Code for PRICAI 2024 paper Constrained Reasoning Chains for Enhancing Theory-of-Mind in Large Language Models.
- Python 3.10
- openai 1.12
- tqdm 4.64
BigToM: We use the script from the above repo to pre-process the BigToM dataset, and the processed dataset should be saved in data/conditions/ under the main directory, whereas the code should be in src/ under the main directory.
Run the following command for testing:
python -u \
--data_dir ../data \
--variable [variable] \
--condition [condition] \
--model_name [llm_name] \
--method [prompting method]
Here is an example:
python -u \
--data_dir ../data \
--variable forward_belief \
--condition true_belief \
--model_name gpt-3.5-turbo-0125 \
--method 0shot
And here is an example for computing the score of the tested llm and prompting method:
python -u \
--data_dir ../data \
--variable forward_belief \
--model_name gpt-3.5-turbo-0125 \
--method 0shot
Notice that 0shot corresponds to the prompting method proposed by us.
See the comments within the soure code for more details about using the code.