This is a simple browser-based program for converting images (PNG, JPEG, GIF) into text-based equivalents using Unicode's printable braille characters. The braille characters can then be used as a neat effect in chat programs (such as Discord), message board posts, or elsewhere where a proper image file is either not permitted or one simply wants the unique look and feel provided by the braille characters.
As this involves converting a color-based image into a 1-bit black-and-white one, options are provided for adjusting the threshold and even enabling dithering so you can non-destructively tune away at the settings until a desired image is achieved.
Some examples:
Tokyo Tower at night (original), black on white mode, Atkinson dithering on, threshold 60, horizontal gap 2
OpenBSD’s Puffy (original), black on white mode, no dithering, horizontal gap 2
DotArt uses no server-side components. Simply open the index.html file in a modern web browser and go to town.
The project is still in early development and is still a bit ugly. Please report any bugs you find - right now the program does practically zero error checking.
2-clause BSD licensed.