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Vandalism Detection for LineStrings

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Vandalism Detection for LineStrings#


In this notebook we demonstrate how you detect and visualize vandalism in OSM. We are going to make use of one of the enriched attributes we have added to ohsome-data-insights.


These are the steps you see further down:

  • Set the connection parameters.

  • +
  • Prepare your input parameters, e.g. define area of interest and shape filters.

  • +
  • Download data using PyIceberg and DuckDB.

  • +
  • Filter and process data with DuckDB.

  • +
  • Visualize the results on a map.

  • +

Getting started#


Set connection params.

import os
+s3_user = os.environ["S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID"]  # add your user here
+s3_password = os.environ["S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"]  # add your password here

Configure DuckDB.

import duckdb
+con = duckdb.connect(
+    config={
+        'threads': 8,
+        'max_memory': '8GB',
+    }

Set the connection params to Iceberg Rest Catalog.

!pip install "pyiceberg[s3fs,duckdb,sql-sqlite,pyarrow]"
from pyiceberg.catalog.rest import RestCatalog
+catalog = RestCatalog(
+    name="default",
+    **{
+        "uri": "https://sotm2024.iceberg.ohsome.org",
+        "s3.endpoint": "https://sotm2024.minio.heigit.org",
+        "py-io-impl": "pyiceberg.io.pyarrow.PyArrowFileIO",
+        "s3.access-key-id": s3_user,
+        "s3.secret-access-key": s3_password,
+        "s3.region": "eu-central-1"
+    }

Prepare the input parameters for your analysis#

# Set iceberg table
+namespace = 'geo_sort'
+tablename = 'contributions'
+icebergtable = catalog.load_table((namespace, tablename))
+# Define status filter
+status = 'history'
+# Define geometry type filter
+geometry_type = 'LineString'
+# Define time filter (optional)
+min_timestamp = '2023-01-01T00:00:00'
+# Define length_delta threshold in meter.
+# This is a 5000 kilometers!
+length_delta_threshold = 5_000_000

Get the Data#


First, we do an iceberg table scan with a pre-filter. This is a fast way to download all potential OSM elements that are needed for our analysis.


Here we use one of the enriched attributes we have calculated in advance for each OSM contribution. We use the length_delta attribute to inspect all the OSM elements with an unusual large change. Here we download all linestrings which changed more than 5000 kilometers in length.

import time
+start_time = time.time()
+    row_filter=(
+        f"status = '{status}' "
+        f"and geometry_type = '{geometry_type}' "
+        f"and length_delta >= '{length_delta_threshold}' "
+    ),
+    selected_fields=(
+        "user_id",
+        "osm_id",
+        "valid_from",
+        "tags",
+        "geometry",
+    )
+download_time = round(time.time() - start_time, 3)
+print(f"download took {download_time} sec.")
download took 10.675 sec.

Display OSM user activity on map#


Get data from DucDKB into GeoPandas dataframe.

import geopandas as gpd
+map_query = """
+        osm_id,
+        user_id,
+        valid_from::varchar as date,
+        epoch_ms(valid_from) as valid_from,
+        geometry
+    FROM raw_osm_data;
+df = con.sql(map_query).df()
+# convert the data to geodata
+gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
+    df,
+    geometry=gpd.GeoSeries.from_wkt(df['geometry'])

Define map parameters and style.

import datetime
+import lonboard
+from palettable.matplotlib import Viridis_20
+# compute lonboard color style for contious color map
+min_valid_from = datetime.datetime(2008,1,1).timestamp()
+max_valid_from = datetime.datetime(2024,7,1).timestamp()
+# the lonboard map definition
+layer = lonboard.PathLayer.from_geopandas(
+    gdf,
+    extensions=[lonboard.layer_extension.DataFilterExtension(filter_size=1)],
+    get_filter_value=gdf["valid_from"],  # replace with desired column
+    filter_range=[min_valid_from, max_valid_from],  # replace with desired filter range
+    get_color=[255, 0, 0, 125],
+    get_width=1.5,
+    width_units='pixels'
+currentness_map = lonboard.Map(
+    basemap_style=lonboard.basemap.CartoBasemap.DarkMatter,
+    layers=[layer]

Define Dates Slider Selection Widget and link to map filter range.

from datetime import date, timedelta
+import ipywidgets
+from traitlets import directional_link
+start = datetime.datetime(2008,1,1)
+end = datetime.datetime(2024,6,1)
+delta = end - start   # returns timedelta
+dates = [start + timedelta(days=i) for i in range(delta.days + 1)]
+options = [(i.strftime('%d-%b-%Y'), 1000 * i.timestamp()) for i in dates]
+date_slider = ipywidgets.SelectionRangeSlider(
+    options=options,
+    index=(0, len(dates)-1),
+    description='Last Edit:',
+    layout=ipywidgets.Layout(width='1000px'),
+    disabled=False
+    (date_slider, 'value'),
+    (layer, 'filter_range')
<traitlets.traitlets.directional_link at 0x7c7fa6da9ac0>

Display the map. Have fun exploring and moving around the time slider!

display(currentness_map, date_slider)
+ + + + +
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