This is the updated and functional version of Auto-Anvil-Duper. Clone and download the repository to your computer. Extract it wherever you want. Open the exe file inside the dist folder, otherwise you can install Python to your computer(, and run file. In Minecraft open the Anvil Gui and click on the item that you wish to dupe. Press l and it will rename it with a space. Press l until the anvil breaks. #Warnings
- Anytime you press [, the bot will run, even when the anvil gui is closed.
- This only works specific screens, if this doesn't work for you, contact me on discord(Glorman#6212), and I'll make a different version for you, otherwise you can change the code yourself.
- If you want to change the shortcut, watch my tutorial on how to because I'm not going through the process of explaining you here.
#How to exit the program
- If you ran the file, simply close the cmd window
- If you ran the main.exe file, you can close it from task manager