BayesMTGDS is a standalone C++ code for trans-dimensional Bayesian joint inversion of magnetotelluric (MT) and geomagnetic depth sounding (GDS) responses. Supported data and transfer functions include:
MT apparent resistivity and phase
GDS global Qn and Cn responses (a global network of geomagnetic observatory data, satellite data; magnetospheric ring current and ionospheric Sq current (not recommended))
GDS local Cn responses (single site ground-based data; magnetospheric ring current and ionospheric Sq current (not recommended))
GDS global-to-local transfer functions (single site ground-based data; magnetospheric ring current and ionospheric Sq current)
The background theory is described in:
- Hongbo Yao, Zhengyong Ren*, Jingtian Tang, Rongwen Guo, Jiayong Yan. Trans-dimensional Bayesian joint inversion of magnetotelluric and geomagnetic depth sounding responses to constrain mantle electrical discontinuities. Geophysical Journal International, 2023, 233(3), 1821-1846.
If this helps you, a citation to our paper is appreciated.
Hongbo Yao, Central South University, Email:,
Zhengyong Ren, Central South University, Email:
Install MPI and type 'make' to compile the source code. Then please see /examples for details.