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Overall Ranking > Knowledge > Python

Updated: 2024-09-29   /   Tips:English projects refer to those with documents in English, usually displayed in the readme / wiki / official website.

# Repository Description Stars Updated
1 public-apis/public-apis A collective list of free APIs 313278 2024-09-25
2 donnemartin/system-design-primer Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards. 270881 2024-08-07
3 vinta/awesome-python An opinionated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources. 220014 2024-08-11
4 TheAlgorithms/Python All Algorithms implemented in Python 184610 2024-09-28
5 521xueweihan/HelloGitHub :octocat: 分享 GitHub 上有趣、入门级的开源项目。Share interesting, entry-level open source projects on GitHub. 91071 2024-09-28
6 tensorflow/models Models and examples built with TensorFlow 76985 2024-09-24
7 bregman-arie/devops-exercises Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP, DNS, Elastic, Network, Virtualization. DevOps Interview Questions 66052 2024-08-31
8 josephmisiti/awesome-machine-learning A curated list of awesome Machine Learning frameworks, libraries and software. 65522 2024-08-07
9 swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings A list of useful payloads and bypass for Web Application Security and Pentest/CTF 60276 2024-09-16
10 xtekky/gpt4free The official gpt4free repository various collection of powerful language models 60149 2024-09-21
11 labmlai/annotated_deep_learning_paper_implementations 🧑‍🏫 60+ Implementations/tutorials of deep learning papers with side-by-side notes 📝; including transformers (original, xl, switch, feedback, vit, ...), optimizers (adam, adabelief, sophia, ...), gans( ... 54329 2024-08-24
12 charlax/professional-programming A collection of learning resources for curious software engineers 46458 2024-09-16
13 minimaxir/big-list-of-naughty-strings The Big List of Naughty Strings is a list of strings which have a high probability of causing issues when used as user-input data. 46160 2024-04-18
14 isocpp/CppCoreGuidelines The C++ Core Guidelines are a set of tried-and-true guidelines, rules, and best practices about coding in C++ 42553 2024-07-02
15 Asabeneh/30-Days-Of-Python 30 days of Python programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn the Python programming language in 30 days. This challenge may take more than100 days, follow your own pace. These videos may ... 41478 2024-08-17
16 faif/python-patterns A collection of design patterns/idioms in Python 40254 2024-09-05
17 chubin/ the only cheat sheet you need 38189 2024-06-22
18 gto76/python-cheatsheet Comprehensive Python Cheatsheet 36164 2024-09-27
19 satwikkansal/wtfpython What the f*ck Python? 😱 35688 2024-06-13
20 TencentARC/GFPGAN GFPGAN aims at developing Practical Algorithms for Real-world Face Restoration. 35618 2024-07-26
21 openai/gym A toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms. 34561 2024-05-02
22 huggingface/pytorch-image-models The largest collection of PyTorch image encoders / backbones. Including train, eval, inference, export scripts, and pretrained weights -- ResNet, ResNeXT, EfficientNet, NFNet, Vision Transformer (ViT) ... 31637 2024-09-22
23 geekcomputers/Python My Python Examples 31025 2024-09-28
24 facebookresearch/fairseq Facebook AI Research Sequence-to-Sequence Toolkit written in Python. 30213 2024-09-27
25 0xAX/linux-insides A little bit about a linux kernel 29863 2024-07-17
26 donnemartin/interactive-coding-challenges 120+ interactive Python coding interview challenges (algorithms and data structures). Includes Anki flashcards. 29366 2024-05-08
27 getredash/redash Make Your Company Data Driven. Connect to any data source, easily visualize, dashboard and share your data. 26036 2024-09-19
28 keon/algorithms Minimal examples of data structures and algorithms in Python 23956 2024-07-14
29 d2l-ai/d2l-en Interactive deep learning book with multi-framework code, math, and discussions. Adopted at 500 universities from 70 countries including Stanford, MIT, Harvard, and Cambridge. 23306 2024-08-18
30 AtsushiSakai/PythonRobotics Python sample codes for robotics algorithms. 22903 2024-09-24
31 sebastianruder/NLP-progress Repository to track the progress in Natural Language Processing (NLP), including the datasets and the current state-of-the-art for the most common NLP tasks. 22561 2024-07-28
32 openai/gpt-2 Code for the paper "Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners" 22304 2024-08-14
33 pytorch/examples A set of examples around pytorch in Vision, Text, Reinforcement Learning, etc. 22267 2024-09-19
34 luong-komorebi/Awesome-Linux-Software 🐧 A list of awesome Linux softwares 22069 2024-09-16
35 drduh/macOS-Security-and-Privacy-Guide Guide to securing and improving privacy on macOS 21210 2024-08-11
36 ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox 🗃 Open source self-hosted web archiving. Takes URLs/browser history/bookmarks/Pocket/Pinboard/etc., saves HTML, JS, PDFs, media, and more... 20977 2024-09-27
37 kovidgoyal/calibre The official source code repository for the calibre ebook manager 19418 2024-09-28
38 RasaHQ/rasa 💬 Open source machine learning framework to automate text- and voice-based conversations: NLU, dialogue management, connect to Slack, Facebook, and more - Create chatbots and voice assistants 18691 2024-09-16
39 kaixindelele/ChatPaper Use ChatGPT to summarize the arXiv papers. 全流程加速科研,利用chatgpt进行论文全文总结+专业翻译+润色+审稿+审稿回复 18284 2024-04-04
40 pyscript/pyscript Try PyScript: Examples: Community: 17864 2024-09-27
41 wilsonfreitas/awesome-quant A curated list of insanely awesome libraries, packages and resources for Quants (Quantitative Finance) 17704 2024-09-28
42 RunaCapital/awesome-oss-alternatives Awesome list of open-source startup alternatives to well-known SaaS products 🚀 16618 2024-09-06
43 trekhleb/learn-python 📚 Playground and cheatsheet for learning Python. Collection of Python scripts that are split by topics and contain code examples with explanations. 16270 2024-08-06
44 mnielsen/neural-networks-and-deep-learning Code samples for my book "Neural Networks and Deep Learning" 15925 2024-06-02
45 openai/baselines OpenAI Baselines: high-quality implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms 15673 2024-08-01
46 sczhou/CodeFormer [NeurIPS 2022] Towards Robust Blind Face Restoration with Codebook Lookup Transformer 15338 2024-09-19
47 microsoft/qlib Qlib is an AI-oriented quantitative investment platform that aims to realize the potential, empower research, and create value using AI technologies in quantitative investment, from exploring ideas to ... 15250 2024-09-12
48 apprenticeharper/DeDRM_tools DeDRM tools for ebooks 14483 2024-08-20
49 LlamaFamily/Llama-Chinese Llama中文社区,Llama3在线体验和微调模型已开放,实时汇总最新Llama3学习资料,已将所有代码更新适配Llama3,构建最好的中文Llama大模型,完全开源可商用 13701 2024-09-05
50 fortra/impacket Impacket is a collection of Python classes for working with network protocols. 13339 2024-09-26
51 OpenTalker/SadTalker [CVPR 2023] SadTalker:Learning Realistic 3D Motion Coefficients for Stylized Audio-Driven Single Image Talking Face Animation 11716 2024-06-26
52 opendatalab/MinerU A one-stop, open-source, high-quality data extraction tool, supports PDF/webpage/e-book extraction.一站式开源高质量数据提取工具,支持PDF/网页/多格式电子书提取。 11674 2024-09-27
53 xmu-xiaoma666/External-Attention-pytorch 🍀 Pytorch implementation of various Attention Mechanisms, MLP, Re-parameter, Convolution, which is helpful to further understand papers.⭐⭐⭐ 11323 2024-08-29
54 stas00/ml-engineering Machine Learning Engineering Open Book 11071 2024-09-19
55 dabeaz-course/python-mastery Advanced Python Mastery (course by @dabeaz) 10660 2024-08-10
56 jianchang512/pyvideotrans Translate the video from one language to another and add dubbing. 将视频从一种语言翻译为另一种语言,并支持api调用 10115 2024-09-28
57 dabeaz-course/practical-python Practical Python Programming (course by @dabeaz) 9845 2024-08-10
58 Yorko/ Open Machine Learning Course 9693 2024-08-26
59 tflearn/tflearn Deep learning library featuring a higher-level API for TensorFlow. 9618 2024-05-06
60 Jack-Cherish/PythonPark Python 开源项目之「自学编程之路」,保姆级教程:AI实验室、宝藏视频、数据结构、学习指南、机器学习实战、深度学习实战、网络爬虫、大厂面经、程序人生、资源分享。 9404 2024-09-16
61 coursera-dl/coursera-dl Script for downloading videos and naming them. 9356 2024-05-11
62 microsoft/fluentui-emoji A collection of familiar, friendly, and modern emoji from Microsoft 9050 2024-09-25
63 lauris/awesome-scala A community driven list of useful Scala libraries, frameworks and software. 9004 2024-09-20
64 WongKinYiu/yolov9 Implementation of paper - YOLOv9: Learning What You Want to Learn Using Programmable Gradient Information 8888 2024-08-09
65 MorvanZhou/Reinforcement-learning-with-tensorflow Simple Reinforcement learning tutorials, 莫烦Python 中文AI教学 8862 2024-03-31
66 DLR-RM/stable-baselines3 PyTorch version of Stable Baselines, reliable implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms. 8816 2024-09-18
67 rossant/awesome-math A curated list of awesome mathematics resources 8691 2024-09-19
68 miguelgrinberg/flasky Companion code to my O'Reilly book "Flask Web Development", second edition. 8517 2024-06-30
69 paralax/awesome-honeypots an awesome list of honeypot resources 8485 2024-08-18
70 nebuly-ai/optimate A collection of libraries to optimise AI model performances 8375 2024-07-22
71 lazyprogrammer/machine_learning_examples A collection of machine learning examples and tutorials. 8314 2024-08-13
72 yzhao062/anomaly-detection-resources Anomaly detection related books, papers, videos, and toolboxes 8264 2024-07-11
73 ctf-wiki/ctf-wiki Come and join us, we need you! 8111 2024-07-09
74 google-deepmind/pysc2 StarCraft II Learning Environment 8001 2024-07-23
75 kangvcar/InfoSpider INFO-SPIDER 是一个集众多数据源于一身的爬虫工具箱🧰,旨在安全快捷的帮助用户拿回自己的数据,工具代码开源,流程透明。支持数据源包括GitHub、QQ邮箱、网易邮箱、阿里邮箱、新浪邮箱、Hotmail邮箱、Outlook邮箱、京东、淘宝、支付宝、中国移动、中国联通、中国电信、知乎、哔哩哔哩、网易云音乐、QQ好友、QQ群、生成朋友圈相册、浏览器浏览历史、12306、博客园、CSDN博客、开源 ... 7796 2024-08-20
76 jupyterhub/jupyterhub Multi-user server for Jupyter notebooks 7743 2024-09-26
77 shenweichen/DeepCTR Easy-to-use,Modular and Extendible package of deep-learning based CTR models . 7534 2024-08-09
78 matplotlib/cheatsheets Official Matplotlib cheat sheets 7334 2024-07-05
79 yihong0618/bilingual_book_maker Make bilingual epub books Using AI translate 7320 2024-08-24
80 detailyang/awesome-cheatsheet 🍻 awesome cheatsheet 7166 2024-08-08
81 bup/bup Very efficient backup system based on the git packfile format, providing fast incremental saves and global deduplication (among and within files, including virtual machine images). Please post problem ... 7131 2024-08-31
82 firmai/financial-machine-learning A curated list of practical financial machine learning tools and applications. 6987 2024-09-27
83 EvanLi/Github-Ranking ⭐Github Ranking⭐ Github stars and forks ranking list. Github Top100 stars list of different languages. Automatically update daily. Github仓库排名,每日自动更新 6677 2024-09-28
84 iam-veeramalla/aws-devops-zero-to-hero AWS zero to hero repo for devops engineers to learn AWS in 30 Days. This repo includes projects, presentations, interview questions and real time examples. 6621 2024-08-19
85 mwouts/jupytext Jupyter Notebooks as Markdown Documents, Julia, Python or R scripts 6600 2024-09-01
86 huggingface/lerobot 🤗 LeRobot: Making AI for Robotics more accessible with end-to-end learning 6530 2024-09-28
87 mahmoud/boltons 🔩 Like builtins, but boltons. 250+ constructs, recipes, and snippets which extend (and rely on nothing but) the Python standard library. Nothing like Michael Bolton. 6512 2024-07-09
88 AntixK/PyTorch-VAE A Collection of Variational Autoencoders (VAE) in PyTorch. 6503 2024-06-13
89 jarun/buku 🔖 Personal mini-web in text 6468 2024-09-23
90 ReaVNaiL/New-Grad-2024 👋 Hey there new grad🎉! We've put together a collection of full-time job openings for SWE, Quant, PM and tech roles in 2024! 🚀 6332 2024-09-13
91 sissbruecker/linkding Self-hosted bookmark manager that is designed be to be minimal, fast, and easy to set up using Docker. 6302 2024-09-28
92 rushter/data-science-blogs A curated list of data science blogs 6301 2024-06-05
93 onionshare/onionshare Securely and anonymously share files, host websites, and chat with friends using the Tor network 6240 2024-09-26
94 facebookresearch/dino PyTorch code for Vision Transformers training with the Self-Supervised learning method DINO 6238 2024-07-03
95 jackhawks/rectg 我们从5000多个Telegram群组、频道和机器人中精心挑选了最优质的资源。本项目中的所有内容均来自互联网,仅用于学习和技术研究目的。 6207 2024-08-04
96 google-research/text-to-text-transfer-transformer Code for the paper "Exploring the Limits of Transfer Learning with a Unified Text-to-Text Transformer" 6123 2024-09-20
97 archlinux/archinstall Arch Linux installer - guided, templates etc. 6074 2024-09-27
98 nteract/papermill 📚 Parameterize, execute, and analyze notebooks 5913 2024-08-20
99 ml-explore/mlx-examples Examples in the MLX framework 5897 2024-09-28
100 DEAP/deap Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms in Python 5786 2024-08-10
101 oppia/oppia A free, online learning platform to make quality education accessible for all. 5748 2024-09-28
102 FederatedAI/FATE An Industrial Grade Federated Learning Framework 5659 2024-08-21
103 xiaolai/regular-investing-in-box 定投改变命运 —— 让时间陪你慢慢变富 5632 2024-09-28
104 p-christ/Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-Algorithms-with-PyTorch PyTorch implementations of deep reinforcement learning algorithms and environments 5582 2024-07-25
105 acantril/learn-cantrill-io-labs Standard and Advanced Demos for courses 5566 2024-08-12
106 facebookresearch/mmf A modular framework for vision & language multimodal research from Facebook AI Research (FAIR) 5485 2024-05-25
107 deepchem/deepchem Democratizing Deep-Learning for Drug Discovery, Quantum Chemistry, Materials Science and Biology 5414 2024-09-20
108 vwxyzjn/cleanrl High-quality single file implementation of Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms with research-friendly features (PPO, DQN, C51, DDPG, TD3, SAC, PPG) 5379 2024-09-24
109 SkalskiP/courses This repository is a curated collection of links to various courses and resources about Artificial Intelligence (AI) 5324 2024-04-22
110 JoeanAmier/XHS-Downloader 小红书链接提取/作品采集工具:提取账号发布、收藏、点赞、专辑作品链接;提取搜索结果作品、用户链接;采集小红书作品信息;提取小红书作品下载地址;下载小红书无水印作品文件! 5139 2024-09-25
111 internetarchive/openlibrary One webpage for every book ever published! 5111 2024-09-27
112 pypa/sampleproject A sample project that exists for PyPUG's "Tutorial on Packaging and Distributing Projects" 5090 2024-08-06
113 zyddnys/manga-image-translator Translate manga/image 一键翻译各类图片内文字 5083 2024-09-18
114 huangsam/ultimate-python Ultimate Python study guide for newcomers and professionals alike. 🐍 🐍 🐍 5057 2024-08-08
115 HackSoftware/Django-Styleguide Django styleguide used in HackSoft projects 5004 2024-05-27
116 uber/causalml Uplift modeling and causal inference with machine learning algorithms 4998 2024-09-14
117 gregmalcolm/python_koans Python Koans - Learn Python through TDD 4944 2024-08-18
118 rafaelpadilla/Object-Detection-Metrics Most popular metrics used to evaluate object detection algorithms. 4933 2024-08-30
119 adap/flower Flower: A Friendly Federated Learning Framework 4917 2024-09-28
120 EdOverflow/can-i-take-over-xyz "Can I take over XYZ?" — a list of services and how to claim (sub)domains with dangling DNS records. 4771 2024-09-07
121 lonePatient/awesome-pretrained-chinese-nlp-models Awesome Pretrained Chinese NLP Models,高质量中文预训练模型&大模型&多模态模型&大语言模型集合 4757 2024-09-27
122 OpenBMB/ToolBench [ICLR'24 spotlight] An open platform for training, serving, and evaluating large language model for tool learning. 4755 2024-09-10
123 microsoft/Mastering-GitHub-Copilot-for-Paired-Programming An 8 Lesson course teaching everything you need to know about harnessing GitHub Copilot and an AI Paired Programing resource. 4647 2024-08-18
124 Free-TV/IPTV M3U Playlist for free TV channels 4647 2024-09-22
125 aws-cloudformation/aws-cloudformation-templates A collection of useful CloudFormation templates 4646 2024-09-12
126 lorenzodifuccia/safaribooks Download and generate EPUB of your favorite books from O'Reilly Learning (aka Safari Books Online) library. 4627 2024-06-21
127 lucidrains/x-transformers A concise but complete full-attention transformer with a set of promising experimental features from various papers 4604 2024-09-25
128 ct-Open-Source/tuya-convert A collection of scripts to flash Tuya IoT devices to alternative firmwares 4592 2024-09-06
129 HIllya51/LunaTranslator Galgame翻译器,支持HOOK、OCR、剪贴板等。Visual Novel Translator , support HOOK / OCR / clipboard 4582 2024-09-28
130 Azure/azure-sdk-for-python This repository is for active development of the Azure SDK for Python. For consumers of the SDK we recommend visiting our public developer docs at or our vers ... 4560 2024-09-28
131 hhatto/autopep8 A tool that automatically formats Python code to conform to the PEP 8 style guide. 4558 2024-06-23
132 LyleMi/Learn-Web-Hacking Study Notes For Web Hacking / Web安全学习笔记 4554 2024-09-18
133 PyImageSearch/imutils A series of convenience functions to make basic image processing operations such as translation, rotation, resizing, skeletonization, and displaying Matplotlib images easier with OpenCV and Python. 4529 2024-06-24
134 ckan/ckan CKAN is an open-source DMS (data management system) for powering data hubs and data portals. CKAN makes it easy to publish, share and use data. It powers,, ... 4414 2024-09-27
135 python/typeshed Collection of library stubs for Python, with static types 4315 2024-09-28
136 thunlp/OpenPrompt An Open-Source Framework for Prompt-Learning. 4312 2024-07-16
137 phodal/awesome-iot Awesome IoT. A collaborative list of great resources about IoT Framework, Library, OS, Platform 4301 2024-04-10
138 tensorflow/datasets TFDS is a collection of datasets ready to use with TensorFlow, Jax, ... 4286 2024-09-27
139 KaiyangZhou/deep-person-reid Torchreid: Deep learning person re-identification in PyTorch. 4255 2024-07-22
140 Fanghua-Yu/SUPIR SUPIR aims at developing Practical Algorithms for Photo-Realistic Image Restoration In the Wild. Our new online demo is also released at 4241 2024-07-30
141 cirosantilli/linux-kernel-module-cheat The perfect emulation setup to study and develop the Linux kernel v5.4.3, kernel modules, QEMU, gem5 and x86_64, ARMv7 and ARMv8 userland and baremetal assembly, ANSI C, C++ and POSIX. GDB step debug ... 4160 2024-09-24
142 FedML-AI/FedML FEDML - The unified and scalable ML library for large-scale distributed training, model serving, and federated learning. FEDML Launch, a cross-cloud scheduler, further enables running any AI jobs on a ... 4157 2024-09-20
143 facundoolano/software-papers 📚 A curated list of papers for Software Engineers 4098 2024-08-12
144 layumi/Person_reID_baseline_pytorch ⛹️ Pytorch ReID: A tiny, friendly, strong pytorch implement of person re-id / vehicle re-id baseline. Tutorial 👉 ... 4082 2024-09-26
145 baichuan-inc/Baichuan2 A series of large language models developed by Baichuan Intelligent Technology 4079 2024-06-22
146 ronreiter/interactive-tutorials Interactive Tutorials 4040 2024-08-01
147 kelvins/awesome-mlops 😎 A curated list of awesome MLOps tools 3981 2024-09-23
148 CrazyBoyM/llama3-Chinese-chat Llama3、Llama3.1 中文仓库(随书籍撰写中... 各种网友及厂商微调、魔改版本有趣权重 & 训练、推理、评测、部署教程视频 & 文档) 3963 2024-09-16
149 GreaterWMS/GreaterWMS This Inventory management system is the currently Ford Asia Pacific after-sales logistics warehousing supply chain process . After I leave Ford , I start this project . You can share your vacant wareh ... 3929 2024-08-01
150 vastsa/FileCodeBox 文件快递柜-匿名口令分享文本,文件,像拿快递一样取文件(FileCodeBox - File Express Cabinet - Anonymous Passcode Sharing Text, Files, Like Taking Express Delivery for Files) 3879 2024-09-25
151 ansible/molecule Molecule aids in the development and testing of Ansible content: collections, playbooks and roles 3874 2024-09-27
152 jupyter-book/jupyter-book Create beautiful, publication-quality books and documents from computational content. 3834 2024-09-24
153 paperswithbacktest/awesome-systematic-trading A curated list of awesome libraries, packages, strategies, books, blogs, tutorials for systematic trading. 3783 2024-08-16
154 swaggyP36000/TrollStore-IPAs A collection of IPA files from many different sources, for TrollStore! 3745 2024-09-14
155 t3l3machus/Villain Villain is a high level stage 0/1 C2 framework that can handle multiple reverse TCP & HoaxShell-based shells, enhance their functionality with additional features (commands, utilities) and share them ... 3742 2024-09-22
156 TarrySingh/Artificial-Intelligence-Deep-Learning-Machine-Learning-Tutorials A comprehensive list of Deep Learning / Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning tutorials - rapidly expanding into areas of AI/Deep Learning / Machine Vision / NLP and industry specific areas suc ... 3735 2024-07-15
157 openvinotoolkit/anomalib An anomaly detection library comprising state-of-the-art algorithms and features such as experiment management, hyper-parameter optimization, and edge inference. 3675 2024-09-26
158 eth-sri/lmql A language for constraint-guided and efficient LLM programming. 3636 2024-06-03
159 Threekiii/Awesome-Redteam 一个攻防知识仓库 Red Teaming and Offensive Security 3548 2024-09-14
160 tensorflow/hub A library for transfer learning by reusing parts of TensorFlow models. 3467 2024-06-06
161 ansible/ansible-lint ansible-lint checks playbooks for practices and behavior that could potentially be improved and can fix some of the most common ones for you 3454 2024-09-24
162 microsoft/AI-System System for AI Education Resource. 3449 2024-06-21
163 williamleif/GraphSAGE Representation learning on large graphs using stochastic graph convolutions. 3404 2024-08-04
164 princeton-nlp/SimCSE [EMNLP 2021] SimCSE: Simple Contrastive Learning of Sentence Embeddings 3374 2024-07-02
165 life4/textdistance 📐 Compute distance between sequences. 30+ algorithms, pure python implementation, common interface, optional external libs usage. 3365 2024-09-09
166 thuml/Transfer-Learning-Library Transfer Learning Library for Domain Adaptation, Task Adaptation, and Domain Generalization 3348 2024-05-10
167 iryna-kondr/scikit-llm Seamlessly integrate LLMs into scikit-learn. 3285 2024-09-01
168 magicleap/SuperGluePretrainedNetwork SuperGlue: Learning Feature Matching with Graph Neural Networks (CVPR 2020, Oral) 3252 2024-08-30
169 ShangtongZhang/DeepRL Modularized Implementation of Deep RL Algorithms in PyTorch 3165 2024-04-16
170 scipy-lectures/scientific-python-lectures Tutorial material on the scientific Python ecosystem 3095 2024-09-25
171 pinry/pinry Pinry, a tiling image board system for people who want to save, tag, and share images, videos and webpages in an easy to skim through format. It's open-source and self-hosted. 3054 2024-06-18
172 Charmve/Surface-Defect-Detection 📈 目前最大的工业缺陷检测数据库及论文集 Constantly summarizing open source dataset and critical papers in the field of surface defect research which are of great importance. 3045 2024-05-27
173 hmmlearn/hmmlearn Hidden Markov Models in Python, with scikit-learn like API 3030 2024-09-23
174 jekil/awesome-hacking Awesome hacking is an awesome collection of hacking tools. 3011 2024-07-02
175 bfortuner/ml-glossary Machine learning glossary 3005 2024-08-08
176 shenweichen/DeepCTR-Torch 【PyTorch】Easy-to-use,Modular and Extendible package of deep-learning based CTR models. 2980 2024-07-02
177 Nixtla/neuralforecast Scalable and user friendly neural 🧠 forecasting algorithms. 2970 2024-09-27
178 MarkFzp/act-plus-plus Imitation learning algorithms with Co-training for Mobile ALOHA: ACT, Diffusion Policy, VINN 2960 2024-05-15
179 lightly-ai/lightly A python library for self-supervised learning on images. 2935 2024-09-25
180 rougier/matplotlib-tutorial Matplotlib tutorial for beginner 2933 2024-05-27
181 alexandreborges/malwoverview Malwoverview is a first response tool used for threat hunting and offers intel information from Virus Total, Hybrid Analysis, URLHaus, Polyswarm, Malshare, Alien Vault, Malpedia, Malware Bazaar, Threa ... 2929 2024-07-17
182 ddangelov/Top2Vec Top2Vec learns jointly embedded topic, document and word vectors. 2924 2024-05-12
183 QData/TextAttack TextAttack 🐙 is a Python framework for adversarial attacks, data augmentation, and model training in NLP 2917 2024-07-25
184 PKU-YuanGroup/Video-LLaVA 【EMNLP 2024🔥】Video-LLaVA: Learning United Visual Representation by Alignment Before Projection 2878 2024-09-25
185 easy-tensorflow/easy-tensorflow Simple and comprehensive tutorials in TensorFlow 2865 2024-07-08
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190 facebookresearch/ijepa Official codebase for I-JEPA, the Image-based Joint-Embedding Predictive Architecture. First outlined in the CVPR paper, "Self-supervised learning from images with a joint-embedding predictive archite ... 2793 2024-05-08
191 Physton/sd-webui-prompt-all-in-one This is an extension based on sd-webui, aimed at improving the user experience of the prompt/negative prompt input box. It has a more intuitive and powerful input interface function, and provides auto ... 2762 2024-06-10
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200 facebookresearch/jepa PyTorch code and models for V-JEPA self-supervised learning from video. 2625 2024-08-09

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