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Growth Ranking > Knowledge > Vim script

Updated: 2024-09-29   /   Tips:English projects refer to those with documents in English, usually displayed in the readme / wiki / official website.

# Repository Description Stars Average daily growth Updated
1 wsdjeg/vim-galore-zh_cn Vim 从入门到精通 10438 4 2024-07-06
2 jbranchaud/til 📝 Today I Learned 13392 4 2024-09-27
3 zenbones-theme/zenbones.nvim 🪨 A collection of contrast-based Vim/Neovim colorschemes 704 1 2024-09-12
4 antoniosarosi/dotfiles My dotfiles repo, here you can find all my window manager configs as well as documentation and a guide on how to make your own desktop environment. 849 1 2024-08-13
5 rafi/awesome-vim-colorschemes Collection of awesome color schemes for Neo/vim, merged for quick use. 2723 1 2024-05-28
6 alextanhongpin/cheat-sheet A list of useful cheat-sheet for different languages/tools 23 0 2024-09-01
7 Wojonatior/dotfiles Collection of all of my dotfiles 3 0 2024-08-21
8 TheBeehive/dotfiles A collection of custom user configuration scripts for Linux 3 0 2024-05-22
9 MahbubAlam231/vim-for-latex My personalization of vim for mainly LaTeX; containing vimrc, templates, snippets, folding method and abbreviations 3 0 2024-08-30
10 richlamdev/ansible-desktop-ubuntu Ansible playbook with roles for Ubuntu desktop deployment 5 0 2024-09-22
11 jameslikeslinux/dotfiles Dotfiles and other shared home directory things 12 0 2024-09-25
12 dan-t/vim-cpp-include Extend the include list of a C/C++ source file 4 0 2024-04-04
13 BurntSushi/dotfiles My configuration files and personal collection of scripts. 153 0 2024-09-18
14 Duan-JM/dotfiles Collection for my dotfiles 9 0 2024-08-19
15 Asheq/close-buffers.vim 📖 Quickly close (bdelete) several buffers at once 📕 151 0 2024-06-29
16 HaiboTu/ubuntuUserguide Simple user guide on ubuntu. 4 0 2024-04-28
17 quatauta/dotfiles My collection of dotfiles for Linux, mostly used on Arch Linux 4 0 2024-09-27
18 laserswald/dotfiles My collection of dotfiles. 7 0 2024-06-25
19 NlGHT/vim-eel Full REAPER EEL ReaScript language kit for Vim with support for UltiSnips snippets, syntax highlighting and correct indentation. Still being actively maintained and watched. 7 0 2024-05-28
20 Konfekt/vim-compilers a collection of compilers for ready use by Vim's built-in compiler feature (see :help :compiler) 47 0 2024-09-10
21 907th/dot-files This is my collection of dot-files. 3 0 2024-08-19
22 spicyjack/public Public projects and code snippets 6 0 2024-09-03
23 joeljuca/cli My personal setup for command-line interfaces, made public to serve as inspiration or learning resource for whoever might be interested. 7 0 2024-08-30
24 AlexeySachkov/dotfiles Collection of my config files 3 0 2024-07-17
25 koallen/dotfiles My collection of dotfiles 3 0 2024-05-29
26 MarkBorcherding/dotfiles A collection of settings and scripts to keep my machines look and feel in sync. 5 0 2024-05-30
27 arumoy-shome/dotfiles A collection of files that start with a dot. 4 0 2024-09-28
28 tmichett/vimrc VimRC File Creation for Ansible and other Courses 2 0 2024-06-10
29 alessiotucci/my-vim-config Learning Vim can be very beneficial for programmers, writers, and anyone who spends a lot of time working on a computer 3 0 2024-09-10
30 jperichon/dotFiles Small collection of my precious dot files, including my super awesome Vim configuration. 5 0 2024-07-01
31 kusnier/dotfiles My dotfiles - vim mastering - I can't go back anymore 7 0 2024-05-14
32 atosatto/dotfiles My personal collection of dotfiles 5 0 2024-09-15
33 addy-dclxvi/debian-bspwm-dotfiles My personal backup of my Debian 11 (Bullseye) Bspwm configurations including the documentation about how to recreate my setup 79 0 2024-08-24
34 masukomi/masuconfigs masukomi's collection of configuration files, and common scripts. 8 0 2024-09-01
35 3ch01c/ Tools and guides for doing software development, data analytics, online privacy, and other things. 6 0 2024-05-14
36 mehrshad-kh/dotfiles A collection of my dotfiles 3 0 2024-07-10
37 majutsushi/etc Collection of configuration files 83 0 2024-09-23
38 anufrievroman/vim-angry-reviewer Vim plugin for style correction for academic writing and scientific papers 86 0 2024-06-06
39 phantomdiorama/writingvim 📝 An awesome-ish list of vim for writers 23 0 2024-09-28
40 lukelbd/vim-succinct 🏃‍♂️ Tools for succinctly editing documents using snippets, delimiters, text objects, and templates 4 0 2024-08-13
41 cehoffman/dotfiles My mac/unix dotfiles that have grown over the years and heavily influenced from tricks seen around the block 17 0 2024-07-21
42 vim-denops/denops-shared-server.vim 🎃 Vim plugin to help install/uninstall denops-shared-server 25 0 2024-08-18
43 arkapg211002/SEM-5-CSE All lab assignments and text books for SEM 5 CSE at TMSL (under MAKAUT) 2023-24 9 0 2024-06-05
44 bridgesense/dotfiles YADRLite is a collection of my personal streamlined dotfiles with influence from YADR. 2 0 2024-09-18
45 utkuufuk/ubuntu-on-steroids Developer setup & configuration guide for Ubuntu 122 0 2024-09-27
46 MDGSF/MyVim vim, vimrc, vimrc template, vim document, vim note, vim study, vimtutor, learn vim, vim practice, vim学习, vim笔记, vim训练营, vim教程, vim入门教程, vim简明教程, vim实操教程, vim入门文档, vimtutor中文版 43 0 2024-08-20
47 habamax/vim-nod Collection of dark and light vim colorschemes. 11 0 2024-08-02
48 mg979/vim-mini-plugins Collection of low-config small plugins 14 0 2024-06-04
49 luopio/bag-of-tricks Some helpers, snippets and boilerplates for web development 5 0 2024-07-23
50 ashish10alex/system-setup My development environment and system setup guides 8 0 2024-09-22
51 spapanik/configuration A collection of dotfiles 2 0 2024-08-09
52 domaindrivendev/my-mac Repeatable Ansible roles and playbook for provisioning my MacBook 8 0 2024-05-16
53 cdmatters/dotfiles collection of configs 3 0 2024-08-06
54 gildesmarais/dotfiles 🤯 Collection of files whose names are supposed to begin with a dot. But they don't in this repo. rcm handles the dots… 3 0 2024-08-21
55 jpalardy/dotfiles My collection of config files (shell, vim, …) 90 0 2024-09-28
56 id774/scripts Scripts collection for system administration 26 0 2024-09-17
57 idbrii/daveconfig A collection of settings and tiny scripts for many things. Note: only main branch is safe! 34 0 2024-09-18
58 kiskeyix/applications A generic set of tools and shared code 2 0 2024-09-03
59 chreekat/vimin 📖 Folding for .in files 8 0 2024-04-08
60 Sean-Der/dot_files Collection of my configs and personal programs. 4 0 2024-09-18
61 yorickpeterse/vim-paper A light theme for (Neo)Vim, based on the colour of paper as found in various notebooks. 127 0 2024-05-19
62 frankiethekneeman/home A collection of my home directory files to keep my working environment the same on all my many machines. 2 0 2024-05-16
63 learnbyexample/scripting_course 📓 Books, reference guides and resources on Regular Expressions, CLI one-liners, Scripting Languages and Vim. 1376 0 2024-09-16
64 prurigro/darkcloud-vimconfig A Vim distribution with sane, modern defaults, a custom theme, and a collection of tightly integrated and configured development-oriented plugins 18 0 2024-08-06
65 fasterius/dotfiles My personal collection of dotfiles. 2 0 2024-09-20
66 ruthrootz/learn-vim steps for how I learned Vim 7 0 2024-04-09
67 fetep/dotfiles collection of my various dot files 6 0 2024-06-23
68 casualjim/dot-files A collection of configuration scripts for emacs and vim 5 0 2024-07-05
69 fatso83/dotfiles Cross-platform dotfiles shared by macOS and Linux (native and WSL2) 299 0 2024-08-29
70 taoso/mru.vim Most Recently Used File List for Vim/NeoVim 12 0 2024-09-18
71 feniljain/dotfiles A collection of all my config dotfiles 3 0 2024-09-25
72 kevinastone/dotfiles Collection of configuration files. 6 0 2024-08-21
73 tony/vim-config-framework 📗 VIM / Neovim configuration framework 96 0 2024-09-07
74 technicalpickles/dotfiles My shareable dotfiles 20 0 2024-04-17
75 sophiabrandt/TIL 📝 Today I learned 4 0 2024-09-26
76 boycaught/my.dotfiles Sensible developer defaults and automation hooks on MacOS/*nix—inspired by others but idiomatic to my particular development needs and habit. As autodidactic coder, I know I don't do things "by the bo ... 5 0 2024-09-27
77 unixbhaskar/AdminScripts Collection of scripts use for infrastructure maintenance. 9 0 2024-07-03
78 bmeurer/dotfiles Collection of various dotfiles 5 0 2024-07-12
79 tweekmonster/helpful.vim 📓 Display vim version numbers in docs 177 0 2024-09-28
80 mrtazz/dotfiles collection of my dotfiles 29 0 2024-09-25

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