Vandalism Detection for LineStrings#
+In this notebook we demonstrate how you detect and visualize vandalism in OSM. We are going to make use of one of the enriched attributes we have added to ohsome-data-insights.
+These are the steps you see further down:
Set the connection parameters.
+Prepare your input parameters, e.g. define area of interest and shape filters.
+Download data using PyIceberg and DuckDB.
+Filter and process data with DuckDB.
+Visualize the results on a map.
Getting started#
+Set connection params.
+import os
+s3_user = os.environ["S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID"] # add your user here
+s3_password = os.environ["S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"] # add your password here
Configure DuckDB.
+import duckdb
+con = duckdb.connect(
+ config={
+ 'threads': 8,
+ 'max_memory': '8GB',
+ }
Set the connection params to Iceberg Rest Catalog.
+!pip install "pyiceberg[s3fs,duckdb,sql-sqlite,pyarrow]"
from import RestCatalog
+catalog = RestCatalog(
+ name="default",
+ **{
+ "uri": "",
+ "s3.endpoint": "",
+ "py-io-impl": "",
+ "s3.access-key-id": s3_user,
+ "s3.secret-access-key": s3_password,
+ "s3.region": "eu-central-1"
+ }
Prepare the input parameters for your analysis#
+# Set iceberg table
+namespace = 'geo_sort'
+tablename = 'contributions'
+icebergtable = catalog.load_table((namespace, tablename))
+# Define status filter
+status = 'history'
+# Define geometry type filter
+geometry_type = 'LineString'
+# Define time filter (optional)
+min_timestamp = '2023-01-01T00:00:00'
+# Define length_delta threshold in meter.
+# This is a 5000 kilometers!
+length_delta_threshold = 5_000_000
Get the Data#
+First, we do an iceberg table scan with a pre-filter. This is a fast way to download all potential OSM elements that are needed for our analysis.
+Here we use one of the enriched attributes we have calculated in advance for each OSM contribution. We use the length_delta
attribute to inspect all the OSM elements with an unusual large change. Here we download all linestrings which changed more than 5000 kilometers in length.
import time
+start_time = time.time()
+ row_filter=(
+ f"status = '{status}' "
+ f"and geometry_type = '{geometry_type}' "
+ f"and length_delta >= '{length_delta_threshold}' "
+ ),
+ selected_fields=(
+ "user_id",
+ "osm_id",
+ "valid_from",
+ "tags",
+ "geometry",
+ )
+download_time = round(time.time() - start_time, 3)
+print(f"download took {download_time} sec.")
download took 10.675 sec.
Display OSM user activity on map#
+Get data from DucDKB into GeoPandas dataframe.
+import geopandas as gpd
+map_query = """
+ osm_id,
+ user_id,
+ valid_from::varchar as date,
+ epoch_ms(valid_from) as valid_from,
+ geometry
+ FROM raw_osm_data;
+df = con.sql(map_query).df()
+# convert the data to geodata
+gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
+ df,
+ geometry=gpd.GeoSeries.from_wkt(df['geometry'])
Define map parameters and style.
+import datetime
+import lonboard
+from palettable.matplotlib import Viridis_20
+# compute lonboard color style for contious color map
+min_valid_from = datetime.datetime(2008,1,1).timestamp()
+max_valid_from = datetime.datetime(2024,7,1).timestamp()
+# the lonboard map definition
+layer = lonboard.PathLayer.from_geopandas(
+ gdf,
+ extensions=[lonboard.layer_extension.DataFilterExtension(filter_size=1)],
+ get_filter_value=gdf["valid_from"], # replace with desired column
+ filter_range=[min_valid_from, max_valid_from], # replace with desired filter range
+ get_color=[255, 0, 0, 125],
+ get_width=1.5,
+ width_units='pixels'
+currentness_map = lonboard.Map(
+ basemap_style=lonboard.basemap.CartoBasemap.DarkMatter,
+ layers=[layer]
Define Dates Slider Selection Widget and link to map filter range.
+from datetime import date, timedelta
+import ipywidgets
+from traitlets import directional_link
+start = datetime.datetime(2008,1,1)
+end = datetime.datetime(2024,6,1)
+delta = end - start # returns timedelta
+dates = [start + timedelta(days=i) for i in range(delta.days + 1)]
+options = [(i.strftime('%d-%b-%Y'), 1000 * i.timestamp()) for i in dates]
+date_slider = ipywidgets.SelectionRangeSlider(
+ options=options,
+ index=(0, len(dates)-1),
+ description='Last Edit:',
+ layout=ipywidgets.Layout(width='1000px'),
+ disabled=False
+ (date_slider, 'value'),
+ (layer, 'filter_range')
<traitlets.traitlets.directional_link at 0x7c7fa6da9ac0>
Display the map. Have fun exploring and moving around the time slider!
+display(currentness_map, date_slider)