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July 2022 Manager Meeting: Return on Investment (ROI)

Alexander Schulte edited this page Jul 29, 2022 · 2 revisions

Hello community leads,

On July 28th, we held our monthly Community Manager Meeting — 15 of you joined us, representing 11 different communities of practice. We presented on return on investment (ROI). Thank you to all who participated.

Over the last few months, we’ve been putting an emphasis on how to calculate the value of our governmentwide communities. We all know communities bring people together through conversations, internal meetings, content and events. But what we’ve learned is that when you examine both qualitative and quantitative feedback associated with them, you can truly tell the story of the impact of communities on public servants and the public.

In our conversation we discussed the Federal IT Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA), cost avoidance for events – specifically the UX Summit, and ended with an open conversation on other ways you as community leads think of community value. Email us for a copy of the slide deck.

As we carry on this conversation as a group, we encourage you to continue to think about the following questions:

How do you think of your community’s value? How can we measure value for each member? What are ways to calculate cost avoidance outside of events? What are your customer acquisition cost? What is the return on investment for your community?

Let us know what you think. Have questions, ideas, or feedback? Set up time to chat 1-on-1 with our team. Email us at

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