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FrenchYeti edited this page Oct 2, 2022 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the interruptor wiki!

A. What is Interruptor ?

"Interruptor" is a human-friendly interrupts hook library based on Frida's Stalker. This tool can perform some basic tasks such as system call tracing, but it is designed to do lot of more with system calls such as context tampering or to generate coverage.

The aim of this library is to be called inside a Frida's script to start to trace or tamper system calls / CPU context at a specific moment such as when another Frida hook is reached or when a library is linked.

Interruptor uses only instruction hooking - not libc/functions hooking

For exemple, you can:

  • Hook open/read/write/close syscall only when the linker has opened a specific library and execution jumps inside.
  • Tamper a buffer filled by the read syscall before execution resumes
  • Start to generate .drcov file when a specific Frida hook is reached
  • Trace sockets
  • Tamper timers
  • Alter error code through a dedicated API: replace an EACCESS by an ENOENT

B. Supported Architectures

Architecture OS Syscall names Args parsing Struct/ptr args parsing Error Code Signals Descriptors lookup
arm64 Linux/Android ✔️ ✔️ 20% 30% 30% ✔️
arm64 MacOS WiP - - - - -
armv7 Linux/Android ✔️ ✔️ 0% 0% 0% 0%
x64 Linux/Android ✔️ ✔️ 0% 0% 0% 0%
x64 MacOS WiP - - - - -

C. Get Started

Important : Interruptor behavior highly depends on the moment where the tracing starts :

  • If you start to trace lot of system calls early, then it can slow down a lot the application bootstrap and cause a crash or a fatal timeout.
  • If you start to late, some calls can be missing or not traced if they are trigged from another thread
  • If you start from a terminal thread (a leaf) or a child process, then "follow thread" option will not be able to follow threads spawned by parent thread or processes spawned by the parent.

C.1. Android application

Prior to trace Android app, you should be aware

C.2. Linux


C.3. MacOS


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