v1.3.0: External contributions:
* Add RHEL based virtual machines to OpenStack provider. (thanks @akrzos;
* Change rackspace provider information to use official CLI (thanks @meteorfox; GH-844)
* Add rackspace requirements (thanks @meteorfox; GH-805)
New features:
* Support flags in YAML format. (GH-857)
* Check version of required packages at runtime (GH-834)
* User-specified multiregion for GCS benchmarking (GH-845)
* Support metadata for gcp instances (GH-859)
Bugfixes and maintences updates:
* Change rackspace's AllowPort to enable UDP (thanks @meteorfox; GH-805)
* Allow most recent verison gcs-oauth2-boto-plugin (GH-849)
* Require Pint >= 0.7 (GH-850)
* Update PIP (GH-842)
* Fix windows log message (GH-832)
* Properly Pickle Pint Quantities (GH-830)
* os_type added to boot benchmark metadata (GH-826)
* Better handle Azure timeouts (GH-825)
* Better handling of AWS integration tests. (GH-869, GH-868)