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Pará beef supply chain analysis

This repository contains tools and data to perform analysis on beef supply chains in the Brazilian state of Pará. The primary components: scrapers for Animal Transit Guide (GTA) and Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) documents from their respective state registries, implemented using the Scrapy framework; SQL statements and a jq script for importing the resulting data, along with deforestation data from the Brazilian space agency, into PostGIS; a set of SQL queries for analysing the data and producing maps and summary statistics used in Global Witness's 2020 report Beef, Banks and the Brazilian Amazon; and a makefile tying these all together. The resulting database was also used by Global Witness's forest investigations team, in combination with other sources, to conduct the analysis of potentially illegal deforestation and inspection of case studies in the report.


All code in this repository is provided under the MIT license. If you have questions or comments, feel free to file an issue or contact Louis Goddard (@ltrgoddard).


Title Description Source Format Location
Annual increments of deforestation in the legal Amazon Geodata showing areas of deforestation over time, derived from satellite imagery National Institute for Space Research (INPE) Unzipped shapefile data/inpe
Animal Transit Guides (GTA) Certificates filed when animals are moved between farms and slaughterhouses, containing details of the sale, the seller and the buyer Pará state agriculture agency (Adepará) Newline-delimited JSON downloaded using scraper data/adepara
Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) filings Geodata showing self-declared boundaries of rural properties, including ownership details Pará state environment agency (SEMAS) Newline-delimited GeoJSON downloaded using scraper data/semas
Confirmed cases of illegal deforestation A list of números do recibo for CARs manually flagged by Global Witness investigators—not provided with this repository, but can be replaced with an empty file or a list of your own Global Witness Plain text data/gw


To run the scripts in this repo, you'll need working installations of the following: PostgreSQL; PostGIS; Python 3; Scrapy; jq. Environment variables are set in .env, and are as follows:

  • PGHOST, PGDATABASE, PGUSER and PGPASS—standard Postgres environment variables as described in the Postgres documentation
  • INPE_FILE, ADEPARA_FILE, SEMAS_FILE and GW_FILE—filenames (not full paths) for the data files located in their respective directories under data
  • MIN_NAME_MATCH_CONFIDENCE, AREA_ROUND_DP, SUPPLIER_ROUND_DP, FOOTBALL_PITCH_SIZE, DEFORESTATION_START and DEFORESTATION_END—variables taken into account when producing summary statistics, described in more detail below.



The scrapers are provided as a shared Scrapy project under the scrapers directory, comprising two spiders. Both output newline-delimited JSON and should be run manually (i.e. separately to the makefile described below), either locally or via a hosted solution like Scrapinghub.


Spider name: gta


  • SERIES—GTA series to target
  • START—start of desired GTA number range
  • END—end of desired GTA number range
  • ROTATING_PROXY_LIST—list of proxy servers to use, each with the form 'username:password@ip-or-hostname:port'

Scraping is done by iterating through a known range of GTA series (E, Z, J, K, in that order) and numbers (0-999999). The scrape used by Global Witness encompasses GTAs from series E, number 636,503 (1 October 2015) to series K, number 135,199 (31 December 2019). Trial and error has shown that making more than one request every ~7.5 seconds from the same IP address causes the server to ban your IP temporarily. When this happens, the server issues a normal 200 response but with a message advising the requester that the operation isn't authorised and an internal code of 'MR0141'.

To avoid these bans, the scraper for the GTA data ( use a piece of custom middleware called scrapy-rotating-proxies. Before running it, make sure scrapy-rotating-proxies is installed (pip install scrapy-rotating-proxies) and update the list of proxy servers given in beef_supply_chain_para/ If you're deploying it to ScrapingHub, include rotating_proxies from the scrapy-rotating-proxies repo as a vendor directory at the same level as beef_supply_chain_para or specify it in your requirements.txt. The middleware will automatically rotate through a list of proxies given in the scraper's settings, and the policy in beef_supply_chain_para/ bans the current proxy when Scrapy receives a response containing the code 'MR0141'.

Due to geo-IP restrictions implemented by Adepará, proxies used for scraping should all be located in Brazil—VPSs in AWS's sa-east-1 region work well.


Spider name: car


  • START—start of desired property ID range
  • END—end of desired property ID range

The CAR scraper is simpler, as it relies on an open WFS server provided by SEMAS, the relevant agency in Pará. The main WFS endpoint can be found here, with the relevant feature type being secar-pa:area_imovel. In an ideal world these features could be extracted directly using something like ogr2ogr, but testing has found this to be unreliable, likely due to the extreme complexity and size of some of the geometries.

To get around this, the scraper simply requests all features of the type secar-pa:imovel one by one by ID, using upper and lower bounds determined manually through trial and error. At the time of the scrape used by Global Witness (11 October 2019) these were 121,125 and 432,058. Running a new scrape using these numbers will not produce exactly the same results as in the report, due to the fact that CARs can be updated after submission.

Loading and analysis


The makefile included in this repo acts as a control panel for loading the data downloaded by the scrapers into the database, producing a set of more streamlined database tables for analysis, and producing the summary statistics. All steps are described with comments in the file itself and should be run in the order that they appear, through commands of the form make prep, make adepara, and so on.

Setup scripts

These scripts—located in setup—are used to prepare the database, ingest the relevant data (including transforming it where appropriate), and generate more usable, cut-down tables based on it. These are traders (a lookup table for the tax numbers of the three beef trading companies focussed on in the report), sales (based on the GTA data), farms and owners (based on the CAR data) and deforestation (based on INPE's deforestation data).

Analysis scripts

These scripts—located in analysis—are used to perform the actual analysis. This consists of generating a table called trader_map, which acts as the basis of a series of maps used in the report and serves as a single source of truth for subsequent summary statistics, then producing those summmary statistics based on the environment variables given in .env. These control the cutoff threshold to use when fuzzy-matching supplier names (MIN_NAME_MATCH_CONFIDENCE), number of decimal places to round to when giving areas of deforestation (AREA_ROUND_DP), the same but for counts of suppliers (SUPPLIER_ROUND_DP), the size of football pitch in hectares to use when generating summaries (FOOTBALL_PITCH_SIZE) and the earliest and latest dates of deforestation to consider (DEFORESTATION_START and DEFORESTATION_END). A detailed description of the methodology behind trader_map and the summary statistics is given below:

  1. Select all GTAs meeting the following conditions—these will be considered direct suppliers:

    • state is 'PA';
    • species is 'BOVINA';
    • status isn't 'CANCELADA';
    • end_use is one of 'ABATE', 'EXPORTAÇÃO' and 'QUARENTENA' (types of use associated with final sale);
    • issue_date falls within the years 2017–19; and
    • the first eight characters of buyer_cpf_cnpj match the base_cnpj for at least one of the traders in the traders table.
  2. Having selected the direct suppliers, select the first level of indirect suppliers using the following conditions:

    • state 'PA';
    • species is 'BOVINA';
    • status isn't 'CANCELADA';
    • end_use is 'ENGORDA' (a type of use associated with intermediate sale);
    • buyer_estab_code matches the producer_estab_code of at least one of the direct suppliers mentioned above; and
    • issue_date is not earlier than 15 months before the issue_date of the GTA from the matching direct supplier (to give time for fattening).
  3. The next step is to match these two sets of suppiers to farm boundaries from CARs. With the two sets of suppliers selected, put them into a table and compare each one with all the CARs, adding relevant information from the CAR when they meet the following conditions:

    • the state of the GTA matches the state of the CAR;
    • the producer_cpf_cnpj of the GTA matches the cpf_cnpj of the owner; and
    • the first seven chracters of the GTA's estab_code, representing the municipality, match characters four to ten of the CAR's property_code.

    For matched GTA/CAR farms, add a column comparing the names of the farms using pg_trgm's similarity() function, having first removed accents, converted the word 'FAZENDA' at the start of a name to 'FAZ', converted to upper case and removed all whitespace and punctuation.

  4. You now have a conservative list of potential direct and indirect suppliers for the three beef trading companies over the period 2017–19, with varying degrees of confidennce based on the names matching between GTAs and CARs. This is used directly to produce the maps in the report, filtering using the supplier_type column in QGIS. To produce the summary statistics, the queries in analysis—particularly supplier-deforestation.sql—simply find the intersections between these farms and deforestation areas from the deforestation table and give the count and total area.