- Updated all foundation SC proxies to work with SC 1.5 and 1.6
- Changed the gem build process. Now using the lebowski.gemspec file. No longer use Jeweler
- Removed Selenium 1 dependency. Now uses Selenium 2
- Fixed the user-extensions.js file to allow Lebowski to work with SC 1.5 and SC 1.6
- Updated various spec files in the examples folder
- Initial Fixes to allow Lebowski to work with IE 7/8. Updates made to user-extensions.js file
- Fixed picker pane proxy's click_off method. parent modal pane will now always be clicked and not get blocked by the picker pane.
- Fixed mouse down and right mouse down user actions
- Fixed double click user action
- Fixed mouse event simulation bug. Event's which property now assigned the correct value
- Updated to now work with Ruby 1.9.2 and RSpec v2
- Fixes drag and drop user actions
- Fixes clicking on segmented view's buttons
- Fixes mouse user actions so that, by default, DOM elements are clicked in the center instead of relative (0, 0)
- Fixes RSpec extension That operator's contains? method
- Added user actions mouse_wheel_delta_x and mouse_wheel_delta_y
- View proxy now includes scrollable_parent_view method
- Updated framework to build gem with Jeweler. Rubyforge and Hoe are no longer used
- Note: If creating an instance of the Selenium client driver that you want to pass to Lebowski's MainApplication, you must now supply the client with a timeout value or else you will immediately get a timeout error (e.g. set :timeout_in_seconds => 60)
- Fixed MainApplication object's define_root_object method
- Added functionality to check if a SproutCore bundle has been loaded
- Updated framework to handle cases when an object crossed application context boundaries
- replace select_field method with select_button on the SelectFieldTabView proxy
- Now use MainApplication to start a main SproutCore application
- Improved application support in order to communicate with SproutCore apps loaded in iframes and pop-up windows
- Changed how paths are defined. No longer use define. Now use define_path
- Changed how path proxies are defined. No longer use proxy. Now use define_proxy
- Now performs lazy loading of proxies that are accessed through defined paths and defined proxies
- Added proxy for SC.SelectButtonView
- Added proxy for SC.WebView
- Added proxy for SCUI.SelectFieldTab
- Added proxy for SCUI.ColorWell
- Added proxy for SCUI.ContentEditableView
- Added functionality to the PositionedElement mixin
- Updated the drag and drop user action so that you can specify mouse offsets
- Updated what values can be passed to the main application browser parameter. Can now supply string values and :chrome
- Open source beta release