can manage your system's hosts file. You can include online-sources or custom files. hosts_manager
includes a list of common Ad-Blocking files. Additionally it provides a modern interface for Windows-Firewall rules.
was initially created for Windows, but could also be built for Linux/Mac with minimal changes.
- Edit hosts-file
- Create multiple hosts-profiles for quick change
- Automatically optimize hosts-profiles (e.g. remove duplicates)
- Supports comments on every line
- Compatible with PowerToys Hosts-Editor
- Test DNS-queries
- View and edit firewall rules
- Drag-n-drop host files
- Integration of Technitium DNS Server
- AdAway: hosts-based AdBlocker for Android (root)
- AdAway
- Pete Lowe blocklist hosts
- StevenBlack's hosts
- Ultimate Hosts Blacklist
- lightswitch05's hosts
- ADios
- Currently the firewall-manager gets no feedback if changes were successful or not. This does not affect enabling/disabling the firewall or rules and the removal of rules, but on
A wrong configured hosts-file can lead to problems with the Windows DNS-Client. Annoyingly the DNS-Client will crash, if the hosts-file is very long. If the DNS-Client blocks access to the hosts-file, you cannot edit it anymore. To solve this issue
- disable the DNS-Client
REG add “HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\dnscache” /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 4 /f
- Reboot and delete or backup the hosts file
- enable the DNS-Client
REG add “HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\dnscache” /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f
- Reboot