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Overall Ranking > Software > Groovy

Updated: 2024-09-29   /   Tips:English projects refer to those with documents in English, usually displayed in the readme / wiki / official website.

# Repository Description Stars Updated
1 gradle/gradle Adaptable, fast automation for all 16715 2024-09-28
2 bregman-arie/devops-resources DevOps resources - Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP 8543 2024-07-12
3 rundeck/rundeck Enable Self-Service Operations: Give specific users access to your existing tools, services, and scripts 5511 2024-09-26
4 GradleUp/shadow Gradle plugin to create fat/uber JARs, apply file transforms, and relocate packages for applications and libraries. Gradle version of Maven's Shade plugin. 3695 2024-09-27
5 kezong/fat-aar-android A gradle plugin that merge dependencies into the final aar file works with AGP 3.+ 3129 2024-07-25
6 nextflow-io/nextflow A DSL for data-driven computational pipelines 2705 2024-09-28
7 jenkinsci/job-dsl-plugin A Groovy DSL for Jenkins Jobs - Sweeeeet! 1898 2024-09-24
8 google/protobuf-gradle-plugin Protobuf Plugin for Gradle 1755 2024-07-18
9 jenkinsci/JenkinsPipelineUnit Framework for unit testing Jenkins pipelines 1537 2024-09-27
10 sonatype/docker-nexus3 Dockerized version of Nexus Repo Manager 3 1407 2024-09-05
11 geb/geb Very Groovy Browser Automation 1141 2024-08-10
12 jenkinsci/jenkins-scripts Scripts in Groovy, shell, Ruby, Python, whatever for managing/interacting with Jenkins 901 2024-06-21
13 researchgate/gradle-release gradle-release is a plugin for providing a Maven-like release process for projects using Gradle 865 2024-07-08
14 dorongold/gradle-task-tree Gradle plugin that adds a 'taskTree' task that prints task dependency tree 852 2024-06-11
15 radarsh/gradle-test-logger-plugin A Gradle plugin for printing beautiful logs on the console while running tests 836 2024-09-04
16 geerlingguy/ansible-role-jenkins Ansible Role - Jenkins CI 827 2024-09-24
17 spockframework/spock-example Spock example specifications along with ready-to-go Gradle and Maven builds 775 2024-09-27
18 palantir/gradle-docker a Gradle plugin for orchestrating docker builds and pushes. 748 2024-09-27
19 docToolchain/docToolchain a AsciiDoc Toolchain for technical Software Documentation, focused on Software Architecture Documentation 742 2024-09-05
20 ultraq/thymeleaf-layout-dialect A dialect for Thymeleaf that lets you build layouts and reusable templates in order to improve code reuse 716 2024-07-29
21 cloudbees/jenkins-scripts - 677 2024-08-05
22 melix/jmh-gradle-plugin Integrates the JMH benchmarking framework with Gradle 666 2024-09-02
23 openboxes/openboxes OpenBoxes is a supply chain management system designed to manage inventory and track stock movements for healthcare facilities. 642 2024-09-27
24 node-gradle/gradle-node-plugin Gradle plugin for integrating NodeJS in your build. 🚀 606 2024-09-27
25 jenkinsci/pipeline-model-definition-plugin - 563 2024-09-27
26 allegro/axion-release-plugin Gradle release & version management plugin. 558 2024-09-23
27 brown-uk/dict_uk Project to generate POS tag dictionary for Ukrainian language 555 2024-09-28
28 ajoberstar/grgit The Groovy way to use Git. 516 2024-05-08
29 etiennestuder/gradle-jooq-plugin Gradle plugin that integrates jOOQ. 507 2024-09-01
30 gradle/android-cache-fix-gradle-plugin Gradle plugin that fixes Android build caching problems. 484 2024-09-27
31 openbakery/gradle-xcodePlugin gradle plugin for building Xcode Projects for iOS, watchOS, macOS or tvOS 457 2024-09-27
32 samrocketman/jenkins-script-console-scripts A repository of one-off script console scripts for Jenkins. 442 2024-04-25
33 fabric8io/fabric8-pipeline-library Fabric8 Pipeline for Jenkins 437 2024-04-09
34 spinnaker/clouddriver read and write operations across cloud providers 434 2024-09-27
35 avast/gradle-docker-compose-plugin Simplifies usage of Docker Compose for integration testing in Gradle environment. 411 2024-09-26
36 jaredsburrows/gradle-license-plugin Gradle plugin that provides a task to generate a HTML license report of your project. 410 2024-09-26
37 NationalSecurityAgency/skills-service SkillTree is a micro-learning gamification platform supporting the rapid integration of a gamified tool training approach into new and existing applications. 399 2024-09-27
38 palantir/gradle-git-version a Gradle plugin that uses git describe to produce a version string. 375 2024-09-28
39 nebula-plugins/gradle-ospackage-plugin Gradle plugin for constructing linux packages, specifically RPM and DEBs. 372 2024-09-20
40 jfrog/artifactory-user-plugins Sample Artifactory User Plugins 369 2024-09-03
41 dependency-check/dependency-check-gradle The dependency-check gradle plugin is a Software Composition Analysis (SCA) tool that allows projects to monitor dependent libraries for known, published vulnerabilities. 361 2024-09-01
42 rackerlabs/repose The powerful, programmable, API Middleware Platform 338 2024-04-11
43 jk1/Gradle-License-Report A plugin for generating reports about the licenses of third party software using Gradle 322 2024-08-15
44 n0mer/gradle-git-properties Gradle plugin for file generation 321 2024-05-31
45 int128/gradle-ssh-plugin Gradle SSH Plugin 319 2024-09-24
46 int128/gradle-swagger-generator-plugin Gradle plugin for OpenAPI YAML validation, code generation and API document publishing 306 2024-09-24
47 TheBoegl/gradle-launch4j A gradle-plugin to create windows executables with launch4j 305 2024-09-11
48 gradle-dependency-analyze/gradle-dependency-analyze Dependency analysis plugin for gradle 305 2024-09-27
49 CodeNarc/CodeNarc CodeNarc source 303 2024-08-17
50 codersaur/SmartThings Samsung SmartThings SmartApps and Device Handlers 301 2024-04-18
51 nebula-plugins/gradle-dependency-lock-plugin A plugin to allow people using dynamic dependency versions to lock them to specific versions. 292 2024-09-20
52 ansible-ThoTeam/nexus3-oss Ansible role to install and provision sonatype nexus3-oss 288 2024-07-19
53 asciidoctor/asciidoctor-gradle-plugin A Gradle plugin that uses Asciidoctor via JRuby to process AsciiDoc source files within the project. 285 2024-08-21
54 moqui/moqui-framework Use Moqui Framework to build enterprise applications based on Java. It includes tools for databases (relational, graph, document), local and web services, web and other UI with screens and forms, secu ... 279 2024-08-23
55 allegro/json-avro-converter JSON to Avro conversion tool designed to make migration to Avro easier. 277 2024-07-15
56 samrocketman/jervis Self service Jenkins job generation using Jenkins Job DSL plugin groovy scripts. Reads .jervis.yml and generates a job in Jenkins. 267 2024-03-30
57 grails/grails-spring-security-core Grails Spring Security Core Plugin 260 2024-09-27
58 odavid/my-bloody-jenkins Self Configured Jenkins Docker image based on Jenkins-LTS 251 2024-08-09
59 rdk/p2rank P2Rank: Protein-ligand binding site prediction tool based on machine learning. Stand-alone command line program / Java library for predicting ligand binding pockets from protein structure. 242 2024-09-25
60 JetBrains/gradle-idea-ext-plugin Plugin to store IJ settings in gradle script 231 2024-09-23
61 filebot/scripts Groovy Scripts for FileBot 228 2024-09-10
62 ssadedin/bpipe Bpipe - a tool for running and managing bioinformatics pipelines 226 2024-09-04
63 gradle/test-retry-gradle-plugin Gradle plugin to retry tests that have failed to mitigate test flakiness. 225 2024-09-24
64 nebula-plugins/nebula-release-plugin Release opinions based around gradle-git 220 2024-09-20
65 grails/grails-data-mapping GORM - Groovy Object Mapping 217 2024-09-28
66 rholder/gradle-one-jar The gradle-one-jar project is a Gradle plugin that uses One-JAR, a specialised Class-Loader written by Simon Tuffs (, for building self-contained executable jars that i ... 216 2024-05-10
67 szpak/gradle-pitest-plugin Gradle plugin for PIT Mutation Testing 214 2024-09-02
68 wcm-io-devops/jenkins-pipeline-library Jenkins Pipeline Library for CI/CD 213 2024-09-25
69 SymmetricDevs/Supersymmetry Repository for the Supersymmetry Minecraft Modpack 207 2024-09-27
70 grails/grails-spring-security-rest Grails plugin to implement token-based, RESTful authentication using Spring Security 203 2024-09-27
71 allegro/tradukisto A Java i18n library created to convert numbers to their word representations. 202 2024-07-08
72 grails/grails-doc Documentation Project For The Grails Web Application Framework 200 2024-09-10
73 zlatinb/muwire MuWire file sharing client for I2P 191 2024-08-08
74 cloudogu/gitops-playground Creates a complete GitOps-based operational stack on your Kubernetes clusters 189 2024-09-27
75 sherter/google-java-format-gradle-plugin - 189 2024-07-03
76 ExpediaGroup/jenkins-spock Unit-test Jenkins pipeline code with Spock 187 2024-06-28
77 spotbugs/spotbugs-gradle-plugin - 179 2024-09-27
78 hubitat/HubitatPublic - 169 2024-08-20
79 platan/idea-gradle-dependencies-formatter Gradle dependencies formatter for IntelliJ IDEA 163 2024-05-02
80 danielnaber/openthesaurus web-based thesaurus search and management 162 2024-08-26
81 beryx/badass-runtime-plugin Create a custom runtime image of your non-modular application 161 2024-07-20
82 repaint-io/maven-tiles Injecting maven configurations by composition rather than inheritance 154 2024-09-17
83 spinnaker/igor Integration with Jenkins and Git for Spinnaker 146 2024-09-26
84 nebula-plugins/gradle-extra-configurations-plugin Gradle plugin introducing a provided dependency configuration and marking a dependency as optional. 139 2024-09-20
85 xvik/gradle-quality-plugin Gradle quality plugin for Java and Groovy 134 2024-09-12
86 antigenomics/vdjdb-db 🗂️ [ is up and running] Git-based TCR database storage & management. Submissions welcome! 131 2024-09-26
87 mikessh/vdjtools Post-analysis of immune repertoire sequencing data 130 2024-05-23
88 spinnaker/gate Spinnaker API Gateway 128 2024-09-26
89 jaredsburrows/gradle-spoon-plugin Gradle plugin that provides a task to run Android instrumentation tests via Spoon. 126 2024-09-25
90 cezarykluczynski/stapi STAPI, a Star Trek API 123 2024-09-22
91 katalon-studio/docker-images Docker images for Katalon Studio and other frameworks 119 2024-09-18
92 ogiewon/Hubitat Hubitat Elevation Apps and Drivers 118 2024-09-27
93 int128/groovy-ssh SSH automation tool based on Groovy DSL 115 2024-09-24
94 gesellix/docker-client A Docker client for Java written in Kotlin and Groovy 112 2024-09-27
95 jcgay/maven-profiler Log Maven mojos execution time 112 2024-07-10
96 brown-uk/corpus Браунський корпус української мови 110 2024-09-20
97 ballerina-platform/plugin-gradle Ballerina Gradle plugin 109 2024-09-24
98 docker-library/oi-janky-groovy Jenkins Pipeline and Job DSL scripts for Official Images Jenkins jobs 105 2024-08-29
99 InovelliUSA/Hubitat Location for Inovelli Hubitat Drivers and Apps 104 2024-09-06
100 Itiviti/gradle-msbuild-plugin Gradle plugin for msbuild execution, supports C# project files for now 101 2024-09-25
101 gradlex-org/build-parameters Compile-safe access to parameters supplied to a Gradle build 100 2024-09-16
102 gradlex-org/extra-java-module-info A Gradle 6.8+ plugin to use legacy Java libraries as Java Modules in a modular Java project 100 2024-09-23
103 tkrzeminski/jenkins-groovy-scripts - 99 2024-08-22
104 nebula-plugins/nebula-publishing-plugin Publishing related plugins 99 2024-09-20
105 Mirantis/pipeline-library - 98 2024-09-23
106 grails/grails-database-migration Grails® framework Database Migration Plugin 98 2024-09-25
107 daniellansun/groovy-parser Yet another new parser for Groovy programming language(project code: Parrot) 97 2024-06-23
108 membrane/soa-model Toolkit and Java API for WSDL, WADL and XML Schema. 94 2024-08-14
109 nebula-plugins/nebula-project-plugin Healthy defaults for a standard Gradle project 93 2024-09-20
110 SpongePowered/MixinGradle Gradle plugin that adds the Mixin technology capability to your project. 90 2024-07-23
111 spinnaker/rosco A bakery for deployable images 89 2024-09-26
112 DeployGate/gradle-deploygate-plugin DeployGate plugin for the Gradle build system. 87 2024-09-24
113 gpc/fields a spiritual successor to the bean-fields plugin 84 2024-09-24
114 sparxsys/ScriptRunner-Scripts Groovy scripts to make your life easier when working on Atlassian tools 82 2024-05-30
115 okta/okta-jwt-verifier-java okta-jwt-verifier-java 82 2024-09-27
116 gradle/github-dependency-graph-gradle-plugin Gradle Plugin for Extracting Dependency Information to send to GitHub 81 2024-09-23
117 gesellix/gradle-docker-plugin Gradle Docker plugin 80 2024-09-27
118 stempler/bnd-platform Build OSGi bundles and Eclipse Update Sites from existing JARs, e.g. from Maven repositories (Plugin for Gradle) 80 2024-09-26
119 tesla-android/android-raspberry-pi - 78 2024-07-01
120 grails/grails-quartz This project provides integration of the Quartz scheduling framework into the Grails Framework 76 2024-04-04
121 grails/grails-redis Base redis plugin for Grails 76 2024-09-27
122 moqui/PopCommerce POP Commerce is an eCommerce and ERP application suite for retail and wholesale organizations. POP Commerce is based on Moqui Framework, Mantle Business Artifacts, and Simple Screens. 74 2024-08-17
123 bmuschko/gradle-clover-plugin Gradle plugin for generating a code coverage report using Clover 74 2024-09-18
124 grails/grails-spring-security-ui The Spring Security UI plugin provides CRUD screens and other user management workflows. 73 2024-09-23
125 revolut-engineering/jooq-plugin Plugin for generating jOOQ classes using dockerized databases 72 2024-04-12
126 marklogic/ml-gradle Gradle plugin for automating everything involving MarkLogic 72 2024-09-16
127 brown-uk/nlp_uk This is a project to demonstrate NLP API from LanguageTool for Ukrainian language. 70 2024-09-24
128 nebula-plugins/nebula-dependency-recommender-plugin Leave off version numbers in your dependencies section and have versions recommended by several possible sources. 70 2024-09-20
129 dkilgore90/google-sdm-api - 69 2024-05-08
130 AdobeDocs/experience-manager-65.en This is the repository for Adobe Experience Manager 6.5 documentation. Your contributions to the documentation are welcome. 69 2024-09-27
131 grails/gorm-mongodb GORM for MongoDB 69 2024-09-25
132 nvuillam/vscode-groovy-lint VSCode extension to lint , correct and format groovy and Jenkinsfile 68 2024-09-27
133 xvik/gradle-use-python-plugin Use python modules in gradle build 68 2024-09-27
134 kelloggm/checkerframework-gradle-plugin Gradle plugin to use the Checker Framework for Java 66 2024-09-04
135 DaveGut/HubitatActive Hubitat Environment Developments 64 2024-09-03
136 gravitee-io/issues - API Platform - Issues 64 2024-09-10
137 plantuml-stdlib/gilbarbara-plantuml-sprites PlantUML sprites generated from 63 2024-08-17
138 ysb33r/groovy-vfs A DSL for Groovy on top of Apache VFS2 63 2024-08-20
139 marcingrzejszczak/jsonassert Simple library to provide fluent interface for JSON assertions 62 2024-09-12
140 palantir/gradle-processors Gradle plugin for integrating Java annotation processors 62 2024-06-03
141 growerp/growerp GrowERP Flutter ERP for Android, IOS,Web,Linux and Windows using, Apache OFBiz 59 2024-09-27
142 croz-ltd/klokwrk-project Showcase and blueprint for implementing elaborated distributed systems on JVM. It should also serve as a playground for incubating reusable libraries useful on its own. 59 2024-06-09
143 orbisgis/geoclimate Geospatial processing toolbox for environmental and climate studies 59 2024-09-16
144 mbudnek/google-home-hubitat-community A community-maintained, full-featured, and highly configurable integration between Hubitat Elevation and Google Home. 58 2024-04-12
145 apple/pkl-jvm-examples Examples for using Pkl within JVM applications 57 2024-07-25
146 green-code-initiative/ecoCode-android Reduce the environmental footprint of your Java-based Android apps with SonarQube 56 2024-06-15
147 willir/cargo-ndk-android-gradle Cargo NDK for Android projects 56 2024-07-08
148 grails/grails-views Additional View Technologies for Grails 56 2024-09-20
149 coreos/fedora-coreos-pipeline Build pipeline for Fedora CoreOS 55 2024-09-27
150 JetBrains/gradle-python-envs Gradle plugin that automates Python environments creation 55 2024-08-21
151 moqui/HiveMind HiveMind is a project management and ERP application for services organizations. It features project/task management, request tracking, time tracking, expenses, invoices/payments, general ledger, and ... 55 2024-08-15
152 kousen/IntroGroovy Intro Groovy source, based on Appendix A of Making Java Groovy 54 2024-09-25
153 streamr-dev/core-api Old Corea-milestone centralized backend now obsolete as everything is decentralized. 53 2024-04-10
154 libris/librisxl Libris XL 53 2024-09-27
155 turlvo/KuKuHarmony SmartApp allowing you to control each 'Device' in Logitech Harmony Hub using Harmony-API 52 2024-09-17
156 xvik/gradle-animalsniffer-plugin Gradle AnimalSniffer plugin 52 2024-09-12
157 sourcemuse/GradleMongoPlugin Gradle plugin for running a managed instance of Mongo. 52 2024-07-05
158 bluesoft/bee database changes manager 52 2024-09-24
159 eclipse-openj9/openj9-docs Source repository for the Eclipse OpenJ9 user documentation, which should be viewed [online] 51 2024-09-27
160 liquibase/liquibase-neo4j Neo4j extension for Liquibase 50 2024-09-27
161 DontShaveTheYak/jenkins-std-lib Bringing the Zen of Python to Jenkins. 50 2024-09-24
162 CadixDev/licenser A simple license header manager for Gradle 50 2024-05-15
163 symentis/grails-audit-logging-plugin The Grails Audit Logging Plugin 50 2024-08-28
164 paulk-asert/DSLsFromBeginnerToExpert - 50 2024-07-15
165 nebula-plugins/gradle-info-plugin Plugin to gather information about the environment 49 2024-09-20
166 nextflow-io/nf-validation Params validation plugin for Nextflow pipelines 48 2024-08-07
167 xmake-io/xmake-gradle A gradle plugin that integrates xmake seamlessly 48 2024-09-11
168 axpendix/tcgone-engine-contrib TCG ONE (Pokemon TCG Simulator) card implementation repository 48 2024-09-27
169 filebot/data FileBot Data Files 48 2024-09-26
170 OpenLiberty/ci.gradle Gradle plugins for managing Liberty profile servers #devops 48 2024-09-24
171 openshift-eng/aos-cd-jobs - 47 2024-09-27
172 rodm/gradle-teamcity-plugin Gradle plugin for developing TeamCity plugins 47 2024-08-07
173 geoscript/geoscript-groovy A Groovy implementation of GeoScript. 46 2024-04-19
174 HubitatCommunity/hubitatpackagemanager - 45 2024-04-14
175 nebula-plugins/gradle-resolution-rules-plugin Gradle plugin for providing reusable dependency resolution rules. 45 2024-09-20
176 etiennestuder/java-ordered-properties Alternative to the JDK class java.util.Properties. 45 2024-09-01
177 nebula-plugins/nebula-test Test harness for Gradle plugins 45 2024-09-20
178 Camork/file-expander-plugin A IntelliJ plugin that can explore archive-based file in project view 44 2024-04-14
179 BuglyDevTeam/BuglyBetaUploader A grade plugin to upload apk file to Beta. 44 2024-07-17
180 epi2me-labs/wf-artic ARTIC SARS-CoV-2 workflow and reporting 43 2024-07-30
181 lessthanoptimal/gversion-plugin Gradle plugin for autogenerating version info from gradle and git 43 2024-05-11
182 alan-morey/force-meta-backup A tool to help download Metadata 43 2024-08-15
183 IBM/dbb-zappbuild zAppBuild is a generic build solution for building z/OS applications using Apache Groovy build scripts and IBM Dependency Based Build (DBB) APIs. 41 2024-09-12
184 gonchik/cleanup-scripts Scripts for cleanup Atlassian Jira (Groovy, Python) 41 2024-09-25
185 grails-aws/grails-aws Grails plugin for Amazon Web Services 41 2024-09-16
186 egonw/cdkbook Groovy Cheminformatics with the Chemistry Development Kit 40 2024-08-06
187 KurtSanders/STAmbientWeather Hubitat Integration for Ambient Weather Station 40 2024-06-18
188 xvik/gradle-mkdocs-plugin Mkdocs documentation generation and publishing plugin 40 2024-09-12
189 MichaelChirico/r-ci-samples Sample CI&metadata files from popular R package repos 39 2024-09-23
190 demonnic/muddler A build tool for Mudlet package developers 39 2024-08-23
191 davideas/GrabVer Gradle Automatic Build Versioning Plugin - An easy Gradle plugin that follows rules to automatically generate the Patch version, Build number and Code version, while Major, Minor and Pre-Re ... 39 2024-08-01
192 gesellix/gradle-debian-plugin Gradle plugin to create Debian packages 39 2024-09-19
193 darinpope/ansible-jenkins - 38 2024-08-05
194 xvik/gradle-pom-plugin Gradle POM plugin 38 2024-09-12
195 TerraFirmaGreg-Team/Modpack-Vintage An innovative modpack that contains GregTech and TerraFirmaCraft on 1.12.x. 37 2024-08-14
196 apache/groovy-website Apache Groovy content to generate sites 37 2024-09-28
197 edx/jenkins-job-dsl DSL scripts for edx Jenkins instances 37 2024-09-23
198 gpageot/JenkinsUE4 Setup instructions and pipeline for using Jenking with Unreal Engine 4(Github&P4 support) 36 2024-04-01
199 jenkinsci/groovy-events-listener-plugin A Jenkins plugin, which executes groovy code when an event occurs. 36 2024-09-26
200 Khan/jenkins-jobs Scripts and the like that Jenkins jobs can run. 36 2024-09-28

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