diff --git a/.github/.cSpellWords.txt b/.github/.cSpellWords.txt index 34dd0feba..da3c4431f 100644 --- a/.github/.cSpellWords.txt +++ b/.github/.cSpellWords.txt @@ -1,11 +1,14 @@ + A AAIC +ackno ACNS ADDAR ADDRH ADDRL AFECR AMBA +amsdu ANAR ANARBMCR ANCEN @@ -19,27 +22,37 @@ ANLPNPAR ANLPR ANNPR ANRESTART +arasikere ARMA ARMR +arpa ARPNR +arpq ASYMM +Atmel ATSAM ATSAME -AUTONEGO -Atmel Autonego +AUTONEGO B +Bbuild BCFR BCFT BCONFIG BCONTROL BCTRL +bdring +beginthreadex +Bernd BESR +Bfail +Bfails BFRX BFTX BHILL BIST BLENGTH +bmcr BMSR BPDG BSTATUS @@ -47,43 +60,49 @@ BTCR BTSCR BTSR BUFEXH +Bufferx BUFFNA BUFNA -Bbuild -Bernd -Bfail -Bfails -Bufferx C CAMEN CAPAB CARRIERSENCE +cbmc CBMC +cbor CBOR CBSCR CBSISQA CBSISQB CCRX CDEE +Centralised CGCR +CHECKSUMOFFLAOD +CKHSUMS CLCD CLTTO +cmock +Cmock +CMock CMOCK CMPEN -CMock +cntr COL CONTROLC +cortexa +coverity +Coverity +Cplt +Cpsif CPSR CPUID CRSDV CRVAL CRXDSA +CSINDICATE +ctest CTST -Centralised -Cmock -Coverity -Cplt -Cpsif D DAIF DBOARD @@ -98,10 +117,14 @@ DCRS DDRP DEAS DEBUGF +DEFFERRALCHECK +Deglitchers DEVAD DFREERTOS DISTCPEF DIVIDEBY +DIVIDEDBY +DMAARBITRATION DMABD DMABMR DMAC @@ -143,6 +166,7 @@ DMARDLAR DMARPDR DMARSWTR DMARXDESC +dmarxdesclist DMARXNDESCRF DMARXNDESCWBF DMASBMR @@ -151,8 +175,11 @@ DMATDLAR DMATPDR DMATXCDESC DMATXDESC +dmatxdesclist DMATXNDESCWBF DNDEBUG +dnsa +dnsq DNVLAN DPPSR DRBS @@ -162,6 +189,7 @@ DRQFR DRQFT DSTCE DSTCM +Dstn DTCM DUID DUNITY @@ -171,13 +199,16 @@ DVENDOR DVLAN DWITH DZPQ -Dstn E +eabil ECLOSED ECONN ECRSFD +ectrk +ectrl EDCR EDFE +Edlinger EDMAC EECS EEDI @@ -185,6 +216,7 @@ EEDO EEPCR EEPROM EESK +eesr EFRHD EFRN EFRS @@ -192,7 +224,10 @@ EFTN EIGRP EINT EIPG +emacps EMACPS +emacpsif +emacro EMIO ENDRX ENHRXDESC @@ -208,55 +243,88 @@ ERDRR ERDWR ESMA ESPA +Espressif ESVLAN ETHERC +ethernetif ETHMACRX ETHMACTX ETIE +Evnt +evopopv +evpopov EXCOL EXDEF EXINT +expc +exti +Exti EXTI EXTID -Edlinger -Espressif -Evnt -Exti Exxx +Falseb FBEE FBLDO FCBBPA FCHWR FCKR FCLWR +fcolor FCOWR FCSCR FCSE +fdiagnostics FECF +ffee +ffnn FLMSK FORWARDALLEXCEPTPA FPGAIO FRAMERX FRMFILTER +frms FTSR FUDUP FULLDPLX FULLDUPLX -Falseb GARP +GBPS +GIGE +Giveup +GLBLUCAST +gmac GMACSA GMII +GOSLEEP +gpio GPIO -Giveup +GPSL +GPSLCE +gptimer +gstate +GSWUTR +GTBFT +Hach +HASHH +HASHL HCKER +hclk +HDFC +hein +Hresp HRESP HRESPNOK -Hresp +HSREN +hwaddr IACR IADHR IADLR IAID IAPD +IBEC +IBECV +ICER +ICMPN ICSR IDDUID IDHW @@ -265,273 +333,634 @@ IDRPQs IERPQ IHCE IMRPQ +IMSC +indet +INTEN +INTOE +IPCB +IPCE +IPCO +iperf +IPGS +IPGSEN +IPHDR +IPHE +IPIF IPLLMNR +IPPE +IPPT IPTCP IPUDP +IRQOUT +irqs +IRXER +IRXFCS +ISER +ISRPQ +issocketconnected +ITCR ITDT +ITEN +ITIP +ITOP +IVLTV +IVTIR +JABBR +JFRAME +jscott +jscotts +karkhaz Karliner +KByte +kbytes LBASE +LBRERROR +LCARR +lcatch +LCOL +lcov LCSR +ldistance +Lebel +LEDCR LEDCRR +LEDS +LENTGH LFER +LFERD LFFE +libslirp +Libslirp LIBSLIRP LLMNR LLMNRDNS +LLMNRI +lmmnr LOGD -Lebel -Libslirp +LPACK +Lpback +LPIIE +LRCK +LSTATUS +ltry +lxip MACA +macaddrhr +macaddrlr +MACAHR MACB MACCR +MACECR +MACFCR +MACHT +MACHTLR +MACISR +MACMDIOAR +MACMDIODR +MACMIIAR +MACMIIDR MACPCSR +MACPMTCSR +MACRFCR +MACRWKPFR +MACSR +MACTFCR +MACVLANTR +MACWTR +MADRM +MAHTR +MAMPCE +MANAG +MARH +MARM +MAXFS +Maych +MBCR +MBIR +MBSR +MCASTHASHEN +MCFHP +MCOL +MCONTROL +MDCON +MDII MDIO MDIX MDNS +MFPH +MFPL +MFRX +MFTX +MGKPKTEN +MGKPRCVD +MGMNT +MICR +miguelfreitas +MIIAR +MIIMCTL +MIIMDAT +MIMXRT +MISR +misra +Misra MISRA +mlan +MLAN +MMCCR +MMCR +MMCRIMR +MMCT +MMCTIMR +MMIO MNXIA MQTT +MSPDEINIT +MSPINIT +MSTATUS +MTHREAD MTIHEN +MTLRQOMR +MTLTQOMR +mydevice +myethaddr +mzef MZEF -Maych -Misra NAIAID NBDGM NBNS +NCARR NCFGR -NFRX -NVIC -NWCTRL +NCONFIG +NCPDT Netif Nett +netto +NFRX +NFTX +nmake +NOCRC +NOPIDEVAD +npacket +nstat Nullpuc Nullpx +numaker +Nuvoton +NVIC +NWAYTEST +NWCFG +NWCTRL +NXP's +OBCR OFRX OMSOR +OMSSR +ONREAD +OPMODE +optimise +optimised +ORDERD +ORHI +ORLO +OSTC +OTHI +OTLO +OVFLOW +ovres +pacap +PADEN +pbuff +pbufs PCSR +pdecode +PDELAYREQ +PDELAYRESP +PDELAYRESPFOLLOWUP PDIAID +PDOWN +PDREQ +PDRESP +PDRESPFUP +PDRQFR +PDRQFT +PDRSFR +PDRSFT +Pedersen PEFRN PEFRS PEFTN +PEFTS +Perc PERIPH +pfhandler PFNZ PFRX +PFTR +PFTX +phandler +phandlerxzvf +phelter +PHYA PHYCR PHYID +PHYIE +phyksz +PHYRR +picovolts +Picovolts +PIDEVAD +PIOA +PLIB PMECR +PMTIE +PMTIM +pointee +popd +pparam +ppkt +Ppointer +ppuc PRAS PRDEP +PREAMB +ps +PSCNTR +psif +psps PTCR -Pedersen -Perc -Ppointer +PTPFT +PTPMT +PTPV +pushd +PWRDWN +rahul +randomiser +RBQB +RBQBAPQ RBQG RBSRPQ +RBSZ +RBUE +RBUS +RCCPSR RCOMP +RDES +RDUIEN +RDUIF +Realtek RECR +REGA +REGCR +Renesas +RERRCOUNTER +resetrx +RESVDBIT +RFAE +RFAEM +RFAULT +RFCE +RFCEM +rgmii RGMII +RGMIICON +RGMIICTL +RGMIIDCTL +RGUF +RGUFM RLEX RMDS RMII +RMIIEN +RMIIMII +RORIC +RORIM +RORMIS +RORRIS +rovr +RPBL +RPSF RRDPSR +RSTN +RTIC +RTIM +RTMIS +RTRIS +RTSAS +RTSH +RTSL +RTSR +RWKFILTRST +RWKPFE +RWKPKTEN +RWKPRCVD +RWTE +RXALGNERPIM +RXALGNERR +RXBD +RXBEIEN +RXBEIF +RXBMS +RXBP RXBQBA RXBUF RXBUFF +rxbuffer +RXBUFNB +RXBUFO RXCHKSUMEN +RXCNT RXCOEN +RXCR +RXCRCERPIM +RXCRCERR +rxdata +RXDBCTR +RXDESC +RXDMA +RXDMABURSTLENGTH +RXDMAE +RXDSA +RXDTTR RXDV RXEN +RXER +RXERCR +RXERR +RXFCTFC +RXFD +RXFDPR +RXFHBCR +RXFHSR +rxfifo +RXFIFOCOUNTER +RXGD +RXGDIEN +RXIEN +RXIM +RXINTERRUPT +RXIRQ +RXIRQEN +RXLPITRC +RXLPITRCIM +RXLPIUSC +RXLPIUSCIM +RXMIS RXOFFS +RXON RXOVR +RXPOLLING +RXPRIORTX +RXQCR +RXRER +RXRIS RXSE RXSR +RXST +rxstate +RXSTSIE RXTEN -Renesas +RXTX +RXUBR +RXUCASTG +RXUCGPIM +RXWLVL SACKP -STARTTX -SUPPR -Slirp -Sqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq -Stub -Stubpuc -StubpucStuby -Stubuc -Stubux -Stubv -Stubx -Stuby -Submoduling -TBQBAPQ -TCOMP -THRES -TXBQBA -TXCOEN -TXCOMP -TXEN -TXSR -TXTEN -UCKER -UDPE -UDPM -UDPV -UFRX -URUN -USEND -VLANE -VLANP -WESTAT -WKFRAME -WSOPT -Wconversion -Werror -Weverything -Wextra -Wpedantic -Wpragma -Wunused -XCOL -XEMACPS -XPAR -XPROT -Zimperium -Zosi -Zynq -ackno -arasikere -arpa -arpq -bmcr -cbmc -cbor -cmock -coverity -ctest -dnsa -dnsq -eabil -ectrk -eesr -emacps -emacpsif -emacro -ethernetif -evopopv -evpopov -expc -exti -fcolor -fdiagnostics -ffee -ffnn -frms -gmac -gpio -gptimer -gstate -hclk -hein -hwaddr -indet -iperf -irqs -issocketconnected -jscott -jscotts -karkhaz -kbytes -lcatch -lcov -ldistance -libslirp -lmmnr -ltry -lxip -miguelfreitas -misra -mydevice -myethaddr -mzef -netto -nmake -npacket -nstat -numaker -optimise -optimised -ovres -pacap -pbuff -pbufs -pdecode -pfhandler -phandler -phandlerxzvf -phelter -pointee -popd -ppuc -ps -psif -psps -pushd -rahul -randomiser -resetrx -rgmii -rovr -rxbuffer -rxdata -rxfifo -rxstate +SAIF +SAMB +SAMT +SARC sayyadumar +SCLK +SCLMD +SCOL scugic sdata +SDIN +SDIO +SDMA +SDOUT seqnr +SGMII sguic sinclude sinit sizet +SLCR +SLCT +SLEWCTL +Slirp +smsc +SODR sovr +SPEEDEN +SPEN +Sqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq +SRDBL +SREVISION +SRST +SRTSM +SSPCLKOUT +SSPDMACR +SSPICR +SSPMIS +SSPRIS +SSPRORINTR +SSPRTINTR +SSPRXINTR +SSPTXINTR ssynchronous stamand +STARTTX +Stub +Stubpuc +StubpucStuby +Stubuc +Stubux +Stubv +Stubx +Stuby submoduled +Submoduling +SUPPR +SVLAN +SWIER +SWIT +SWRESET +SYMM synchronised taskr +TBFR +TBFT +TBQB +TBQBAPQ +TBUE +TCKER +TCMSSV +TCOMP +TDES temac tempcntr +TGFM +TGFMSC +TGFMSCM +TGFSC +TGFSCM +THALT +THRES +TIDM tmout +TMXBFR +totalappdescnbr +TPBL +TPFCP +TPSF +TSALMIEN +TSCTL +TSEN +TSIE +TSIEN +TSMODE +TSSN +TSSS +TSTIM +TTSAS +TTSE +TTSEN +TTSH +TTSL +TTSS +TXBD +TXBEIEN +TXBEIF +TXBQBA +TXBUF +TXBUFE +TXBUFF txbuffer +TXBUFNB txcmd +TXCOEN +TXCOMP +TXCOMPL +TXCP +TXCPIEN +TXCR +TXDESC txdescs +TXDMA +TXDMABURSTLENGTH +TXDMAE +TXDSA +TXEN +TXERR +TXFD +TXFDPR txfifo +TXFIFONOT +TXGO +TXGPKTIM +TXIEN +TXIM +TXIRQ +TXIRQEN +TXLPITRC +TXLPITRCIM +TXLPIUSC +TXLPIUSCIM +TXMCOLGPIM txmir +TXMIS txmit +TXMULTCOLG +TXNTFSR +TXON +TXPBMS +TXPBPF +TXPF +TXPKTG +TXPR +TXQBASE +TXQCR +TXRIS txrx +TXSCOLGPIM +TXSE +TXSNGLCOLG +TXSR +TXST +TXSTSIE +TXTEN +TXUBR +TXUNR +TXWLVL +TXZQPF +UCKER ucprefix +UDPE +UDPM +UDPV +UFRX uncrustify unifdef uninitialised +URUN +USEND +USTCR utest uxindex uxsource vdhcp vdnssearch +VLANE +VLANP +VLTV vnetmask vnetwork +VTIR +wakeon +WAKEON wakeonxzvf +Wconversion +WDRV +Werror +WESTAT +Weverything +Wextra +WFCR +WKFRAME wlanif wmlog wmprintf +WOLIEN +Wpedantic +Wpragma wrdata +WSOPT +WUCSR +WUFF +WUFFRPR +WUFR +Wunused x +xaxiemacif +XCOL xemac xemacps +XEMACPS xemacpsp xheader xlength xlltemacp +XPAR +XPBL +Xplorer +XPROT xtopology xtopologyp xzvf +YA) +Zimperium zipperowiec +Zosi +Zynq zynqmp diff --git a/MISRA.md b/MISRA.md index b1aa401de..8570816b2 100644 --- a/MISRA.md +++ b/MISRA.md @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ _Ref 11.4.2_ _Ref 11.4.3_ - MISRA Rule 11.4 warns about casting pointer to an integer and vice versa. - Here, the poiner to the starting byte of the packet is cast to an integer + Here, the pointer to the starting byte of the packet is cast to an integer which is then used to see whether the pointer is well aligned or not. It is not used to access any pointer values. Thus, this violation can be safely suppressed. @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ _Ref 20.5.1_ _Ref 20.10.1_ -- MISRA C-2012 Rule 20.10 warns against the use of ## concatination operator. +- MISRA C-2012 Rule 20.10 warns against the use of ## concatenation operator. However, in this case, it must be used to support compile time assertions in case the preprocessor does not suppport sizeof. This operation (assert) has no runtime execution. diff --git a/source/FreeRTOS_ARP.c b/source/FreeRTOS_ARP.c index 075452440..509e927ad 100644 --- a/source/FreeRTOS_ARP.c +++ b/source/FreeRTOS_ARP.c @@ -1026,7 +1026,7 @@ static BaseType_t prvFindCacheEntry( const MACAddress_t * pxMACAddress, eARPLookupResult_t eReturn = eARPCacheMiss; uint32_t ulAddressToLookup = *( pulIPAddress ); NetworkEndPoint_t * pxEndPoint; - uint32_t ulOrginal = *pulIPAddress; + uint32_t ulOriginal = *pulIPAddress; /* It is assumed that devices with the same netmask are on the same * LAN and don't need a gateway. */ @@ -1084,10 +1084,10 @@ static BaseType_t prvFindCacheEntry( const MACAddress_t * pxMACAddress, { eReturn = prvCacheLookup( ulAddressToLookup, pxMACAddress, ppxEndPoint ); - if( ( eReturn != eARPCacheHit ) || ( ulOrginal != ulAddressToLookup ) ) + if( ( eReturn != eARPCacheHit ) || ( ulOriginal != ulAddressToLookup ) ) { FreeRTOS_debug_printf( ( "ARP %xip %s using %xip\n", - ( unsigned ) FreeRTOS_ntohl( ulOrginal ), + ( unsigned ) FreeRTOS_ntohl( ulOriginal ), ( eReturn == eARPCacheHit ) ? "hit" : "miss", ( unsigned ) FreeRTOS_ntohl( ulAddressToLookup ) ) ); } diff --git a/source/FreeRTOS_DHCP.c b/source/FreeRTOS_DHCP.c index 8c0b28e28..e3e37e2ee 100644 --- a/source/FreeRTOS_DHCP.c +++ b/source/FreeRTOS_DHCP.c @@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ * It is enough to set 'EP_IPv4_SETTINGS.ulIPAddress'. */ *ipLOCAL_IP_ADDRESS_POINTER = EP_IPv4_SETTINGS.ulIPAddress; - iptraceDHCP_SUCCEDEED( EP_DHCPData.ulOfferedIPAddress ); + iptraceDHCP_SUCCEEDED( EP_DHCPData.ulOfferedIPAddress ); /* DHCP failed, the default configured IP-address will be used * Now call vIPNetworkUpCalls() to send the network-up event and @@ -751,7 +751,7 @@ if( xARPHadIPClash == pdFALSE ) { /* ARP OK. proceed. */ - iptraceDHCP_SUCCEDEED( EP_DHCPData.ulOfferedIPAddress ); + iptraceDHCP_SUCCEEDED( EP_DHCPData.ulOfferedIPAddress ); /* Auto-IP succeeded, the default configured IP-address will * be used. Now call vIPNetworkUpCalls() to send the diff --git a/source/FreeRTOS_DHCPv6.c b/source/FreeRTOS_DHCPv6.c index 585f875af..a416fedb1 100644 --- a/source/FreeRTOS_DHCPv6.c +++ b/source/FreeRTOS_DHCPv6.c @@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ static void vDHCPv6ProcessEndPoint_HandleReply( NetworkEndPoint_t * pxEndPoint, EP_DHCPData.eDHCPState = eLeasedAddress; - iptraceDHCP_SUCCEDEED( EP_DHCPData.ulOfferedIPAddress ); + iptraceDHCP_SUCCEEDED( EP_DHCPData.ulOfferedIPAddress ); /* Close socket to ensure packets don't queue on it. */ prvCloseDHCPv6Socket( pxEndPoint ); diff --git a/source/FreeRTOS_DNS.c b/source/FreeRTOS_DNS.c index 86ce93952..9fb62a196 100644 --- a/source/FreeRTOS_DNS.c +++ b/source/FreeRTOS_DNS.c @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ #if ( ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 ) /** @brief The MAC address used for LLMNR. */ - const MACAddress_t xLLMNR_MacAdress = { { 0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc } }; + const MACAddress_t xLLMNR_MacAddress = { { 0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc } }; #endif /* ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ /** * @brief The IPv6 link-scope multicast MAC address */ - const MACAddress_t xLLMNR_MacAdressIPv6 = { { 0x33, 0x33, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03 } }; + const MACAddress_t xLLMNR_MacAddressIPv6 = { { 0x33, 0x33, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03 } }; #endif /* ipconfigUSE_LLMNR && ipconfigUSE_IPv6 */ #if ( ipconfigUSE_MDNS == 1 ) && ( ipconfigUSE_IPv6 != 0 ) @@ -150,13 +150,13 @@ * The MAC-addresses are provided here in case a network * interface needs it. */ - const MACAddress_t xMDNS_MACAdressIPv6 = { { 0x33, 0x33, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFB } }; + const MACAddress_t xMDNS_MACAddressIPv6 = { { 0x33, 0x33, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFB } }; #endif /* ( ipconfigUSE_MDNS == 1 ) && ( ipconfigUSE_IPv6 != 0 ) */ #if ( ipconfigUSE_MDNS == 1 ) /** @brief The MAC address used for MDNS. */ - const MACAddress_t xMDNS_MacAdress = { { 0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfb } }; + const MACAddress_t xMDNS_MacAddress = { { 0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfb } }; #endif /* ipconfigUSE_MDNS == 1 */ /** @brief This global variable is being used to indicate to the driver which IP type diff --git a/source/FreeRTOS_DNS_Parser.c b/source/FreeRTOS_DNS_Parser.c index e247db201..dbe426f50 100644 --- a/source/FreeRTOS_DNS_Parser.c +++ b/source/FreeRTOS_DNS_Parser.c @@ -550,10 +550,10 @@ { pxAnswer = ( ( LLMNRAnswer_t * ) xSet.pucByte ); /* We leave 'usIdentifier' and 'usQuestions' untouched */ - vSetField16( xSet.pxDNSMessageHeader, DNSMessage_t, usFlags, dnsLLMNR_FLAGS_IS_REPONSE ); /* Set the response flag */ - vSetField16( xSet.pxDNSMessageHeader, DNSMessage_t, usAnswers, 1 ); /* Provide a single answer */ - vSetField16( xSet.pxDNSMessageHeader, DNSMessage_t, usAuthorityRRs, 0 ); /* No authority */ - vSetField16( xSet.pxDNSMessageHeader, DNSMessage_t, usAdditionalRRs, 0 ); /* No additional info */ + vSetField16( xSet.pxDNSMessageHeader, DNSMessage_t, usFlags, dnsLLMNR_FLAGS_IS_RESPONSE ); /* Set the response flag */ + vSetField16( xSet.pxDNSMessageHeader, DNSMessage_t, usAnswers, 1 ); /* Provide a single answer */ + vSetField16( xSet.pxDNSMessageHeader, DNSMessage_t, usAuthorityRRs, 0 ); /* No authority */ + vSetField16( xSet.pxDNSMessageHeader, DNSMessage_t, usAdditionalRRs, 0 ); /* No additional info */ pxAnswer->ucNameCode = dnsNAME_IS_OFFSET; pxAnswer->ucNameOffset = ( uint8_t ) ( xSet.pcRequestedName - ( char * ) pucNewBuffer ); @@ -1170,7 +1170,7 @@ if( xBufferAllocFixedSize == pdFALSE ) { - /* We're linked with BufferAlolocation_2.c + /* We're linked with BufferAllocation_2.c * pxResizeNetworkBufferWithDescriptor() will malloc a new bigger buffer, * and memcpy the data. The old buffer will be free'd. */ diff --git a/source/FreeRTOS_IP.c b/source/FreeRTOS_IP.c index d28f92ae1..7366e8f89 100644 --- a/source/FreeRTOS_IP.c +++ b/source/FreeRTOS_IP.c @@ -1481,7 +1481,7 @@ eFrameProcessingResult_t eConsiderFrameForProcessing( const uint8_t * const pucE } else #if ( ( ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 ) && ( ipconfigUSE_DNS != 0 ) ) - if( memcmp( xLLMNR_MacAdress.ucBytes, pxEthernetHeader->xDestinationAddress.ucBytes, sizeof( MACAddress_t ) ) == 0 ) + if( memcmp( xLLMNR_MacAddress.ucBytes, pxEthernetHeader->xDestinationAddress.ucBytes, sizeof( MACAddress_t ) ) == 0 ) { /* The packet is a request for LLMNR - process it. */ eReturn = eProcessBuffer; @@ -1489,7 +1489,7 @@ eFrameProcessingResult_t eConsiderFrameForProcessing( const uint8_t * const pucE else #endif /* ipconfigUSE_LLMNR */ #if ( ( ipconfigUSE_MDNS == 1 ) && ( ipconfigUSE_DNS != 0 ) ) - if( memcmp( xMDNS_MacAdress.ucBytes, pxEthernetHeader->xDestinationAddress.ucBytes, sizeof( MACAddress_t ) ) == 0 ) + if( memcmp( xMDNS_MacAddress.ucBytes, pxEthernetHeader->xDestinationAddress.ucBytes, sizeof( MACAddress_t ) ) == 0 ) { /* The packet is a request for MDNS - process it. */ eReturn = eProcessBuffer; diff --git a/source/FreeRTOS_ND.c b/source/FreeRTOS_ND.c index 7e6b327a8..ea64f8cb4 100644 --- a/source/FreeRTOS_ND.c +++ b/source/FreeRTOS_ND.c @@ -842,8 +842,8 @@ pcReturn = "PACKET_TOO_BIG"; break; - case ipICMP_TIME_EXEEDED_IPv6: - pcReturn = "TIME_EXEEDED"; + case ipICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED_IPv6: + pcReturn = "TIME_EXCEEDED"; break; case ipICMP_PARAMETER_PROBLEM_IPv6: @@ -962,7 +962,7 @@ { case ipICMP_DEST_UNREACHABLE_IPv6: case ipICMP_PACKET_TOO_BIG_IPv6: - case ipICMP_TIME_EXEEDED_IPv6: + case ipICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED_IPv6: case ipICMP_PARAMETER_PROBLEM_IPv6: /* These message types are not implemented. They are logged here above. */ break; diff --git a/source/FreeRTOS_RA.c b/source/FreeRTOS_RA.c index a3ffeea2c..0a5c10ee4 100644 --- a/source/FreeRTOS_RA.c +++ b/source/FreeRTOS_RA.c @@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ /* Obtained configuration from a router. */ uxNewReloadTime = pdMS_TO_TICKS( 1000U * pxEndPoint->xRAData.ulPreferredLifeTime ); pxEndPoint->xRAData.eRAState = eRAStatePreLease; - iptraceRA_SUCCEDEED( &( pxEndPoint->ipv6_settings.xIPAddress ) ); + iptraceRA_SUCCEEDED( &( pxEndPoint->ipv6_settings.xIPAddress ) ); FreeRTOS_printf( ( "RA: succeeded, using IP address %pip Reload after %u seconds\n", ( void * ) pxEndPoint->ipv6_settings.xIPAddress.ucBytes, ( unsigned ) pxEndPoint->xRAData.ulPreferredLifeTime ) ); diff --git a/source/FreeRTOS_TCP_WIN.c b/source/FreeRTOS_TCP_WIN.c index 743e8012c..c570fe611 100644 --- a/source/FreeRTOS_TCP_WIN.c +++ b/source/FreeRTOS_TCP_WIN.c @@ -896,7 +896,7 @@ xTCPSegments = NULL; } } - #endif /* ipconfgiUSE_TCP_WIN == 1 */ + #endif /* ipconfigUSE_TCP_WIN == 1 */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*============================================================================= @@ -983,7 +983,7 @@ return pxBest; } - #endif /* ipconfgiUSE_TCP_WIN == 1 */ + #endif /* ipconfigUSE_TCP_WIN == 1 */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #if ( ipconfigUSE_TCP_WIN == 1 ) @@ -1059,7 +1059,7 @@ pxWindow->rx.ulCurrentSequenceNumber = ulCurrentSequenceNumber; } - #endif /* ipconfgiUSE_TCP_WIN == 1 */ + #endif /* ipconfigUSE_TCP_WIN == 1 */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #if ( ipconfigUSE_TCP_WIN == 1 ) @@ -1170,7 +1170,7 @@ return lReturn; } - #endif /* ipconfgiUSE_TCP_WIN == 1 */ + #endif /* ipconfigUSE_TCP_WIN == 1 */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ #if ( ipconfigUSE_TCP_WIN == 1 ) @@ -1300,7 +1300,7 @@ return lReturn; } - #endif /* ipconfgiUSE_TCP_WIN == 1 */ + #endif /* ipconfigUSE_TCP_WIN == 1 */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*============================================================================= diff --git a/source/include/FreeRTOS_DNS.h b/source/include/FreeRTOS_DNS.h index ee52841bb..67dc7f6d5 100644 --- a/source/include/FreeRTOS_DNS.h +++ b/source/include/FreeRTOS_DNS.h @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ uint32_t ulDNSHandlePacket( const NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * pxNetworkBuffer ); #if ( ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 ) /* The LLMNR MAC address is 01:00:5e:00:00:fc */ - extern const MACAddress_t xLLMNR_MacAdress; + extern const MACAddress_t xLLMNR_MacAddress; #endif /* ipconfigUSE_LLMNR */ #if ( ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 ) && ( ipconfigUSE_IPv6 != 0 ) @@ -57,12 +57,12 @@ uint32_t ulDNSHandlePacket( const NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * pxNetworkBuffer ); extern const IPv6_Address_t ipLLMNR_IP_ADDR_IPv6; /* The LLMNR IPv6 MAC address is 33:33:00:01:00:03 */ - extern const MACAddress_t xLLMNR_MacAdressIPv6; + extern const MACAddress_t xLLMNR_MacAddressIPv6; #endif /* ipconfigUSE_LLMNR */ #if ( ipconfigUSE_MDNS == 1 ) /* The MDNS MAC address is 01:00:5e:00:00:fc */ - extern const MACAddress_t xMDNS_MacAdress; + extern const MACAddress_t xMDNS_MacAddress; #endif /* ipconfigUSE_MDNS */ #if ( ipconfigUSE_MDNS == 1 ) && ( ipconfigUSE_IPv6 != 0 ) @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ uint32_t ulDNSHandlePacket( const NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * pxNetworkBuffer ); extern const IPv6_Address_t ipMDNS_IP_ADDR_IPv6; /* The MDNS IPv6 MAC address is 33:33:00:01:00:03 */ - extern const MACAddress_t xMDNS_MACAdressIPv6; + extern const MACAddress_t xMDNS_MACAddressIPv6; #endif /* ipconfigUSE_MDNS */ /** @brief While doing integration tests, it is necessary to influence the choice diff --git a/source/include/FreeRTOS_DNS_Globals.h b/source/include/FreeRTOS_DNS_Globals.h index e01091b6f..649e8033c 100644 --- a/source/include/FreeRTOS_DNS_Globals.h +++ b/source/include/FreeRTOS_DNS_Globals.h @@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ #ifndef _lint /* LLMNR constants. */ - #define dnsLLMNR_TTL_VALUE 300U /**< LLMNR time to live value of 5 minutes. */ - #define dnsLLMNR_FLAGS_IS_REPONSE 0x8000U /**< LLMNR flag value for response. */ + #define dnsLLMNR_TTL_VALUE 300U /**< LLMNR time to live value of 5 minutes. */ + #define dnsLLMNR_FLAGS_IS_RESPONSE 0x8000U /**< LLMNR flag value for response. */ #endif /* _lint */ /* NBNS constants. */ diff --git a/source/include/FreeRTOS_IPv6.h b/source/include/FreeRTOS_IPv6.h index 1111f22b6..66755b2d1 100644 --- a/source/include/FreeRTOS_IPv6.h +++ b/source/include/FreeRTOS_IPv6.h @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ /* Some IPv6 ICMP requests. */ #define ipICMP_DEST_UNREACHABLE_IPv6 ( ( uint8_t ) 1U ) #define ipICMP_PACKET_TOO_BIG_IPv6 ( ( uint8_t ) 2U ) -#define ipICMP_TIME_EXEEDED_IPv6 ( ( uint8_t ) 3U ) +#define ipICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED_IPv6 ( ( uint8_t ) 3U ) #define ipICMP_PARAMETER_PROBLEM_IPv6 ( ( uint8_t ) 4U ) #define ipICMP_PING_REQUEST_IPv6 ( ( uint8_t ) 128U ) #define ipICMP_PING_REPLY_IPv6 ( ( uint8_t ) 129U ) diff --git a/source/include/IPTraceMacroDefaults.h b/source/include/IPTraceMacroDefaults.h index 6cfc78557..08282e196 100644 --- a/source/include/IPTraceMacroDefaults.h +++ b/source/include/IPTraceMacroDefaults.h @@ -194,16 +194,16 @@ #define iptraceSENDING_DHCP_REQUEST() #endif -#ifndef iptraceDHCP_SUCCEDEED - #define iptraceDHCP_SUCCEDEED( address ) +#ifndef iptraceDHCP_SUCCEEDED + #define iptraceDHCP_SUCCEEDED( address ) #endif #ifndef iptraceRA_REQUESTS_FAILED_USING_DEFAULT_IP_ADDRESS #define iptraceRA_REQUESTS_FAILED_USING_DEFAULT_IP_ADDRESS( ipv6_address ) #endif -#ifndef iptraceRA_SUCCEDEED - #define iptraceRA_SUCCEDEED( ipv6_address ) +#ifndef iptraceRA_SUCCEEDED + #define iptraceRA_SUCCEEDED( ipv6_address ) #endif #ifndef iptraceNETWORK_INTERFACE_TRANSMIT diff --git a/source/portable/BufferManagement/BufferAllocation_2.c b/source/portable/BufferManagement/BufferAllocation_2.c index 955c340cf..4a7e2476e 100644 --- a/source/portable/BufferManagement/BufferAllocation_2.c +++ b/source/portable/BufferManagement/BufferAllocation_2.c @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ /* Compile time assertion with zero runtime effects * it will assert on 'e' not being zero, as it tries to divide by it, - * will also print the line where the error occured in case of failure */ + * will also print the line where the error occurred in case of failure */ /* MISRA Ref 20.10.1 [Lack of sizeof operator and compile time error checking] */ /* More details at: https://github.com/FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/blob/main/MISRA.md#rule-2010 */ /* coverity[misra_c_2012_rule_20_10_violation] */ diff --git a/source/portable/Compiler/CompilerName/ReadMe.txt b/source/portable/Compiler/CompilerName/ReadMe.txt index 04a632a95..954565137 100644 --- a/source/portable/Compiler/CompilerName/ReadMe.txt +++ b/source/portable/Compiler/CompilerName/ReadMe.txt @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -Update pack_struct_start.h and pack_struct_end.h for your architecure. +Update pack_struct_start.h and pack_struct_end.h for your architecture. These files define the specifiers needed by your compiler to properly pack struct data need by FreeRTOS+TCP. diff --git a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/ATSAM4E/component/gmac.h b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/ATSAM4E/component/gmac.h index 099dbba60..5fd581e61 100644 --- a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/ATSAM4E/component/gmac.h +++ b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/ATSAM4E/component/gmac.h @@ -245,10 +245,10 @@ #define GMAC_DCFGR_ESPA ( 0x1u << 7 ) /**< \brief (GMAC_DCFGR) Endian Swap Mode Enable for Packet Data Accesses */ #define GMAC_DCFGR_RXBMS_Pos 8 #define GMAC_DCFGR_RXBMS_Msk ( 0x3u << GMAC_DCFGR_RXBMS_Pos ) /**< \brief (GMAC_DCFGR) Receiver Packet Buffer Memory Size Select */ -#define GMAC_DCFGR_RXBMS_EIGHTH ( 0x0u << 8 ) /**< \brief (GMAC_DCFGR) 1 Kbyte Memory Size */ -#define GMAC_DCFGR_RXBMS_QUARTER ( 0x1u << 8 ) /**< \brief (GMAC_DCFGR) 2 Kbytes Memory Size */ -#define GMAC_DCFGR_RXBMS_HALF ( 0x2u << 8 ) /**< \brief (GMAC_DCFGR) 4 Kbytes Memory Size */ -#define GMAC_DCFGR_RXBMS_FULL ( 0x3u << 8 ) /**< \brief (GMAC_DCFGR) 8 Kbytes Memory Size */ +#define GMAC_DCFGR_RXBMS_EIGHTH ( 0x0u << 8 ) /**< \brief (GMAC_DCFGR) 1 KByte Memory Size */ +#define GMAC_DCFGR_RXBMS_QUARTER ( 0x1u << 8 ) /**< \brief (GMAC_DCFGR) 2 KBytes Memory Size */ +#define GMAC_DCFGR_RXBMS_HALF ( 0x2u << 8 ) /**< \brief (GMAC_DCFGR) 4 KBytes Memory Size */ +#define GMAC_DCFGR_RXBMS_FULL ( 0x3u << 8 ) /**< \brief (GMAC_DCFGR) 8 KBytes Memory Size */ #define GMAC_DCFGR_TXPBMS ( 0x1u << 10 ) /**< \brief (GMAC_DCFGR) Transmitter Packet Buffer Memory Size Select */ #define GMAC_DCFGR_TXCOEN ( 0x1u << 11 ) /**< \brief (GMAC_DCFGR) Transmitter Checksum Generation Offload Enable */ #define GMAC_DCFGR_DRBS_Pos 16 diff --git a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/ATSAME5x/NetworkInterface.c b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/ATSAME5x/NetworkInterface.c index 6a4a7e93d..809a5febe 100644 --- a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/ATSAME5x/NetworkInterface.c +++ b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/ATSAME5x/NetworkInterface.c @@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ static void prvGMACInit() { uint8_t ucMACAddressLLMNRIPv6[ ipMAC_ADDRESS_LENGTH_BYTES ]; /* Avoid warning */ - memcpy( ucMACAddressLLMNRIPv6, xLLMNR_MacAdressIPv6.ucBytes, ipMAC_ADDRESS_LENGTH_BYTES ); + memcpy( ucMACAddressLLMNRIPv6, xLLMNR_MacAddressIPv6.ucBytes, ipMAC_ADDRESS_LENGTH_BYTES ); mac_async_set_filter_ex( Ð_MAC, ucMACAddressLLMNRIPv6 ); } #endif /* ipconfigUSE_LLMNR */ diff --git a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/DriverSAM/NetworkInterface.c b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/DriverSAM/NetworkInterface.c index 3aae43f56..a2b19d734 100644 --- a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/DriverSAM/NetworkInterface.c +++ b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/DriverSAM/NetworkInterface.c @@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ static BaseType_t prvGMACInit( NetworkInterface_t * pxInterface ) #if ( ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 ) { - prvAddMulticastMACAddress( xLLMNR_MacAdress.ucBytes ); + prvAddMulticastMACAddress( xLLMNR_MacAddress.ucBytes ); } #endif /* ipconfigUSE_LLMNR */ @@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ static BaseType_t prvGMACInit( NetworkInterface_t * pxInterface ) NetworkEndPoint_t * pxEndPoint; #if ( ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 ) { - prvAddMulticastMACAddress( xLLMNR_MacAdressIPv6.ucBytes ); + prvAddMulticastMACAddress( xLLMNR_MacAddressIPv6.ucBytes ); } #endif /* ipconfigUSE_LLMNR */ diff --git a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/DriverSAM/gmac_SAM.c b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/DriverSAM/gmac_SAM.c index cf8677951..6fe1fb6f7 100644 --- a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/DriverSAM/gmac_SAM.c +++ b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/DriverSAM/gmac_SAM.c @@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ void gmac_dev_init( Gmac * p_gmac, #if ( SAME70 != 0 ) { /* Transmitter Packet Buffer Memory Size Select: - * Use full configured addressable space (4 Kbytes). */ + * Use full configured addressable space (4 KBytes). */ ulValue |= GMAC_DCFGR_TXPBMS; } #endif diff --git a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/DriverSAM/gmac_SAM.h b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/DriverSAM/gmac_SAM.h index 882f70093..3b6512f9e 100644 --- a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/DriverSAM/gmac_SAM.h +++ b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/DriverSAM/gmac_SAM.h @@ -1469,7 +1469,7 @@ } /** - * \brief Set screening type 2 eherType register. + * \brief Set screening type 2 etherType register. * * \param p_gmac Pointer to the GMAC instance. * \param ethertype Ethertype compare value diff --git a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/MPS2_AN385/NetworkInterface.c b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/MPS2_AN385/NetworkInterface.c index a15b69c3f..3edd910ad 100644 --- a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/MPS2_AN385/NetworkInterface.c +++ b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/MPS2_AN385/NetworkInterface.c @@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ static BaseType_t xMPS2_NetworkInterfaceOutput( NetworkInterface_t * pxInterface else { xReturn = pdFAIL; - FreeRTOS_debug_printf( ( "Error send by chuncks: %d\n", + FreeRTOS_debug_printf( ( "Error send by chunks: %d\n", error ) ); } } diff --git a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/MPS2_AN385/ether_lan9118/SMM_MPS2.h b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/MPS2_AN385/ether_lan9118/SMM_MPS2.h index 54f8846d9..fc2f90fa8 100644 --- a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/MPS2_AN385/ether_lan9118/SMM_MPS2.h +++ b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/MPS2_AN385/ether_lan9118/SMM_MPS2.h @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ typedef struct /* Document DDI0194G_ssp_pl022_r1p3_trm.pdf */ /* SSPRIS Raw interrupt status register */ #define SSP_RIS_RORRIS_Pos 0 /* Raw Overrun interrupt flag */ #define SSP_RIS_RORRIS_Msk ( 1UL << SSP_RIS_RORRIS_Pos ) -#define SSP_RIS_RTRIS_Pos 1 /* Raw Timemout interrupt flag */ +#define SSP_RIS_RTRIS_Pos 1 /* Raw Timeout interrupt flag */ #define SSP_RIS_RTRIS_Msk ( 1UL << SSP_RIS_RTRIS_Pos ) #define SSP_RIS_RXRIS_Pos 2 /* Raw Receive interrupt flag */ #define SSP_RIS_RXRIS_Msk ( 1UL << SSP_RIS_RXRIS_Pos ) @@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ typedef struct /* Document DDI0194G_ssp_pl022_r1p3_trm.pdf */ /* SSPMIS Masked interrupt status register */ #define SSP_MIS_RORMIS_Pos 0 /* Masked Overrun interrupt flag */ #define SSP_MIS_RORMIS_Msk ( 1UL << SSP_MIS_RORMIS_Pos ) -#define SSP_MIS_RTMIS_Pos 1 /* Masked Timemout interrupt flag */ +#define SSP_MIS_RTMIS_Pos 1 /* Masked Timeout interrupt flag */ #define SSP_MIS_RTMIS_Msk ( 1UL << SSP_MIS_RTMIS_Pos ) #define SSP_MIS_RXMIS_Pos 2 /* Masked Receive interrupt flag */ #define SSP_MIS_RXMIS_Msk ( 1UL << SSP_MIS_RXMIS_Pos ) @@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ typedef struct /* Document DDI0194G_ssp_pl022_r1p3_trm.pdf */ /* SSPICR Interrupt clear register */ #define SSP_ICR_RORIC_Pos 0 /* Clears Overrun interrupt flag */ #define SSP_ICR_RORIC_Msk ( 1UL << SSP_ICR_RORIC_Pos ) -#define SSP_ICR_RTIC_Pos 1 /* Clears Timemout interrupt flag */ +#define SSP_ICR_RTIC_Pos 1 /* Clears Timeout interrupt flag */ #define SSP_ICR_RTIC_Msk ( 1UL << SSP_ICR_RTIC_Pos ) /* SSPDMACR DMA control register */ diff --git a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/MPS2_AN385/ether_lan9118/smsc9220_eth_drv.c b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/MPS2_AN385/ether_lan9118/smsc9220_eth_drv.c index 17e6d00ec..48d4b6b56 100644 --- a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/MPS2_AN385/ether_lan9118/smsc9220_eth_drv.c +++ b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/MPS2_AN385/ether_lan9118/smsc9220_eth_drv.c @@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ void smsc9220_init_irqs( const struct smsc9220_eth_dev_t * dev ) smsc9220_disable_all_interrupts( dev ); smsc9220_clear_all_interrupts( dev ); - /* Set IRQ deassertion interval */ + /* Set IRQ de-assertion interval */ SET_BIT_FIELD( register_map->irq_cfg, IRQ_CFG_INT_DEAS_MASK, IRQ_CFG_INT_DEAS_POS, IRQ_CFG_INT_DEAS_10US ); diff --git a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/MPS2_AN385/ether_lan9118/smsc9220_eth_drv.h b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/MPS2_AN385/ether_lan9118/smsc9220_eth_drv.h index cacb60df9..ee587b3c6 100644 --- a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/MPS2_AN385/ether_lan9118/smsc9220_eth_drv.h +++ b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/MPS2_AN385/ether_lan9118/smsc9220_eth_drv.h @@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ /** * \brief Sets the Maximum Transmission Unit by Tx fifo size. * Note: The MTU will be smaller by 512 bytes, - * whis is used by the status. + * which is used by the status. * * \param[in] dev Ethernet device structure \ref smsc9220_eth_dev_t * \param[in] val Size of the fifo in kbytes @@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ int smsc9220_check_id( const struct smsc9220_eth_dev_t * dev ); /** - * \brief Gets the data size of the Tx buffer, aka Maximum Trasmission Unit + * \brief Gets the data size of the Tx buffer, aka Maximum Transmission Unit * * \param[in] dev Ethernet device structure \ref smsc9220_eth_dev_t * diff --git a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/NXP1060/NetworkInterface.c b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/NXP1060/NetworkInterface.c index e2b8ea0a8..ed1eb2ef6 100644 --- a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/NXP1060/NetworkInterface.c +++ b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/NXP1060/NetworkInterface.c @@ -909,12 +909,12 @@ static status_t xEMACInit( phy_speed_t speed, sysClock ); #if ( ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 ) - ENET_AddMulticastGroup( ethernetifLocal->base, ( uint8_t * ) xLLMNR_MacAdress.ucBytes ); + ENET_AddMulticastGroup( ethernetifLocal->base, ( uint8_t * ) xLLMNR_MacAddress.ucBytes ); #endif /* ipconfigUSE_LLMNR */ #if ( ipconfigUSE_IPv6 != 0 ) #if ( ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 ) - ENET_AddMulticastGroup( ethernetifLocal->base, ( uint8_t * ) xLLMNR_MacAdressIPv6.ucBytes ); + ENET_AddMulticastGroup( ethernetifLocal->base, ( uint8_t * ) xLLMNR_MacAddressIPv6.ucBytes ); #endif /* ipconfigUSE_LLMNR */ for( pxEndPoint = FreeRTOS_FirstEndPoint( pxMyInterface ); diff --git a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/RX/NetworkInterface.c b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/RX/NetworkInterface.c index d942f5c59..e67046b87 100644 --- a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/RX/NetworkInterface.c +++ b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/RX/NetworkInterface.c @@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ static int InitializeNetwork( void ) BaseType_t return_code = pdFALSE; ether_param_t param; - /* Read the mac address after it has been initilized by the FreeRTOS IP Stack, rather than from defines + /* Read the mac address after it has been initialized by the FreeRTOS IP Stack, rather than from defines * as the mac address is usually read from the EEPROM, and it might be different to the mac address in * the defines, especially in production environments */ diff --git a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/NetworkInterface.c b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/NetworkInterface.c index f16d9193c..f0541decb 100644 --- a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/NetworkInterface.c +++ b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/NetworkInterface.c @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ /* * Most users will want a PHY that negotiates about - * the connection properties: speed, dmix and duplex. + * the connection properties: speed, MDIX and duplex. * On some rare cases, you want to select what is being * advertised, properties like MDIX and duplex. */ @@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ BaseType_t xSTM32F_NetworkInterfaceInitialise( NetworkInterface_t * pxInterface #endif #if ( ( ipconfigUSE_MDNS == 1 ) && ( ipconfigUSE_IPv6 != 0 ) ) { - prvMACAddressConfig( &xETH, xMACEntry, ( uint8_t * ) xMDNS_MACAdressIPv6.ucBytes ); + prvMACAddressConfig( &xETH, xMACEntry, ( uint8_t * ) xMDNS_MACAddressIPv6.ucBytes ); xMACEntry += 8; } #endif @@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ BaseType_t xSTM32F_NetworkInterfaceInitialise( NetworkInterface_t * pxInterface #endif #if ( ( ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 ) && ( ipconfigUSE_IPv6 != 0 ) ) { - prvMACAddressConfig( &xETH, xMACEntry, ( uint8_t * ) xLLMNR_MacAdressIPv6.ucBytes ); + prvMACAddressConfig( &xETH, xMACEntry, ( uint8_t * ) xLLMNR_MacAddressIPv6.ucBytes ); xMACEntry += 8; } #endif @@ -1362,7 +1362,7 @@ static void prvEthernetUpdateConfig( BaseType_t xForce ) /* ETHERNET MAC Re-Configuration */ HAL_ETH_ConfigMAC( &xETH, ( ETH_MACInitTypeDef * ) NULL ); - /* Optionally, pass all mutlicast */ + /* Optionally, pass all multicast */ #if 0 xETH.Instance->MACFFR |= ETH_MACFFR_PAM; #endif diff --git a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/readme.md b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/readme.md index e644a1870..c419195de 100644 --- a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/readme.md +++ b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/readme.md @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -This is a FreeeRTOS+TCP driver that works for STM32Fxx parts. +This is a FreeRTOS+TCP driver that works for STM32Fxx parts. CONFIGURATION AND RUNNING diff --git a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/stm32fxx_hal_eth.c b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/stm32fxx_hal_eth.c index 588d7bfa9..5f99e705c 100644 --- a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/stm32fxx_hal_eth.c +++ b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/stm32fxx_hal_eth.c @@ -1343,7 +1343,7 @@ /* Set the RPBL and 4*PBL bits according to ETH RxDMABurstLength value */ /* Set the PBL and 4*PBL bits according to ETH TxDMABurstLength value */ /* Set the Enhanced DMA descriptors bit according to ETH EnhancedDescriptorFormat value*/ - /* Set the DSL bit according to ETH DesciptorSkipLength value */ + /* Set the DSL bit according to ETH DescriptorSkipLength value */ /* Set the PR and DA bits according to ETH DMAArbitration value */ heth->Instance->DMABMR = ( uint32_t ) ( dmainit.AddressAlignedBeats | dmainit.FixedBurst | diff --git a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/stm32fxx_hal_eth.h b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/stm32fxx_hal_eth.h index 1469e7277..6f0f684ed 100644 --- a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/stm32fxx_hal_eth.h +++ b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Fxx/stm32fxx_hal_eth.h @@ -994,9 +994,9 @@ #define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_PTPMT_FOLLOWUP ( ( uint32_t ) 0x00000200U ) /* FollowUp message (all clock types) */ #define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_PTPMT_DELAYREQ ( ( uint32_t ) 0x00000300U ) /* DelayReq message (all clock types) */ #define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_PTPMT_DELAYRESP ( ( uint32_t ) 0x00000400U ) /* DelayResp message (all clock types) */ - #define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_PTPMT_PDELAYREQ_ANNOUNCE ( ( uint32_t ) 0x00000500U ) /* PdelayReq message (peer-to-peer transparent clock) or Announce message (Ordinary or Boundary clock) */ - #define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_PTPMT_PDELAYRESP_MANAG ( ( uint32_t ) 0x00000600U ) /* PdelayResp message (peer-to-peer transparent clock) or Management message (Ordinary or Boundary clock) */ - #define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_PTPMT_PDELAYRESPFOLLOWUP_SIGNAL ( ( uint32_t ) 0x00000700U ) /* PdelayRespFollowUp message (peer-to-peer transparent clock) or Signaling message (Ordinary or Boundary clock) */ + #define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_PTPMT_PDELAYREQ_ANNOUNCE ( ( uint32_t ) 0x00000500U ) /* PDelayReq message (peer-to-peer transparent clock) or Announce message (Ordinary or Boundary clock) */ + #define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_PTPMT_PDELAYRESP_MANAG ( ( uint32_t ) 0x00000600U ) /* PDelayResp message (peer-to-peer transparent clock) or Management message (Ordinary or Boundary clock) */ + #define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_PTPMT_PDELAYRESPFOLLOWUP_SIGNAL ( ( uint32_t ) 0x00000700U ) /* PDelayRespFollowUp message (peer-to-peer transparent clock) or Signaling message (Ordinary or Boundary clock) */ #define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_IPV6PR ( ( uint32_t ) 0x00000080U ) /* IPv6 Packet Received */ #define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_IPV4PR ( ( uint32_t ) 0x00000040U ) /* IPv4 Packet Received */ #define ETH_DMAPTPRXDESC_IPCB ( ( uint32_t ) 0x00000020U ) /* IP Checksum Bypassed */ diff --git a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Hxx/NetworkInterface.c b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Hxx/NetworkInterface.c index 2e17aa33a..50c6fc0f7 100644 --- a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Hxx/NetworkInterface.c +++ b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Hxx/NetworkInterface.c @@ -340,26 +340,26 @@ static BaseType_t xSTM32H_NetworkInterfaceInitialise( NetworkInterface_t * pxInt #if ( ipconfigUSE_MDNS == 1 ) { /* Program the MDNS address. */ - prvMACAddressConfig( &xEthHandle, xMACEntry, ( uint8_t * ) xMDNS_MacAdress.ucBytes ); + prvMACAddressConfig( &xEthHandle, xMACEntry, ( uint8_t * ) xMDNS_MacAddress.ucBytes ); xMACEntry += 8; } #endif #if ( ( ipconfigUSE_MDNS == 1 ) && ( ipconfigUSE_IPv6 != 0 ) ) { - prvMACAddressConfig( &xEthHandle, xMACEntry, ( uint8_t * ) xMDNS_MACAdressIPv6.ucBytes ); + prvMACAddressConfig( &xEthHandle, xMACEntry, ( uint8_t * ) xMDNS_MACAddressIPv6.ucBytes ); xMACEntry += 8; } #endif #if ( ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 ) { /* Program the LLMNR address. */ - prvMACAddressConfig( &xEthHandle, xMACEntry, ( uint8_t * ) xLLMNR_MacAdress.ucBytes ); + prvMACAddressConfig( &xEthHandle, xMACEntry, ( uint8_t * ) xLLMNR_MacAddress.ucBytes ); xMACEntry += 8; } #endif #if ( ( ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 ) && ( ipconfigUSE_IPv6 != 0 ) ) { - prvMACAddressConfig( &xEthHandle, xMACEntry, ( uint8_t * ) xLLMNR_MacAdressIPv6.ucBytes ); + prvMACAddressConfig( &xEthHandle, xMACEntry, ( uint8_t * ) xLLMNR_MacAddressIPv6.ucBytes ); xMACEntry += 8; } #endif @@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ static BaseType_t xSTM32H_NetworkInterfaceOutput( NetworkInterface_t * pxInterfa /* Memory barrier: Make sure that the data written to the packet buffer got written. */ __DSB(); - /* Get exclusive accces to the TX process. + /* Get exclusive access to the TX process. * Both the IP-task and the EMAC task will work on the TX process. */ if( xSemaphoreTake( xTransmissionMutex, xBlockTimeTicks ) != pdFAIL ) { diff --git a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Hxx/readme.md b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Hxx/readme.md index 4df2b56f2..e43fc5916 100644 --- a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Hxx/readme.md +++ b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Hxx/readme.md @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Number of DMA descriptors, for transmission and for reception. The descriptors for transmission are protected with a counting semaphore. By the time that a packet has been sent, the other TX descriptor becomes available already. -The number of descriptors has an incluence on the performance. But that also depends on the size +The number of descriptors has an influence on the performance. But that also depends on the size of the TCP buffers and TCP window sizes. When ETH_RX_DESC_CNT is too low, the adapter may miss incoming packets, they will be dropped. diff --git a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Hxx/stm32hxx_hal_eth.c b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Hxx/stm32hxx_hal_eth.c index c0bc87148..7e7e09d35 100644 --- a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Hxx/stm32hxx_hal_eth.c +++ b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Hxx/stm32hxx_hal_eth.c @@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ extern SemaphoreHandle_t xTXDescriptorSemaphore; /** * @brief Unregister an ETH Callback - * ETH callabck is redirected to the weak predefined callback + * ETH callback is redirected to the weak predefined callback * @param heth eth handle * @param CallbackID ID of the callback to be unregistered * This parameter can be one of the following values: @@ -977,7 +977,7 @@ extern SemaphoreHandle_t xTXDescriptorSemaphore; /* Set the ETH peripheral state to BUSY */ heth->gState = HAL_ETH_STATE_BUSY; - /* Disable intrrupts: + /* Disable interrupts: * - Tx complete interrupt * - Rx complete interrupt * - Fatal bus interrupt @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ extern SemaphoreHandle_t xTXDescriptorSemaphore; tickstart = HAL_GetTick(); - /* Wait for data to be transmitted or timeout occured */ + /* Wait for data to be transmitted or timeout occurred */ while( ( dmatxdesc->DESC3 & ETH_DMATXNDESCWBF_OWN ) != ( uint32_t ) RESET ) { if( ( heth->Instance->DMACSR & ETH_DMACSR_FBE ) != ( uint32_t ) RESET ) @@ -1603,7 +1603,7 @@ extern SemaphoreHandle_t xTXDescriptorSemaphore; { heth->ErrorCode |= HAL_ETH_ERROR_DMA; - /* if fatal bus error occured */ + /* if fatal bus error occurred */ if( __HAL_ETH_DMA_GET_IT( heth, ETH_DMACSR_FBE ) ) { /* Get DMA error code */ @@ -2794,7 +2794,7 @@ extern SemaphoreHandle_t xTXDescriptorSemaphore; WRITE_REG( dmarxdesc->BackupAddr0, 0x0 ); WRITE_REG( dmarxdesc->BackupAddr1, 0x0 ); - /* Set Rx descritors adresses */ + /* Set Rx descritors addresses */ WRITE_REG( heth->RxDescList.RxDesc[ i ], ( uint32_t ) dmarxdesc ); } diff --git a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Hxx/stm32hxx_hal_eth.h b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Hxx/stm32hxx_hal_eth.h index 9e1267a7b..a8a6cc3b4 100644 --- a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Hxx/stm32hxx_hal_eth.h +++ b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/STM32Hxx/stm32hxx_hal_eth.h @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ uint16_t ERR_IHE : 1, /* IP Header Error */ ERR_DB : 1, /* Deferred Bit */ - ERR_Umderflow : 1, /* Underflow Error */ + ERR_Underflow : 1, /* Underflow Error */ ERR_ExcDefer : 1, /* Excessive Deferral */ ERR_CC : 4, /* Collision count. */ ERR_EC : 1, /* Excessive Collision */ @@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ uint32_t GiantPacketSizeLimit; /*!< Specifies the packet size that the MAC will declare it as Giant, If it's size is * greater than the value programmed in this field in units of bytes - * This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x618 (1518 byte) and Max_Data = 0x3FFF (32 Kbyte)*/ + * This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0x618 (1518 byte) and Max_Data = 0x3FFF (32 KByte)*/ FunctionalState ExtendedInterPacketGap; /*!< Enable or disables the extended inter packet gap. */ @@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ */ /* - * DMA Tx Normal Desciptor Read Format + * DMA Tx Normal Descriptor Read Format * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * TDES0 | Buffer1 or Header Address [31:0] | * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ /* - * DMA Tx Context Desciptor + * DMA Tx Context Descriptor * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * TDES0 | Timestamp Low | * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -883,9 +883,9 @@ #define ETH_DMARXNDESCWBF_PMT_FUP ( ( uint32_t ) 0x00000200U ) /*!< PTP Message Type: Follow_Up (all clock types) */ #define ETH_DMARXNDESCWBF_PMT_DREQ ( ( uint32_t ) 0x00000300U ) /*!< PTP Message Type: Delay_Req (all clock types) */ #define ETH_DMARXNDESCWBF_PMT_DRESP ( ( uint32_t ) 0x00000400U ) /*!< PTP Message Type: Delay_Resp (all clock types) */ - #define ETH_DMARXNDESCWBF_PMT_PDREQ ( ( uint32_t ) 0x00000500U ) /*!< PTP Message Type: Pdelay_Req (in peer-to-peer transparent clock) */ - #define ETH_DMARXNDESCWBF_PMT_PDRESP ( ( uint32_t ) 0x00000600U ) /*!< PTP Message Type: Pdelay_Resp (in peer-to-peer transparent clock) */ - #define ETH_DMARXNDESCWBF_PMT_PDRESPFUP ( ( uint32_t ) 0x00000700U ) /*!< PTP Message Type: Pdelay_Resp_Follow_Up (in peer-to-peer transparent clock) */ + #define ETH_DMARXNDESCWBF_PMT_PDREQ ( ( uint32_t ) 0x00000500U ) /*!< PTP Message Type: PDelay_Req (in peer-to-peer transparent clock) */ + #define ETH_DMARXNDESCWBF_PMT_PDRESP ( ( uint32_t ) 0x00000600U ) /*!< PTP Message Type: PDelay_Resp (in peer-to-peer transparent clock) */ + #define ETH_DMARXNDESCWBF_PMT_PDRESPFUP ( ( uint32_t ) 0x00000700U ) /*!< PTP Message Type: PDelay_Resp_Follow_Up (in peer-to-peer transparent clock) */ #define ETH_DMARXNDESCWBF_PMT_ANNOUNCE ( ( uint32_t ) 0x00000800U ) /*!< PTP Message Type: Announce */ #define ETH_DMARXNDESCWBF_PMT_MANAG ( ( uint32_t ) 0x00000900U ) /*!< PTP Message Type: Management */ #define ETH_DMARXNDESCWBF_PMT_SIGN ( ( uint32_t ) 0x00000A00U ) /*!< PTP Message Type: Signaling */ @@ -1460,8 +1460,8 @@ /** @defgroup ETH_MAC_Wake_Up_Event ETH MAC Wake Up Event * @{ */ - #define ETH_WAKEUP_PACKET_RECIEVED ETH_MACPCSR_RWKPRCVD - #define ETH_MAGIC_PACKET_RECIEVED ETH_MACPCSR_MGKPRCVD + #define ETH_WAKEUP_PACKET_RECEIVED ETH_MACPCSR_RWKPRCVD + #define ETH_MAGIC_PACKET_RECEIVED ETH_MACPCSR_MGKPRCVD /** * @} diff --git a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/TM4C/TM4C-README.md b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/TM4C/TM4C-README.md index cf976a802..453e60380 100644 --- a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/TM4C/TM4C-README.md +++ b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/TM4C/TM4C-README.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ This driver was written and tested using the Texas Instruments (TI) TM4C1294NCPDT microcontroller using version the TivaWare((C) TI) driver library. This MCU includes built-in MAC and PHY which this driver assumes is to be used. -This is a zero-copy driver uses the TivaWare ((C) TI) ROM function mapping macros, is intended for use with FreeRTOS+TCP BufferManagmeent_1, and is loosely modeled after the example lwIP Ethernet driver provided by TI in their TivaWare library. The driver utilizes the Ethernet (MAC) DMA engine. +This is a zero-copy driver uses the TivaWare ((C) TI) ROM function mapping macros, is intended for use with FreeRTOS+TCP BufferManagement_1, and is loosely modeled after the example lwIP Ethernet driver provided by TI in their TivaWare library. The driver utilizes the Ethernet (MAC) DMA engine. ## Vendor Provided Version Numbers Used The following versions for tools/libraries were used during development and testing of this driver: diff --git a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/Zynq/NetworkInterface.c b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/Zynq/NetworkInterface.c index c5a52e98e..086125e65 100644 --- a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/Zynq/NetworkInterface.c +++ b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/Zynq/NetworkInterface.c @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ * many outgoing packets seem to get dropped. */ #if ( ipconfigPORT_SUPPRESS_WARNING == 0 ) - #warning ipconfigNIC_LINKSPEED100 is btoken. Are you sure? + #warning ipconfigNIC_LINKSPEED100 is broken. Are you sure? #endif #endif @@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ static BaseType_t xZynqNetworkInterfaceInitialise( NetworkInterface_t * pxInterf /* Also add LLMNR multicast MAC address. */ #if ( ipconfigUSE_IPv6 == 0 ) { - XEmacPs_SetHash( pxEMAC_PS, ( void * ) xLLMNR_MacAdress.ucBytes ); + XEmacPs_SetHash( pxEMAC_PS, ( void * ) xLLMNR_MacAddress.ucBytes ); } #else { @@ -297,15 +297,15 @@ static BaseType_t xZynqNetworkInterfaceInitialise( NetworkInterface_t * pxInterf } } - XEmacPs_SetHash( pxEMAC_PS, ( void * ) xLLMNR_MacAdressIPv6.ucBytes ); + XEmacPs_SetHash( pxEMAC_PS, ( void * ) xLLMNR_MacAddressIPv6.ucBytes ); } #endif /* if ( ipconfigUSE_IPv6 == 0 ) */ } #endif /* ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 */ #if ( ( ipconfigUSE_MDNS == 1 ) && ( ipconfigUSE_IPv6 != 0 ) ) - XEmacPs_SetHash( pxEMAC_PS, ( void * ) xMDNS_MacAdress.ucBytes ); - XEmacPs_SetHash( pxEMAC_PS, ( void * ) xMDNS_MACAdressIPv6.ucBytes ); + XEmacPs_SetHash( pxEMAC_PS, ( void * ) xMDNS_MacAddress.ucBytes ); + XEmacPs_SetHash( pxEMAC_PS, ( void * ) xMDNS_MACAddressIPv6.ucBytes ); #endif pxEndPoint = FreeRTOS_NextEndPoint( pxInterface, pxEndPoint ); diff --git a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/Zynq/x_emacpsif_hw.c b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/Zynq/x_emacpsif_hw.c index 5eb9530f6..b73a06e9e 100644 --- a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/Zynq/x_emacpsif_hw.c +++ b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/Zynq/x_emacpsif_hw.c @@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ static void emacps_handle_error( void * arg, if( ( ErrorWord & XEMACPS_TXSR_RXOVR_MASK ) != 0 ) { - last_err_msg = "Transmit retry excessed limits"; + last_err_msg = "Transmit retry exceeded limits"; HandleTxErrors( xemacpsif ); } diff --git a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/ksz8851snl/ksz8851snl_reg.h b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/ksz8851snl/ksz8851snl_reg.h index 9fb5cc505..ca06e4a40 100644 --- a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/ksz8851snl/ksz8851snl_reg.h +++ b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/ksz8851snl/ksz8851snl_reg.h @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ #define EEPROM_CHIP_SELECT ( 0x0001 ) /* EEPROM chip select (EECS pin) */ #define REG_MEM_BIST_INFO ( 0x24 ) /* MBIR */ -#define TX_MEM_TEST_FINISHED ( 0x1000 ) /* TX memeory BIST test finish */ +#define TX_MEM_TEST_FINISHED ( 0x1000 ) /* TX memory BIST test finish */ #define TX_MEM_TEST_FAILED ( 0x0800 ) /* TX memory BIST test fail */ #define TX_MEM_TEST_FAILED_COUNT ( 0x0700 ) /* TX memory BIST test fail count */ #define RX_MEM_TEST_FINISHED ( 0x0010 ) /* RX memory BIST test finish */ @@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ #define PME_FROM_ENERGY ( 0x0100 ) /* PME asserted when energy is detected */ #define PME_EVENT_MASK ( 0x0F00 ) /* PME asserted event mask */ #define WAKEUP_AUTO_ENABLE ( 0x0080 ) /* Enable auto wake-up in energy mode */ -#define WAKEUP_NORMAL_AUTO_ENABLE ( 0x0040 ) /* Enable auto goto normal mode from energy detecion mode */ +#define WAKEUP_NORMAL_AUTO_ENABLE ( 0x0040 ) /* Enable auto goto normal mode from energy detection mode */ #define WAKEUP_FROM_WKFRAME ( 0x0020 ) /* Wake-up from wake-up frame event detected */ #define WAKEUP_FROM_MAGIC ( 0x0010 ) /* Wake-up from magic packet event detected */ #define WAKEUP_FROM_LINKUP ( 0x0008 ) /* Wake-up from link up event detected */ diff --git a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/libslirp/MBuffNetifBackendLibslirp.c b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/libslirp/MBuffNetifBackendLibslirp.c index 17ef28f8c..85760bcbd 100644 --- a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/libslirp/MBuffNetifBackendLibslirp.c +++ b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/libslirp/MBuffNetifBackendLibslirp.c @@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ static THREAD_RETURN THREAD_FUNC_DEF vTransmitThread( void * pvParameters ); * * @param[out] pxSendMsgBuffer Location to store the handle of the send message buffer. * @param[out] pxRecvMsgBuffer Location to store the handle of the receive message buffer. - * @param[in] pvSendEvent Pointer of the event struct which the implemenbtation should pend on to receive frames. + * @param[in] pvSendEvent Pointer of the event struct which the implementation should pend on to receive frames. * @param[out] ppvBackendContext Location to store an implementation specific void pointer. */ void vMBuffNetifBackendInit( MessageBufferHandle_t * pxSendMsgBuffer, @@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ void vMBuffNetifBackendDeInit( void * pvBackendContext ) } /** - * @brief Callback called by libslirp when an incomming frame is available. + * @brief Callback called by libslirp when an incoming frame is available. * * @param [in] pvBuffer Pointer to a buffer containing the incoming frame. * @param [in] uxLen Length of the incoming frame. @@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ static slirp_ssize_t xSlirp_WriteCallback( const void * pvBuffer, /** - * @brief Checks that pxPollFdArray is large enough to accomodate the specified number of file descriptors. + * @brief Checks that pxPollFdArray is large enough to accommodate the specified number of file descriptors. * * @param [in] pxCtx Pointer to the relevant SlirpBackendContext_t. * @param [in] xDesiredSize Desired number of file descriptors to store. @@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ static THREAD_RETURN THREAD_FUNC_DEF vReceiveThread( void * pvParameters ) #endif /* if defined( _WIN32 ) */ /** - * @brief Callback funciton passed to libslirp to report a runtime error. + * @brief Callback function passed to libslirp to report a runtime error. * * @param [in] msg Error message * @param pvOpaque Opaque context pointer (unused). @@ -868,7 +868,7 @@ static void vSlirp_TimerModify( void * pvTimer, #endif /* SLIRP_CHECK_VERSION( 4U, 7U, 0U ) */ /** - * @brief Called by libslipr when a new file descriptor / socket is opened. + * @brief Called by libslirp when a new file descriptor / socket is opened. * * @param lFd File descriptor to watch. * @param pvOpaque Pointer to driver context. diff --git a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/libslirp/MBuffNetworkInterface.c b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/libslirp/MBuffNetworkInterface.c index 08bfcbb04..3c2699acd 100644 --- a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/libslirp/MBuffNetworkInterface.c +++ b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/libslirp/MBuffNetworkInterface.c @@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ static void vNetifReceiveTask( void * pvParameters ) { FreeRTOS_debug_printf( ( "Dropping TX frame of length: %lu. FreeRTOS+TCP event queue is full.\n", pxDescriptor->xDataLength ) ); - /* Drop the frame and reuse the descriptor for the next incomming frame */ + /* Drop the frame and reuse the descriptor for the next incoming frame */ iptraceETHERNET_RX_EVENT_LOST(); } } diff --git a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/linux/NetworkInterface.c b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/linux/NetworkInterface.c index a886e6e79..9ad95e006 100644 --- a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/linux/NetworkInterface.c +++ b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/linux/NetworkInterface.c @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ static int prvSetDeviceModes() if( ( ret != 0 ) && ( ret != PCAP_ERROR_ACTIVATED ) ) { - FreeRTOS_printf( ( "coult not activate promisuous mode\n" ) ); + FreeRTOS_printf( ( "could not activate promiscuous mode\n" ) ); break; } @@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ static int prvSetDeviceModes() if( ( ret != 0 ) && ( ret != PCAP_ERROR_ACTIVATED ) ) { - FreeRTOS_printf( ( "coult not set snaplen\n" ) ); + FreeRTOS_printf( ( "could not set snaplen\n" ) ); break; } @@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ static int prvSetDeviceModes() if( ( ret != 0 ) && ( ret != PCAP_ERROR_ACTIVATED ) ) { - FreeRTOS_printf( ( "coult not set timeout\n" ) ); + FreeRTOS_printf( ( "could not set timeout\n" ) ); break; } @@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ static int prvSetDeviceModes() if( ( ret != 0 ) && ( ret != PCAP_ERROR_ACTIVATED ) ) { - FreeRTOS_printf( ( "coult not set buffer size\n" ) ); + FreeRTOS_printf( ( "could not set buffer size\n" ) ); break; } @@ -858,7 +858,7 @@ static void * prvLinuxPcapSendThread( void * pvParam ) { uxStreamBufferGet( xSendBuffer, 0, ( uint8_t * ) &xLength, sizeof( xLength ), pdFALSE ); uxStreamBufferGet( xSendBuffer, 0, ( uint8_t * ) ucBuffer, xLength, pdFALSE ); - FreeRTOS_debug_printf( ( "Sending ========== > data pcap_sendpadcket %lu\n", xLength ) ); + FreeRTOS_debug_printf( ( "Sending ========== > data pcap_sendpacket %lu\n", xLength ) ); print_hex( ucBuffer, xLength ); if( pcap_sendpacket( pxOpenedInterfaceHandle, ucBuffer, ( int ) xLength ) != 0 ) diff --git a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/xilinx_ultrascale/NetworkInterface.c b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/xilinx_ultrascale/NetworkInterface.c index 8d2836df8..8af4e9e84 100644 --- a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/xilinx_ultrascale/NetworkInterface.c +++ b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/xilinx_ultrascale/NetworkInterface.c @@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ BaseType_t xNetworkInterfaceInitialise( void ) #endif /* ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 */ XEmacPs_SetMdioDivisor( pxEMAC_PS, MDC_DIV_224 ); - ulPHYIndex = ulDetecPHY( pxEMAC_PS ); + ulPHYIndex = ulDetectPHY( pxEMAC_PS ); if( ulPHYIndex == ~0U ) { diff --git a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/xilinx_ultrascale/x_emacpsif_hw.c b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/xilinx_ultrascale/x_emacpsif_hw.c index 80b938673..03db01d3b 100644 --- a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/xilinx_ultrascale/x_emacpsif_hw.c +++ b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/xilinx_ultrascale/x_emacpsif_hw.c @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ static void emacps_handle_error( void * arg, if( ( ErrorWord & XEMACPS_TXSR_RXOVR_MASK ) != 0 ) { - last_err_msg = "Transmit retry excessed limits"; + last_err_msg = "Transmit retry exceeded limits"; HandleTxErrors( xemacpsif ); } diff --git a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/xilinx_ultrascale/x_emacpsif_hw.h b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/xilinx_ultrascale/x_emacpsif_hw.h index 4b6543093..efc30a91b 100644 --- a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/xilinx_ultrascale/x_emacpsif_hw.h +++ b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/xilinx_ultrascale/x_emacpsif_hw.h @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ int emacps_check_errors( xemacpsif_s * xemacps ); /* Defined in x_emacpsif_physpeed.c. */ - uint32_t ulDetecPHY( XEmacPs * xemacpsp ); + uint32_t ulDetectPHY( XEmacPs * xemacpsp ); #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/xilinx_ultrascale/x_emacpsif_physpeed.c b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/xilinx_ultrascale/x_emacpsif_physpeed.c index a23fdf970..7960b8d31 100644 --- a/source/portable/NetworkInterface/xilinx_ultrascale/x_emacpsif_physpeed.c +++ b/source/portable/NetworkInterface/xilinx_ultrascale/x_emacpsif_physpeed.c @@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ static uint16_t prvAR803x_debug_reg_write( XEmacPs * xemacpsp, static void prvSET_AR803x_TX_Timing( XEmacPs * xemacpsp, uint32_t phy_addr ); -uint32_t ulDetecPHY( XEmacPs * xemacpsp ) +uint32_t ulDetectPHY( XEmacPs * xemacpsp ) { u16 PhyReg1; u16 PhyReg2; @@ -933,7 +933,7 @@ static const char * pcGetPHIName( uint16_t usID ) break; default: - snprintf( pcName, sizeof pcName, "Unkkwn PHY %04X", usID ); + snprintf( pcName, sizeof pcName, "Unknown PHY %04X", usID ); pcReturn = pcName; break; } @@ -954,7 +954,7 @@ static uint32_t get_IEEE_phy_speed_US( XEmacPs * xemacpsp, FreeRTOS_printf( ( "Start %s PHY autonegotiation. ID = 0x%04X\n", pcPHYName, phy_identity ) ); - /* Just to prevent compiler warnings about unused variablies. */ + /* Just to prevent compiler warnings about unused variables. */ ( void ) pcPHYName; switch( phy_identity ) diff --git a/test/cbmc/README.md b/test/cbmc/README.md index 09d5e1481..d0afb54ae 100644 --- a/test/cbmc/README.md +++ b/test/cbmc/README.md @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ and Linux, you will need Make. package into the top-level CBMC source directory. - Change into the top-level CBMC source directory and run ``` - cmake -H. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DWITH_JBMC=OFF + cmake -H. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DWITH_CBMC=OFF cmake --build build ``` diff --git a/test/cbmc/proofs/ARP/ARPSendGratuitous/README.md b/test/cbmc/proofs/ARP/ARPSendGratuitous/README.md index 5bb155221..af13a1c29 100644 --- a/test/cbmc/proofs/ARP/ARPSendGratuitous/README.md +++ b/test/cbmc/proofs/ARP/ARPSendGratuitous/README.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ Abstracting xQueueGenericSend away and including tasks.c and FreeRTOS_IP.c: -The ARPSendGratutious function is memory safe, +The ARPSendGratuitous function is memory safe, if xQueueGenericSend is memory safe. queue.c is not compiled into the proof binary. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/test/cbmc/proofs/CheckOptions/CheckOptions_harness.c b/test/cbmc/proofs/CheckOptions/CheckOptions_harness.c index f1834b2b4..134d73c55 100644 --- a/test/cbmc/proofs/CheckOptions/CheckOptions_harness.c +++ b/test/cbmc/proofs/CheckOptions/CheckOptions_harness.c @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ int32_t __CPROVER_file_local_FreeRTOS_TCP_Reception_c_prvSingleStepTCPHeaderOpti size_t uxIPHeaderSizePacket( const NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * pxNetworkBuffer ) { - __CPROVER_assert( pxNetworkBuffer != NULL, "pxNetworkBuffer shouldnt be NULL" ); + __CPROVER_assert( pxNetworkBuffer != NULL, "pxNetworkBuffer should not be NULL" ); return uxIPHeaderSizePacket_uxResult; } diff --git a/test/cbmc/proofs/DHCP/DHCPProcessEndPoint/README.md b/test/cbmc/proofs/DHCP/DHCPProcessEndPoint/README.md index 20473f25b..da31b2212 100644 --- a/test/cbmc/proofs/DHCP/DHCPProcessEndPoint/README.md +++ b/test/cbmc/proofs/DHCP/DHCPProcessEndPoint/README.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ This is the memory safety proof for DHCPProcessEndPoint function, which is the function that triggers the DHCP protocol. The main stubs in this proof deal with buffer management, which assume -that the buffer is large enough to accomodate a DHCP message plus a +that the buffer is large enough to accommodate a DHCP message plus a few additional bytes for options (which is the last, variable-sized field in a DHCP message). We have abstracted away sockets, concurrency and third-party code. For more details, please check the comments on diff --git a/test/cbmc/proofs/IPUtils/pxDuplicateNetworkBufferWithDescriptor/pxDuplicateNetworkBufferWithDescriptor_harness.c b/test/cbmc/proofs/IPUtils/pxDuplicateNetworkBufferWithDescriptor/pxDuplicateNetworkBufferWithDescriptor_harness.c index 7ab7f772e..c6b93500e 100644 --- a/test/cbmc/proofs/IPUtils/pxDuplicateNetworkBufferWithDescriptor/pxDuplicateNetworkBufferWithDescriptor_harness.c +++ b/test/cbmc/proofs/IPUtils/pxDuplicateNetworkBufferWithDescriptor/pxDuplicateNetworkBufferWithDescriptor_harness.c @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ size_t uxIPHeaderSizePacket( const NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * pxNetworkBuffer ) { size_t xReturn; - __CPROVER_assert( pxNetworkBuffer != NULL, "pxNetworkBuffer shouldnt be NULL" ); + __CPROVER_assert( pxNetworkBuffer != NULL, "pxNetworkBuffer should not be NULL" ); __CPROVER_assume( ( xReturn == ipSIZE_OF_IPv4_HEADER ) || ( xReturn == ipSIZE_OF_IPv6_HEADER ) ); return xReturn; diff --git a/test/cbmc/proofs/ReadNameField/ReadNameField_harness.c b/test/cbmc/proofs/ReadNameField/ReadNameField_harness.c index fd886e1af..61deb44cb 100644 --- a/test/cbmc/proofs/ReadNameField/ReadNameField_harness.c +++ b/test/cbmc/proofs/ReadNameField/ReadNameField_harness.c @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ size_t DNS_ReadNameField( ParseSet_t * pxSet, size_t uxDestLen ); { __CPROVER_assert( pxSet != NULL, - "pxSet shouldnt be NULL" ); + "pxSet should not be NULL" ); return 0; } diff --git a/test/cbmc/proofs/Socket/vSocketBind/ALLOW_ETHERNET_DRIVER_FILTERS_PACKETS/vSocketBind_harness.c b/test/cbmc/proofs/Socket/vSocketBind/ALLOW_ETHERNET_DRIVER_FILTERS_PACKETS/vSocketBind_harness.c index 6c798acf5..61aba733d 100644 --- a/test/cbmc/proofs/Socket/vSocketBind/ALLOW_ETHERNET_DRIVER_FILTERS_PACKETS/vSocketBind_harness.c +++ b/test/cbmc/proofs/Socket/vSocketBind/ALLOW_ETHERNET_DRIVER_FILTERS_PACKETS/vSocketBind_harness.c @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ BaseType_t xIPIsNetworkTaskReady( void ) /* Random number generator provided by the application. In our case, CBMC provides - * an indeterministic value. */ + * an non-deterministic value. */ BaseType_t xApplicationGetRandomNumber( uint32_t * pulNumber ) { __CPROVER_assert( pulNumber != NULL, "Argument to xApplicationGetRandomNumber cannot be NULL" ); diff --git a/test/cbmc/proofs/Socket/vSocketBind/ALLOW_SOCKET_SEND_WITHOUT_BIND/vSocketBind_harness.c b/test/cbmc/proofs/Socket/vSocketBind/ALLOW_SOCKET_SEND_WITHOUT_BIND/vSocketBind_harness.c index 5d7a6bc9c..1b12c8f5c 100644 --- a/test/cbmc/proofs/Socket/vSocketBind/ALLOW_SOCKET_SEND_WITHOUT_BIND/vSocketBind_harness.c +++ b/test/cbmc/proofs/Socket/vSocketBind/ALLOW_SOCKET_SEND_WITHOUT_BIND/vSocketBind_harness.c @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ BaseType_t xIPIsNetworkTaskReady( void ) /* Random number generator provided by the application. In our case, CBMC provides - * an indeterministic value. */ + * an non-deterministic value. */ BaseType_t xApplicationGetRandomNumber( uint32_t * pulNumber ) { __CPROVER_assert( pulNumber != NULL, "Argument to xApplicationGetRandomNumber cannot be NULL" ); diff --git a/test/cbmc/proofs/Socket/vSocketBind/DONT_ALLOW_SOCKET_SEND_WITHOUT_BIND/vSocketBind_harness.c b/test/cbmc/proofs/Socket/vSocketBind/DONT_ALLOW_SOCKET_SEND_WITHOUT_BIND/vSocketBind_harness.c index c96306120..0e81321ce 100644 --- a/test/cbmc/proofs/Socket/vSocketBind/DONT_ALLOW_SOCKET_SEND_WITHOUT_BIND/vSocketBind_harness.c +++ b/test/cbmc/proofs/Socket/vSocketBind/DONT_ALLOW_SOCKET_SEND_WITHOUT_BIND/vSocketBind_harness.c @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ BaseType_t xIPIsNetworkTaskReady( void ) /* Random number generator provided by the application. In our case, CBMC provides - * an indeterministic value. */ + * an non-deterministic value. */ BaseType_t xApplicationGetRandomNumber( uint32_t * pulNumber ) { __CPROVER_assert( pulNumber != NULL, "Argument to xApplicationGetRandomNumber cannot be NULL" ); diff --git a/test/cbmc/proofs/TCP/prvSendData/SendData_harness.c b/test/cbmc/proofs/TCP/prvSendData/SendData_harness.c index 7fcc088b5..83da8405b 100644 --- a/test/cbmc/proofs/TCP/prvSendData/SendData_harness.c +++ b/test/cbmc/proofs/TCP/prvSendData/SendData_harness.c @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ size_t uxIPHeaderSizePacket_uxResult; size_t uxIPHeaderSizePacket( const NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * pxNetworkBuffer ) { - __CPROVER_assert( pxNetworkBuffer != NULL, "pxNetworkBuffer shouldnt be NULL" ); + __CPROVER_assert( pxNetworkBuffer != NULL, "pxNetworkBuffer should not be NULL" ); __CPROVER_assert( pxNetworkBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer != NULL, "pucEthernetBuffer should not be NULL" ); return uxIPHeaderSizePacket_uxResult; diff --git a/test/cbmc/proofs/prepare.py b/test/cbmc/proofs/prepare.py index 8000c17be..480384bf3 100755 --- a/test/cbmc/proofs/prepare.py +++ b/test/cbmc/proofs/prepare.py @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ def build(): create_cbmc_yaml_files() except CalledProcessError as e: logging.error(textwrap.dedent("""\ - An error occured during cbmc-batch generation. + An error occurred during cbmc-batch generation. The error message is: {} """.format(str(e)))) exit(1) @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ def build(): # create_patches(HEADERS) #except (DirtyGitError, PatchCreationError) as e: # logging.error(textwrap.dedent("""\ - # An error occured during patch creation. + # An error occurred during patch creation. # The error message is: {} # """.format(str(e)))) # exit(1) diff --git a/test/unit-test/CMakeLists.txt b/test/unit-test/CMakeLists.txt index a715d9f00..79e538bcc 100644 --- a/test/unit-test/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/test/unit-test/CMakeLists.txt @@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ include( ${UNIT_TEST_DIR}/TCPFilePaths.cmake ) # =========================================================================== -# Remove static qualifier from the souce files so that internal functions +# Remove static qualifier from the source files so that internal functions # can be called directly. file( MAKE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/Annexed_TCP_Sources ) diff --git a/test/unit-test/ConfigFiles/IPTraceMacroDefaults.h b/test/unit-test/ConfigFiles/IPTraceMacroDefaults.h index beac53e5b..85b981196 100644 --- a/test/unit-test/ConfigFiles/IPTraceMacroDefaults.h +++ b/test/unit-test/ConfigFiles/IPTraceMacroDefaults.h @@ -140,8 +140,8 @@ #define iptraceSENDING_DHCP_REQUEST() #endif -#ifndef iptraceDHCP_SUCCEDEED - #define iptraceDHCP_SUCCEDEED( address ) +#ifndef iptraceDHCP_SUCCEEDED + #define iptraceDHCP_SUCCEEDED( address ) #endif #ifndef iptraceNETWORK_INTERFACE_TRANSMIT diff --git a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_DHCP/FreeRTOS_DHCP_utest.c b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_DHCP/FreeRTOS_DHCP_utest.c index 9f7f4abff..f6b20ecb9 100644 --- a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_DHCP/FreeRTOS_DHCP_utest.c +++ b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_DHCP/FreeRTOS_DHCP_utest.c @@ -3128,7 +3128,7 @@ void test_vDHCPProcess_eWaitingAcknowledgeTwoOptionsIncorrectServerTimeoutGNBfai TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY( &( pxEndPoint->ipv4_settings ), &( testMemory ), sizeof( IPV4Parameters_t ) ); } -void test_vDHCPProcess_eWaitingAcknowledgeTwoOptionsIncorrectServerTimeoutGNBsucceeds( void ) +void test_vDHCPProcess_eWaitingAcknowledgeTwoOptionsIncorrectServerTimeoutGNBSucceeds( void ) { struct xSOCKET xTestSocket; TickType_t xTimeValue = 1234; @@ -5312,7 +5312,7 @@ void test_vDHCPProcess_eWaitingAcknowledge_LeaseTimeIncorrectLength2( void ) } -void test_vDHCPProcess_eWaitingAcknowledge_IncorrectLengthofpacket( void ) +void test_vDHCPProcess_eWaitingAcknowledge_IncorrectLengthOfPacket( void ) { struct xSOCKET xTestSocket; TickType_t xTimeValue = 1234; @@ -5560,7 +5560,7 @@ void test_vDHCPProcess_eLeasedAddress_EndPointDown( void ) TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( eLeasedAddress, pxEndPoint->xDHCPData.eDHCPState ); } -void test_vDHCPProcess_eLeasedAddress_NetworkUp_SokcetCreated_RNGPass_GNBfail( void ) +void test_vDHCPProcess_eLeasedAddress_NetworkUp_SocketCreated_RNGPass_GNBfail( void ) { struct xSOCKET xTestSocket; BaseType_t xTimeValue = 300; @@ -5595,7 +5595,7 @@ void test_vDHCPProcess_eLeasedAddress_NetworkUp_SokcetCreated_RNGPass_GNBfail( v TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( dhcpINITIAL_DHCP_TX_PERIOD, pxEndPoint->xDHCPData.xDHCPTxPeriod ); } -void test_vDHCPProcess_eLeasedAddress_NetworkUp_SokcetCreated_RNGFail( void ) +void test_vDHCPProcess_eLeasedAddress_NetworkUp_SocketCreated_RNGFail( void ) { struct xSOCKET xTestSocket; BaseType_t xTimeValue = 300; diff --git a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_DHCPv6/FreeRTOS_DHCPv6_utest.c b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_DHCPv6/FreeRTOS_DHCPv6_utest.c index 89238129f..7a1136b5d 100644 --- a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_DHCPv6/FreeRTOS_DHCPv6_utest.c +++ b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_DHCPv6/FreeRTOS_DHCPv6_utest.c @@ -3470,7 +3470,7 @@ void test_vDHCPv6Process_prvSendDHCPMessage_BitConfigInitFail() /** * @brief Check if prvSendDHCPMessage stop sending when the state is unexpected. */ -void test_prvSendDHCPMessage_UnexpectState() +void test_prvSendDHCPMessage_UnexpectedState() { NetworkEndPoint_t xEndPoint; DHCPMessage_IPv6_t xDHCPMessage; diff --git a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_DNS_Parser/FreeRTOS_DNS_Parser_utest.c b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_DNS_Parser/FreeRTOS_DNS_Parser_utest.c index 6ff3b01ba..0037524f2 100644 --- a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_DNS_Parser/FreeRTOS_DNS_Parser_utest.c +++ b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_DNS_Parser/FreeRTOS_DNS_Parser_utest.c @@ -1406,7 +1406,7 @@ void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_fail_not_enough_space_lt_32( void ) /** * @brief */ -void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_ansswer_record_no_answers( void ) +void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_answer_record_no_answers( void ) { uint32_t ret; uint8_t pucUDPPayloadBuffer[ 250 ]; @@ -1442,7 +1442,7 @@ void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_ansswer_record_no_answers( void ) /** * @brief */ -void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_ansswer_record_too_many_answers( void ) +void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_answer_record_too_many_answers( void ) { uint32_t ret; uint8_t pucUDPPayloadBuffer[ 250 ] = { 0 }; @@ -1873,7 +1873,7 @@ void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_answer_lmmnr_reply_diffUsType( void ) * @brief ensures that the ip set in Setup is passed to the network with * vReturnEthernetFrame : pxNetworkBuffer = NULL */ -void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_ansswer_lmmnr_reply_NullNetworkBuffer( void ) +void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_answer_lmmnr_reply_NullNetworkBuffer( void ) { uint32_t ret; uint8_t udp_buffer[ 250 + ipUDP_PAYLOAD_OFFSET_IPv4 ] = { 0 }; @@ -1950,7 +1950,7 @@ void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_ansswer_lmmnr_reply_NullNetworkBuffer( void ) * @brief ensures that the ip set in Setup is passed to the network with * vReturnEthernetFrame : usType = 0 */ -void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_ansswer_lmmnr_reply2( void ) +void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_answer_lmmnr_reply4( void ) { uint32_t ret; uint8_t udp_buffer[ 250 + ipUDP_PAYLOAD_OFFSET_IPv4 ] = { 0 }; @@ -2021,7 +2021,7 @@ void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_ansswer_lmmnr_reply2( void ) * @brief ensures that the ip set in Setup is passed to the network with * vReturnEthernetFrame : usClass != dnsCLASS_IN */ -void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_ansswer_lmmnr_reply3( void ) +void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_answer_lmmnr_reply5( void ) { uint32_t ret; uint8_t udp_buffer[ 250 + ipUDP_PAYLOAD_OFFSET_IPv4 ] = { 0 }; @@ -2093,7 +2093,7 @@ void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_ansswer_lmmnr_reply3( void ) * @brief ensures that when the dns query hook returns pdFALSE, the ip is not * set and no packet is sent over the network */ -void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_ansswer_lmmnr_reply_query_hook_false( void ) +void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_answer_lmmnr_reply_query_hook_false( void ) { uint32_t ret; uint8_t udp_buffer[ 250 + ipUDP_PAYLOAD_OFFSET_IPv4 ] = { 0 }; @@ -2165,7 +2165,7 @@ void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_ansswer_lmmnr_reply_query_hook_false( void ) * @brief ensures that when the duplicated network buffer is null, no packet is * sent over the network */ -void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_ansswer_lmmnr_reply_null_new_netbuffer( void ) +void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_answer_lmmnr_reply_null_new_netbuffer( void ) { uint32_t ret; uint8_t udp_buffer[ 250 + ipUDP_PAYLOAD_OFFSET_IPv4 ] = { 0 }; @@ -2238,7 +2238,7 @@ void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_ansswer_lmmnr_reply_null_new_netbuffer( void ) * @brief ensures that when the duplicated network buffer is null, no packet is * sent over the network */ -void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_ansswer_lmmnr_reply_null_new_netbuffer2( void ) +void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_answer_lmmnr_reply_null_new_netbuffer2( void ) { uint32_t ret; uint8_t udp_buffer[ 250 + ipUDP_PAYLOAD_OFFSET_IPv4 ] = { 0 }; @@ -2311,7 +2311,7 @@ void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_ansswer_lmmnr_reply_null_new_netbuffer2( void ) * @brief ensures that when the duplicated network buffer is valid, packet is * sent over the network */ -void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_ansswer_lmmnr_reply_valid_new_netbuffer( void ) +void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_answer_lmmnr_reply_valid_new_netbuffer( void ) { uint32_t ret; uint8_t udp_buffer[ 250 + ipUDP_PAYLOAD_OFFSET_IPv4 ] = { 0 }; @@ -2402,7 +2402,7 @@ void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_ansswer_lmmnr_reply_valid_new_netbuffer( void ) * @brief ensures that when the duplicated network buffer is valid, packet is * sent over the network */ -void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_ansswer_lmmnr_reply_valid_new_netbuffer2( void ) +void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_answer_lmmnr_reply_valid_new_netbuffer2( void ) { uint32_t ret; uint8_t udp_buffer[ 250 + ipUDP_PAYLOAD_OFFSET_IPv4 ] = { 0 }; @@ -2493,7 +2493,7 @@ void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_ansswer_lmmnr_reply_valid_new_netbuffer2( void ) * @brief ensures that when the duplicated network buffer is valid, packet is * sent over the network, buffer allocation 1 scheme is used */ -void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_ansswer_lmmnr_reply_valid_new_netbuffer3( void ) +void test_DNS_ParseDNSReply_answer_lmmnr_reply_valid_new_netbuffer3( void ) { uint32_t ret; uint8_t udp_buffer[ 250 + ipUDP_PAYLOAD_OFFSET_IPv4 ] = { 0 }; diff --git a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_ICMP/FreeRTOS_ICMP_stubs.c b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_ICMP/FreeRTOS_ICMP_stubs.c index fc5e07125..ce7fa9c1b 100644 --- a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_ICMP/FreeRTOS_ICMP_stubs.c +++ b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_ICMP/FreeRTOS_ICMP_stubs.c @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ volatile BaseType_t xInsideInterrupt = pdFALSE; /** @brief The expected IP version and header length coded into the IP header itself. */ #define ipIP_VERSION_AND_HEADER_LENGTH_BYTE ( ( uint8_t ) 0x45 ) -const MACAddress_t xLLMNR_MacAdress = { { 0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc } }; +const MACAddress_t xLLMNR_MacAddress = { { 0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc } }; UDPPacketHeader_t xDefaultPartUDPPacketHeader = { diff --git a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_ICMP_wo_assert/FreeRTOS_ICMP_wo_assert_stubs.c b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_ICMP_wo_assert/FreeRTOS_ICMP_wo_assert_stubs.c index fc5e07125..ce7fa9c1b 100644 --- a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_ICMP_wo_assert/FreeRTOS_ICMP_wo_assert_stubs.c +++ b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_ICMP_wo_assert/FreeRTOS_ICMP_wo_assert_stubs.c @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ volatile BaseType_t xInsideInterrupt = pdFALSE; /** @brief The expected IP version and header length coded into the IP header itself. */ #define ipIP_VERSION_AND_HEADER_LENGTH_BYTE ( ( uint8_t ) 0x45 ) -const MACAddress_t xLLMNR_MacAdress = { { 0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc } }; +const MACAddress_t xLLMNR_MacAddress = { { 0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc } }; UDPPacketHeader_t xDefaultPartUDPPacketHeader = { diff --git a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IP/FreeRTOS_IP_stubs.c b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IP/FreeRTOS_IP_stubs.c index 3eb9d84ab..4caeb375e 100644 --- a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IP/FreeRTOS_IP_stubs.c +++ b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IP/FreeRTOS_IP_stubs.c @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ struct xNetworkEndPoint * pxNetworkEndPoints = NULL; /** @brief The expected IP version and header length coded into the IP header itself. */ #define ipIP_VERSION_AND_HEADER_LENGTH_BYTE ( ( uint8_t ) 0x45 ) -const MACAddress_t xLLMNR_MacAdress = { { 0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc } }; +const MACAddress_t xLLMNR_MacAddress = { { 0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc } }; UDPPacketHeader_t xDefaultPartUDPPacketHeader = { diff --git a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IP/FreeRTOS_IP_utest.c b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IP/FreeRTOS_IP_utest.c index 374c69f63..277081b0f 100644 --- a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IP/FreeRTOS_IP_utest.c +++ b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IP/FreeRTOS_IP_utest.c @@ -1620,7 +1620,7 @@ void test_eConsiderFrameForProcessing_LLMNR_MACMatch( void ) memset( ucEthernetBuffer, 0x00, ipconfigTCP_MSS ); - memcpy( pxEthernetHeader->xDestinationAddress.ucBytes, xLLMNR_MacAdress.ucBytes, sizeof( MACAddress_t ) ); + memcpy( pxEthernetHeader->xDestinationAddress.ucBytes, xLLMNR_MacAddress.ucBytes, sizeof( MACAddress_t ) ); pxEthernetHeader->usFrameType = 0xFFFF; eResult = eConsiderFrameForProcessing( ucEthernetBuffer ); diff --git a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IP_DiffConfig/FreeRTOS_IP_DiffConfig_stubs.c b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IP_DiffConfig/FreeRTOS_IP_DiffConfig_stubs.c index ef5f65b52..0ab684234 100644 --- a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IP_DiffConfig/FreeRTOS_IP_DiffConfig_stubs.c +++ b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IP_DiffConfig/FreeRTOS_IP_DiffConfig_stubs.c @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ struct xNetworkEndPoint * pxNetworkEndPoints = NULL; /** @brief The expected IP version and header length coded into the IP header itself. */ #define ipIP_VERSION_AND_HEADER_LENGTH_BYTE ( ( uint8_t ) 0x45 ) -const MACAddress_t xLLMNR_MacAdress = { { 0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc } }; +const MACAddress_t xLLMNR_MacAddress = { { 0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc } }; UDPPacketHeader_t xDefaultPartUDPPacketHeader = { diff --git a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IP_DiffConfig1/FreeRTOS_IP_DiffConfig1_stubs.c b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IP_DiffConfig1/FreeRTOS_IP_DiffConfig1_stubs.c index 3eb9d84ab..4caeb375e 100644 --- a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IP_DiffConfig1/FreeRTOS_IP_DiffConfig1_stubs.c +++ b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IP_DiffConfig1/FreeRTOS_IP_DiffConfig1_stubs.c @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ struct xNetworkEndPoint * pxNetworkEndPoints = NULL; /** @brief The expected IP version and header length coded into the IP header itself. */ #define ipIP_VERSION_AND_HEADER_LENGTH_BYTE ( ( uint8_t ) 0x45 ) -const MACAddress_t xLLMNR_MacAdress = { { 0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc } }; +const MACAddress_t xLLMNR_MacAddress = { { 0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc } }; UDPPacketHeader_t xDefaultPartUDPPacketHeader = { diff --git a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IP_DiffConfig2/FreeRTOS_IP_DiffConfig2_stubs.c b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IP_DiffConfig2/FreeRTOS_IP_DiffConfig2_stubs.c index 54101f3d4..d7eb64001 100644 --- a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IP_DiffConfig2/FreeRTOS_IP_DiffConfig2_stubs.c +++ b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IP_DiffConfig2/FreeRTOS_IP_DiffConfig2_stubs.c @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ struct xNetworkEndPoint * pxNetworkEndPoints = NULL; /** @brief The expected IP version and header length coded into the IP header itself. */ #define ipIP_VERSION_AND_HEADER_LENGTH_BYTE ( ( uint8_t ) 0x45 ) -const MACAddress_t xLLMNR_MacAdress = { { 0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc } }; +const MACAddress_t xLLMNR_MacAddress = { { 0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc } }; UDPPacketHeader_t xDefaultPartUDPPacketHeader = { diff --git a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IP_DiffConfig3/FreeRTOS_IP_DiffConfig3_stubs.c b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IP_DiffConfig3/FreeRTOS_IP_DiffConfig3_stubs.c index ef5f65b52..0ab684234 100644 --- a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IP_DiffConfig3/FreeRTOS_IP_DiffConfig3_stubs.c +++ b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IP_DiffConfig3/FreeRTOS_IP_DiffConfig3_stubs.c @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ struct xNetworkEndPoint * pxNetworkEndPoints = NULL; /** @brief The expected IP version and header length coded into the IP header itself. */ #define ipIP_VERSION_AND_HEADER_LENGTH_BYTE ( ( uint8_t ) 0x45 ) -const MACAddress_t xLLMNR_MacAdress = { { 0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc } }; +const MACAddress_t xLLMNR_MacAddress = { { 0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc } }; UDPPacketHeader_t xDefaultPartUDPPacketHeader = { diff --git a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IP_Timers/FreeRTOS_IP_Timers_stubs.c b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IP_Timers/FreeRTOS_IP_Timers_stubs.c index c1fdb9f95..4df984500 100644 --- a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IP_Timers/FreeRTOS_IP_Timers_stubs.c +++ b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IP_Timers/FreeRTOS_IP_Timers_stubs.c @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ struct xNetworkInterface * pxNetworkInterfaces; /** @brief The expected IP version and header length coded into the IP header itself. */ #define ipIP_VERSION_AND_HEADER_LENGTH_BYTE ( ( uint8_t ) 0x45 ) -const MACAddress_t xLLMNR_MacAdress = { { 0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc } }; +const MACAddress_t xLLMNR_MacAddress = { { 0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc } }; QueueHandle_t xNetworkEventQueue; diff --git a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IP_Utils/FreeRTOS_IP_Utils_utest.c b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IP_Utils/FreeRTOS_IP_Utils_utest.c index af09192c6..24e8df276 100644 --- a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IP_Utils/FreeRTOS_IP_Utils_utest.c +++ b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IP_Utils/FreeRTOS_IP_Utils_utest.c @@ -282,10 +282,10 @@ void test_prvPacketBuffer_to_NetworkBuffer_NULLParam( void ) } /** - * @brief test_prvPacketBuffer_to_NetworkBuffer_Unalligned + * @brief test_prvPacketBuffer_to_NetworkBuffer_Unaligned * To validate if prvPacketBuffer_to_NetworkBuffer returns NULL when byte not aligned. */ -void test_prvPacketBuffer_to_NetworkBuffer_Unalligned( void ) +void test_prvPacketBuffer_to_NetworkBuffer_Unaligned( void ) { NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * pxNetworkBuffer, xNetBufferToReturn; const void * pvBuffer; @@ -302,10 +302,10 @@ void test_prvPacketBuffer_to_NetworkBuffer_Unalligned( void ) } /** - * @brief test_prvPacketBuffer_to_NetworkBuffer_Unalligned + * @brief test_prvPacketBuffer_to_NetworkBuffer_Unaligned * To validate if prvPacketBuffer_to_NetworkBuffer moves offset&padding correctly. */ -void test_prvPacketBuffer_to_NetworkBuffer_Alligned( void ) +void test_prvPacketBuffer_to_NetworkBuffer_Aligned( void ) { NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * pxNetworkBuffer, xNetBufferToReturn; const void * pvBuffer; @@ -2074,28 +2074,28 @@ void test_usGenerateProtocolChecksum_ICMPv6LessHeaderLength( void ) } /** - * @brief test_usGenerateChecksum_UnallignedAccess + * @brief test_usGenerateChecksum_UnalignedAccess * To toggle address that is not aligned in usGenerateChecksum. */ -void test_usGenerateChecksum_UnallignedAccess( void ) +void test_usGenerateChecksum_UnalignedAccess( void ) { uint16_t usResult; uint16_t usSum = 0; uint8_t pucNextData[ ipconfigTCP_MSS ]; size_t uxByteCount = 10; - size_t uxUnalligned = 0; + size_t uxUnaligned = 0; memset( pucNextData, 0xAB, ipconfigTCP_MSS ); - for( uxUnalligned = 0; uxUnalligned < 4; uxUnalligned++ ) + for( uxUnaligned = 0; uxUnaligned < 4; uxUnaligned++ ) { - if( ( ( uintptr_t ) &pucNextData[ uxUnalligned ] ) & 0x01U ) + if( ( ( uintptr_t ) &pucNextData[ uxUnaligned ] ) & 0x01U ) { break; } } - usResult = usGenerateChecksum( usSum, &pucNextData[ uxUnalligned ], uxByteCount ); + usResult = usGenerateChecksum( usSum, &pucNextData[ uxUnaligned ], uxByteCount ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( 0x5A5A, usResult ); } @@ -2110,181 +2110,181 @@ void test_usGenerateChecksum_OneByteToChecksum( void ) uint16_t usSum = 0; uint8_t pucNextData[ ipconfigTCP_MSS ]; size_t uxByteCount = 1; - size_t uxUnalligned = 0; + size_t uxUnaligned = 0; memset( pucNextData, 0xAB, ipconfigTCP_MSS ); - for( uxUnalligned = 0; uxUnalligned < 4; uxUnalligned++ ) + for( uxUnaligned = 0; uxUnaligned < 4; uxUnaligned++ ) { - if( ( ( uintptr_t ) &pucNextData[ uxUnalligned ] ) & 0x01U ) + if( ( ( uintptr_t ) &pucNextData[ uxUnaligned ] ) & 0x01U ) { break; } } - usResult = usGenerateChecksum( usSum, &pucNextData[ uxUnalligned ], uxByteCount ); + usResult = usGenerateChecksum( usSum, &pucNextData[ uxUnaligned ], uxByteCount ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( 0xAB00, usResult ); } /** - * @brief test_usGenerateChecksum_OneByteAllignedButZeroLength + * @brief test_usGenerateChecksum_OneByteAlignedButZeroLength * To validate usGenerateChecksum with one byte align but zero length. */ -void test_usGenerateChecksum_OneByteAllignedButZeroLength( void ) +void test_usGenerateChecksum_OneByteAlignedButZeroLength( void ) { uint16_t usResult; uint16_t usSum = 0; uint8_t pucNextData[ ipconfigTCP_MSS ]; size_t uxByteCount = 0; - size_t uxUnalligned = 0; + size_t uxUnaligned = 0; memset( pucNextData, 0xAB, ipconfigTCP_MSS ); - for( uxUnalligned = 0; uxUnalligned < 4; uxUnalligned++ ) + for( uxUnaligned = 0; uxUnaligned < 4; uxUnaligned++ ) { - if( ( ( uintptr_t ) &pucNextData[ uxUnalligned ] ) & 0x01U ) + if( ( ( uintptr_t ) &pucNextData[ uxUnaligned ] ) & 0x01U ) { break; } } - usResult = usGenerateChecksum( usSum, &pucNextData[ uxUnalligned ], uxByteCount ); + usResult = usGenerateChecksum( usSum, &pucNextData[ uxUnaligned ], uxByteCount ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( 0, usResult ); } /** - * @brief test_usGenerateChecksum_TwoByteAlligned + * @brief test_usGenerateChecksum_TwoByteAligned * To validate usGenerateChecksum with two byte align and 1 length. */ -void test_usGenerateChecksum_TwoByteAlligned( void ) +void test_usGenerateChecksum_TwoByteAligned( void ) { uint16_t usResult; uint16_t usSum = 0; uint8_t pucNextData[ ipconfigTCP_MSS ]; size_t uxByteCount = 1; - size_t uxUnalligned = 0; + size_t uxUnaligned = 0; memset( pucNextData, 0xAB, ipconfigTCP_MSS ); - for( uxUnalligned = 0; uxUnalligned < 4; uxUnalligned++ ) + for( uxUnaligned = 0; uxUnaligned < 4; uxUnaligned++ ) { - if( ( ( uintptr_t ) &pucNextData[ uxUnalligned ] ) & 0x02U ) + if( ( ( uintptr_t ) &pucNextData[ uxUnaligned ] ) & 0x02U ) { break; } } - usResult = usGenerateChecksum( usSum, &pucNextData[ uxUnalligned ], uxByteCount ); + usResult = usGenerateChecksum( usSum, &pucNextData[ uxUnaligned ], uxByteCount ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( 43776, usResult ); } /** - * @brief test_usGenerateChecksum_TwoByteAllignedTwoLength + * @brief test_usGenerateChecksum_TwoByteAlignedTwoLength * To validate usGenerateChecksum with two byte align and 2 length. */ -void test_usGenerateChecksum_TwoByteAllignedTwoLength( void ) +void test_usGenerateChecksum_TwoByteAlignedTwoLength( void ) { uint16_t usResult; uint16_t usSum = 0; uint8_t pucNextData[ ipconfigTCP_MSS ]; size_t uxByteCount = 2; - size_t uxUnalligned = 0; + size_t uxUnaligned = 0; memset( pucNextData, 0xAB, ipconfigTCP_MSS ); - for( uxUnalligned = 0; uxUnalligned < 4; uxUnalligned++ ) + for( uxUnaligned = 0; uxUnaligned < 4; uxUnaligned++ ) { - if( ( ( uintptr_t ) &pucNextData[ uxUnalligned ] ) & 0x02U ) + if( ( ( uintptr_t ) &pucNextData[ uxUnaligned ] ) & 0x02U ) { break; } } - usResult = usGenerateChecksum( usSum, &pucNextData[ uxUnalligned ], uxByteCount ); + usResult = usGenerateChecksum( usSum, &pucNextData[ uxUnaligned ], uxByteCount ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( 43947, usResult ); } /** - * @brief test_usGenerateChecksum_FourByteAlligned + * @brief test_usGenerateChecksum_FourByteAligned * To validate usGenerateChecksum with four byte align and 2 length. */ -void test_usGenerateChecksum_FourByteAlligned( void ) +void test_usGenerateChecksum_FourByteAligned( void ) { uint16_t usResult; uint16_t usSum = 0; uint8_t pucNextData[ ipconfigTCP_MSS ]; size_t uxByteCount = 2; - size_t uxUnalligned = 0; + size_t uxUnaligned = 0; memset( pucNextData, 0xAB, ipconfigTCP_MSS ); - for( uxUnalligned = 0; uxUnalligned < 4; uxUnalligned++ ) + for( uxUnaligned = 0; uxUnaligned < 4; uxUnaligned++ ) { - if( ( ( uintptr_t ) &pucNextData[ uxUnalligned ] ) & 0x04U ) + if( ( ( uintptr_t ) &pucNextData[ uxUnaligned ] ) & 0x04U ) { break; } } - usResult = usGenerateChecksum( usSum, &pucNextData[ uxUnalligned ], uxByteCount ); + usResult = usGenerateChecksum( usSum, &pucNextData[ uxUnaligned ], uxByteCount ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( 43947, usResult ); } /** - * @brief test_usGenerateChecksum_FourByteAllignedSumOverflow + * @brief test_usGenerateChecksum_FourByteAlignedSumOverflow * To validate usGenerateChecksum with four byte align and sum overflow. */ -void test_usGenerateChecksum_FourByteAllignedSumOverflow( void ) +void test_usGenerateChecksum_FourByteAlignedSumOverflow( void ) { uint16_t usResult; uint16_t usSum = FreeRTOS_htons( 0xFFFF - 0xAB ); uint8_t pucNextData[ ipconfigTCP_MSS ]; size_t uxByteCount = 20; - size_t uxUnalligned = 0; + size_t uxUnaligned = 0; memset( pucNextData, 0xAB, ipconfigTCP_MSS ); - for( uxUnalligned = 0; uxUnalligned < 4; uxUnalligned++ ) + for( uxUnaligned = 0; uxUnaligned < 4; uxUnaligned++ ) { - if( ( ( uintptr_t ) &pucNextData[ uxUnalligned ] ) & 0x04U ) + if( ( ( uintptr_t ) &pucNextData[ uxUnaligned ] ) & 0x04U ) { break; } } - usResult = usGenerateChecksum( usSum, &pucNextData[ uxUnalligned ], uxByteCount ); + usResult = usGenerateChecksum( usSum, &pucNextData[ uxUnaligned ], uxByteCount ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( 2484, usResult ); } /** - * @brief test_usGenerateChecksum_FourByteAllignedSumOverflow2 + * @brief test_usGenerateChecksum_FourByteAlignedSumOverflow2 * To validate usGenerateChecksum with four byte align and sum overflow. */ -void test_usGenerateChecksum_FourByteAllignedSumOverflow2( void ) +void test_usGenerateChecksum_FourByteAlignedSumOverflow2( void ) { uint16_t usResult; uint16_t usSum = FreeRTOS_htons( 0xFFFF - 0xAB ); uint8_t pucNextData[ ipconfigTCP_MSS ]; size_t uxByteCount = 20; - size_t uxUnalligned = 0; + size_t uxUnaligned = 0; memset( pucNextData, 0xFF, ipconfigTCP_MSS ); - for( uxUnalligned = 0; uxUnalligned < 4; uxUnalligned++ ) + for( uxUnaligned = 0; uxUnaligned < 4; uxUnaligned++ ) { - if( ( ( uintptr_t ) &pucNextData[ uxUnalligned ] ) & 0x04U ) + if( ( ( uintptr_t ) &pucNextData[ uxUnaligned ] ) & 0x04U ) { break; } } - usResult = usGenerateChecksum( usSum, &pucNextData[ uxUnalligned ], uxByteCount ); + usResult = usGenerateChecksum( usSum, &pucNextData[ uxUnaligned ], uxByteCount ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( 21759, usResult ); } diff --git a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IPv6/FreeRTOS_IPv6_stubs.c b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IPv6/FreeRTOS_IPv6_stubs.c index 582c4cded..03ba1b2c3 100644 --- a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IPv6/FreeRTOS_IPv6_stubs.c +++ b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IPv6/FreeRTOS_IPv6_stubs.c @@ -43,10 +43,10 @@ /* =========================== EXTERN VARIABLES =========================== */ /* The basic length for one IPv6 extension headers. */ -#define TEST_IPv6_EXTESION_HEADER_LENGTH ( 8U ) +#define TEST_IPv6_EXTENSION_HEADER_LENGTH ( 8U ) /* The default length ofIPv6 extension headers in unit test. */ -#define TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTESION_HEADERS_LENGTH ( 7U * TEST_IPv6_EXTESION_HEADER_LENGTH ) +#define TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTENSION_HEADERS_LENGTH ( 7U * TEST_IPv6_EXTENSION_HEADER_LENGTH ) /* First IPv6 address is 2001:1234:5678::5 */ const IPv6_Address_t xIPAddressFive = { 0x20, 0x01, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05 }; @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ static NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * prvInitializeNetworkDescriptorWithExtensionHe { static NetworkBufferDescriptor_t xNetworkBuffer; /* Ethernet header + IPv6 header + Maximum protocol header + IPv6 Extension Headers + 1 payload */ - static uint8_t pcNetworkBuffer[ sizeof( EthernetHeader_t ) + sizeof( IPHeader_IPv6_t ) + TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTESION_HEADERS_LENGTH + sizeof( ICMPHeader_IPv6_t ) + 1U ]; + static uint8_t pcNetworkBuffer[ sizeof( EthernetHeader_t ) + sizeof( IPHeader_IPv6_t ) + TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTENSION_HEADERS_LENGTH + sizeof( ICMPHeader_IPv6_t ) + 1U ]; EthernetHeader_t * pxEthHeader = ( EthernetHeader_t * ) pcNetworkBuffer; IPHeader_IPv6_t * pxIPv6Header = ( IPHeader_IPv6_t * ) &( pcNetworkBuffer[ sizeof( EthernetHeader_t ) ] ); uint8_t * pxIPv6ExtHeader = ( uint8_t * ) &( pcNetworkBuffer[ sizeof( EthernetHeader_t ) + sizeof( IPHeader_IPv6_t ) ] ); @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ static NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * prvInitializeNetworkDescriptorWithExtensionHe memset( &xNetworkBuffer, 0, sizeof( xNetworkBuffer ) ); xNetworkBuffer.pxEndPoint = prvInitializeEndpoint(); xNetworkBuffer.pucEthernetBuffer = ( uint8_t * ) pcNetworkBuffer; - xNetworkBuffer.xDataLength = sizeof( EthernetHeader_t ) + sizeof( IPHeader_IPv6_t ) + TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTESION_HEADERS_LENGTH + ucProtocolHeaderSize + 1U; + xNetworkBuffer.xDataLength = sizeof( EthernetHeader_t ) + sizeof( IPHeader_IPv6_t ) + TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTENSION_HEADERS_LENGTH + ucProtocolHeaderSize + 1U; /* Initialize network buffer. */ memset( pcNetworkBuffer, 0, sizeof( pcNetworkBuffer ) ); @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ static NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * prvInitializeNetworkDescriptorWithExtensionHe /* IP part. */ memcpy( pxIPv6Header->xSourceAddress.ucBytes, xIPAddressTen.ucBytes, sizeof( IPv6_Address_t ) ); memcpy( pxIPv6Header->xDestinationAddress.ucBytes, xIPAddressFive.ucBytes, sizeof( IPv6_Address_t ) ); - pxIPv6Header->usPayloadLength = FreeRTOS_htons( TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTESION_HEADERS_LENGTH + ucProtocolHeaderSize + 1U ); /* Extension header length + protocol header + payload */ + pxIPv6Header->usPayloadLength = FreeRTOS_htons( TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTENSION_HEADERS_LENGTH + ucProtocolHeaderSize + 1U ); /* Extension header length + protocol header + payload */ pxIPv6Header->ucNextHeader = ipIPv6_EXT_HEADER_HOP_BY_HOP; /* Append extension headers */ pcNetworkBuffer[ uxIndex ] = ipIPv6_EXT_HEADER_ROUTING_HEADER; diff --git a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IPv6/FreeRTOS_IPv6_utest.c b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IPv6/FreeRTOS_IPv6_utest.c index b2e2006da..9870ce093 100644 --- a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IPv6/FreeRTOS_IPv6_utest.c +++ b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IPv6/FreeRTOS_IPv6_utest.c @@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ void test_eHandleIPv6ExtensionHeaders_TCPHappyPath() uint8_t ucExtHeaderNum = 7U; uint8_t ucProtocol = ipPROTOCOL_TCP; NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * pxNetworkBuffer = prvInitializeNetworkDescriptorWithExtensionHeader( ucProtocol ); - TCPHeader_t * pxProtocolHeader = ( TCPHeader_t * ) &( pxNetworkBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer[ ipSIZE_OF_ETH_HEADER + ipSIZE_OF_IPv6_HEADER + TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTESION_HEADERS_LENGTH ] ); + TCPHeader_t * pxProtocolHeader = ( TCPHeader_t * ) &( pxNetworkBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer[ ipSIZE_OF_ETH_HEADER + ipSIZE_OF_IPv6_HEADER + TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTENSION_HEADERS_LENGTH ] ); uint8_t * pxPayload; pxPayload = ( uint8_t * ) ( pxProtocolHeader + 1 ); @@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ void test_eHandleIPv6ExtensionHeaders_UDPHappyPath() uint8_t ucExtHeaderNum = 7U; uint8_t ucProtocol = ipPROTOCOL_UDP; NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * pxNetworkBuffer = prvInitializeNetworkDescriptorWithExtensionHeader( ucProtocol ); - UDPHeader_t * pxProtocolHeader = ( UDPHeader_t * ) &( pxNetworkBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer[ ipSIZE_OF_ETH_HEADER + ipSIZE_OF_IPv6_HEADER + TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTESION_HEADERS_LENGTH ] ); + UDPHeader_t * pxProtocolHeader = ( UDPHeader_t * ) &( pxNetworkBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer[ ipSIZE_OF_ETH_HEADER + ipSIZE_OF_IPv6_HEADER + TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTENSION_HEADERS_LENGTH ] ); uint8_t * pxPayload; pxPayload = ( uint8_t * ) ( pxProtocolHeader + 1 ); @@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ void test_eHandleIPv6ExtensionHeaders_ICMPv6HappyPath() uint8_t ucExtHeaderNum = 7U; uint8_t ucProtocol = ipPROTOCOL_ICMP_IPv6; NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * pxNetworkBuffer = prvInitializeNetworkDescriptorWithExtensionHeader( ucProtocol ); - ICMPHeader_IPv6_t * pxProtocolHeader = ( ICMPHeader_IPv6_t * ) &( pxNetworkBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer[ ipSIZE_OF_ETH_HEADER + ipSIZE_OF_IPv6_HEADER + TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTESION_HEADERS_LENGTH ] ); + ICMPHeader_IPv6_t * pxProtocolHeader = ( ICMPHeader_IPv6_t * ) &( pxNetworkBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer[ ipSIZE_OF_ETH_HEADER + ipSIZE_OF_IPv6_HEADER + TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTENSION_HEADERS_LENGTH ] ); uint8_t * pxPayload; pxPayload = ( uint8_t * ) ( pxProtocolHeader + 1 ); @@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ void test_eHandleIPv6ExtensionHeaders_TCPHappyPathNotRemove() uint8_t ucExtHeaderNum = 7U; uint8_t ucProtocol = ipPROTOCOL_TCP; NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * pxNetworkBuffer = prvInitializeNetworkDescriptorWithExtensionHeader( ucProtocol ); - TCPHeader_t * pxProtocolHeader = ( TCPHeader_t * ) &( pxNetworkBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer[ ipSIZE_OF_ETH_HEADER + ipSIZE_OF_IPv6_HEADER + TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTESION_HEADERS_LENGTH ] ); + TCPHeader_t * pxProtocolHeader = ( TCPHeader_t * ) &( pxNetworkBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer[ ipSIZE_OF_ETH_HEADER + ipSIZE_OF_IPv6_HEADER + TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTENSION_HEADERS_LENGTH ] ); uint8_t * pxPayload; pxPayload = ( uint8_t * ) ( pxProtocolHeader + 1 ); @@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ void test_eHandleIPv6ExtensionHeaders_TCPHappyPathNotRemove() eResult = eHandleIPv6ExtensionHeaders( pxNetworkBuffer, pdFALSE ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( eReleaseBuffer, eResult ); - TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( ipSIZE_OF_ETH_HEADER + ipSIZE_OF_IPv6_HEADER + TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTESION_HEADERS_LENGTH + sizeof( TCPHeader_t ) + 1U, pxNetworkBuffer->xDataLength ); + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( ipSIZE_OF_ETH_HEADER + ipSIZE_OF_IPv6_HEADER + TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTENSION_HEADERS_LENGTH + sizeof( TCPHeader_t ) + 1U, pxNetworkBuffer->xDataLength ); } /** diff --git a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IPv6_ConfigDriverCheckChecksum/FreeRTOS_IPv6_ConfigDriverCheckChecksum_utest.c b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IPv6_ConfigDriverCheckChecksum/FreeRTOS_IPv6_ConfigDriverCheckChecksum_utest.c index 00aef5bd7..823b77e67 100644 --- a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IPv6_ConfigDriverCheckChecksum/FreeRTOS_IPv6_ConfigDriverCheckChecksum_utest.c +++ b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IPv6_ConfigDriverCheckChecksum/FreeRTOS_IPv6_ConfigDriverCheckChecksum_utest.c @@ -174,10 +174,10 @@ void test_prvAllowIPPacketIPv6_xCheckIPv6SizeFields_large_ext_header_length() } /** - * @brief test_prvAllowIPPacketIPv6_xCheckIPv6SizeFields_unknown_procotol + * @brief test_prvAllowIPPacketIPv6_xCheckIPv6SizeFields_unknown_protocol * The protocol in IP header is unknown. Check if prvAllowIPPacketIPv6 determines to release it. */ -void test_prvAllowIPPacketIPv6_xCheckIPv6SizeFields_unknown_procotol() +void test_prvAllowIPPacketIPv6_xCheckIPv6SizeFields_unknown_protocol() { eFrameProcessingResult_t eResult; NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * pxNetworkBuffer = prvInitializeNetworkDescriptor(); diff --git a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IPv6_Utils/FreeRTOS_IPv6_Utils_stubs.c b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IPv6_Utils/FreeRTOS_IPv6_Utils_stubs.c index 16f0e6989..d5da98847 100644 --- a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IPv6_Utils/FreeRTOS_IPv6_Utils_stubs.c +++ b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IPv6_Utils/FreeRTOS_IPv6_Utils_stubs.c @@ -43,10 +43,10 @@ /* =========================== EXTERN VARIABLES =========================== */ /* The basic length for one IPv6 extension headers. */ -#define TEST_IPv6_EXTESION_HEADER_LENGTH ( 8U ) +#define TEST_IPv6_EXTENSION_HEADER_LENGTH ( 8U ) /* The default length ofIPv6 extension headers in unit test. */ -#define TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTESION_HEADERS_LENGTH ( 7U * TEST_IPv6_EXTESION_HEADER_LENGTH ) +#define TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTENSION_HEADERS_LENGTH ( 7U * TEST_IPv6_EXTENSION_HEADER_LENGTH ) /* First IPv6 address is 2001:1234:5678::5 */ const IPv6_Address_t xIPAddressFive = { 0x20, 0x01, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05 }; @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ static NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * prvInitializeNetworkDescriptorWithExtensionHe { static NetworkBufferDescriptor_t xNetworkBuffer; /* Ethernet header + IPv6 header + Maximum protocol header + IPv6 Extension Headers + 1 payload */ - static uint8_t pcNetworkBuffer[ sizeof( EthernetHeader_t ) + sizeof( IPHeader_IPv6_t ) + TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTESION_HEADERS_LENGTH + sizeof( ICMPHeader_IPv6_t ) + 1U ]; + static uint8_t pcNetworkBuffer[ sizeof( EthernetHeader_t ) + sizeof( IPHeader_IPv6_t ) + TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTENSION_HEADERS_LENGTH + sizeof( ICMPHeader_IPv6_t ) + 1U ]; EthernetHeader_t * pxEthHeader = ( EthernetHeader_t * ) pcNetworkBuffer; IPHeader_IPv6_t * pxIPv6Header = ( IPHeader_IPv6_t * ) &( pcNetworkBuffer[ sizeof( EthernetHeader_t ) ] ); uint8_t * pxIPv6ExtHeader = ( uint8_t * ) &( pcNetworkBuffer[ sizeof( EthernetHeader_t ) + sizeof( IPHeader_IPv6_t ) ] ); @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ static NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * prvInitializeNetworkDescriptorWithExtensionHe memset( &xNetworkBuffer, 0, sizeof( xNetworkBuffer ) ); xNetworkBuffer.pxEndPoint = prvInitializeEndpoint(); xNetworkBuffer.pucEthernetBuffer = ( uint8_t * ) pcNetworkBuffer; - xNetworkBuffer.xDataLength = sizeof( EthernetHeader_t ) + sizeof( IPHeader_IPv6_t ) + TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTESION_HEADERS_LENGTH + ucProtocolHeaderSize + 1U; + xNetworkBuffer.xDataLength = sizeof( EthernetHeader_t ) + sizeof( IPHeader_IPv6_t ) + TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTENSION_HEADERS_LENGTH + ucProtocolHeaderSize + 1U; /* Initialize network buffer. */ memset( pcNetworkBuffer, 0, sizeof( pcNetworkBuffer ) ); @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ static NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * prvInitializeNetworkDescriptorWithExtensionHe /* IP part. */ memcpy( pxIPv6Header->xSourceAddress.ucBytes, xIPAddressTen.ucBytes, sizeof( IPv6_Address_t ) ); memcpy( pxIPv6Header->xDestinationAddress.ucBytes, xIPAddressFive.ucBytes, sizeof( IPv6_Address_t ) ); - pxIPv6Header->usPayloadLength = FreeRTOS_htons( TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTESION_HEADERS_LENGTH + ucProtocolHeaderSize + 1U ); /* Extension header length + protocol header + payload */ + pxIPv6Header->usPayloadLength = FreeRTOS_htons( TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTENSION_HEADERS_LENGTH + ucProtocolHeaderSize + 1U ); /* Extension header length + protocol header + payload */ pxIPv6Header->ucNextHeader = ipIPv6_EXT_HEADER_HOP_BY_HOP; /* Append extension headers */ pcNetworkBuffer[ uxIndex ] = ipIPv6_EXT_HEADER_ROUTING_HEADER; diff --git a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IPv6_Utils/FreeRTOS_IPv6_Utils_utest.c b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IPv6_Utils/FreeRTOS_IPv6_Utils_utest.c index 0e2762536..8eaf9f7ff 100644 --- a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IPv6_Utils/FreeRTOS_IPv6_Utils_utest.c +++ b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_IPv6_Utils/FreeRTOS_IPv6_Utils_utest.c @@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ void test_usGetExtensionHeaderLength_TCPExtensionSuccess( void ) xReturn = usGetExtensionHeaderLength( pxNetworkBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer, pxNetworkBuffer->xDataLength, &ucProtocol ); - TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTESION_HEADERS_LENGTH, xReturn ); + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTENSION_HEADERS_LENGTH, xReturn ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( ipPROTOCOL_TCP, ucProtocol ); } @@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ void test_usGetExtensionHeaderLength_UDPExtensionSuccess( void ) xReturn = usGetExtensionHeaderLength( pxNetworkBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer, pxNetworkBuffer->xDataLength, &ucProtocol ); - TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTESION_HEADERS_LENGTH, xReturn ); + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTENSION_HEADERS_LENGTH, xReturn ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( ipPROTOCOL_UDP, ucProtocol ); } @@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ void test_usGetExtensionHeaderLength_ICMPv6ExtensionSuccess( void ) xReturn = usGetExtensionHeaderLength( pxNetworkBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer, pxNetworkBuffer->xDataLength, &ucProtocol ); - TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTESION_HEADERS_LENGTH, xReturn ); + TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTENSION_HEADERS_LENGTH, xReturn ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( ipPROTOCOL_ICMP_IPv6, ucProtocol ); } @@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ void test_usGetExtensionHeaderLength_ShortBufferLength( void ) uint8_t ucProtocol = 0; NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * pxNetworkBuffer = prvInitializeNetworkDescriptorWithExtensionHeader( ipPROTOCOL_TCP ); - pxNetworkBuffer->xDataLength = ipSIZE_OF_ETH_HEADER + ipSIZE_OF_IPv6_HEADER + ( TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTESION_HEADERS_LENGTH - 1 ); + pxNetworkBuffer->xDataLength = ipSIZE_OF_ETH_HEADER + ipSIZE_OF_IPv6_HEADER + ( TEST_IPv6_DEFAULT_EXTENSION_HEADERS_LENGTH - 1 ); xGetExtensionOrder_ExpectAndReturn( ipIPv6_EXT_HEADER_HOP_BY_HOP, 0U, 2 ); xGetExtensionOrder_ExpectAndReturn( ipIPv6_EXT_HEADER_HOP_BY_HOP, ipIPv6_EXT_HEADER_ROUTING_HEADER, 2 ); diff --git a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_ND/FreeRTOS_ND_utest.c b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_ND/FreeRTOS_ND_utest.c index d15d77445..9bedde248 100644 --- a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_ND/FreeRTOS_ND_utest.c +++ b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_ND/FreeRTOS_ND_utest.c @@ -980,7 +980,7 @@ void test_SendPingRequestIPv6_bIPv6_NotEnoughSpace( void ) * @brief This function handles case when we do not * have enough space for the Number of bytes to be send. */ -void test_SendPingRequestIPv6_IncorectBytesSend( void ) +void test_SendPingRequestIPv6_IncorrectBytesSend( void ) { NetworkEndPoint_t xEndPoint, * pxEndPoint = &xEndPoint; IPv6_Address_t xIPAddress; @@ -1209,9 +1209,9 @@ void test_prvProcessICMPMessage_IPv6_ipICMP_PACKET_TOO_BIG_IPv6( void ) /** * @brief This function process ICMP message when message type is - * ipICMP_TIME_EXEEDED_IPv6. + * ipICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED_IPv6. */ -void test_prvProcessICMPMessage_IPv6_ipICMP_TIME_EXEEDED_IPv6( void ) +void test_prvProcessICMPMessage_IPv6_ipICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED_IPv6( void ) { NetworkBufferDescriptor_t xNetworkBuffer, * pxNetworkBuffer = &xNetworkBuffer; ICMPPacket_IPv6_t xICMPPacket; @@ -1219,7 +1219,7 @@ void test_prvProcessICMPMessage_IPv6_ipICMP_TIME_EXEEDED_IPv6( void ) eFrameProcessingResult_t eReturn; xEndPoint.bits.bIPv6 = pdTRUE_UNSIGNED; - xICMPPacket.xICMPHeaderIPv6.ucTypeOfMessage = ipICMP_TIME_EXEEDED_IPv6; + xICMPPacket.xICMPHeaderIPv6.ucTypeOfMessage = ipICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED_IPv6; pxNetworkBuffer->pxEndPoint = &xEndPoint; pxNetworkBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer = ( uint8_t * ) &xICMPPacket; @@ -1489,7 +1489,7 @@ void test_prvProcessICMPMessage_IPv6_NeighborSolicitationNullEP( void ) * It handles case where when data length is less than * expected. */ -void test_prvProcessICMPMessage_IPv6_NeighborSolicitationInorrectLen( void ) +void test_prvProcessICMPMessage_IPv6_NeighborSolicitationIncorrectLen( void ) { NetworkBufferDescriptor_t xNetworkBuffer, * pxNetworkBuffer = &xNetworkBuffer; ICMPPacket_IPv6_t xICMPPacket; @@ -1947,7 +1947,7 @@ void test_pcMessageType_All( void ) xType = ipICMP_PACKET_TOO_BIG_IPv6; ( void ) pcMessageType( xType ); - xType = ipICMP_TIME_EXEEDED_IPv6; + xType = ipICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED_IPv6; ( void ) pcMessageType( xType ); xType = ipICMP_PARAMETER_PROBLEM_IPv6; diff --git a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_RA/FreeRTOS_RA_utest.c b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_RA/FreeRTOS_RA_utest.c index 0d77637d7..a1dfca94e 100644 --- a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_RA/FreeRTOS_RA_utest.c +++ b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_RA/FreeRTOS_RA_utest.c @@ -864,7 +864,7 @@ void test_vReceiveRA_ValidICMPPrefix_IncorrectOption( void ) /** * @brief This function verify vReceiveRA success case. */ -void test_vReceiveRA_vRAProcesss( void ) +void test_vReceiveRA_vRAProccess( void ) { NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * pxNetworkBuffer, xNetworkBuffer, xNetworkBuffer2; ICMPPacket_IPv6_t xICMPPacket; diff --git a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_Sockets/FreeRTOS_Sockets_TCP_API_utest.c b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_Sockets/FreeRTOS_Sockets_TCP_API_utest.c index f10c45497..8a8763043 100644 --- a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_Sockets/FreeRTOS_Sockets_TCP_API_utest.c +++ b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_Sockets/FreeRTOS_Sockets_TCP_API_utest.c @@ -751,7 +751,7 @@ void test_FreeRTOS_recv_SocketClosing( void ) } /** - * @brief Socket is in eClise_Wait in receive procedure. + * @brief Socket is in eClose_Wait in receive procedure. */ void test_FreeRTOS_recv_SocketCloseWait( void ) { diff --git a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_Sockets_IPv6/FreeRTOS_Sockets_IPv6_utest.c b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_Sockets_IPv6/FreeRTOS_Sockets_IPv6_utest.c index 77c6de2f6..8a3c26f5b 100644 --- a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_Sockets_IPv6/FreeRTOS_Sockets_IPv6_utest.c +++ b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_Sockets_IPv6/FreeRTOS_Sockets_IPv6_utest.c @@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ void test_prv_ntop6_write_zeros_NotEnoughSpaceInBuffer_2( void ) /** * @brief Case were target index is greater than size of the destination buffer. */ -void test_prv_ntop6_write_zeros_TargetndexGreater( void ) +void test_prv_ntop6_write_zeros_TargetIndexGreater( void ) { struct sNTOP6_Set xSet; BaseType_t xReturn; diff --git a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_TCP_Transmission/FreeRTOS_TCP_Transmission_utest.c b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_TCP_Transmission/FreeRTOS_TCP_Transmission_utest.c index b2194f5ec..51a35261d 100644 --- a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_TCP_Transmission/FreeRTOS_TCP_Transmission_utest.c +++ b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_TCP_Transmission/FreeRTOS_TCP_Transmission_utest.c @@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ void test_prvTCPReturnPacket_Assert_InterfaceOutput_NULL( void ) * @brief This function validates sending packet back to * peer socket is set to NULL and release is set to true. */ -void test_prvTCPReturnPacket_Null_Socket_Relase_True( void ) +void test_prvTCPReturnPacket_Null_Socket_Release_True( void ) { struct xNetworkEndPoint xEndPoint = { 0 }; struct xNetworkInterface xInterface; diff --git a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_TCP_WIN/FreeRTOS_TCP_WIN_utest.c b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_TCP_WIN/FreeRTOS_TCP_WIN_utest.c index 05cbce404..032718885 100644 --- a/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_TCP_WIN/FreeRTOS_TCP_WIN_utest.c +++ b/test/unit-test/FreeRTOS_TCP_WIN/FreeRTOS_TCP_WIN_utest.c @@ -1193,7 +1193,7 @@ void test_lTCPWindowTxAdd_len_gt_max_len( void ) xTCPWindowLoggingLevel = xBackup; } -void test_lTCPWindowTxAdd_lBytsLeft_gt_zero_pxSegment_NULL( void ) +void test_lTCPWindowTxAdd_lBytesLeft_gt_zero_pxSegment_NULL( void ) { int32_t lDone; TCPWindow_t xWindow = { 0 }; @@ -1219,7 +1219,7 @@ void test_lTCPWindowTxAdd_lBytsLeft_gt_zero_pxSegment_NULL( void ) free( xWindow.pxHeadSegment ); } -void test_lTCPWindowTxAdd_lBytsLeft_gt_zero_data_length_gt_maxlen( void ) +void test_lTCPWindowTxAdd_lBytesLeft_gt_zero_data_length_gt_maxlen( void ) { int32_t lDone; TCPWindow_t xWindow = { 0 };