- C++ Programming Language - Basic C++ Guide, from founder of language.
- Data Structures Using C++ - Complete guide to data structure usin C++.
- Effective C++ - 55 Specific ways to imrove C++ Programs.
- C++ Primer Plus - 6th edition - Topic based introduction to C++.
- C++ Concurrency in action - Total guide on C++ concurrency topics(Threading...).
- Modern C++ Design - Advance level C++ guide for modern code design.
- MFC Programming with Visual C++ - Programming guide to MFC GUI framework.
- Secure Programming CookBook - Cookbook for securing C++ Code, Introduction to Cryptography.
- .Let us C++ - Basics of C++ written in simple english,easy to understand.
- .Functional Programming in C++ - Advanced C++ topics, seen under FP lense. Very well explained.