- Accept and validate a completed verbal learning template csv
- Return scores conversions for each column, based on the column name; (see 9. below)
- Ignore unknown columns
- Generate errors on unacceptable input data
- any input that isn't in valid csv format
- any input that contains no single matching column header
- Generate a blank template on demand
- Work with Shiny
- a function which returns a text object containing the template
- a function which returns a stream io object container the template
- column names matching the default column format will be calculated. Non-matching columns will be ignored
columns in scope match the regular expression
the column names shall be split on '_'
the total number of tokens after splitting on '_' determines what conversion to apply
- matching column titles with four tokens
- instrument
- item
- trial
- value type
- matching columns with three tokens
- instrument
- item
- value type
- matching columns with two tokens
- instrument
- instrument metadata type
- matching column titles with four tokens
cvlt, cvltc, ravlt, hvlt are the instrument names
dr, imfr, sdcr, sdfr, ldfr, ldcr, recog, rep, int are the item names
t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t13, t15, tb, b are the trial names
total, hits, c, i, fp are the value types
form, version are instrument metadata types
- if instrument is 'cvltc', ignore
- if the item is in ['sdfr', 'ldfr']
- if the trial isn't in ['totals', 't1', 't2', 't3', 't4', 't5', 'b']
- a function which takes a string (matching the column formatting rules above), and returns a tuple of values representing the source value, and the desired target value, and raises an error on negative, non-integer, or out of range values.
- a function which returns a text object containing the resulting converted data
- a function which return a stream object containing the resulting converted data
- a function which takes a text object, and returns a random sample of the converted dataset.