Releases: HSLdevcom/pelias-data-container
Releases · HSLdevcom/pelias-data-container
Trigger new release build
Option to filter OSM data using environment variables
Fix OSM dataloading bug where old_name:fi was occasionally assigned as name:fi.
For example, search Snellmaninkatu, Helsinki works now fine.
Update waltti alt GTFS data source URL
Update the name of GTFS zip which includes matkahuolto data
- Update elasticsearch to version 7.16.2, which uses a safe version of log4j
- Address database no longer stores double names ( and name.default)
- Soft filters to unfavor insignificant items (toilets no longer overrule important buildings)
- Information boards blacklisted ( tourism: 'information', information: 'board'/'map')
- GTFS stops include now platform code in addendum data
- GTFS loader tolerates empty lines in GTFS data
- Malicious colors dependency set to fixed working version
Use correct format for tag. Previous tag did not build production image.
- Index Matkahuolto and Salo GTFS stops into geocoding
- DVV and OSM data loaders use the postal code from the data. WhosOnFirst postal area mapping is applied only when postalcode is misssing from the data.
- Tampere citybikes are now included in search
- Language versions of alternative names in OSM data are no longer preferred over the actual OSM name tag
GTFS stop loader uses again the original 'translations.txt' file of HSL gtfs data. Experimental 'translations3.txt' file was not up to date and caused various localization errors.