angles-selection: change the icon of the auto-selector button (2f19d01)
  • angles-selection: fix a potential issue at runtime (f2c8860)
  • angles-selection: fix issue related to the total number of angle files to process (bde45ac)
  • angles-selection: update points selection function and refactor metadata object (5863bd2)
  • app: check type of session and local storage content (ec9524e)
  • app: remove x-scroll to previous page on macOs (deebb50)
  • chart-setup: remove redundant tooltip for selected points (69d12f3)
  • converter: fix few conversion related errors & move to native spawn function (5c340d7)
  • converter: fix some issue with the conversion & release normalized csv file on write complete (3889a7d)
  • data-discovering: add missing error handler for API error response (0927b52)
  • data-discovering: add missing error handling when there are no data in the analysis folder (5262aad)
  • data-discovering: fix attribute issue for type of analysis input (af33caa)
  • data-discovering: fix some error handling properly (32ec96f)
  • data-discovering: fix that aims at better handle errors (7dff571)
  • data-discovering: keep data-path selected and better clean sessionStorage (e2fafe6)
  • data-discovering: move stage switch to participants-selection (8d20a13)
  • index: add missing head closing tag (c38c5d8)
  • index: add plateform verification before starting API (be3bfc5)
  • index: improve loading of API component to be properly closed on exit for every plateform (adf1667)
  • loader-overlay: change the way the html partial component is injected to the DOM (9269831)
  • menu: fix issues where menu not open on all views & additional buttons not open either (a94b4c6)
  • menu: properly disable HPF converter link for non windows platforms (9902841)
  • participants-selection: fix an issue when selecting completed participants to re-compute angles (1e3df92)
  • participants-selection: fix issues with selection buttons & duplicated data in PDF (a3b9fcd)
  • participants-selection: fix trim participants name in session storage (1768528)
  • participants: fix issue when filtering participants directories (02a50f7)
  • project: add missing error handling and change import path for metadata (9e04d7b)
  • project: fix issue with taskbar icon on windows (de38aa7)
  • project: fix taskbar icon on windows production application build (56509cc)
  • project: fix type checking all over the project (74b46bd)
  • results: add the remove function for the selected participant stored in session when complete (45b98a7)
  • results: change menu link for data processing to void (d274681)
  • results: fix ratio formula, title and axis labels (87df6f8)
  • router: change switchPage function parameter to handle previous commit changes in router (2b3fcec)
  • settings: fix issue when saving window-size setting to localStorage (f5ad6c1)
  • settings: fix issue with window-size setting not persisted in localStorage (8729025)
  • settings: replace active link in settings menu (859d550)
  • switch util: add missing type checking for function definition paremter and return the object (bdf9f5c)
  • views: change wrong application icon path (e0ef690)