- Bootstrap
- Javascript
- JQuery
A simple website that allows you to play tic tac toe. It provides the player with the choice of X or O, and allows a choice between easy mode (random AI moves) and hard mode (as described here), then displays the result of the game.
- Create and/or navigate to the directory you would like to contain this project on your computer.
- Initialize a git repository by typing git init in the terminal.
- Type git clone https://github.com/Frank-Proulx/tic-tac-toe to clone the repository to your local machine.
- Open the file "index.html" in the newly created "portfolio-landing" folder using either the GUI in your finder window, or typing cd tic-tac-toe and pressing return to navigate into the project folder, and then typing open index.html in the terminal from within the tic-tac-toe folder.
Link to GitHub Pages
- No known bugs
If you have any issues, questions, ideas or concerns, please reach out to me at my email and/or make a contribution to the code via GitHub.
Copyright (c) 2021 Frank Proulx & Hannah Young
Creates a new Player object with the given mark.
Code: let testPlayer = new Player("X"); testPlayer;
Result: Player {mark: "X"}
Creates a new Space object with the given coords and no mark.
*Code: let testSpace = new Space(1,1); testSpace;
Result: Space {mark: "",xcoord:1, ycoord:1}
*Code: const testPlayer = new Player("X"); let testSpace = new Space(1,1); testSpace.mark(testPlayer); testSpace;
Result: Space {mark: "X",xcoord:1, ycoord:1}
Creates a new Board with all blank spaces.
*Code: let testBoard = new Board(); testBoard;
Result: Board {TODO}
*Code: let testBoard = new Board(); let testSpace = testBoard.getSpace(1,1); testSpace;
Result: Space {mark: "",xcoord:1, ycoord:1}
Creates a new game with the specified player and a fresh board.
*Code: const testPlayer = new Player("X"); let testGame = new Game(testPlayer); testGame;
Result: Game {player: testPlayer, board: TODO}
*Code: const testPlayer = new Player("X"); let testGame = new Game(testPlayer); testGame.isOver();
Result: false
Test: Will return true if there's a row complete *Code: let testGame = new Game(new Player("X")); testGame.takeTurn(1,1); testGame.takeTurn(1,2); testGame.takeTurn(1,3);
Result: true
Test: Will return true if there's a col complete *Code: let testGame = new Game(new Player("X")); testGame.takeTurn(1,2); testGame.takeTurn(2,2); testGame.takeTurn(3,2);
Result: true
Test: Will return if there's a diagonal complete *Code: let testGame = new Game(new Player("X")); testGame.takeTurn(1,1); testGame.takeTurn(2,2); testGame.takeTurn(3,3);
Result: true
Code: const testPlayer = new Player("X"); let testGame = new Game(testPlayer); testGame.takeTurn(1,1);
Result: TODO
Code: currentGame.board.getSpace(1,2).mark = "O"; currentGame.board.getSpace(2,3).mark = "O"; currentGame.takeAITurnHard(); updateSquares(currentGame);