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RESP 3D Face generator
From coin to 3D face sculpture of roman emperors


Generate 3D face portraits of the roman emperors from ancient coin.

Example coin Example sculpture

Requirements (Windows only)

Install WSL2, to do so follow the official Microsoft guide. Once WSL2 is installed and the Ubuntu environment is started, run

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y gedit libsm6 libxext6 libgomp1


To start the automatic installation, run the command


that will install conda (if not present) and create the environment with all necessary dependencies. It will also add the resp-app, resp-editor aliases, and related entries in the application menu. For manual installation, follow the guide below.

Manual installation - click to expand

This software requires Conda to run. To install it, run the following commands:

# Single-user
mkdir -p ~/miniconda3
wget -O ~/miniconda3/
bash ~/miniconda3/ -b -u -p ~/miniconda3
rm ~/miniconda3/
~/miniconda3/bin/conda init bash && . ~/.bashrc


# Multi-user (root privileges required)
sudo mkdir -p /opt/miniconda3
sudo wget -O /opt/miniconda3/
sudo bash /opt/miniconda3/ -b -u -p /opt/miniconda3
sudo rm /opt/miniconda3/
sudo group add miniconda
sudo chgrp -R miniconda /opt/miniconda3
sudo chmod 770 -R /opt/miniconda3
# Setup da eseguire per ogni utente
sudo adduser $USER miniconda
/opt/miniconda3/bin/conda init bash && . ~/.bashrc

Once Conda is installed, create a new environment:

conda create -y -n RESP-coin python=3.10
conda activate RESP-coin
conda install -y pytorch=1.13.1 pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia
conda install -y fvcore=0.1.5 iopath=0.1.9 -c fvcore -c iopath -c conda-forge
conda install -y pytorch3d=0.7.5 -c pytorch3d
conda install -y vedo=2024.5.1 opencv=4.7.0 pyside2=5.15.8 -c conda-forge
pip install bpy==4.0.0 packaging==23.2

Get FLAME model

Download FLAME model from here. You need to sign up and agree to the model license for access to the model. Extract and copy the model files (male_model.pkl and female_model.pkl) into the folder utils/flame_binaries. Then, run the following commands:

conda create -n flameconvert python=3.7
conda activate flameconvert
pip install chumpy==0.70 pytorch==1.13
python utils/

(Tested with FLAME v2020)


To run the main application, run

python resp-app  # (with RESP-coin env active)
# or
conda run -n RESP-coin python

The application window will appear

RESP-App window

On the left side, there are some fields to complete with the necessary information for the generation process (see next section for more details), while on the right side there is a plot to get a graphical preview of the inserted data.

Profile data

Use MeshLab PickedPoints to select the points from the coin scan, as shown in the figure below.

Points example

Once the points have been selected (and the PickePoints .pp file is generated), load the coin scan and the points file using their file selectors (Coin scan and Coin points). The information to be entered is as follows:

  • Using the combo-boxes, it is possible to specify the gender of the represented subject (Male or Female) and the direction of the face (Left or Right).
  • In the Front-neck indices field, the indices of the contour points belonging to the front part of the neck, which goes from the base to the crease with the jaw, must be indicated.
  • In the Jaw indices field, the indices of the points belonging to the contour belonging to the jaw area, which goes from the fold with the neck to the center of the mouth, must be indicated).
  • In the Upper lip indices field, the indices of the contour points belonging to the area of the upper lip, which goes from the center of the mouth (stomion) to the beginning of the nose (subnasal), must be indicated.
  • In the Nose-forehead indices field, the indices of the contour points belonging to the nose-forehead area, which goes from the beginning of the nose (subnasale) to the hairline, must be indicated.
  • In the Hair indices field, the indices of the contour points belonging to the hair area must be indicated, which goes from the front hairline to the back hairline.
  • In the Back-neck indices field, the indices of the contour points belonging to the back part of the neck must be indicated, which goes from the back hairline to the base of the neck.
  • The index of the points positioned on the eye (more precisely the pupil) must be indicated in the Eye index field.
  • In the Landmarks field, the indices of 5 key points must be indicated: gnathion, stomion, subnasale, pronasale and glabella (in this exact order).
  • In the Hair and beard regions field, the indices of the points that delimit the beard and hair area(s) must be indicated (in case of multiple areas, they must be separated with the '|' character). In this field the order of the points is crucial to correctly determine the areas of interest.

Note: Index lists must be specified as a comma-separated list of integers. To specify a sequence of consecutive integers more compactly, intervals can be specified with the syntax N-M, where N is the starting value (included) and M is the ending value (not included). Descending intervals are also allowed. Example: 0, 1, 2, 3-10, 10, 11 is a valid sequence and is equivalent to 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.

To get a graphical preview of the inserted data, click Update plot.

Profile generation option

In this section, you can enter the model generation parameters:

  • In the fields Front-neck weight, Jaw weight, Upper lip weight, Nose weight, Hair weight, Back-neck weight, Eye weight you can specify the corresponding "weight" of that area during the morphing phase (value greater than or equal to 0). By default, the value is set 1.0 for each region.
  • The tolerance with respect to hair (Tolerance), represented by a fraction with respect to the standard deviation of the contour points (value greater than or equal to 0). By default, it is set to 0.1. It is advisable to raise this value, even up to 0.2, for faces with thick hair.
  • The maximum relief length in the beard and hair areas (Hair length and Beard length), in centimeters. By default, they are set to 1.25 and 0.5.
  • In the smoothing weight field, you can set the intensity of smoothing during the generation process (default at 1.0).

With the Autofill button, you can fill all options to the default values. Any values already entered will be overwritten.

Front data (experimental)

Front points example

In addition to the above information, it is also possible to enter information about a possible front coin. To enable its processing, check the Enabled checkbox. Once the coin and points are loaded (see image for reference), the following information must be entered:

  • In the Contour indices field, the indices of the contour points should be entered.
  • In the Landmarks field, the indices of 5 landmarks (left eye, right eye, subnasale, stomion, gnathion) should be indicated, i.e., easily recognizable landmarks that will be used by the software to perform the alignment.

Front generation options (experimental)

In this section, you can enter the model generation parameters, specifically:

  • In the Contour weight field, you can specify the "weight" of the contour during the modeling phase (value greater than or equal to 0). By default, the value is set to 0.01.

Run, Load and Save

Once all the data have been entered correctly, start the processing with the Start button and then choose the folder in which to save the results. If the Interactive checkbox is flagged, interactive plots will be shown during the process to monitor each step. Once the processing is finished, a plot with the final result (final.obj) will be shown. Once the latter is closed, a new window will be opened where it will be possible to apply, via sliders, some modifications.

To save the entered data, press Save and choose where to save the project file. To load an existing project, press Load. There is an example projects in the examples folder.

Other tools

To edit a previous result, run

resp-editor [PATH_TO_OUTPUT]  # (with RESP-coin env active)
# or
conda run -n RESP-coin python

where PATH_TO_OUTPUT is the (optional) path to the output folder, which must contain the files, wp.pkl, disp.png.


If you use any ideas from the paper or code from this repo, please consider citing:

    title = {From coin to 3D face sculpture portraits in the round of Roman emperors},
    journal = {Computers & Graphics},
    volume = {123},
    pages = {103999},
    year = {2024},
    issn = {0097-8493},
    doi = {},
    url = {},
    author = {Umberto Castellani and Riccardo Bartolomioli and Giacomo Marchioro and Dario Calomino},
    keywords = {3D face, Morphable model, Model fitting, 3D scanning},