Releases: GonzaloTorreras/HubSpot-Developer-Extension
v1.04 Beta 4 - Title adjustments
Tab titles have been adjusted all throughout the HubSpot back end.
We've added page detection to content staging, report dashboard, website pages landing pages, file manager, hubdb, content settings, navigation settings, blog, URL mappings, added title adjustments to all of these pages as well as an Emoji to help differentiate tabs.
This update is a bit of an experiment, we very much want your feedback, please let us know what you think in the slack.
Updated logo
This update is nothing major but a branding update.
The overall goals of this update:
- Make the icon more easily standout when displayed at a small size like the extension’s button.
• Make the D stand out more to prevent confusion of similarity to HS logo.
• Remove the HubL brackets - they’re impossible to see at small size and they don’t look great.
• Remove white glow behind icon(it was intentionally hardly noticeable, it was there to make the logo more visible on certain screens but I don’t think it’s necessary in the new design.)
This update is rolling out to everyone now.
v1.04 Beta 3 - rebranding update
This is a minor update which incorporates the updated and fixed icons.
v1.04-Beta.2 added UI tweak to Tab Title
This version of the beta updates the UI Tweaks to include a tweak for the tab's title.
You'll notice if UI Tweaks is enabled that the Title of the tab will now be the site name |DM-HS
This is to make it more obvious if you occasionally have multiple design manager windows open.
This is a beta, let us know if you run into any issues. Also let us know if you feel you don't like this change and would want to be able to disable it separately from UI Tweaks.
This update is being rolled out to those using the beta version of the extension.
v1.04-Beta.1 This is first beta in the chrome web store.
v1.03.2 - HubSpot Corporate Dev update
This update adds support for some of the extensions features to internal tools at HubSpot.
It does not add any new functionality for non HubSpot employees.
v1.03 - Spanish, Dark Theme Tweaks, Developer Quick Menu, New Community Links, Mac Cursor fix
¡Esta es una actualización bastante grande! Bienvenido a la fiesta de habla hispana.
This is a fairly big update! Welcome to the party Spanish speakers.
We decided to pull the community together a bit and add Spanish support to the extension. Please correct us if any of our translations are wrong, create an issue and point it out! If there is a word showing in English that shouldn't be, help translate it!
We hope to add these other HubSpot supported languages in the future:
- German
- Japanese
We need people who speak those languages, if you do please help us out, even if you're not a developer, we just need someone to translate.
We've updated the Dark Theme so much I'd dare to call it an overhaul. Nearly everything has been updated to make the theme clearer, easier to use, and able to be used as your daily driver. We know this because we've been using it as our daily driver for awhile now! @GonzaloTorreras Awesome job man!
The Developer Quick Menu is something many of us have wanted for a very long time - you can now toggle on the display of a developer dropdown in the main HubSpot Nav, linking you to the most commonly accessed screens for developers! This feature works with both the new nav and the old nav.(Translations to Spanish not yet available.) Again @GonzaloTorreras thank you for helping with getting it to work with Nav v4.
New Community Resource Links, there are some official HubSpot Developer community resources that we felt get under utilized this is a way of encouraging engagement there.
Mac users rejoice! Through the plugin we've fixed the troublesome issue with the text cursor being impossible to see on the dark code editor. When the code editor itself is using a dark theme(spoilers) the cursor will automatically invert when you're mousing over it, making it easier to see. Non-Mac users this change will not affect you. If you are seeing the cursor visibility issue on other OS's let us know and we'll do the same fix for your OS.
There were a lot of changes here. We did our best to test, but please let us know if you run into any issues.
Special thanks to @GonzaloTorreras and Jordi Navarrete(of InboundEmotion) for assistance with the Spanish language translations, the translations would be garbage without your help!
Also special thanks to all of the fabulous developers that participated in the beta for this new version, a lot changed, a lot had to be tweaked and fixed!
If you do not manually trigger the update you will get it anyways over time. We've found the average wait time for users to get an update is about 1 and a half weeks.
v1.02.5 - Removing the Help/revert button styles - HubSpot rolled this into the core.
HubSpot liked our placement of these buttons and rolled this change into the core. Making our tweak redundant and unnecessary. This patch only removes this functionality.
v1.03 Beta-3 - Developer Menu, Spanish, Dark Theme tweaks
This release is not considered a "stable" release. Anyone who is interested in testing out the upcoming features of the extension before they might be ready for prime time, this is for you. We encourage any feedback and the reporting of any potential issues you find with this version.
For more information please see issue #78
Note a bug fix was implemented to fix some issues in this beta, thanks for reporting, keep up the good work and happy HubSpotting!
v1.02.4 bringing back working version of inverted cursor
bug fix: Inverted cursor anchoring position fixed.
To update to the latest version of the extension go to chrome://extensions
Click the toggle for "developer mode"
click update.
or you can close and reopen Google Chrome, or simply wait for the update.